Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 15001-16000

15001 VKP7 Display pricing document    
15002 VKP8 Display Price Calculation    
15003 VKP9 Currency conversion in price calc.  
15004 VKU1 Report: Reval at Rtl for Rtl Pr.Chn
15005 VKU10 Correction of Valuation at Retail  
15006 VKU11 Delete Count Document Items   
15007 VKU2 Total Revaluation at Retail   
15008 VKU3 Partial Revaluation at Retail   
15009 VKU4 Rtl Revaluation Docs for Material  
15010 VKU5 Display Retail Revaluation Document   
15011 VKU6 Report: List Crtn for Rtl Pr. Chang
15012 VKU7 Report: Total Reval. for Rtl Pr. Ch
15013 VKU8 Test Transaction BAPI Count List  
15014 VKU9 Rtl Reval. Correction: List Display  
15015 VKVE WFMC:      
15016 VKVF Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem  
15017 VKVG Maintain Condition Elements    
15018 VKVI General View Maintenance - W.Qualif  
15019 VKVN WFMC:      
15020 VKXX Create Test for RKA   
15021 VKYY Change Test for RKA   
15022 VKZZ Test for RKS-Surcharge Conditions   
15023 VK01 Conditions: Dialog Box for CondElem  
15024 VK03 Create Condition Table    
15025 VK04 Change Condition Table    
15026 VK05 Display Condition Table    
15027 VK11 Create Condition     
15028 VK12 Change Condition     
15029 VK13 Display Condition     
15030 VK14 Create Condition with Reference   
15031 VK15 Create Condition     
15032 VK16 Create Condition with Reference   
15033 VK17 Change condition     
15034 VK18 Display condition     
15035 VK19 Change Condition Without Menu   
15036 VK20 Display Condition Without Menu   
15037 VK31 Condition Maintenance: Create    
15038 VK32 Condition Maintenance: Change    
15039 VK33 Condition Maintenance: Display    
15040 VK34 Condition Maint.: Create with Refer  
15041 VLBT Delivery Creation as a Job  
15042 VLE1 Picking with Picking Waves   
15043 VLK1 Picking with Picking Waves   
15044 VLK2 Picking with Picking Waves   
15045 VLK3 Picking with Picking Waves   
15046 VLLA RWE: Picking/Goods Issue Analysis   
15047 VLLC RWE: Archive Data    
15048 VLLD Rough Workload Forecast: Delete Log  
15049 VLLE RWE: Goods Receipt/Putaway Analysis   
15050 VLLF Picking Waves: Archive Data   
15051 VLLG RWE: Analyze Complete Overview   
15052 VLLP Rough Workload Forecast: Display Lo  
15053 VLLQ RWE: Returns to Vendor Analysis  
15054 VLLR RWE: Customer/Store Return Analysis   
15055 VLLS Var. Stand. Analyses Setting App 42 
15056 VLLV W&S: Control RWE/Picking Waves   
15057 VLMOVE HU Goods Movements    
15058 VLPOD POD - Change Outbound Delivery  
15059 VLPODA POD - Display Outbound Delivery  
15060 VLPODF Worklist: POD Subsequent Processing   
15061 VLPODL Worklist: POD Deliveries    
15062 VLPODQ Automatic PoD Confirmation    
15063 VLSP Subsequent Outbound-Delivery Split    
15064 VLSPS Outbound Delivery Split via HU Scan 
15065 VLUNIV Change Delivery (General)    
15066 VL00 Shipping      
15067 VL01 Create Delivery     
15068 VL01N Create Outbound Dlv. with Order Ref 
15069 VL01NO Create Outbound Dlv. w/o Order Ref. 
15070 VL02 Change Outbound Delivery    
15071 VL02N Change Outbound Delivery    
15072 VL03 Display Outbound Delivery    
15073 VL03N Display Outbound Delivery    
15074 VL04 Process Delivery Due List   
15075 VL06 Monitor      
15076 VL06C Outbound Dlvs for Confirmation   
15077 VL06D Deliveries for Distributio    
15078 VL06F delivery list - Outb.deliv.   
15079 VL06G of Oubound Dlvs for Goods Issu 
15080 VL06I Delivery Monitor     
15081 VL06IC of putaway inb. deliv.   
15082 VL06ID Deliveries for Distribution    
15083 VL06IF inbound deliveries     
15084 VL06IG deliveries for goods receip   
15085 VL06IP deliveries for putaway    
15086 VL06L Deliveries to be Loaded   
15087 VL06O Delivery Monitor     
15088 VL06P of Outbound Dlvs for Picking  
15089 VL06T Outbound Dlvs (Trans. Planning   
15090 VL06U of Uncheckd Outbound Deliverie   
15091 VL08 Confirmation of Picking Request   
15092 VL09 Cancel Goods Issue for Delivery Not 
15093 VL10I Schedule Lines due for Delivery  
15094 VL10X (technical)      
15095 VL13 Create Deliveries in Dec.Shipping      
15096 VL21 Post goods issue in background  
15097 VL22 Display Delivery Change Documents   
15098 VL23 Goods Issue (Background Processing)   
15099 VL23N Goods Issue (Background Processing)   
15100 VL30 Shipping      
15101 VL31 Create Inbound Delivery    
15102 VL31N Create Inbound Delivery    
15103 VL31W Create Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB  
15104 VL32 Change Inbound Delivery    
15105 VL32N Change Inbound Delivery    
15106 VL32W Change Inbnd Dlv. Notification (WEB  
15107 VL33 Display Inbound Delivery    
15108 VL33N Display Inbound Delivery    
15109 VL34 Worklist Inbound Deliveries    
15110 VL35 Create Wave Picks: Delivery/Time   
15111 VL35_S Create Wave Picks: Shipment   
15112 VL36 Change Picking Waves    
15113 VL37 Wave Pick Monitor    
15114 VL38 Groups Created: Wave Picks   
15115 VL39 Billing Documents for Wave Picks  
15116 VL41 Create Rough GR    
15117 VL42 Change Rough GR    
15118 VL43 Display Rough GR    
15119 VL51 Create Route Schedule: Initial Scr.  
15120 VL52 Change Route Schedule: Initial Scr.  
15121 VL53 Display Route Schedule: Initial Scr  
15122 VL70 Output From Picking Lists   
15123 VL71 Output from Outbound Deliveries   
15124 VL72 Output from Groups of Deliveries  
