Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 5001-6000

5001 F882 Change Acceptance Request    
5002 F883 Display Acceptance Request    
5003 F884 Release Acceptance Request    
5004 F885 Delete Acceptance Request    
5005 F886 Defer Acceptance Request    
5006 F887 Waive Acceptance Order Temporarily   
5007 F888 Waive Acceptance Request    
5008 F889 Create Acceptance Deduction Request   
5009 F890 Reverse Temporary Waiver    
5010 F891 Create Clearing Request    
5011 F892 Change Clearing Request    
5012 F893 Display Clearing Request    
5013 F894 Release Clearing Request    
5014 F895 Delete Clearing Request    
5015 F896 Create Blanket Remainder Clean Up  
5016 F899 Bundle Requests     
5017 F899R Bundle FI Documents to Request  
5018 F9A0 BCA: Block Checks    
5019 F9A1 Create Check     
5020 F9A10 Edit Block     
5021 F9A11 Delete Check     
5022 F9A12 Creat Check Stack    
5023 F9A13 Request Check Stack (Customer)   
5024 F9A16 BCA: Delete Stack Creation   
5025 F9A18 BCA: Request Checks from Location  
5026 F9A19 BCA: Release Check Stack   
5027 F9A20 Display Check Stack    
5028 F9A21 BCA: Block Check Stack   
5029 F9A23 Lift Block     
5030 F9A25 BCA: Location Maintenance Pos. Mgmt  
5031 F9A26 BCA: Stack Location Settings   
5032 F9A4 BCA: Request Check    
5033 F9A50 Change Check Status    
5034 F9A7 BCA: Revoke Check Block   
5035 F9A8 Check Locks     
5036 F9A9 BCA: Display Checks    
5037 F9B1 BCA: Posting cut-off paym. transact  
5038 F9B2 Posting Cut-Off Pay. Trans. Batch  
5039 F9B3 User Log Currency Changeover   
5040 F9B4 BCA: Report Currency Conversion   
5041 F9C{ Authorization Types Payment Items   
5042 F9C[ Authorization Types for Condiitons   
5043 F9CC1 Authorizations for Field Groups   
5044 F9CC2 Screen Configuration     
5045 F9C} Authorization Types Payment Orders   
5046 F9CSOB SO Ctrl: Assig. ScrnFld->DBfld   
5047 F9CSOC SO Control: Field Modificat.Criteri   
5048 F9CSOD SO Control: Products    
5049 F9CSOE SO Control: Product Group   
5050 F9CSOF SO Control: Applic. Transactions   
5051 F9CSOH SO Control: Tables    
5052 F9CSOI SO Control: Activities    
5053 F9CSOJ SO Control: FM per Activity  
5054 F9CSO1 SO Control: Applications    
5055 F9CSO2 SO Control: Field Groups   
5056 F9CSO3 SO Control: Views    
5057 F9CSO4 SO Control: Sections    
5058 F9CSO5 SO Control: Screens    
5059 F9CSO6 SO Control: Screen Sequence   
5060 F9CSO7 SO Control: Events    
5061 F9CSO8 SO Control: CUA Standard Functions  
5062 F9CSO9 SO Control: CUA Additional Function  
5063 F9C4 Authorization types     
5064 F9C6 BCA: Field Modification Account Typ  
5065 F9C7 BCA: Field Modification Activity   
5066 F9C] Position: Authorization Types    
5067 F9DDCC Conversion Dir. Debit Orde   
5068 F9GA Create Bank Statement Recipient   
5069 F9GB Change Bank Statement Recipient   
5070 F9GC Dispaly Bank Statement Recipient   
5071 F9GL Display All BP Roles    
5072 F9G1 Create acct holder    
5073 F9G2 Change acct holder    
5074 F9G3 Display Account Holder    
5075 F9G4 Create Authorized Drawer    
5076 F9G5 Change Authorized Drawer    
5077 F9G6 Display Authorized Drawer    
5078 F9G7 Create Account Holder    
5079 F9G8 Change Account Holder    
5080 F9G9 Display Account Holder    
5081 F9HI Transfer BCA - GL   
5082 F9HL Bal.Sheet Prep. BCA - GL  
5083 F9HO GL Control for Legacy Data  
5084 F9HRVA Individual Value Adjustment    
5085 F9H0 Account Hierarchy Change History   
5086 F9H1 Create Account Hierarchy    
5087 F9H2 Change Account Hierarchy    
5088 F9H3 Display Account Hierarchy    
5089 F9H4 Cash Concentration: Single Run   
5090 F9H5 Cash Concentration: Restart    
5091 F9H6 Cash Concentration: Mass Run   
5092 F9IA Release Payment Order    
5093 F9IB Release Payment Item    
5094 F9IC Create Payment Order Former Account  
5095 F9ID BCA: CpD Editing of Payment Item 
5096 F9IE Create Payment Item Former Account  
5097 F9IF BCA: CpD Display of Payment Item 
5098 F9IG Reverse Payment Item    
5099 F9II Return Payment Item    
5100 F9IJ Edit Payment Item    
5101 F9IK Create Return Payment Order   
5102 F9IL Create Planned Item    
