Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 12001-13000

12001 POIM Start Download of Master Data  
12002 POIT Start Download of Transaction Data  
12003 POIU Start Receiving Changes to Data  
12004 POI1 Start Download of Master Data  
12005 POPT Test Packing Instruction Master Dat  
12006 POP0 Maintenance of Packing Instructions   
12007 POP1 Create Packing Instruction    
12008 POP2 Change Packing Instruction    
12009 POP3 Display Packing Instruction    
12010 POP4 Deletion flag undo for pack.instr.  
12011 POP5 of Pkg Instr. Use   
12012 POTAB Define Portfolio Tables    
12013 POTABC Change Portfolio Tables    
12014 POTABD Display Portfolio Tables    
12015 POTB Parameters for OTB    
12016 PO01 Maintain Work Center    
12017 PO01D Display Work Center    
12018 PO02 Maintain Training Program    
12019 PO02D Display Training Program    
12020 PO03 Maintain Job     
12021 PO03D Display Job     
12022 PO04 Maintain Business Event Type   
12023 PO04D Display Business Event Type   
12024 PO05 Maintain Business Event    
12025 PO05D Display Business Event    
12026 PO06 Maintain Location     
12027 PO06D Display Location     
12028 PO07 Maintain Resource     
12029 PO07D Display Resource     
12030 PO08 Maintain External Person    
12031 PO08D Display External Person    
12032 PO09 Maintain Business Event Group   
12033 PO09D Display Business Event Group   
12034 PO10 Maintain Organizational Unit    
12035 PO10D Display Organizational Unit    
12036 PO11 Maintain Qualification     
12037 PO11D Display Qualification     
12038 PO12 Maintain Resource Type    
12039 PO12D Display Resource Type    
12040 PO13 Maintain Position     
12041 PO13D Display Position     
12042 PO14 Maintain Task     
12043 PO14D Display Task     
12044 PO15 Maintain Company     
12045 PO15D Display Company     
12046 PO16 Maintain Services     
12047 PO16D Display Service     
12048 PO17 Maintain Requirements Profile    
12049 PO17D Display Requirements Profile    
12050 PO18 Maintain Resource 'Room'    
12051 PO18D Display Resource Room    
12052 PO19 Maintain External Instructor    
12053 PO19D Display External Instructor    
12054 PPAD Display Appraisals Catalog    
12055 PPCI Copy Infotype     
12056 PPCJ Create Infotype     
12057 PPCK Enhance List Screen    
12058 PPCM Enhance Infotype     
12059 PPCO Organisational Plan: Initial Screen   
12060 PPCP Career Planning     
12061 PPCT Task Catalog     
12062 PPDM Detail Maintenance Planning ITs   
12063 PPDPCS Display Development Plan Catalog   
12064 PPDPHM Change Development Plan History    
12065 PPDPHS Display Development Plan History    
12066 PPDPIM Change Individual Development Plan   
12067 PPDPIS Display Individual Development Plan   
12068 PPECS Convert iPPE Model    
12069 PPEM PD: Display Organizational Structur   
12070 PPEPS iPPE PS Interface    
12071 PPETI Configuration Mode - Select. Screen  
12072 PPIS Human Resources Information System   
12073 PPLB Evaluate Careers     
12074 PPMDT Manager's Desktop     
12075 PPME Change Matrix Organization    
12076 PPMM Personnel Planning     
12077 PPMS Display Matrix Organization    
12078 PPOC Create Organizational Plan    
12079 PPOCA Create Attributes     
12080 PPOCE Create Organization and Staffing   
12081 PPOCW Create Org. and Staffing (WF)  
12082 PPOM Maintain Organizational Plan    
12083 PPOMA Change Attributes     
12084 PPOME Change Organization and Staffing   
12085 PPOMW Change Org. and Staffing (WF)  
12086 PPOS Display Organizational Plan    
12087 PPOSA Display attributes     
12088 PPOSE Display organization and Staffing   
12089 PPOSW Display Org. and Staffing (WF)  
12090 PPO1 Change Cost Center Assignment   
12091 PPO2 Display Cost Center Assignment   
12092 PPO3 Change Reporting Structure    
12093 PPO4 Display Reporting Structure    
12094 PPO5 Change attributes     
12095 PPO6 Display attributes     
12096 PPPD Display Profile     
12097 PPPE Area Menu: Personnel Development   
12098 PPPM Change Profile     
12099 PPQD Display Qualifications Catalog    
12100 PPQ1 Find Objects for Qualifications   
12101 PPQ2 Find Objects for Requirements   
12102 PPQ3 Find Objects for Profile   
12103 PPRL Change Material When Profile Delete  
12104 PPRP Reporting: Personnel Development    
12105 PPRV Change Material When Profile Change  
12106 PPSC Create Structure     
12107 PPSM Change Structure     
12108 PPSP Succession Planning     
12109 PPSS Display Structure     
12110 PPST Structure Evaluation     
12111 PPUP Settings: User Parameters    
12112 PP01 Maintain Plan Data (Menu-Guided)   
12113 PP02 Maintain Plan Data (Open)   
12114 PP03 Maintain Plan Data (Action-Based)   
12115 PP05 Number Ranges     
12116 PP06 Number Range Maintenance: HRADATA   
12117 PP2B Create Scenario (Basic Pay)   
12118 PP2D Administer Payroll Results    
12119 PP2P Create Scenario (PyrllRes.)    
12120 PP2U Data Transfer to CO   
12121 PP23 Reset Password     
12122 PP25 Display Scenario Group    
12123 PP26 Plan Scenario Administration    
12124 PP27 Release plan scenario    
12125 PP28 Create Scenario (Proj.Pay)    
12126 PP29 Change Scenario Group    
12127 PP30 SAP Room Reservation Management   