15125 VL73 Confirmation of Decentr.Deliveries      
15126 VL74 Output from Handling Units   
15127 VL75 Shipping Notification Output    
15128 VL76 Output from Rough Goods Receipt  
15129 VM01 Create Hazardous Material    
15130 VM02 Change Hazardous Material    
15131 VM03 Display Hazardous Material    
15132 VNEA Output: Create Cond.Table - Rough G 
15133 VNEB Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif     
15134 VNE1 Output: Create Cond.Tbl-Ship.Notif.    
15135 VNE2 Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif     
15136 VNKP Number range maintenance: RV_VEKP   
15137 VN10 Number range maintenance: SD_SCALE   
15138 VOA0 Order Information Configuration    
15139 VOA01 exit lists sales    
15140 VOA1 Inquiry Information Configuration    
15141 VOA2 Quotation Information Configuration    
15142 VOA3 Configuration of Sched.Agreemt Info   
15143 VOA4 Contract Information Configuration    
15144 VOA5 Product Proposal Info. Configuratio   
15145 VOBO Config.for Backorder Processing    
15146 VOB3 Comparison: Bill. Docs and Stats  
15147 VOC0 Contract List Configuration    
15148 VOC1 Customizing for List of Addresses  
15149 VOD5 Configuration Cust.Indeped.Reqs.Inf     
15150 VOEX Incompleteness: Billing Document    
15151 VOFM Configuration for Reqs; Formulae   
15152 VOFN Call Up Transaction VOFM   
15153 VOF0 Configuration of Billing Informatio   
15154 VOF01 exit lists sales    
15155 VOF02 exit lists sales    
15156 VOF1 Configuration: Collective Billing    
15157 VOF2 Configuration Invoice List Info   
15158 VOF3 Edit Work List for Invoice Lists 
15159 VOIM Incompleteness: Purchase Order    
15160 VOKF Configuration Release of CustPrice   
15161 VOKR Configuration of Credit Release   
15162 VOK0 Conditions: Pricing in Customizing   
15163 VOK1 Account Determination: Customizing    
15164 VOK2 Output Determination     
15165 VOK3 Message Determination: Purchasing    
15166 VOK4 Output Determination: Inventory Mgm   
15167 VOLI Incompleteness: Delivery     
15168 VOL0 Delivery Information Configuration    
15169 VOL01 exit lists sales    
15170 VOL1 Configuration: Collective Dlv.Proc.    
15171 VOL6 Configure information on    
15172 VOL7 Settings for Packing    
15173 VOPA Configuration: Partner     
15174 VOPAN Customizing Partners     
15175 VOP2 Configuration: Partner     
15176 VORA Archiving Control for Sales Doc.  
15177 VORD Route definition (to R/3 vers. 3.1) 
15178 VORF Route Definition (Up To Rel. 4.0B) 
15179 VORK Archiving Control for Sales Activit  
15180 VORL Archiving Control for Delivery   
15181 VORN Central Archiving Control    
15182 VORR Archiving Control for Billing Docs  
15183 VOTX Configuration: Texts     
15184 VOTXN Maintain Text Customizing    
15185 VOVS Define Status in Overview Screen  
15186 VOWE Incompleteness: Goods Receipt    
15187 VPE1 Create sales representative    
15188 VPE2 Change sales representative    
15189 VPE3 Display sales representative    
15190 VPM4 Merge: Japan - Import Code Number 
15191 VPNR View of the active PNR in 1A
15192 VPN1 Number Range for Contact Person  
15193 VPRE PRICAT manual creation    
15194 VPSK DisplPartnDetProc.f.each Activ.Type     
15195 VPS2 Maintain Partn.Det.Proc.f.eachActTy     
15196 VP94 Load Import Code No. for Japan 
15197 VP94X Load Import Code No. for Japan 
15198 VRLI FT: Reorg. T609S Delivery   
15199 VRRE Returns Delivery for RMA Order  
15200 VRWE FT: Reorg. T609S Goods Receipt  
15201 VSBSMS SBWAP Reporting     
15202 VSB1 Self-Billing Proc. Inbound Monitor   
15203 VS00 SD Main Menu for Customer  
15204 VS01 Create Scale     
15205 VS02 Change Scale     
15206 VS03 Display Scale     
15207 VS04 Create Scale with Reference   
15208 VS05 List Scales     
15209 VTBT Report for Definition of Batch Run 
15210 VTBW Reorg.: Shipment Data in BW  
15211 VTDOCU Tech. documentation transportation    
15212 VTFAKT Bill Deliveries     
15213 VTRC XSI Cockpit     
15214 VTRK Tracking      
15215 VTRS XSI: Carrier: Master Data   
15216 VTWABU Post goods issue    
15217 VT00 Transportation      
15218 VT01 Old: Create Shipment    
15219 VT01N Create Shipment     
15220 VT02 Old: Change Shipment    
15221 VT02N Change Shipment     
15222 VT03 Old: Display Shipment    
15223 VT03N Display Shipment     
15224 VT04 Transportation Worklist     
15225 VT10 Select shipments: Start    
15226 VT18 Start F4 Help Shipping   
15227 VT19 Shipment Tendering Status Monitor   
15228 VT20 Overall Shipment Process Monitor   
15229 VT22 Display Change-Document Shipment     
15230 VT30 Initial internet tran for shipment  
15231 VT30N Events for Carriers    
15232 VT31 Shipment tendering     
15233 VT31C screen for shipment tend   
15234 VT31N Selection Variants for Fwdg Agents  
15235 VT32 Shipment Status list    
15236 VT33 for Carriers     
15237 VT34 Reports for Carriers via HTML  
15238 VT34M Reports for Carriers via WML  
15239 VT60 Transfer Location Master Data to TP 
15240 VT61 Ext. transport. planning deliveries   
15241 VT62 Send Deliveries to Forwarding Agent  
15242 VT63 Freight Plng Status from Deliveries  
15243 VT68 Deallocate delivery from TPS   
15244 VT69 Plan Deliveries from Freight Plng  
15245 VT70 Output for Shipments    
15246 VUA2 Maintain Doc.Type Incompletion Proc   
15247 VUA3 Display Doc.Type Incompletion Proc.   
15248 VUE2 Maintain Sched.Line Incompletion Pr   