5103 F9IM Delete Planned Item    
5104 F9IN Display Planned Items    
5105 F9IO Post Planned item    
5106 F9IP Planned items     
5107 F9I1 Create Payment Order - External  
5108 F9I2 Create Payment Order - Internal  
5109 F9I3 Display Payment Order    
5110 F9I4 Create Payment Item    
5111 F9I7 Display Payment Item    
5112 F9I8 Postprocess Payment Item    
5113 F9I9 Edit Payment Order (General)   
5114 F9J0 Display Application Log    
5115 F9J1 Reconcile with Legacy System   
5116 F9KAC Account Closure     
5117 F9KD Account Closure     
5118 F9KE Application Log Account Closure   
5119 F9KG Release Limits     
5120 F9KH Release Currency Changeovers    
5121 F9KMOC Change business partner     
5122 F9KY Close Account     
5123 F9K1 Create Account     
5124 F9K2 Change account     
5125 F9K3 Display Account     
5126 F9L; Master Data Settings    
5127 F9LBDT Development in BDT Environment   
5128 F9LTC Control      
5129 F9L0 Settings for Additional Development   
5130 F9L4 Posting Date for Closing in Dialog 
5131 F9MN Bank Customer Accounts    
5132 F9M1 Bank Customer Accounts: Settings   
5133 F9M2 Business Partner: Settings    
5134 F9M3 Relationships: Settings     
5135 F9M4 Settings Payment Transactions    
5136 F9M5 Condition Settings     
5137 F9NTC4 Notice: Mass Release    
5138 F9N1 Create Bank Statements    
5139 F9N10 Overview End of Day Processing  
5140 F9N11 Start End-of-Day Processing    
5141 F9N12 Overview of Current Mass Runs  
5142 F9N13 Accts. Blocked by Single Balancing  
5143 F9N14 Creation Bk.State. Restar    
5144 F9N15 Duplicate Creation Single Run   
5145 F9N16 Balance Notification Mass Run   
5146 F9N17 Notification Single Run    
5147 F9N18 Balance Notification     
5148 F9N19 Balance Notification Application Lo   
5149 F9N3 Application Log Bank Statement   
5150 F9N4 Restart - Bank Statement   
5151 F9N6 Posting Date for Balancing as Batch 
5152 F9N7 Bank Statement - Single Account  
5153 F9N8 List of Accounts in End of DayProc
5154 F9N9 Statement - Duplicate Creation   
5155 F9OA Standing Order: Display Applic. Log  
5156 F9OF Create Foreign Payment Order   
5157 F9OG Post Standing Order    
5158 F9OH Postprocess Payment Order    
5159 F9OI Reverse Payment Order    
5160 F9O01 Change stand. order    
5161 F9O02 Change stand. order    
5162 F9O03 Display Standing Order    
5163 F9O43 Standing Order     
5164 F9O6 Delete stand. order    
5165 F9O61 Standing Order Deletion    
5166 F9SA CA Control: Matchcode    
5167 F9SB CA Control: Assign. Scr.Field->DBFl   
5168 F9SC CA Control: Field Modific. Criteria  
5169 F9SD CA Control: Products    
5170 F9SE CA Control: Product Group   
5171 F9SF CA Control: Application Transaction   
5172 F9SH CA Control: Tables    
5173 F9SI PAIT Control: Field Groups   
5174 F9SJ Condition Control: Field Groups   
5175 F9SK Cond.Control: Assign.Sc.Fld.->DB Fl    
5176 F9SL Cond.Control: Assign. Table<->FuMod    
5177 F9SM Position Control: Field Groups   
5178 F9SN PAIT Control: Scrn.Fld. <-> DB Fiel 
5179 F9SO Position Control: Scrn.Fld.->DB Fld   
5180 F9SOCC Standing Order Currency Changeover   
5181 F9SP Position Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod  
5182 F9SQ PAIT Control: Table <-> Fun.Mod.  
5183 F9SR PAOR Control: Field Groups   
5184 F9SS PAOR Control: Scrn.Fld.<-> DB Field  
5185 F9ST PAOR Control: Table <-> Func. Mod. 
5186 F9SX BCA Control: External Applications   
5187 F9S1 CA Control: Applications    
5188 F9S18 CA Control: Activities    
5189 F9S19 CA Control: Field Mod. per Activity 
5190 F9S2 CA Control: Field Groups   
5191 F9S3 CA Control: Views    
5192 F9S4 CA Control: Sections    
5193 F9S5 CA Control: Screens    
5194 F9S6 CA Control: Screen Sequences   
5195 F9S7 CA Control: Events    
5196 F9S8 CA Control: CUA Standard Functions  
5197 F9S9 CA Control: CUA Additional Function  
5198 F9VW Preparation of Currency Changeover   
5199 F960 Application Log Cash Concentration   
5200 F961 Application Log FI Transfer   
5201 F962 Application Log Balance Sheet Prep.  
5202 F963 Appl. log prep.(backdated)   
5203 F97A Overview of BCA Reconciliation Keys  