12128 PP32 SAP Room Reservations: Services   
12129 PP40 Correspondence      
12130 PP6A Personal Shift Plan    
12131 PP6B Attendance List     
12132 PP6C Undo Completed Target Plan   
12133 PP6I Assgmt List for Shift Plannin  
12134 PP6U Conversion Add'l Data HRPADNN/PADUZ    
12135 PP60 Display Shift Planning    
12136 PP61 Change Shift Planning    
12137 PP62 Display Requirements     
12138 PP63 Change Requirements     
12139 PP64 Choose Plan Version    
12140 PP65 Edit Entry Object    
12141 PP66 Shift Planning: Entry Profile   
12142 PP67 Create Requirements     
12143 PP69 Choose Text for Organizational Unit  
12144 PP7S Organizational Management     
12145 PP70 Organizational Management     
12146 PP72 Shift Planning     
12147 PP74 Personnel Cost Planning    
12148 PP90 Set up Organization    
12149 PQAH Ad Hoc Query    
12150 PQLV Australian Leave Processing    
12151 PQTO Transaction for screen 2000   
12152 PQ01 Actions for Work Center   
12153 PQ02 Actions for Training Program   
12154 PQ03 Actions for Job    
12155 PQ04 Actions for Business Event Type  
12156 PQ06 Actions for Location    
12157 PQ07 Actions for Resource    
12158 PQ08 Actions for External Person   
12159 PQ09 Actions for Business Event Group  
12160 PQ10 Actions for Organizational Unit   
12161 PQ12 Actions for Resource Type   
12162 PQ13 Actions for Position    
12163 PQ14 Actions for Task    
12164 PQ15 Actions for Company    
12165 PQ17 Actions for Requirement Profiles   
12166 PQ18 Actions for Resource Room   
12167 PQ19 Actions for External Instructor   
12168 PRAA Automatic Vendor Maintenance    
12169 PRAP of Trips     
12170 PRCC Import Credit Card Files   
12171 PRCCD Display Credit Card Receipts    
12172 PRCCF Create File with Correct Trnsactn   
12173 PRCCT Create Credit Card Clearing TestFil   
12174 PRCD Delete/Copy Trip Countries    
12175 PRCO Copy Trip Provision Variant   
12176 PRCR Expense PDs/FRs: Download    
12177 PRCT Current Settings     
12178 PRCU Check Printing USA    
12179 PRC2 Customizing Coding Block 1200   
12180 PRC7 Customizing Coding Block 1700   
12181 PRDE Delete Trip Prov.Variant    
12182 PRDH Employees with Exceeded Trip Days  
12183 PRDX Call Country Version DME Pre.Progra  
12184 PRD1 Create DME     
12185 PREC Travel Expenses Accounting Program   
12186 PREP Import Program for Per Diems  
12187 PREX Create expense report    
12188 PRFAM Price Families     
12189 PRFI Posting to Financial Accounting   
12190 PRFW Income-rel.Expenses Statement     
12191 PRF0 Standard Form     
12192 PRF1 Summarized Form 1    
12193 PRF2 Summarized Form 2    
12194 PRHD Maximum Value Delimitation for Meal  
12195 PRHH Scale Maximum Amounts for Meals  
12196 PRHP Scale Per Diems for Meals  
12197 PRICAT PRICAT: Maintain mat. as per catalo 
12198 PRKE Evaluation Program     
12199 PRMD Maintain HR Master Data   
12200 PRML Set Country Grouping via Dialog Box 
12201 PRMM Personnel Actions     
12202 PRMS Display HR Master Data   
12203 PRMT Update Matchcode T    
12204 PROF Profit Center Accounting    
12205 PRPD Delimitation of Per Diems for Meals 
12206 PRPHUV Print Profile Maintenance HU    
12207 PRPL Create Travel Plan    
12208 PRPR transf. to V_LEDRUCKPROF1    
12209 PRPY Transfer to External Payroll   
12210 PRRL Reset Trips to 'To be Accounted' 
12211 PRRQ Create Travel Request    
12212 PRRW Post Accounting Data    
12213 PRST Period Statistics     
12214 PRTA Overview of Travel Expense Reports  
12215 PRTC Display Imported Documents    
12216 PRTE Trip Details     
12217 PRTS Overview of Trips    
12218 PRT3 Travel Expenses: Maintain Postings   
12219 PRUL Expense PDs/FRs: Upload    
12220 PRVH Scale Maximum Amounts for Meals  
12221 PRVP Scale Per Diems for Meals  
12222 PRVT VAT Recovery     
12223 PRWW Expense Reports (Offline)    
12224 PR00 Travel expenses     
12225 PR01 Maintain (Old) Trip Data   
12226 PR02 Travel Calendar     
12227 PR03 Trip Advances     
12228 PR04 Edit Weekly Reports    
12229 PR05 Travel Expense Manager    
12230 PR10 Number Range Maint.: RP_REINR   
12231 PR11 Number range maint.: HRTR_PDOC   
12232 PR20 Create Trip     
12233 PR706Z Copy T706Z -> T706Z1   
12234 PR71 Customizing Coding Block 1701   
12235 PR72 Customizing Coding Block 1702   
12236 PR73 Customizing Coding Block 1703   
12237 PSARP1 PSA document display    
12238 PSA00 Activate PSA     
12239 PSA01 Activate Rollup for PSC   
12240 PSA40 Cost Plans     
12241 PSA42 Plan Versions     
12242 PSA45 Plan Calculation     
12243 PSA45R Plan Calc. Reversal    
12244 PSA50 Rollup to PSC tables   
12245 PSA55 Calculation Actual     
12246 PSA55R Calculation Reversal     
12247 PSA56 Transfers      
12248 PSA56R Transfers Reversal     
12249 PSA57 Transfers      
12250 PSA57R Transfers Reversal     
12251 PSA58 Adjustments      
12252 PSA58R Adjustments Reversal     
12253 PSA59 Adjustments      
12254 PSA59R Adjustments Reversal     
12255 PSA60 Balance Carry Forward    
12256 PSA70 Partner Entitlement     
12257 PSA71 of Storage Entitlement    
12258 PSA71U of Storage Entitlement/Up    
12259 PSA72 PSC Master Data    
12260 PSA73 Production Data with Adjustments   