15249 VUE3 Display Sched.Line Incompletion Pro   
15250 VUPA Display Partner Incompletion Proc.   
15251 VUP2 Maintain Item Incompletion Procedur   
15252 VUP3 Display Item Incompletion Procedure   
15253 VVG1 Create Output: Group    
15254 VVG2 Change output: Groups    
15255 VVG3 Display Output: Group    
15256 VV11 Create Output: Sales    
15257 VV12 Change output: Sales    
15258 VV13 Display Output: Sales    
15259 VV21 Create Output: Shipping    
15260 VV22 Change output: Shipping    
15261 VV23 Display Output: Shipping    
15262 VV31 Create Output : Billing   
15263 VV32 Change output: Billing    
15264 VV33 Display Output: Billing    
15265 VV51 Create Output for Sales Activity  
15266 VV52 Change Output: Sales Activity   
15267 VV53 Display Output: Sales Activity   
15268 VV61 Create Output: Handling Units   
15269 VV62 Change Output: Handling Unit   
15270 VV63 Display Output: Handling Unit   
15271 VV71 Create Output: Transportation    
15272 VV72 Change Output: Transportation    
15273 VV73 Display Output: Transportation    
15274 VW01 SD Scenario 'Incoming Orders'   
15275 VW02 SD Scenario 'Freedom to Shop'  
15276 VW10 SD Scenario 'Order Status'   
15277 VXA1 Docs Assigned to Financial Document  
15278 VXA2 Existing Financial Documents    
15279 VXA3 Financial Documents: Blocked Docs   
15280 VXA4 Financial Documents: Simulation    
15281 VXA5 Document. Payments: Print Monitorin   
15282 VXA7 Documentary Payments: Simulation    
15283 VXBC SLS: List of Blocked Customers  
15284 VXCZ INTRASTAT: Form - Czech Republic  
15285 VXDA SLS: Audit Trail - Customer Master 
15286 VXDG Export Control     
15287 VXDP Declarations to the Authorities   
15288 VXDV List of Expiring SLS Records  
15289 VXGK Export Control     
15290 VXHU INTRASTAT: Form - Hungary   
15291 VXIE Maintain Foreign Trade Data   
15292 VXJ0 Foreign Trade: MITI Decl. - Japan 
15293 VXJ3 Foreign Trade: Import Decl. Japan  
15294 VXKA SLS: Audit Trail: Vendor Master  
15295 VXKD Declarations to the Authorities   
15296 VXKP Configuration: Maintain Tables T180   
15297 VXLA Legal Control: SLS - Audit Trail 
15298 VXLB Legal Control: SLS: Sim.: Address  
15299 VXLC SLS: Vendor Check - Scenario 3 
15300 VXLD Legal Control: SLS - List Display 
15301 VXLE SLS: Scenario 5 - Vendor Master 
15302 VXLP Legal Control: SLS: Keyword: Addres  
15303 VXLU Legal Control: SLS - Data Service 
15304 VXLX Legal Control: SLS: Sim. Customer  
15305 VXLY Legal Control: SLS: Sim. Deliv.  
15306 VXLZ Sanctioned Party List Screen   
15307 VXL1 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 1 
15308 VXL2 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 2 
15309 VXL3 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 3 
15310 VXL4 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 4 
15311 VXL5 Legal Control: SLS - Scenario 5 
15312 VXL6 Legal Control: SLS: Sim.: Customer  
15313 VXL7 Legal Control: SLS: Search Terms  
15314 VXL8 Legal Control: SLS: Change History  
15315 VXL9 Legal Control: SLS: Sim.: Vendor  
15316 VXME Declarations to the Authorities   
15317 VXMO Common Agricultural Policy    
15318 VXPL INTRASTAT: Form - Poland   
15319 VXPR Export Control     
15320 VXSE Declarations to the Authorities   
15321 VXSIM Simulate Import     
15322 VXSK INTRASTAT: Form - Slovakia   
15323 VXSL Foreign Trade: Area Menu SLS  
15324 VXSW Mass change material commodity code  
15325 VXS1 Legal Control: SLS: Create Entry  
15326 VXS2 Ges. Kontrolle: SLS: Change Entry  
15327 VXS3 Legal Control: SLS: Display Entry  
15328 VX0C Foreign Trade: Customizing Menu   
15329 VX00 Export Control     
15330 VX01 Create license (old)    
15331 VX01N Create license     
15332 VX01X Create control record (new)   
15333 VX02 Change license (old)    
15334 VX02N Change license     
15335 VX02X Change control record (new)   
15336 VX03 Display license (old)    
15337 VX03N Display license     
15338 VX03X Display control record (new)   
15339 VX04N Maintain license     
15340 VX07 Simulation: License Check    
15341 VX08 Simulation: Boycott List Check   
15342 VX09 Simulation: Embargo Check    
15343 VX11 Create Financial Document    
15344 VX11N Create financial document    
15345 VX11X Create Financial Document    
15346 VX12 Change Financial Document    
15347 VX12N Change Financial Document    
15348 VX12X Change Financial Document    
15349 VX13 Display Financial Document    
15350 VX13N Display financial document    
15351 VX13X Display Financial Document    
15352 VX14N Maintain financial documents    
15353 VX16 BAFA diskette: Selection    
15354 VX17 Create BAFA diskette    
15355 VX22 Change license data (old)   
15356 VX22N Change License Data    
15357 VX23 Display license data (old)   
15358 VX23N Display license data    
15359 VX24N Maintain control data    
15360 VX30 Legal Control: Export Ctrl Class  
15361 VX94 Declarations to Authorities: Check   
15362 VX98 Displ.FT Data in Purch.Doc.-INTERNE   
15363 VX99 FT/Customs: General overview    
15364 V101 Initial Sales Menu    
15365 V12L_A Create Pricing Report    
15366 V12L_B Change Pricing Report    
15367 V12L_C Display Pricing Report    
15368 V12L_D Execute Pricing Report    
15369 V12LCA Create Pricing Report    
15370 V12LCB Change Pricing Report    
15371 V23 Sales Documents Blocked for Billing  
15372 V633 Customer Conversion Dec.Shipping      