5204 F97A1 Reconciliation key detail display   
5205 F97C Internal Reference Accts    
5206 F97CX External Reference Accts    
5207 F97E Recon. to reconciliation key   
5208 F97G FI Document/BCA Posting    
5209 F97I BCA /SAP FI Balances   
5210 F97J Appl. log prep.(backdated)   
5211 F970 Account Balances     
5212 F971 Account Locks     
5213 F972 Overdraft List     
5214 F973 Display reconcil. balance list 1  
5215 F974 Display reconcil. balance list 2  
5216 F975 Compensation statememt daily status   
5217 F976 Overview Interest Accrual/Deferral    
5218 F977 Correction parked payment items   
5219 F978 Reconcil. List: FI Documents   
5220 F98A Release Charge Conditions    
5221 F98B Edit Value Date Conditions   
5222 F98C Display Value Date Donditions   
5223 F98D Release Value Date Conditions   
5224 F98E Edit Condition Assignment    
5225 F98F Display Condition Assignment    
5226 F98G Release Condition Assignment    
5227 F98H Release Condit. Assign. for Deletio  
5228 F98I Release Conditions for Deletion   
5229 F98R Retroactive Condition Change    
5230 F98RK Retroactive Condition Change    
5231 F98TM Application Log for Term Control  
5232 F980 Acc/Def Individ. Statement    
5233 F982 Edit general conditions    
5234 F983 Display General Conditions    
5235 F984 Release General Conditions    
5236 F985 Edit Interest Conditions    
5237 F986 Display Interest Conditions    
5238 F987 Release Interest Conditions    
5239 F988 Edit Charge Conditions    
5240 F989 Display Charge Conditions    
5241 F99C Restart Interest Acc./Def.    
5242 F99D Preparation Early Account Balancing   
5243 F99E Closing: Settled Accounts    
5244 F99F Single Acct. Closing: Restart   
5245 F99G Check Account Balancing Ext. Data  
5246 F991 Mass Acct. Balancing (Int./Charges)   
5247 F992 Application Log Account Balancing   
5248 F992EX Application Log Acct Balancing EDT  
5249 F993 Accrual/Deferral for General Ledger   
5250 F994 Application Log Accrual/Deferral    
5251 F995 Restart Account Balancing    
5252 F996 Single Acct. Balancing (Int./Charge   
5253 F997 Early Mass Account Balancing   
5254 F997S Early Individual Account Balancing   
5255 F999 Interest scale     
5256 GAL1 Update Assignment Table EDIMAP   
5257 GAL2 Generate Export/Import     
5258 GAL3 Export of G/L acct transactn figure 
5259 GAOV Cycle Overview FI-SL    
5260 GAR5 Display Structure of Local DBs  
5261 GA1D Delete allocation line items   
5262 GA11 Create FI-SL Actual Assessment   
5263 GA11N Create FI-SL Actual Assessment   
5264 GA12 Change FI-SL Actual Assessment   
5265 GA12N Change FI-SL Actual Assessment   
5266 GA13 Display FI-SL actual assessment   
5267 GA13N Display FI-SL Actual Assessment   
5268 GA14 Delete FI-SL Actual Assessment   
5269 GA14N Delete FI-SL Actual Assessment   
5270 GA15 Execute FI-SL actual assessment   
5271 GA16 Actual Assessment Overview    
5272 GA2A Delete FI-SL Planned Assessment   
5273 GA2AN Delete FI-SL Planned Assessment   
5274 GA2B Execute FI-SL Planned Assessment   
5275 GA2C Plan Assessment Overview    
5276 GA27 Create FI-SL Planned Assessment   
5277 GA27N Create FI-SL Planned Assessment   
5278 GA28 Change FI-SL Planned Assessment   
5279 GA28N Change FI-SL Planned Assessment   
5280 GA29 Display FI-SL Planned Assessment   
5281 GA29N Display FI-SL Planned Assessment   
5282 GA31 Create FI-SL actual distribution   
5283 GA31N Create FI-SL Actual Distribution   
5284 GA32 Change FI-SL actual distribution   
5285 GA32N Change FI-SL Actual Distribution   
5286 GA33 Display FI-SL actual distribution   
5287 GA33N Display FI-SL Actual Distribution   
5288 GA34 Delete FI-SL actual distribution   
5289 GA34N Delete FI-SL Actual Distribution   
5290 GA35 Execute FI-SL actual distribution   
5291 GA36 Actual Distribution Overview    
5292 GA4A Delete FI-SL Planned Distribution   
5293 GA4AN Delete FI-SL Planned Distribution   
5294 GA4B Execute FI-SL Planned Distribution   
5295 GA4C Plan Distribution Overview    
5296 GA47 Create FI-SL Planned Distribution   
5297 GA47N Create FI-SL Planned Distribution   
5298 GA48 Change FI-SL Planned Distribution   