12261 PSA74 Lifting Data with Prices   
12262 PSA75 Prices      
12263 PSA76 Adjustment Volumes     
12264 PSA77 Report      
12265 PSA78 Print Entitlement     
12266 PSA79 by Volume Types    
12267 PSA81 Daily Prices by PSC   
12268 PSA82 Production Data     
12269 PSA83 Lifting Data Entry    
12270 PSA84 Adjustment Data     
12271 PSA86 Open PSC Periods    
12272 PSA90 PSC Production Interface    
12273 PSA93 Malaysia Production Interface    
12274 PSA95 Split Lifting by PSC   
12275 PSB0 Generation quart.SI declarat.period    
12276 PSB1 Generate Tax scales (B)   
12277 PSCCA PSC calculation     
12278 PSCREV PSC calculation reversal    
12279 PSCRPT psc report     
12280 PSCRP1 PSC document display    
12281 PSCRU PSC Rollup     
12282 PSCRUA Activate Rollup for PSC   
12283 PSCTF Transfer Calculation     
12284 PSC0 Set Plan Version Valid for Cost Pla
12285 PSC40 Rule Maintenance     
12286 PSC90 PSC Volume Entry    
12287 PSC95 PSC Production Interface    
12288 PSC96 PSC Period Opening    
12289 PSOA Work Center Reporting    
12290 PSOC Job Reporting     
12291 PSOG OrgManagement General Reporting    
12292 PSOI Tools Integration PA-PD    
12293 PSOO Organizational Unit Reporting    
12294 PSOS Position Reporting     
12295 PSOT Task Reporting     
12296 PSO0 Set Plan Version for OrgManagement  
12297 PSO1 Set Aspect for OrgManagement   
12298 PSO2 PS System/Database Tools    
12299 PSO3 Infotype Overview     
12300 PSO4 Individual Infotype Maintenance    
12301 PSO5 PD: Administration Tools    
12302 PSSD Check BNL flow types   
12303 PSVA Set Aspect     
12304 PSVB User-Specific Settings     
12305 PSVC Training and Events:Current Setting   
12306 PSVE Output Filter Business Events   
12307 PSVI User-Defined Settings     
12308 PSVL Set Business Event Language   
12309 PSVO Change / Display Organizer   
12310 PSVP Dynamic Planning Menu    
12311 PSVQ Change / Display Organizer   
12312 PSVR Dynamic Resource Menu    
12313 PSVS Set Access     
12314 PSVT Dynamic Tool Menu    
12315 PSV0 Change / Display Resources   
12316 PSV1 Dynamic Attendance Menu    
12317 PSV2 Dynamic Business Event Menu   
12318 PSV3 Dynamic Information Menu    
12319 PSV4 Set Plan Version    
12320 PSV5 Info: Attendances     
12321 PSV6 Reporting: Business Events    
12322 PSV7 Reporting: Resources     
12323 PSV8 Create Attendee     
12324 PSV9 Change / Display Attendee   
12325 PSWB Execute Per.Reposting Plan Projects   
12326 PSW5 Per.Repostgs in Actual for Projects  
12327 PTE1 Generate Batch Input Session   
12328 PTE2 Process Batch Input Session   
12329 PTE3 Reorganize Interface File    
12330 PTG1 Maintain Qualifying Day Pattern (GB  
12331 PTG3 Display Qualifying Day Pattern (GB)  
12332 PT00 Time Management     
12333 PT01 Create Work Schedule    
12334 PT02 Change Work Schedule    
12335 PT03 Display Work Schedule    
12336 PT10 Number Range Maintenance: PTM_DOCNR   
12337 PT11 Number Range Maintenance: PTM_QUONR   
12338 PT12 Number Range Maintenance: HRAA_PDOC   
12339 PT40 PDC Error Transaction    
12340 PT41 CC1 Communication Param    
12341 PT42 Supply Personnel Data    
12342 PT43 Supply Master Data    
12343 PT44 Upload Request     
12344 PT45 Post Person Time Events   
12345 PT46 Post Working Time Events   
12346 PT50 Quota Overview     
12347 PT60 Evaluation      
12348 PT61 Time Statement     
12349 PT62 Attendance List     
12350 PT63 Personal Work Schedule    
12351 PT64 Absence List     
12352 PT65 Graphical Attendance/Abs. Overview    
12353 PT66 Display Cluster B2    
12354 PT67 Third-Party Payroll     
12355 PT68 Activity Allocation     
12356 PT69 Multiple Time Recording    
12357 PT70 Time Management Info System   
12358 PT71 Tool Selection for Time Management  
12359 PT80 Manager      
12360 PT90 Absences: Calendar View    
12361 PT91 Absences: For Multiple Employees   
12362 PUCA PC administration for PF   
12363 PUCE PC editor for PF   
12364 PUCF PC Form Maintenance PF   
12365 PUCG Global Funds Copier    
12366 PUCK Entity copier for funds   
12367 PUCP PC Parameter Maintenance for PF  
12368 PUCV Entity copier for PC objects  
12369 PUCW Maintenanace of HSC tasks for PF 
12370 PUC0 HR-CH: Maintain MA attributes   
12371 PUC9 Reorganization of Infotype 279   
12372 PUFK Form manager     
12373 PULT Transport HR Tables for Logistics  
12374 PUOCBA Off-Cycle-Batch: Subsequent Activit    
12375 PUOCBP Off-cycle batch: Payroll follow-up   
12376 PUOCBR Off-cycle batch: Replacement    
12377 PUOCLG OC-Batch: Batch Table List   
12378 PUOCLL OC: List of Replacements/Reversals   
12379 PUST HR Process Workbench    
12380 PUST_2 HR Process Workbench (Old)   
12381 PUUG Change remittance due date   
12382 PUU1 BSI Test Tool 5   
12383 PUU2 transaction of sapmpuu2    
12384 PU00 Delete Personnel Data    
12385 PU01 Delete current payroll result   
12386 PU03 Change Payroll Status    
12387 PU11 Supplementary CS Benefits (D)   
12388 PU12 Connection to Third-Party Payroll   
12389 PU19 Tax Reporter     
12390 PU22 HR Archiving     
12391 PU30 Wage Type Maintenance    
12392 PU90 Delete applicant data    
12393 PU95 HR: Maintain Log. Views & WT Groups