15373 WA/A Mess.Deter.; Alloc Tbl: Creat.Cond.   
15374 WA/B Mess.Deter.;Alloc Tbl: Chng Cond.Re   
15375 WA/C Mess.Deter.Alloc Tbl: Displ Cond.Re   
15376 WA/1 Create Mess. Cond. Tbl; Alloc Notif 
15377 WA/2 Ch. Mess. Cond. Tbl; Alloc. Notif. 
15378 WA/3 Displ. Mess. Cond. Tbl; Alloc Notif 
15379 WAA01 WA Create (Auth-Apprvd Waste Genrtr  
15380 WAA02 WA Change (Auth-Apprvd Waste Genrtr  
15381 WAA03 WA Display (Auth-Apprvd Waste Gnrtr  
15382 WAA04 WA Extend (Auth.-Appr. Waste Gener.  
15383 WAA10 WA Create (Auth-Apprvd Waste Dispsr  
15384 WAA11 WA Change (Auth-Apprvd Waste Dispsr  
15385 WAA12 WA Display (AuthApprvd Waste Dispsr  
15386 WAA13 WA Extend (Auth.-Appr. Wst Disposer  
15387 WAA19 WA Create (AuthApprvd Waste Transp.  
15388 WAA20 WA Change (AuthApprvd Waste Transp.  
15389 WAA21 WA Display (AuthApprvd Waste Trnsp.  
15390 WAA22 WA Extend (Auth.-Appr. Wst Transp.)  
15391 WAA23 WA Create (Authority)    
15392 WAA24 WA Change (Authority)    
15393 WAA25 WA Display (Authority)    
15394 WAA26 WA Extend (Authority)    
15395 WACBA Archive Posting Lists    
15396 WACBL Restore Posting Lists    
15397 WACBLR Delete Posting Lists from Archive  
15398 WACCIA Archive Customer Settlements    
15399 WACCIR Delete Archived Customer Settlement   
15400 WACLA Archive Remuneration List    
15401 WACLF Restore Vendor Billing Documents   
15402 WACLFA Archive Vendor Billing Documents   
15403 WACLFR Delete Billing Documents frm Archiv  
15404 WACLR Restore Remuneration Lists    
15405 WACLRR Delete Remuner. Lists from Archive  
15406 WACO02 Waste Workbench     
15407 WACRL Restore Settlement Request Lists   
15408 WACRLA Archive Settlement Request Lists   
15409 WACRLR Delete Settle. Req.Lists frm Archiv  
15410 WACSIA Activate Expense Settlements    
15411 WACSIR Delete Archived Expense Settlements   
15412 WACZR Restore Settlement Request    
15413 WACZRA Archive Settlement Requests    
15414 WACZRR Delete Settlem. Request from Archiv  
15415 WAE01 Create Entry Document    
15416 WAE02 Change Entry Document    
15417 WAE03 Display Entry Document    
15418 WAE10 Easy Entry     
15419 WAFS Send Merchandise Category to AFS  
15420 WAHDC AHD/PDF Customizing     
15421 WAHD1 Load Alternative Historical Data   
15422 WAHD2 Change Alternative Historical Data   
15423 WAHD3 Display Alternative Historical Data   
15424 WAHD4 Delete Alternative Historical Data   
15425 WAKC Maintain promotion themes    
15426 WAKN Output bundling promotions    
15427 WAKV Promotion announcement preview    
15428 WAK0 Promotion management     
15429 WAK1 Create promotion     
15430 WAK10 Send reply f. promo. for each plant
15431 WAK11 Display promotion for each plant  
15432 WAK12 Maintain promotion items    
15433 WAK13 Promotion Change Documents    
15434 WAK14 Report RWAKT310 (Promo for mat.)  
15435 WAK15 Report RWAKT320 (promos for plant)  
15436 WAK16 Price activation in background   
15437 WAK17 Batch Allocation Table Generation   
15438 WAK18 Batch Promotion Listing    
15439 WAK19 Batch Promotion Announcement    
15440 WAK2 Change promotion     
15441 WAK20 Batch Supply Source Determination   
15442 WAK3 Display promotion     
15443 WAK4 Delete promotion     
15444 WAK5 Initial screen - Subseq. processing  
15445 WAK6 Initial scr.: overv. prices margins  
15446 WAK7 List promotion materials for plant  
15447 WAK8 Plant - materials in promotion  
15448 WAM01 Create Disposal Documents    
15449 WAM02 Edit Disposal Documents    
15450 WAM03 Display Disposal Documents    
15451 WAM04 Find Disposal Documents    
15452 WAM05 Disposal Documents List Display   
15453 WAPRL Settlement Request List - ApplStatu  
15454 WAPZR Payment Docs for Application Status  
15455 WAP1 Edit Appointments Worklist    
15456 WAP2 Change Appointments     
15457 WAP3 Display Appointments     
15458 WAP4 Appointments: Overview     
15459 WAP5 Appointment; Departure     
15460 WAP6 Change Appointment(Indiv. Maintnce)    
15461 WAP7 Appointments: Plnd/Actual Compariso    
15462 WAST Copied to CBWABDT (Copy BP Config 
15463 WATREE Master Data     
15464 WA00 Allocation Main Menu    
15465 WA01 Create Allocation Table    
15466 WA02 Change Allocation Table    
15467 WA03 Display Allocation Table    
15468 WA04 Alloc Tbl Processing: Plant Reply  
15469 WA05 Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate POs  
15470 WA06 Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Deliveries  
15471 WA07 Alloc Tbl FDG: Generate Wrhse Order 
15472 WA08 Generate Alloc. Table Follow-On Doc  
15473 WA09 Deletion of Allocation Tables   
15474 WA09H Allocation Table Emergency Deletion   
15475 WA11 Message Bundling; Allocation Table   
15476 WA12 Create Reminders/Accept Plnd Qties   
15477 WA14 Reply; Plant     
15478 WA15A Mess.Deter.; Alloc Tbl: Creat.Cond.   
15479 WA15B Mess.Deter.;Alloc Tbl: Chng Cond.Re   
15480 WA15C Mess.Deter.Alloc Tbl: Displ Cond.Re   
15481 WA21 Create Allocation Rule    
15482 WA22 Change Allocation Rule    
15483 WA23 Display Allocation Rule    
15484 WA30 Allocation Tables for Objects   
15485 WA35 Allocation Instruction     
15486 WA40 Adjust Alloc Tbl After Entering GR 
15487 WA50 Generate Allocation Rule    
15488 WA51 Reassign Gen. Alloc Rules/Plant   
15489 WA52 Alloc Rule Lists    
15490 WA53 Create Selection Variants    
15491 WA54 Generate Alloc Rule / Test RIS-L 