5299 GA48N Change FI-SL Planned Distribution   
5300 GA49 Display FI-SL Planned Distribution   
5301 GA49N Display FI-SL Planned Distribution   
5302 GB01 Document Entry for Local Ledgers  
5303 GB02 Number Range Maint.for Local Ledger  
5304 GB03 Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers   
5305 GB04 Number Range Maint.for Local Ledger  
5306 GB05 Number Range Maint.f.Global Ledgers   
5307 GB06 Reverse Local FI-SL Actual Documnts  
5308 GB11 Document Entry for Global Ledgers  
5309 GB16 Reverse Global FI-SL Actual Docmnts  
5310 GCAC Ledger comparison     
5311 GCAE Ledger comparison w/diff. clearing   
5312 GCAG Generate FI-SL Archiving    
5313 GCAN Analysis of FI-SL Database Contents  
5314 GCAR Ledger Comparison Remote    
5315 GCA9 Check allocation customizing    
5316 GCBW1 Generate summ.table trans. structur   
5317 GCBW2 Generate summ.table trans. structur   
5318 GCB1 Change FI-SL Customizing Comp. Code  
5319 GCB2 Display FI-SL Customizing Comp.Code   
5320 GCB3 Copy FI-SL Customizing Company Code  
5321 GCB4 FI-SL: Delete Company Code   
5322 GCCG Generate Code for FI-SL   
5323 GCDE Delete FI-SL Transaction Data   
5324 GCDF Delete FI-SL Transaction Data   
5325 GCD1 FI-SL Customizing: Diagnosis Tool   
5326 GCD2 List of FI-SL Direct Posting Tables 
5327 GCD3 Graphical Navigation in FI-SL   
5328 GCD4 Check General Ledger    
5329 GCD5 Check Currencies in FI-SL   
5330 GCD6 Graphic Display of FI-SL Tables  
5331 GCEE FI-LC: Reconcil. of bal. carried fw 
5332 GCEF FI-LC: Reconcil. of fin. data table 
5333 GCEG Ingeration: Euro transaction types   
5334 GCEJ Suggest FI-LC package assignment   
5335 GCEK Reconcil. integration <_> CF FILCT  
5336 GCEL Item substitution/Ret. earn. (CF)   
5337 GCEM Post extract in carryforward period  
5338 GCEN Check whether balance carried fwd  
5339 GCEP Delete period values for current yr 
5340 GCEQ KONS-EURO: End Package    
5341 GCEU Item can be Included in Bal.Sheet 
5342 GCF1 Create FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign.  
5343 GCF2 Change FI-SL Customizng Fld Assign.  
5344 GCF3 Display FI-SL Customizng Fd Assign.  
5345 GCF4 FI-SL: Delete Field Assignment   
5346 GCGE Activate Global Plan Line Items  
5347 GCGG Generation of GLU1    
5348 GCGS Reconciliation of total line items  
5349 GCG1 Create FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp.   
5350 GCG2 Change FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp.   
5351 GCG3 Display FI-SL Customizing Glob.Comp   
5352 GCG4 Copy FI-SL Customizing Global Comp.  
5353 GCG5 FI-SL Customizing: Delete Companies   
5354 GCHE Monitor flexible general ledger   
5355 GCIN Maintain FI-SL tables    
5356 GCIQ Quick installation FI-SL    
5357 GCI1 Installation of FI-SL Tables   
5358 GCI2 FI-SL: Installation of Object Table  
5359 GCJU Diagnosis: Direct Access to Functio  
5360 GCLE Activate Local Plan Line Items  
5361 GCL1 Create FI-SL Customizing Ledger   
5362 GCL2 Change FI-SL Customizing Ledger   
5363 GCL3 Display FI-SL Customizing Ledger   
5364 GCL4 Delete FI-SL Customizing Ledger   
5365 GCL6 FI-SL: Copy Ledger    
5366 GCM1 Conversion      
5367 GCRB Report Selection     
5368 GCRE1 Activate drilldown rep. for SL tabl 
5369 GCRE2 Deactivate drilldown rep. - SL tabl 
5370 GCR1 Rollup: Create Field Assignment   
5371 GCR2 Rollup: Change Field Assignment   
5372 GCR3 Rollup: Display Field Assignment   
5373 GCR6 FI-SL Customizing:Del.Rollup Fld.A.    
5374 GCR7 Rollup: Direct Access    
5375 GCR8 Rollup: Direct Access    
5376 GCTA Transport Rules     
5377 GCTR Transport from Report Writer object  
5378 GCTS Transport of sets and variables  
5379 GCT0 Transport of Substitutions    
5380 GCT1 Transport Ledger     
5381 GCT2 FI-SL Activation     
5382 GCT3 Control Information     
5383 GCT4 Transport Rollup     
5384 GCT5 Transport: Planning Parameters    
5385 GCT6 Transport Distribution Key    
5386 GCT7 Transport: Cycles     
5387 GCT8 Transport: Document Types    
5388 GCT9 Transport of Validations    
5389 GCUP Subsequently posting CO data to FIS 
5390 GCU0 Customizing FI-GLX Menu    