12394 PU96 HR: Maintain Wage Type Groups  
12395 PU97 HR: Logical View Maintenance   
12396 PU98 Assign Wage Types to Groups  
12397 PVBA Training & Events: Budget Compariso  
12398 PVBB Change / Create Development Plan  
12399 PVB0 Business Event Budget    
12400 PVB1 Create Business Event Budget   
12401 PVB2 Display Business Event Budget   
12402 PVB3 Change Business Event Budget   
12403 PVB6 Business Event Budget    
12404 PVCT Master Data Catalog    
12405 PVDM Dynamic Menus     
12406 PVD0 Create/Change Business Event Type   
12407 PVF0 Create/Change Location     
12408 PVF1 Maintain Location     
12409 PVG0 Create/Change Resource     
12410 PVG1 Create/Change Room     
12411 PVG2 Lock/Unlock Resource     
12412 PVG3 Maintain Room     
12413 PVH0 Create/Change External Instructor    
12414 PVH1 Create/Change Instructor     
12415 PVH2 Maintain External Person    
12416 PVK0 Correspondence History     
12417 PVL0 Create/Change Business Event Group   
12418 PVMN Training and Event Management   
12419 PVR0 Create/Change Resource Type    
12420 PVR1 Maintain Room Equipment    
12421 PVU0 Create/Change Company     
12422 PVU1 Maintain Company     
12423 PVV0 Create/Change Service     
12424 PV0I Display Business Event Catalog   
12425 PV00 Book Attendance     
12426 PV01 Rebook Attendance     
12427 PV02 Prebook Attendance     
12428 PV03 Replace Attendance     
12429 PV04 Cancel Attendance     
12430 PV05 Book List: Attendees/Business Event   
12431 PV06 Prebook List: Attendees    
12432 PV07 Book List: Attendees    
12433 PV08 Book List: Business Events   
12434 PV09 Plan Business Events    
12435 PV1A Change Business Event    
12436 PV1B Display Business Event    
12437 PV1C Cost Transfer     
12438 PV1D Price Proposal     
12439 PV1I Attendee Bookings R/3 Users   
12440 PV1M Materials Procurement     
12441 PV10 Create Business Event with Resource  
12442 PV11 Create Business Event w/o Resources  
12443 PV12 Firmly Book / Cancel Business Event 
12444 PV14 Lock / Unlock Business Event  
12445 PV15 Follow Up Business Event   
12446 PV16 Prebook List: Business Event Types  
12447 PV17 Billing      
12448 PV18 Activity Allocation     
12449 PV19 Activity Allocation for Instructors   
12450 PV2I Attendee Bookings (Web Users)   
12451 PV26 Prebook List: Attendees/Event Types   
12452 PV3I Book Attendance R/3 Users   
12453 PV32 Create Appraisal      
12454 PV33 Business Event Appraisal    
12455 PV34 Attendee Appraisal     
12456 PV35 Appraisal Conversion Program    
12457 PV4I Book Attendance Web Users   
12458 PV5I Cancel Attendance R/3 Users   
12459 PV6I Cancel Attendance Web Users   
12460 PV7I Training Center     
12461 PV8I My Bookings     
12462 PWKC Create Work Center Capacity IDoc   
12463 PWPC Convert Column Framework     
12464 PW00 Incentive Wages     
12465 PW01 Maintain Incentive Wages Data   
12466 PW02 Display Incentive Wages Data   
12467 PW03 Record Incentive Wages Data   
12468 PW41 Generate Batch Input Session   
12469 PW42 Process Batch Input Session   
12470 PW43 Reorganize Interface File    
12471 PW61 Time Leveling     
12472 PW62 Employment Percentage     
12473 PW63 Reassignment of Pay Scale Group  
12474 PW70 Recalculate Indiv. Incentive Wages   
12475 PW71 Recalculate Group Incentive Wages   
12476 PW72 Remove leaving employee from group  
12477 PW74 Delete time tickets from cluster L1 
12478 PW75 Delete time tickets from cluster G1 
12479 PW80 Incentive Wages: Current Settings   
12480 PW91 Incentive Wages: Control Parameters   
12481 PW92 Incentive Wages: User Exits   
12482 PW93 Incentive Wages: Group Parameters   
12483 PW94 Inc. Wages: Logistics Parameters   
12484 PYKT Configuration Copier     
12485 PYK0 History of year end reporting runs 
12486 PZFOTO ESS Photo MiniApp (dummy)   
12487 PZLE ESS Life Event (Dummy)   
12488 PZM0 ESS Start Menu    
12489 PZM1 ESS Start Menu 1   
12490 PZM2 ESS Start Menu    
12491 PZPR Password Reminder     
12492 PZSU53 ESS Display Authorization Errors   
12493 PZUS ESS General Settings    
12494 PZUSFB ESS MiniApp Photograph/Birthday    
12495 PZWHOC ESS Who's Who: Customizing   
12496 PZ00 ESS Start Menu    
12497 PZ01 Who's Who     
12498 PZ01C ESS Customizing for ESS Who's Who 
12499 PZ02 Address      
12500 PZ03 Bank Details     
12501 PZ04 Time statement     
12502 PZ05 Emergency Address     
12503 PZ07 Participation Overview     
12504 PZ08 Taxes      
12505 PZ09 Time accounts     
12506 PZ10 Tax Deductions Form (W-4)   
12507 PZ11 Remuneration Statement     
12508 PZ12 Family/Related Person     
12509 PZ14 Enrollment      
12510 PZ15 New Hire Data    
12511 PZ16 Employment and Salary Verification   
12512 PZ17 Work Schedule     
12513 PZ18 Emergency Contact     
12514 PZ19 ESS Time Management    
12515 PZ20 Notification of Marriage    
12516 PZ21 Employment Opportunities     
12517 PZ22 Application status     
12518 PZ23 My Preferences     
12519 PZ24 Who's Who     
12520 PZ25 ESS Australian Taxes    
12521 PZ26 Organizational Chart     
12522 PZ27 ESS Superannuation Australia    
12523 PZ28 ESS Previous Employers    
12524 PZ29 ESS External Bank Transfer Australi  
12525 PZ30 My Photo     