15492 WA56 Generate Allocation Rule (SAP BW)  
15493 WA60 Create Selection Variant for PO  
15494 WA61 Create Sel. Var. for Del. Generatio 
15495 WB/A Message deter. promo:create   
15496 WB/B Mess.deter.Promo: chng conditon rec   
15497 WB/C display cond. rec   
15498 WB/1 Sub. cond.;cr. tab; promo announ.  
15499 WB/2 Sub.cond.;change tbl; promo ann.   
15500 WB/3 Sub. cond.; disp. tab; promo ann. 
15501 WBBA Assortment List: Analyze Dates   
15502 WBBR Reorganize Assort. List Versions   
15503 WBBS Display Assort. List Versions   
15504 WBB0 Assortment list applicatiom menu   
15505 WBDEMO Demo: Template Interface    
15506 WBF1 IS-R: Stock Overview; Empties   
15507 WBF2 Display GI/GR Diff. for Stck Trans. 
15508 WBLR Create posting lists using report  
15509 WBLRB Posting Lists for Remuner. List  
15510 WBLS Posting List Cancellation    
15511 WBL1 Create posting list manually   
15512 WBL2 Change posting list    
15513 WBL3 Display posting list    
15514 WBL4 Release blocked posting lists   
15515 WBST SAP Retail: Inventory Management   
15516 WBTE Export plant data (file transfer)  
15517 WBTI Import plants (file transfer)   
15518 WBVK Subsequent settlement     
15519 WBWF Contract: Workflw Workbench    
15520 WB00 Subsequent settlement     
15521 WB01 Create plant     
15522 WB02 Change plant     
15523 WB03 Display plant     
15524 WB06 Archiving flag; plant    
15525 WB07 Change plant/customer assignment    
15526 WB08 Change plant/vendor assignment    
15527 WB2C Messages - Target Group: Customer  
15528 WB2L Long Short Analysis    
15529 WB2M Messages for Management    
15530 WB2R Global Trade General Control   
15531 WB2V Messages for Vendor    
15532 WB20 Global Trade     
15533 WB21 Trading contract: Create    
15534 WB22 Trading contract: Change    
15535 WB23 Trading contract: Display    
15536 WB24 Trading contract: Coll. status proc  
15537 WB25 Trad. contract list: Contracts list  
15538 WB26 Trading Contract: Document Flow   
15539 WB27 Trading contract: Standard analysis   
15540 WB28 Trading contract: Change history   
15541 WB30 Mass maintenance MG to plant  
15542 WB31 Trading Contract: Fincl Documents   
15543 WB35 Layout overview     
15544 WB40 List analysis for classes   
15545 WB50 Plant group; create alloc tbl  
15546 WB51 Plant group; change alloc tbl  
15547 WB52 Plant group; display alloc table  
15548 WB53 Plant group; delete alloc tbl  
15549 WB54 PG Maintain allocTbl; plant to clas 
15550 WB55 PG AllocTbl; maintain class to clas 
15551 WB56 PG AllTbl; maintain plants in class 
15552 WB57 PG AllocTbl display plants in class 
15553 WB58 PG Alloc tbl display class to class
15554 WB59 PG AllocTbl display plants in class 
15555 WB60 Plant group; create promotions   
15556 WB61 Plant group; change promotions   
15557 WB62 Plant group; display promotions   
15558 WB63 Plant group; delete promotions   
15559 WB64 PG Promotion; maint. plants to clas 
15560 WB65 PG Promotion; maint. class to class 
15561 WB66 PG Promotion; maint. plants to clas 
15562 WB67 PG Promotion; maint. plants to clas 
15563 WB68 PG Promotion; displ. class to class 
15564 WB69 PG Promotion; displ. plants in clas 
15565 WB70 Create assortment class    
15566 WB71 Change assortment class    
15567 WB72 Display assortment class    
15568 WB73 Delete assortment class    
15569 WB74 Maintain assortments to classes   
15570 WB75 Maintain classes to classes   
15571 WB76 Maintain assortments in class   
15572 WB77 Display assortments to classes   
15573 WB78 Display Class for Classes   
15574 WB79 Display assortments in class   
15575 WB80 Create plant group Other   
15576 WB81 Change plant group Other   
15577 WB82 Display plant group Other   
15578 WB83 Delete plant group Other   
15579 WB84 PG Other; maint. plant to classes 
15580 WB85 PG Other; maint. class to classes 
15581 WB86 PG Other; maint. plant in class 
15582 WB87 PG Other; displ.plant to classes  
15583 WB88 PG Other; class to class  
15584 WB89 PG Other; displ. plants in class 
15585 WCCA Generate Print Settings    
15586 WCCB Create/Delete Applications     
15587 WCC1 Maintain Conflict Rules    
15588 WCC2 Assistant for Model Selection   
15589 WCC3 Generate Basic Settings    
15590 WCC8 Assign Technical Objects    
15591 WCC9 Assign Operational Conditions    
15592 WCI1 WCM: Check - WCCO   
15593 WCI2 WCM: Check - WCCOR   
15594 WCI3 WCM: Check - WCCO <-> WCCOR 
15595 WCI4 WCM: Check - WCCA   
15596 WCLA WCM: WAP (List Editing)   
15597 WCLB WCM: (Multi-Level List Editing)   
15598 WCLC WCM: WCD (List Editing)   
15599 WCLD WCM: WCD (List Editing)   
15600 WCLE WCM: (Multi-Level List Editing)   
15601 WCLF WCM: Operational Log    
15602 WCL1 WCM: WCD Template (List Editing)  
15603 WCL2 WCM: WCD Template (List Editing)  
15604 WCL3 WCM: Op. WCD (List Editing)  
15605 WCL4 WCM: Op. WCD (List Editing)  
15606 WCL5 WCM: WCA (List Editing)   
15607 WCL6 WCM: WCA (List Editing)   
15608 WCL7 WCM: WAPI (List Editing)   
15609 WCL8 WCM: WAPI (List Editing)   
15610 WCL9 WCM: WAP (List Editing)   
15611 WCM Work Clearance Management    
15612 WCMA RIS: OTB - Selection   
15613 WCMB RIS: OTB - Selection   
15614 WCMC RIS: OTB - Selection   
15615 WCMCP Category Manager Workbench - Exampl  
15616 WCMD RIS: OTB - Selection   
15617 WCME RIS: STRPS/Mvmts + Stock - Selectio 
15618 WCM1 Define CM area of responsibility  