5391 GCU1 Data Transfer from FI   
5392 GCU2 Generate G1U2     
5393 GCU3 Transfer Data From CO   
5394 GCU4 Subsequent Posting of Data From MM 
5395 GCU5 Subsequent Posting of Data frm Sale 
5396 GCU6 CO plan doc subs. posting to FI-SL
5397 GCU9 Delete Transaction Data    
5398 GCVB Update Type in FI-SL   
5399 GCVO Preparation for FI-SL Customizing   
5400 GCVZ Rule Maintenance     
5401 GCV1 FI-SL: Create Activity    
5402 GCV2 Change FI-SL Customizing Activity   
5403 GCV3 Display FI-SL Customizing Activity   
5404 GCV4 FI-SL Customizing: Delete Activity   
5405 GCW4 Sp.Purpose Ldgr Currency Translatio   
5406 GCW7 Transport Currency Translation Mthd   
5407 GCZ3 Generate Report Groups    
5408 GC01 Call GS01 for LC   
5409 GC10 FI-LC: Print Companies    
5410 GC11 Create Company Master Record   
5411 GC12 Change Company Master Record   
5412 GC13 Display Company Master Record   
5413 GC14 Delete Company Master Record   
5414 GC16 Create Subgroup Master Record   
5415 GC17 Change Subgroup Master Record   
5416 GC18 Display Subgroup     
5417 GC19 FI-LC: Print Subgroups    
5418 GC21 Enter Individual Fin.Statement Data   
5419 GC22 Display Individual Fin. Stmt Data  
5420 GC23 FI-LC: Document Entry    
5421 GC24 FI-LC: Display Document    
5422 GC25 Maintain Consolidation Number Range   
5423 GC26 FI-LC: Journal Entry Report   
5424 GC27 FI-LC: Customize Journal Entry Repr  
5425 GC28 Status Display     
5426 GC29 Status Management     
5427 GC30 FI-LC: Mass Reversal    
5428 GC31 FI-LC: Customize Curr. Translation   
5429 GC32 FI-LC: Customizing Consolidation    
5430 GC33 FI-LC: Financial Data Table Maint.  
5431 GC34 FI-LC: Reported Data Table Display  
5432 GC35 FI-LC: Transport Table Entries/Sets   
5433 GC36 Transport connection: Cons.Inv.Cust    
5434 GC38 Data transfer     
5435 GC39 Change Local Valuation Data   
5436 GC4P FI-LC Print Step-Consolidated Group   
5437 GC41 GLT3 - Maintain GLT3 sub-assignment  
5438 GC44 Send Financial Statement Data   
5439 GC45 Delete Subgroup     
5440 GC50 Report Selection     
5441 GC51 Report Selection     
5442 GC60 Data for elim. of IC profit/loss 
5443 GC61 Export of Transaction Data   
5444 GC62 Import of Transaction Data   
5445 GC63 Liability Method     
5446 GC99 Consolidation Test Data    
5447 GD00 Report Selection     
5448 GD02 FI-SL line item plan documents  
5449 GD12 Flex.G/L: Totals Record Display   
5450 GD13 Totals record display    
5451 GD20 Start Selectin FI-SL Line Items  
5452 GD21 Flexible G/L: Document Selection   
5453 GD22 Flex. G/L: Actual Document Display  
5454 GD23 FI-SL: Local Actual Document Displa  
5455 GD33 FI-SL: Global Actual Doc. Display  
5456 GD42 Flex. G/L: Plan Document Display  
5457 GD43 FI-SL: Local Plan Document Display  
5458 GD44 FI-SL: Global Plan Document Display  
5459 GD51 Enter Local FI-SL Master Data  
5460 GD52 Change Local FI-SL Master Data  
5461 GD53 Display Local FI-SL Master Data  
5462 GD54 Delete Local FI-SL Master Data  
5463 GD60 Create Code Combinations    
5464 GD61 Maintain Code Combinations    
5465 GD62 Display Code Combinations    
5466 GD63 Code combinations activation    
5467 GD64 Code combinations deactivation    
5468 GENC Generate Source Code    
5469 GGB0 Validation Maintenance     
5470 GGB1 Substitution Maintenance     
5471 GGB4 Analysis tool for valid./subst.   
5472 GINS G/L installation     
5473 GJAA JOA Master Transaction    
5474 GJAC JVA in a Client   
5475 GJA1 Create joint operating agreement   
5476 GJA2 Change joint operating agreement   
5477 GJA3 Display joint operating agreement   
5478 GJA4 JOA master data catalog   
5479 GJA5 Display changes for Joint Op. Agree 
5480 GJA8 JV JOA screen    
5481 GJBR Billing reconciliation     
5482 GJBT Billing threshold check    
5483 GJCA Housebank switching     
5484 GJCB JV Cutback Program    
5485 GJCC Copy configuration from company cod  
5486 GJCN Convenience netting     
5487 GJCU Cutback Ledger Update    
5488 GJCUST JV Customizing     
5489 GJC1 Activate company in JV   
5490 GJC2 Deactivate company in JV   
5491 GJDA Delete JOA     
5492 GJDE Delete Joint Venture Data   