12526 PZ31 HR: Access Profile Maint.   
12527 PZ32 Advanced HR: Profile Maintenance   
12528 PZ34 ESS Time Management    
12529 PZ35 Who's Who (Flow Logic)   
12530 PZ36 ESS Change YEA (Korea)   
12531 PZ39 Personal ID Information    
12532 PZ40 FSA Claims     
12533 PZ41 Capital Formation Germany    
12534 PZ42 ESS Alternative Name    
12535 PZ43 Retirement Benefits     
12536 PZ49 Start ESS     
12537 PZ50 Change Who's Who Data   
12538 PZ51 ESS: Tax Thailand    
12539 PZ52 ESS Change Address    
12540 PZ53 ESS for Prior Service Public Sector 
12541 PZ54 ESS for Leave Public Sector AU 
12542 PZ56 Additional Personal Data    
12543 PZ60 ESS benefit requests    
12544 PZ61 Benefit request query report   
12545 PZ67 ESS for Commuting Allowance   
12546 PZ80 ESS Investment detls - IT585 0 
12547 PZ88 ESS Investment detls - IT586 Sec88 
12548 P1B4 Transfer table T588Z; infotype 4000  
12549 P1B7 Conversion T750B     
12550 P1ET Simulator of tax calculation   
12551 P1Q0 Increment Progression     
12552 P16B Salary packaging (web)    
12553 P2R0 Letter of appointment    
12554 P2R1 Release letter of appointment   
12555 P2R2 Accept letter of appointment   
12556 P2R3 Verify and hire applicant   
12557 P2R4 Print letter of appointment   
12558 P2R8 Display letter of appointment   
12559 P2R9 Display letter of appointment   
12560 P3PR 3PR Reconciliation Workbench    
12561 P4Q0 Termination & Redundancy Organiser   
12562 P5DB4 Construction; Maintain Cons.Sites    
12563 P5Q0 Termination and redundancy organise   
12564 P6Q0 Termination and redundancy workbenc   
12565 QAC1 Change insp. lot actual quantity  
12566 QAC2 Transfer stock to insp. lot  
12567 QAC3 Reset sample     
12568 QAER Display archive objects    
12569 QAS1 Download Insp. Specs. (Obsolete)   
12570 QAS2 Download Basic Data (Obsolete)   
12571 QAS3 Upload Results (Obsolete)    
12572 QAS4 Upload UD (Obsolete)    
12573 QA00 Quality inspection     
12574 QA01 Create Inspection Lot    
12575 QA01A Create Inspection Lot    
12576 QA02 Change Inspection Lot    
12577 QA02A Change Inspection Lot    
12578 QA03 Display inspection lot    
12579 QA05 Job planning: Periodic inspection   
12580 QA06 Job overview: Periodic inspection   
12581 QA07 Trigger for recurring inspection   
12582 QA07L Deadline Monitoring Log    
12583 QA08 Collective Processing of Insp. Setu  
12584 QA09 No. range maintenance for insp.lots  
12585 QA10 Trigger automatic usage decision   
12586 QA10L Log for Automatic Usage Decision  
12587 QA11 Record usage decision    
12588 QA12 Change usage decision with history  
12589 QA13 Display usage decision    
12590 QA14 Change UD without history   
12591 QA16 Collective UD for accepted lots  
12592 QA17 Job planning for auto usage decisio 
12593 QA18 Job overview for auto usage decisio 
12594 QA19 Automatic usage decision    
12595 QA22 Change inspection point quantities   
12596 QA23 Display insp.point quantities    
12597 QA32 Change data for inspection lot  
12598 QA32WP #NAME?
12599 QA33 Display data for inspection lot  
12600 QA40 Auto. Usage Decision for Production  
12601 QA40L Log for Automatic Usage Decision  
12602 QA41 Scheduling UD for Production Lots  
12603 QA42 Job planning: UD prod. insp.lots  
12604 QA51 Scheduling Source Inspections    
12605 QA52 Source inspections: Job overview   
12606 QCC0 QM: Direct Access to IMG  
12607 QCC1 Direct Access to IMG: Notification  
12608 QCC2 IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Notificatio  
12609 QCC3 IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Inspection  
12610 QCC4 IMG Direct Access: QM Q-Planning  
12611 QCC5 IMG Direct Selection: QM Bus. Add-I 
12612 QCE2 Edit Communication Support    
12613 QCE3 Display Communication Support    
12614 QCYF QM standard forms (general)   
12615 QCYT QM standard texts (general)   
12616 QC01 Create certificate profile    
12617 QC02 Change certificate profile    
12618 QC03 Display certificate profile    
12619 QC06 Immediate delete of cert. profiles  
12620 QC11 Create cert. profile assignment   
12621 QC12 Change cert. profile assignment   
12622 QC13 Display cert. profile assignment   
12623 QC14 Create mode    
12624 QC20 Certificates for Deliveries    
12625 QC21 Quality certificate for the insp.lo  
12626 QC22 Quality Certificate for Batch   
12627 QC31 Archive display: Delivery item   
12628 QC32 Archive display: Inspection lot   
12629 QC40 Internet Certificate for Delivery   
12630 QC40A Internet Certificate for Delivery   
12631 QC42 Batch certificate on WWW   
12632 QC51 Create certificate in procurement   
12633 QC52 Change certificate in procurement   
12634 QC53 Display certificate in procurement   
12635 QC55 Worklist: Certificates - Procuremen   
12636 QDH1 Q-level evaluation: Change data   
12637 QDH2 Q-level evaluation: Display data   
12638 QDL1 Create quality level    
12639 QDL2 Change quality level    
12640 QDL3 Display quality level    
12641 QDP1 Create sampling scheme    
12642 QDP2 Change sampling scheme    
12643 QDP3 Display sampling scheme    
12644 QDR1 Create dynamic modification rule   
12645 QDR2 Change dynamic modification rule   
12646 QDR3 Display dynamic modification rule   