15619 WCM2 Display worksheet for CM   
15620 WCM3 Display CM area of responsibility  
15621 WCM4 Delete CM area of responsibility?  
15622 WCPC Customizing Internet product catalo   
15623 WCRA WCM: Create WAP for WAP  
15624 WCRB WCM: Create WCD Template for WAP 
15625 WCRC WCM: Create Op. WCD for WAP 
15626 WCRD WCM: Create WCA for WAPI  
15627 WCRF WCM: Create WAP for WCD  
15628 WCRG WCM: Create Op. WCD for Order 
15629 WCRH WCM: Create WCD Template with Order 
15630 WCRJ WCM: Create WAPI for Order  
15631 WCRK WCM: Create WAPI for WAP  
15632 WCRM WCM: Create WAPI for WAPI  
15633 WCR1 WCM: Create WCD Template for WCD 
15634 WCR2 WCM: Create WCD Template for WAPI 
15635 WCR3 WCM: Create Op. WCD for WAPI 
15636 WCR4 WCM: Create Op. WCD for WCD 
15637 WCR5 WCM: Create WCA for Order  
15638 WCR6 WCM: Create WCA for WAP  
15639 WCR7 WCM: Create WCA for WCD  
15640 WCR8 WCM: Create WAP for Order  
15641 WCR9 WCM: Create WAP for WAPI  
15642 WCSO SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order  
15643 WCSOC Change Order     
15644 WCSOD Deliver Sales Order    
15645 WCSOS SAP Retail Store: Cons. Order Statu 
15646 WCTA WCM: Create WAP    
15647 WCTB WCM: Change WAP    
15648 WCTC WCM: Display WAP    
15649 WCTH WCM: Create WAPI    
15650 WCTI WCM: Change WAPI    
15651 WCTJ WCM: Display WAPI    
15652 WCTK WCM: Create WCA    
15653 WCTL WCM: Change WCA    
15654 WCTM WCM: Display WCA    
15655 WCTP WCM: Assignment of WAP   
15656 WCTQ WCM: Assignment of WCA   
15657 WCTR WCM: Assignment of Operational WCD  
15658 WCTS WCM: Assignment of WAPI   
15659 WCTU WCM: Assignment of Order   
15660 WCT1 WCM: Create WCD Template   
15661 WCT2 WCM: Change WCD Template   
15662 WCT3 WCM: Display WCD Template   
15663 WCT6 WCM: Create Operational WCD   
15664 WCT7 WCM: Change Operational WCD   
15665 WCT8 WCM: Display Operational WCD   
15666 WCUM Maintain customer     
15667 WCU1 Maintain customer     
15668 WCU2 SAP Retail Store: Customer Mainten.  
15669 WCWBNR Number Range Maintenance: W_CWB   
15670 WCW1 WCM: 'DLFL' Status Conversion   
15671 WC01 Edit Characteristic     
15672 WC02 Number Range for SP Calculation  
15673 WC03 Number range; allocation rule   
15674 WC04 Number ranges; Promotions    
15675 WC05 Number ranges; allocation table   
15676 WC06 Number Ranges Status Tracking   
15677 WC07 Number ranges for free goods  
15678 WC08 Number ranges layout promo/plant   
15679 WC10 Batch Worklist for Pricing   
15680 WC11 Batch Changes; Assortments    
15681 WC12 Batch Settlement for Arrangements   
15682 WC13 Batch List Output for Arrangements  
15683 WC14 Batch Vendor Bus. Volume for Arrngm 
15684 WC15 Batch Detailed Stmnt for Arrangemen  
15685 WC16 Batch Extension Val. Period/Arrngmn   
15686 WC17 Batch Update Vendor Business Volume  
15687 WC18 Batch Check Open GR Qty for Arrngmn
15688 WC19 Batch Stat. Recomp. Vendor Bus. Vol 
15689 WC20 Batch Stat. Recom. on Individ. Lev. 
15690 WC21 Batch Reorg Data in LIS  
15691 WC22 Batch List Rtl Changes for Material 
15692 WC23 Batch IV; Immediate Cyclic Check  
15693 WC24 Batch POS Outbound    
15694 WC25 Batch Assortment List/Shelf-Edge La   
15695 WC26 Batch Forecast     
15696 WC27 Batch Requirements Planning per Pln  
15697 WC28 Batch Set Central Block   
15698 WC29 Batch; Alloc Tbl Message Bundling  
15699 WC30 Batch; Promotion Message Bundling   
15700 WC31 Batch Preparation of Adv. Tax Retur 
15701 WC32 Batch POS Outb. Ini   
15702 WC33 Assortment List: Initial. & FullVer  
15703 WC34 Batch repeat terminated upload   
15704 WC35 Batch repeat incorrect upload   
15705 WC41 Batch worklist for doc. index  
15706 WC63 Number Range for SP Calculation  
15707 WDBI Assort. List: Full Vers. and Init. 
15708 WDBM Assort. List.: Manual Request   
15709 WDBU Assortment List: Change Message   
15710 WDFR Create Perishables Planning    
15711 WDFR2 Change Perishables Planning    
15712 WDFR3 Display Perishables Planning    
15713 WDH1 Maintain plant hierarchy (SD)   
15714 WDH2 Display customer hierarchy (SD)   
15715 WDIS Materials Planning for SAP Retail  
15716 WDKR Create customers from vendors   
15717 WDLS Delete Error Messages    
15718 WDRD1 Determine Delivery Relationship    
15719 WDRD2 Change Delivery Relationship    
15720 WDRD3 Display Delivery Relationship    
15721 WDRD4 Delete Delivery Relationship    
15722 WDSR Reorg of download status tracking  
15723 WDTS Delete Status Information    
15724 WEBU Printing Labels via Assortment List  
15725 WEDI EDI Basis     
15726 WEKF Purchase order SAP Retail   
15727 WENA Messages on Basis of Changes  
15728 WESO Special Request for Labels   
15729 WETI IS-R Labeling     
15730 WEWU EMU conversions in retail   
15731 WE02 Display IDoc     
15732 WE05 IDoc Lists     
15733 WE06 Active IDoc monitoring    
15734 WE07 IDoc statistics     
15735 WE09 Search for IDoc in Database  
15736 WE10 Search for IDoc in Archive  
15737 WE11 Delete IDocs     
15738 WE12 Test Modified Inbound File   
15739 WE14 Test Outbound Processing    
15740 WE15 Test Outbound Processing from MC  
15741 WE16 Test Inbound File    
15742 WE17 Test Status File    
15743 WE18 Generate Status File    
15744 WE19 Test tool     
15745 WE20 Profiles      
15746 WE21 Port definition     
15747 WE23 Verification of IDoc processing   
15748 WE30 Development IDoc Type    