5493 GJEC Pre-Cutback Equity_Change Managemen    
5494 GJEV Process history     
5495 GJFA Print Allocation Information    
5496 GJFB Execute JV assessment - plan  
5497 GJF1 Create JV assessment cycle - actual 
5498 GJF2 Change JV assessment cycle - actual 
5499 GJF3 Display JV assessment cycle - actua 
5500 GJF4 Delete JV assessment cycle - actual 
5501 GJF5 Execute JV assessment - actual  
5502 GJF6 Overview JV assessment    
5503 GJF7 Create JV assessment cycle - plan 
5504 GJF8 Change JV assessment cycle - plan 
5505 GJF9 Display JV assessment cycle - plan 
5506 GJGA Display JOA graphically    
5507 GJGB Document Entry for Local Ledgers  
5508 GJGO Driver transaction for customizing   
5509 GJGP Document Entry for Local Ledgers  
5510 GJGR Graphical Navigation JVA    
5511 GJG1 #NAME?
5512 GJG2 #NAME?
5513 GJG3 Display JV distribution cycle-actua   
5514 GJG4 #NAME?
5515 GJG5 Execute JV distribution - actual  
5516 GJG6 Overview distribution - actual   
5517 GJG7 #NAME?
5518 GJG8 Change JV distribution cycle - plan 
5519 GJG9 Display JV distribution cycle-plan   
5520 GJIS Install JV standard reports   
5521 GJJA JV Load Balancing    
5522 GJJ1 Generate JADE audit file   
5523 GJJ2 Billing extracts     
5524 GJLI Summary ledger line items   
5525 GJLI2 Billing ledger line items   
5526 GJL2 C JVA Change Ledger   
5527 GJL3 C JVA Display Ledger   
5528 GJL7 Plan Data Transfer by Documents  
5529 GJNO Non open item unreal. exchange diff 
5530 GJNR JV Number range customizing   
5531 GJPN Partner Netting     
5532 GJP1 JVA NPI/CI Netting (with CI Grp) 
5533 GJQA Change Condition Table (CRP)   
5534 GJQB Change Condition Table (CRP)   
5535 GJQ0 CRP Customising Menu    
5536 GJQ5 Create Conditions (CRP)    
5537 GJQ6 Change Conditions (CRP)    
5538 GJQ7 Display Conditions (CRP)    
5539 GJQ8 Create Conditions (Purchasing)    
5540 GJRC Cash Call Reclass    
5541 GJRS Configure report selection    
5542 GJRX Bericht auswählen     
5543 GJR1 Summary Ledger Reporting    
5544 GJR2 Billing Ledger Reporting    
5545 GJR3 JV EDI Inbound: IDOC Status Report 
5546 GJR4 EDI: Invoice and Operating Statemen  
5547 GJR5 JV EDI Inbound: Unusual Expenditure  
5548 GJR6 JV EDI Inbound: Memo AFE Projects 
5549 GJR7 JV EDI Inbnd: Expenditure Compariso  
5550 GJR8 810/819 Mapping Report    
5551 GJR9 810/819 Property Error    
5552 GJSX Call set maintenance    
5553 GJTR C FI Month End Advance Tax Return
5554 GJT0 Reverse AM/MM Transfer document   
5555 GJT1 JV Transfer Asset to Asset  
5556 GJT2 JV Transfer Asset to Asset  
5557 GJT3 JV Transfer Asset to Asset  
5558 GJT4 JV Transfer Asset to Asset  
5559 GJT5 JV Transfer Asset to Asset  
5560 GJT6 JV Transfer Asset to Asset  
5561 GJVA Advance Tax Report    
5562 GJVC IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting co  
5563 GJVD Joint Venture Deletion    
5564 GJVE List Venture / Equity Groups  
5565 GJVG Bank Acct Switch - Create Data 
5566 GJVP IS-OIL: Joint Venture Accounting pr  
5567 GJVV Joint Venture Master Transaction   
5568 GJV1 Create Joint Venture Master   
5569 GJV2 Change Joint Venture Master   
5570 GJV3 Display Joint Venture Master   
5571 GJV4 Joint Venture Customizing Menu   
5572 GJV5 Display Change Documents JV-Master   
5573 GJ0A Non-Operated Billing by Operator V.  
5574 GJ0B Non-Operated Billing by Venture V.2  
5575 GJ01 Net Cash Call to Equity Group 
5576 GJ02 JV Gross Cash Call To Equit Group
5577 GJ03 JV Net Cash Call To Project 
5578 GJ04 JV Gross Cash Call To Project 
5579 GJ05 JV Non-operated cash call to eq grp
5580 GJ06 JV Non-Operated Cash Call to Projec 
5581 GJ09 Joint Venture detailed information   
5582 GJ10 Yearly balance shifting    
5583 GJ11 Joint Venture master data catalog  
5584 GJ12 Billing Ledger Extract    
5585 GJ13 Joint Venture Ledger Extract   
5586 GJ14 Hard Copy Billing    
5587 GJ16 EDI Billing     
5588 GJ17 Suspense Project / Equity Group  
5589 GJ18 Partner Suspense Clearing    
5590 GJ19 Equity Adjustments     
5591 GJ20 Venture Bank Account Switching   
5592 GJ3R Intercompany Mapping     
5593 GJ4A Periodic updates for company code  