12647 QDR6 Disp. where-used list-dyn. mod. rul  
12648 QDR7 Replace dynamic mod. rule used  
12649 QDV1 Create sampling procedure    
12650 QDV2 Change sampling procedure    
12651 QDV3 Display sampling procedure    
12652 QDV6 Uses: Sampling procedures    
12653 QDV7 Replace sampling procedure used   
12654 QD21 Mark completed notifications    
12655 QD33 Delete quality level    
12656 QD34 Delete quality level planning   
12657 QD35 Delete job overview for Q-levels  
12658 QEH1 Worklist for Mobile Results Rec.  
12659 QEI1 Displaying QM Interfaces Appl. Log  
12660 QEI2 Deleting QM Interfaces Appl. Log  
12661 QEW01 Results Recording on Web   
12662 QEW01V Variant Maint.: Recording on Web  
12663 QE00 Quality Planning     
12664 QE01 Record characteristic results    
12665 QE02 Change characteristic results    
12666 QE03 Display characteristic results    
12667 QE04 Record sample results    
12668 QE05 Change sample results    
12669 QE06 Display sample results    
12670 QE09 Indiv.display of charac.result    
12671 QE09WP Call QE09 from Workplace   
12672 QE11 Record results for inspection point  
12673 QE12 Change results for inspection point  
12674 QE13 Display results for inspection poin  
12675 QE14 Record results for delivery note  
12676 QE15 Change results for delivery note  
12677 QE16 Display results for delivery note  
12678 QE17 Record results for equipment   
12679 QE18 Change results for equipment   
12680 QE19 Display results for equipment   
12681 QE20 Record results for funct. location  
12682 QE21 Change results for funct. location  
12683 QE22 Display results for funct. location  
12684 QE23 Record results for phys. sample  
12685 QE24 Change results for phys. sample  
12686 QE25 Display results for phys. sample  
12687 QE29 No. Range Maint.: Conf. No. for Cha
12688 QE51 Results recording worklist    
12689 QE51N Results Recording Worklist    
12690 QE52 Worklist: Results for phys. sample  
12691 QE53 Worklist: Record results for equip.  
12692 QE54 Worklist: Results for funct. loctns  
12693 QE71 Tabular res. recording for insp. pt 
12694 QE72 Tabular Results Rec. for Insp. Lots 
12695 QE73 Tabular res. recording for characs.  
12696 QF01 Record defect data    
12697 QF02 Change defect data    
12698 QF03 Display defect data    
12699 QF11 Record defects for inspection lot  
12700 QF21 Record defects for operation   
12701 QF31 Record defects for characteristic   
12702 QGA1 Display quality score time line  
12703 QGA2 Display inspection results    
12704 QGA3 Print inspection results    
12705 QGC1 Qual. control charts for insp. lots 
12706 QGC2 Control charts for task list charac 
12707 QGC3 Control charts for master insp. cha 
12708 QGD1 Test Equipment Usage List   
12709 QGD2 Test Equipment Tracking    
12710 QGP1 Results history for task list chara 
12711 QGP2 Results History for Task List Chara 
12712 QG09 Maint. num. range Q control charts 
12713 QISR Internal Service Request    
12714 QISRW Internal Service Request on the Web 
12715 QISR1 Internal Service Request - Forms  
12716 QI01 Create quality info. - purchasing  
12717 QI02 Change qual.information - purchasin   
12718 QI03 Display quality info. - purchasing  
12719 QI04 Job planning for QM procurement key 
12720 QI05 Mass maintenance QM procurement key  
12721 QI06 QM Releases: Mass maintenance   
12722 QI07 Incoming insp. and open pur. orders 
12723 QI08 Job overview of QM procurement keys 
12724 QK01 Assign QM order to material  
12725 QK02 Display assigned QM orders   
12726 QK04 Create QM order    
12727 QK05 Confirmed activities for insp. lot  
12728 QL11 Mat: Distribute Inspection Setup-AL   
12729 QL21 Master Inspection Characs (ALE)   
12730 QL31 Distribute Inspection Methods (ALE)   
12731 QL41 Distribute Code Groups (ALE)   
12732 QMW1 Create quality notification (WWW)   
12733 QM00 Quality Notifications     
12734 QM01 Create quality notification    
12735 QM02 Change quality notification    
12736 QM03 Display quality notification    
12737 QM10 Change list of quality notification  
12738 QM10WP QM10 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp  
12739 QM11 Display List of Qual. Notifications  
12740 QM12 Change list of tasks   
12741 QM13 Display list of tasks   
12742 QM13WP QM13 - Call from Workplace/MiniApp  
12743 QM14 Change list of items   
12744 QM15 Display list of items   
12745 QM16 Change activity list    
12746 QM17 Display activity list    
12747 QM19 List of Q Notifications; Multi-Leve  
12748 QM50 Time line display Q notifications  
12749 QPIQS8 QM MiniApp Selection Variant   
12750 QPIQS9 QM MiniApp Selection Variant   
12751 QPNQ Number ranges for inspection plans  
12752 QPQA32 QM MiniApp Selection Variant   
12753 QPQGC1 QM MiniApp Selection Variant   
12754 QPQM10 QM MiniApp Selection Variant   
12755 QPQM13 QM MiniApp Selection Variant   
12756 QPR1 Create physical sample    
12757 QPR2 Change physical sample    
12758 QPR3 Display physical sample    
12759 QPR4 Confirm physical sample drawing   
12760 QPR5 Manual inspection lots for physSamp  
12761 QPR6 Create new phys.-samp. drawing  
12762 QPR7 Storage Data Maintenance    