15749 WE31 Development IDoc Segment    
15750 WE32 Development IDoc View    
15751 WE40 IDoc Administration     
15752 WE42 Process codes; inbound    
15753 WE45 Forward (inbound) (V3; EDILOGADR)   
15754 WE46 IDoc administration     
15755 WE47 Status Maintenance     
15756 WE56 IDoc Administration     
15757 WE60 Documentation for IDoc types   
15758 WE61 Documentation for IDoc record types  
15759 WE62 Documentation for segments    
15760 WE63 Documentation      
15761 WE64 Documentation message types    
15762 WFCS01 Sales Forecast     
15763 WFCS02 Delete Sales Forecast     
15764 WFCS03 Display Data for Sales Forecast   
15765 WFCS04 Forecast: Consumption from MR   
15766 WFIL Store Order for SAP Retail  
15767 WFL1 Document flow; vendor billing docs  
15768 WFL2 Document flow; posting lists   
15769 WFL3 Document Flow; Remuneration Lists   
15770 WFL4 Document flow; settlement requests   
15771 WFL5 Document flow; request lists   
15772 WFRE Distribution of Returns    
15773 WFWS WSDL Import     
15774 WF00 Workflow: Choose Processes    
15775 WF01 Workflow: Process     
15776 WF02 Workflow: Rule Editor    
15777 WF03 Workflow: Display Process    
15778 WF04 Workflow: Process in Background   
15779 WF05 Workflow: Queue     
15780 WF10 Collective Purchase Order    
15781 WF10A Collective PO Without Tabstrips   
15782 WF20 Change Distribution     
15783 WF30 Merchandise Distribution: Monitor    
15784 WF40 Delete Distribution     
15785 WF50 Adjust Distribution     
15786 WF50A Adjust Distribution     
15787 WF51 Modify Distribution (in Background)   
15788 WF60 Create Outbound Deliveries    
15789 WF70 Create Distribution Orders    
15790 WF80 Merchandise Distribution Log     
15791 WF90 Delete Merch. Distrib. Applic. Log   
15792 WGCL Classification system; Retail    
15793 WGRT Transport of classifiable objects   
15794 WGSE Sending material group hierarchy   
15795 WGUS Where-used list MG hierarchy   
15796 WG21 Create material groups    
15797 WG22 Change material groups    
15798 WG23 Delete material groups    
15799 WG24 Display material groups    
15800 WG26 Create assignments     
15801 WG27 Change assignment     
15802 WG28 Delete Assignments     
15803 WG29 Display assignments     
15804 WI00 Physical Inventory for SAP Retail  
15805 WJB3 Test: Import Assortment List IDoc  
15806 WJB5 Display Assortment List    
15807 WKK1 Create Market-Basket Price Calc.   
15808 WKK2 Change Market-Basket Price Calc.   
15809 WKK3 Display Market-Basket Price Calc.   
15810 WKK4 MB Price Calc. Price Activation  
15811 WKON Conditions/Arrangements SAP Retail    
15812 WKUN Customer      
15813 WK00 Subsequent settlement     
15814 WLACI Read Customer Settlements From AS  
15815 WLACII Read Customer Settlements From AS  
15816 WLAM Layout Maintenance     
15817 WLAN Listing Conditions for Layout Modul  
15818 WLASI Read Expense Settlement From Archiv  
15819 WLASII Read Expense Settlement From Archiv  
15820 WLAY Space Management: Display Layout   
15821 WLA1 Read Remuneration Lists from Archiv  
15822 WLA2 Read posting lists from the archive 
15823 WLA3 Read settlm req. lists from archive 
15824 WLA4 Read settlement req. from archive  
15825 WLA5 Archived Remuneration List Items   
15826 WLA6 Archived payment document items   
15827 WLA7 Archived settlement req. list items  
15828 WLA8 Archived posting list items   
15829 WLBA Check Program for LB   
15830 WLBB Tool for Vendor Service Level  
15831 WLBC Reorganization of Condition Pointer   
15832 WLB1 Investment buying     
15833 WLB13 Automatic Load Building    
15834 WLB2 Investment buying analysis    
15835 WLB3 Autom. opt. PO-based load building  
15836 WLB4 Results list for auto. load buildin 
15837 WLB5 Combine POs in a logical load 
15838 WLB6 Test invest. buy. return on investm 
15839 WLB7 Analysis for Service Level   
15840 WLB8 Simulation for Quantity Optimizing   
15841 WLCH Communicating Layout Changes    
15842 WLCM Delete LayoutListConds. for Assort.   
15843 WLCN Delete Listing Conditions from LM  
15844 WLCPAR Parallel Processing     
15845 WLFA IMG vendor billing document   
15846 WLFB List header data billing document  
15847 WLFC List billing documents    
15848 WLFD List Remuneration List Header Data  
15849 WLFE Display Remuneration List Data   
15850 WLFF Mass release payment documents   
15851 WLFG Display payment header data   
15852 WLFH Display payment documents with item  
15853 WLFI Cancellation of payment documents   
15854 WLFJ Mass reversal of vendor billing doc 
15855 WLFK Mass release vendor billing docs  
15856 WLFL Mass Release Remuneration List   
15857 WLFLK Mass release remunertn list custome  
15858 WLFM Create Remuner. List from Bill. Doc 
15859 WLFN Create Rem. Lists from Payment Docs 
15860 WLFO List of payment list header data 
15861 WLFP List of payment list data  
15862 WLFQ List of posting list header data 
15863 WLFR List of posting list data  
15864 WLFS Read archived vendor billing docs  
15865 WLFT Archived billing docs with items  
15866 WLFU Document flow information    
15867 WLFV Create RemunLists from Posting List  
15868 WLFW Complete Settlement Request Lists   
15869 WLF1 Create vendor billing document   
15870 WLF1D Create vendor billing document   
15871 WLF1K Obsolete - No Longer Exists  
15872 WLF2 Change vendor billing document   
15873 WLF2D Change vendor billing document   