5594 GJ54 JOA detailed information    
5595 GJ60 EDI Outbound Base Configuration   
5596 GJ82 Create BTCI Sessions for Cash Calls 
5597 GJ83 JV Automatic posting    
5598 GJ84 JVA NPI/CI Netting (without CI Grp) 
5599 GJ85 JV Automated Postings (Cost Calcs)  
5600 GJ87 Display summary ledger totals   
5601 GJ88 Display billing ledger totals   
5602 GJ89 Automatic Adjust of Overhead Rates  
5603 GJ90 JV Realized exchange differences   
5604 GJ91 JV Unrealized exchange    
5605 GJ92 JV Goods receipt expense orders  
5606 GJ93 JV Goods receipt inventory orders  
5607 GJ94 International Cost Calculations    
5608 GJ95 North American Overhead Calculation   
5609 GJ96 Payroll Burden Clearing    
5610 GJ97 Compare FI with JV document  
5611 GJ98 North America Overhead Detail Repor  
5612 GLA1 Activate flexible G/L    
5613 GLBW Foreign Currency Valuation:G/L Asst   
5614 GLCF Blnce carrd fwrd: Summ for P&L acct
5615 GLC1 Flexible G/L: Currencies    
5616 GLC2 Flex.G/L: Activate local ledger   
5617 GLDE Deletion of Flex G/L transactn data 
5618 GLGCA9 Check allocation customizing    
5619 GLGCU1 Transfer opening balance flex. G/L  
5620 GLGCU2 Copy transaction figures    
5621 GLGVTR Flexible G/L: Balance carry forward  
5622 GLLI Activate Local Plan Line Items  
5623 GLL1 Create ledger     
5624 GLL2 Change ledger     
5625 GLL3 Display ledger     
5626 GLL4 Delete ledger     
5627 GLPLC FI-SL Change Planning Layout   
5628 GLPLD FI-SL Display Planning Layout   
5629 GLPLI FI-SL Create Planning Layout   
5630 GLPLUP FI-SL: Excel Upload of Plan Data 
5631 GLR1 Flex. G/L: Create rollup ledger  
5632 GLR2 Flex. G/L: Change rollup ledger  
5633 GLR3 Display flex. G/L rollup ledger  
5634 GLR4 Flex. G/L: Delete rollup ledger  
5635 GL10 Flexible G/L: Transaction figures   
5636 GL21 Create rollup     
5637 GL22 Change rollup     
5638 GL23 Display rollup     
5639 GL24 Delete rollup     
5640 GL25 Execute rollup     
5641 GL26 Reverse rollup     
5642 GMLDBW GM Special Ledger BW Extractors  
5643 GMNRG Not Relevant Grant    
5644 GMS1 GM Grant Control: Applications   
5645 GMS100 GM Grant Ctrl: Fld grp per activity
5646 GMS101 GM Grant Ctrl: Fld grp per rolecat
5647 GMS102 GMGC: Authorization Types    
5648 GMS103 GMGC: Field Grps for Authorization  
5649 GMS104 GM: Visual Screen Tool   
5650 GMS105 GMGC: Field Groups for Ext.Applictn  
5651 GMS106 GMGC: Note View for Role Categories 
5652 GMS107 GMGC: Where-Used Views    
5653 GMS108 GM Field Grouping for Applctn Objec 
5654 GMS11 GM: Assign Scrn Flds to DB Fields
5655 GMS12 GM Grant Control: Field grp criteri 
5656 GMS13 GM Grant Control: Role Categories  
5657 GMS14 GM Grant Control: BP Role Groupings 
5658 GMS15 GM: Application Transactions    
5659 GMS16 GM Grant Control: Tables   
5660 GMS17 GM: External Applications    
5661 GMS18 GM Grant Control: Activities   
5662 GMS19 GM: Function Module Activity   
5663 GMS2 GM Grant Control: Field Groups  
5664 GMS200 GM Grant Control: Change doc lists 
5665 GMS22 GM Grant Control: Where-Used List:  
5666 GMS23 GM Grant Control: Data sets  
5667 GMS24 GM Where used list define view 
5668 GMS25 GM Where used list - process tovie
5669 GMS26 GM: BAPI Fields to Field Groups 
5670 GMS3 GM Grant Control: Views   
5671 GMS4 GM Grant Control: Sections   
5672 GMS5 GM Grant Control: Screens   
5673 GMS6 GM Grant Control: Screen Sequence  
5674 GMS7 GM Grant Control: Events   
5675 GMS8 GM Grant Control: GUI Std Functions 
5676 GMS9 GM Grant Control: GUI Addl Function 
5677 GP12 Change Local Planned Values   
5678 GP12N FI-SL: Change Plan Data   
5679 GP12NA FI-SL: Display Plan Data   
5680 GP13 Display Local Planned Values   
5681 GP22 Change Global Planned Values   
5682 GP23 Display Global Planned Values   
5683 GP30 Maintain Distribution Keys    
5684 GP31 Create Distribution Key    
5685 GP32 Change Distribution Key    
5686 GP33 Display Distribution Key    
5687 GP34 Delete Distribution Key    
5688 GP41 Create Planning Parameters    
5689 GP42 Change Planning Parameters    
5690 GP43 Display Planning Parameters    
5691 GP44 Delete Planning Parameters    