12763 QPV2 Maintain sample drawing procedure   
12764 QPV3 Display sample drawing procedure   
12765 QP01 Create      
12766 QP02 Change      
12767 QP03 Display      
12768 QP05 Print inspection plan    
12769 QP06 List: Missing/unusable insp. plans   
12770 QP07 List: Missing/Unusable GR InspPlans   
12771 QP08 Print task lists for material  
12772 QP11 Create reference operation set   
12773 QP12 Change reference operation set   
12774 QP13 Display reference operation set   
12775 QP48 Number Ranges for Physical Samples  
12776 QP49 Number range for phys. samp. drawin 
12777 QP60 Time-related development of plans   
12778 QP61 Display change documents insp.plan   
12779 QP62 Change documents ref.operation sets   
12780 QSR6 Delete routings     
12781 QST03 Display Stability History    
12782 QST04 Display Inspection Plans    
12783 QST05 Graphical Scheduling Overview    
12784 QST06 Scheduling Overview (StabilityStudy    
12785 QST07 Change Testing Schedule Items   
12786 QST08 Display Testing Schedule Items   
12787 QS21 Create master insp. characteristic   
12788 QS22 Create master insp. charac. version  
12789 QS23 Change master insp. charac. version  
12790 QS24 Display master insp. charac. versio  
12791 QS25 Delete master insp. charac. version  
12792 QS26 Display characteristic use    
12793 QS27 Replace master insp. characteristic   
12794 QS28 Display insp. charac. list   
12795 QS29 Maintain characteristic number rang   
12796 QS31 Create inspection method    
12797 QS32 Create inspection method version   
12798 QS33 Change inspection method version   
12799 QS34 Display inspection method version   
12800 QS35 Delete inspection method version   
12801 QS36 Display inspection method use   
12802 QS37 Central replacement of methods   
12803 QS38 Display inspection method list   
12804 QS39 Maintain method number range   
12805 QS4A Display catalog     
12806 QS41 Maintain catalog     
12807 QS42 Display catalog     
12808 QS43 Maintain catalog     
12809 QS44 Maintain catalog     
12810 QS45 Display catalog     
12811 QS46 Display code group use   
12812 QS47 Central replacement of code groups  
12813 QS48 Usage indicator - code groups  
12814 QS49 Display code groups and codes  
12815 QS51 Edit Selected Sets    
12816 QS52 Display selected set index   
12817 QS53 Maintain individual selected set   
12818 QS54 Maintain selected set    
12819 QS55 Display selected set    
12820 QS58 Usage indicator - selected sets  
12821 QS59 Display selected sets    
12822 QS61 Maintain material specification    
12823 QS62 Display material specification    
12824 QS63 Maintain material spec: Planning   
12825 QS64 Display material spec: For key date 
12826 QS65 Activate material specification    
12827 QS66 Plan activation of material spec.  
12828 QS67 Job overview: Activate mat. spec.  
12829 QTSA Product Allocations: Send Quantitie   
12830 QTSP Product Allocations:Send Customizin    
12831 QT00 Test Equipment Management    
12832 QT01 Test equipment management    
12833 QVM1 Inspection lots without completion   
12834 QVM2 Inspection lots with open quantitie  
12835 QVM3 Lots without usage decision   
12836 QV51 Create control for QM in SD 
12837 QV52 Change control for QM in SD 
12838 QV53 Display control for QM in SD 
12839 QZ00 Quality Certificates     
12840 Q000 Quality management     
12841 RAEP1 Procedure for Single Records: RA   
12842 RAEP2 Procedure for Final Results: RA  
12843 RCA00 Edit Generic Transaction    
12844 RCA01 Create Risk Object    
12845 RCA02 Change Risk Object    
12846 RCA03 Display Risk Object    
12847 RCA04 Copy Risk Object    
12848 RCA06 Delete Risk Object    
12849 RCC0G RT Control: Tables    
12850 RCC00 Configuration Menu for Risk Objects  
12851 RCC01 RO Control: Applications    
12852 RCC02 RO Control: Field Groups   
12853 RCC03 RO Control: Views    
12854 RCC04 RO Control: Sections    
12855 RCC05 RO Control: Screens    
12856 RCC06 RO Control: Screen Sequences   
12857 RCC07 RO Control: Events    
12858 RCC08 RO Control: Standard Functions   
12859 RCC09 RO Control: Additional Functions   
12860 RCC10 RO Control: Search Help   
12861 RCC11 RO Control: Assign DB Screen  
12862 RCC12 RO Control: Modification Criteria   
12863 RCC15 RO Control: Application Transaction   
12864 RCC18 RO Control: Activities    
12865 RCC19 RO Control: Field Mod. per Act. Cat
12866 RCC20 Authorization Types     
12867 RCC23 RO Control: Data Sets   
12868 RCDEF Definition of Risk Object   
12869 RCP02 Dummy Recipe Transaction for EH&S  
12870 RCP03 Dummy Recipe Transaction for EH&S  
12871 RDCA Send Vendor Documents    
12872 RDPT1 of Redemption Schedule Sets   
12873 RDPT2 Schedule of Redemption Schedules    
12874 RDPT3 Delete Redemption Schedule Sets    
12875 RDPT4 Delete Redemption Schedules     
12876 REAJCH Continue Adjustment     
12877 REAJPR Specify Adjustments     
12878 REAJRV Reverse Adjustments     
12879 REAJSH Display Adjustments     
12880 RECABT Generate BDT Subscreen Containers   
12881 RECALN Number Range Maint: RECALOG   
12882 RECALP for Log Overview (Internal)   
12883 RECARG Worklist: Update Objects    
12884 RECATM Manage Text Modules    