15874 WLF2K Change Customer Settlement    
15875 WLF3 Display vendor billing document   
15876 WLF3D Display vendor billing document   
15877 WLF3K Display Customer Settlement    
15878 WLF4 Cancel vendor billing document   
15879 WLF4D Cancel Expense Settlement    
15880 WLF4K Cancel Customer Settlement    
15881 WLI1 List Output Single Documents   
15882 WLI2 List Output Agency Documents   
15883 WLI3 List Output List Documents   
15884 WLM Worklist Monitor     
15885 WLMM Layout Module Maintenance    
15886 WLMON AV-Monitor - Direct Selection   
15887 WLMPS Worklist Monitor for Project System  
15888 WLMV Maintenance of Layout Module Versio  
15889 WLN1 Messages from vendor billing docs  
15890 WLN10 Messages Customer Settlement    
15891 WLN11 Messages Expenses Settlement    
15892 WLN12 Mess. Remun. List Customer Settlmnt  
15893 WLN13 Message Remuneration List Cost Sett  
15894 WLN14 Message Output Agency Documents   
15895 WLN2 Messages from posting lists   
15896 WLN3 Messages Remuner.Lists; Vend.BillDo    
15897 WLN4 Messages from settlement requests   
15898 WLN5 Messages from settlem. request list  
15899 WLN6 Messages Rem. List Settlement Req.  
15900 WLP1 Profit simulation single requests   
15901 WLP2 Profit simulation request lists   
15902 WLRA Rel. payment docs for Remuner. list 
15903 WLRB Rel. Invoices for Remuneration List  
15904 WLRS Cancellation of Remuneration Lists   
15905 WLR1 Create Remuneration List    
15906 WLR2 Change Remuneration List    
15907 WLR3 Display Remuneration List    
15908 WLSE Direct Sending: Layout Module   
15909 WLS1 Go to vendor billing docs archive 
15910 WLS2 Go to posting list archive  
15911 WLS3 Go to Remuneration List Archive  
15912 WLS4 Go to settlement request archive  
15913 WLS5 Go to settlem. request list archive 
15914 WLS6 Goto AS for Customer Settlement  
15915 WLS7 Goto AS for Expense Settlement  
15916 WLWB Layout Workbench     
15917 WL00 Vendor Master     
15918 WMBE Stock Overview: Value-only Material   
15919 WMB1 Create Competitor Price Entry   
15920 WMB2 Change Competitor Price Entry   
15921 WMB3 Display Competitor Price Entry   
15922 WMB4 Create Competitor Price Entry w/ Re 
15923 WMF0 Season management menu    
15924 WMF1 Create Markdown Plan    
15925 WMF2 Change Markdown Plan    
15926 WMF3 Display Markdown Plan    
15927 WMF4 Delete Markdown Plan    
15928 WMF5 Price Activation Markdown Plan   
15929 WMF6 Markdown Plan Price Calculation Tes  
15930 WMF7 Markdown Plan Evaluation    
15931 WMNE Process Worklist     
15932 WMN9 Subsequent Settlement Control    
15933 WMR1 Create Markdown Rule    
15934 WMR2 Change Markdown Rule    
15935 WMR3 Display Markdown Rule    
15936 WMR4 Delete Markdown Rule    
15937 WM00 Material      
15938 WOB0 Stores      
15939 WOF0 Stores      
15940 WOG3 Plant groups     
15941 WON1 General Settings for Replenishment   
15942 WOPD Assortment List: Display Log   
15943 WPCA Carry out settlement run   
15944 WPCC Prepare prod. catalog change IDocs  
15945 WPCD Delete settlement logs    
15946 WPCI Prepare product catalog IDocs   
15947 WPCJ Prepare product catalog IDocs   
15948 WPCW Repeat settlement run    
15949 WPC1 Prepare product catalog IDocs   
15950 WPC2 Prepare item IDocs    
15951 WPC3 Prepare catalog change IDocs   
15952 WPC4 Prepare item change IDocs   
15953 WPC5 Convert product catalog    
15954 WPDTC Planned Delivery Time Calculation   
15955 WPED Sales Audit Editor    
15956 WPER POS interface monitor    
15957 WPER2 POS: Analysis/Auxiliary Reports    
15958 WPHF Analysis report     
15959 WPIA Repeat upload POS IDOCs   
15960 WPIE Inbound modified IDocs    
15961 WPLG Space Management     
15962 WPMA POS Download: Manual Request   
15963 WPMI POS download: initialization    
15964 WPMU POS download: change message   
15965 WPOS POS Interface SAP Retail   
15966 WPO1 Close Back Orders    
15967 WPRI PRICAT on the Internet   
15968 WPRI6 Templ.for Non-R/3 Fields at CatItem  
15969 WPRI7 Templ. for Non-R/3 Fields at QtyIte 
15970 WPS1 Revision Planning     
15971 WPS2 Create Order as Report    
15972 WPUF Simulation inb. proc. FI/CO documen  
15973 WPUK POS simulation     
15974 WPUS Simulation: Inbound Processing    
15975 WPUW Goods movements simulation    
15976 WP00 Sales and Operations Planning   
15977 WQ00 Value and Quota Scales Appl. Menu 
15978 WQ01 Create Value Scale    
15979 WQ02 Change Value Scale    
15980 WQ03 Display Value Scale    
15981 WQ04 Delete Value Scale    
15982 WQ05 Reconcile with Characteristic    
15983 WQ11 Create Quota Scale    
15984 WQ12 Change Quota Scale    
15985 WQ13 Display Quota Scale    
15986 WQ14 Delete quota scale    
15987 WQ21 Automatically Generate Quota Scales   
15988 WRAV Update Reclassification Version    
15989 WRA1 Delete Reclassification Version    
15990 WRA2 Display Reclassification Version    
15991 WRA3 Change Reclassification Version    
15992 WRA4 Create Reclassification Version    
15993 WRBDL Detailed Stock List    
15994 WRBDL2 Detailed Stock List    
15995 WRCK Store Replenishment: Check Program   
15996 WRCR Reclassification      
15997 WRCV Update MG reclassification    
15998 WRC1 Delete MG reclassification    
15999 WRC2 Display MG reclassification    
16000 WRC3 Change MG reclassification    

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