12885 RECDCG Flow Update for Contract   
12886 RECDCH Cash Flow for Rental Object  
12887 RECDZZ - Conditions     
12888 RECNAE ObjTypes - Contract Type   
12889 RECNRP Change Pers.Resp: Contracts     
12890 RECON1 Ext. Sec. Acct Statements   
12891 RECON2 Ext. Sec. Acct Statements   
12892 RECON3 Delete Ext. Security Acct Statement   
12893 RECOSE CO Settlement of Real Estate Object 
12894 REISAO Info System: Architectural Objects   
12895 REISBE Info System: Business Entities   
12896 REISBP Info System: Objects for Partner  
12897 REISBU Info System: Buildings    
12898 REISCN Info System: Contracts    
12899 REISPR Info System: Properties    
12900 REISRO Info System: Rental Objects   
12901 REITDS Input Tax Distribution    
12902 REPP1 CO-OM-IS User Settings: Customizing   
12903 RERAPL General Real Estate Posting Log  
12904 RERAPP Periodic Postings: Contracts    
12905 RERAVP Per. Posting: Rental Obj.(Vacancies   
12906 RESCA Import A-tape     
12907 RESCBC Posting of Settlement    
12908 RESCCC Cost Collector     
12909 RESCD Import D-tape     
12910 RESCIS of Service Charge Settlm   
12911 RESCML Create M/L-Tape     
12912 RESCRV Reversal of Service Chg Settlement   
12913 RESCSE Service Charge Settlement    
12914 RESRBC of Settlement     
12915 RESRCL Display Results of Calculation    
12916 RESRIS on Sales-Based Settlement    
12917 RESRMO Change Results      
12918 RESRRP Collective Entry of Sales Reports  
12919 RESRRV Reversal of Sales-Based Settlement    
12920 RESRSE Sales-Based Rent Settlement    
12921 RE80 RE Navigator     
12922 RFAF Store order follow-on documents   
12923 RISV Setup: Retail Info System - Version 
12924 RJB1 External Data Transfer Workbench   
12925 RKLNT Counterparty Risk of Netting Group  
12926 RKLSI Overview of Collateral Provision   
12927 RL23 Document Display for Ledger 3A  
12928 RM_01 Initialize view     
12929 RM_02 Regenerate View     
12930 RM_97 Display of DB Logs   
12931 RM_98 Diagnosis of BP Admin. Tables  
12932 RM_99 Deactivate Financial Objects    
12933 RMBDSA Overview of Report Data   
12934 RMBDSB Create Report Data    
12935 RMBK1 BCA: Derivation Strategy    
12936 RMBK2 BCA: Rule Entries    
12937 RMCM Link Between Cash Mgmt and Risk Mgm
12938 RMDR1 Gen.Transaction: Derivation Strateg    
12939 RMDR2 Gen. Transaction: Rule Entries   
12940 RMD01 FO: Derivation Strategy    
12941 RMD02 Financial Object: Rule Entries   
12942 RMFD Financial Object Data    
12943 RMFZ1 Derivation of RM Part for Facilitie 
12944 RMRB Dataset Management     
12945 RMVARS Display Shifts during VaR Evaluatio  
12946 RMVT1 Variable Trans: Derivation Strategy   
12947 RMVT2 Variable Transaction: Rule Entries   
12948 RMV0 Single Value Analysis: VAR   
12949 RMWB Start Workbench     
12950 RMW99 Area Menu     
12951 RPAM Info. Sys. Rec.Ldgr: Report Currenc  
12952 RPAN Info.Sys. Rec.Ledger: Presettings    
12953 RPA0 Info.Sys. Rec.Ledger: Presettings    
12954 RPA1 Info. Sys. Rec.Ldgr: Report Currenc  
12955 RPBN Info.Sys. Proc.: Presettings    
12956 RPB0 Info.Sys. Proc.: Presettings    
12957 RPCN Info. System CCtrs: Presettings   
12958 RPC0 Info. System CCtrs: Presettings   
12959 RPC1 Info. System CCtrs: Presettings   
12960 RPC2 Info. System CCtrs: Presettings   
12961 RPDK Workflow for Danish Payroll   
12962 RPON Info. System Orders: Presettings   
12963 RPO0 Info. System Orders: Presettings   
12964 RPPN Proj. Info System: Default Settings  
12965 RPP0 Proj. Info System: Default Settings  
12966 RPXN CO-OM Information System: Settings   
12967 RPX0 CO-OM Information System: Settings   
12968 RSA0 Content Settings Maintenance    
12969 RSA10 Realtime Test Interface Srce System  
12970 RSA2 OLTP Metadata Repository    
12971 RSA3 Extractor Checker     
12972 RSA5 Install Business Content    
12973 RSA6 Maintain DataSources     
12974 RSA7 BW Delta Queue Monitor   
12975 RSA8 DataSource Repository     
12976 RSA9 Transfer Application Components    
12977 RSFH Test Transaction Data Extractors   
12978 RSMD Extractor Checker     
12979 RSO2 Oltp Metadata Repository    
12980 RSO3 Set Up Deltas for Master Data 
12981 RSRR BW RRI on the Web  
12982 RSTB Choose Object Name    
12983 RTBSTD Position Management for Gen.Trans.   
12984 RTDE Retail Ledger: Del. Transaction Dat  
12985 RTGDI Direct input for routings   
12986 RTHCOC Create Retail Object Assignment   
12987 RTHCOD Display Retail Object Assignment   
12988 RTHCOM Change Retail Object Assignment   
12989 RTKB Maintain Number Range: KB_NRRANGE   
12990 RTPB01 RPUS Cntrl: Application Transaction   
12991 RTPB02 RPUS Cntrl: Tables    
12992 RTPB03 RPUS Cntrl: Activities    
12993 RTPB04 RPUS struct: Applications    
12994 RTPB05 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Field Group 
12995 RTPB06 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Views  
12996 RTPB07 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Sections  
12997 RTPB08 RPUS Struct Scr Layout: Screens  
12998 RTPB09 RPUS Struct: Screen Sequence   
12999 RTPB10 RPUS Struct: Events    
13000 RTPB11 RPUS GUI: Standard Functions   

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