5692 GP52 Local Source Data to Plan  
5693 GP62 Global Source Data to Plan  
5694 GP82 Flexible G/L: Enter plan values  
5695 GP83 Flexible G/L: Display plan values  
5696 GRAL Calling SAP Graphics demos   
5697 GRE0 Report Writer: Extract Management   
5698 GRE1 Report Writer: Display Extracts   
5699 GRE5 Report Writer: Delete Extracts   
5700 GRE6 Report Writer: Print Extracts   
5701 GRE7 Report Writer: Validity of Extracts  
5702 GRE8 Extracts: User Settings    
5703 GRE9 Extracts: User settings; coll.maint   
5704 GRMG Request and Message Gen.   
5705 GRM1 Display Grouping WBS Elem Assign.  
5706 GRM2 Display MRP Group Assignments   
5707 GRM3 Colective Processing: Assignments    
5708 GRM4 Change Grouping Element Assignments   
5709 GRM5 Maintain MRP group assignments   
5710 GRM6 Grouping Consistency Check    
5711 GRM7 Display Grouping WBS Elem Assign.  
5712 GRPE Editor callup for FI/CO program  
5713 GRP1 Report Writer: Display Extracts   
5714 GRP5 Report Writer: Delete Extracts   
5715 GRP6 Report Writer: Print Extracts   
5716 GRP7 Report Writer: Validity of Extracts  
5717 GRRT Report Painter: Translate reports   
5718 GRR1 RW: Create Row/Column Structure   
5719 GRR2 RW: Change formula    
5720 GRR3 RW: Display formula    
5721 GRR4 Create model     
5722 GRR5 Change model     
5723 GRR6 Display model     
5724 GRR7 Export models     
5725 GRR8 Import models     
5726 GRR9 Copy models from client   
5727 GR1L Directory: Standard Layout    
5728 GR11 Create Standard Layout    
5729 GR12 Change Standard Layout    
5730 GR13 Display Standard Layout    
5731 GR14 Delete Standard Layout    
5732 GR17 Export standard layouts    
5733 GR18 Import standard layouts    
5734 GR19 Copy standard layouts from client  
5735 GR2L Catalog: Libraries     
5736 GR21 Create Library     
5737 GR22 Change Library     
5738 GR23 Display library     
5739 GR24 Delete library     
5740 GR27 Export libraries     
5741 GR28 Import libraries     
5742 GR29 Copy libraries from client   
5743 GR3L Catalog: Reports     
5744 GR31 Create report     
5745 GR32 Change Report     
5746 GR33 Display report     
5747 GR34 Delete report     
5748 GR37 Export reports     
5749 GR38 Import reports     
5750 GR39 Copy reports from client   
5751 GR5G Generate report groups    
5752 GR5L Directory: Report groups    
5753 GR51 Create report group    
5754 GR52 Change Report Group    
5755 GR53 Display report group    
5756 GR54 Delete report group    
5757 GR55 Execute Report Group    
5758 GR57 Export report groups    
5759 GR58 Import report groups    
5760 GR59 Copy report groups from client  
5761 GSTA Subsequent Pstng of Stat.Key Figure  
5762 GS01 Create set     
5763 GS02 Change Set     
5764 GS03 Display Set     
5765 GS04 Delete set     
5766 GS07 Exports sets     
5767 GS08 Import sets     
5768 GS09 Copy sets from client   
5769 GS11 Create Variable     
5770 GS12 Change Variable     
5771 GS13 Display Variable     
5772 GS14 Delete Variable     
5773 GS17 Export variables     
5774 GS18 Import variables     
5775 GS19 Copy variables from client   
5776 GS32 Create/Change Key Figures    
5777 GS33 Display Key Figures    
5778 GTDIS Table Display     
5779 GUIT Test      
5780 GVTR FI-SL: Balance Carry Forward   
5781 GWUG FI-SL: Global Currency Translation   
5782 GWUL FI-SL: Local Currency Translation   
5783 GZZG Generate FI-SL completely    
5784 HIER Internal Maintnce of ApplCompnts   
5785 HMU1 Convert Haz.-Inducers to Substances    
5786 HMU2 Convert Hazard-Inducing Substances     
5787 HMU3 Convert Dangerous Goods Description    
5788 HMU4 Convert Non-DG Indicators    
5789 HOSH Maintenance View for Table ADMI_CRI  
5790 HROBJ Customizing HR     
5791 HROM Organizational Management reports    
5792 HRUSER Set Up and Maintain ESS Users 
5793 HR00 HR Report Selection    
5794 HUCANC Doc. Cancellation of HU Gds Mv 
5795 HUCOWA Display Staged HUs     
5796 HUCOWE Display Manufactured HUs     
5797 HUDIFF of HU Stocks    
5798 HUEX Number Range Maintenance: HU_VEKP   
5799 HUGO for Travel Planning    
5800 HUIBD Handling Units for Inbound Delivery   
5801 HUIND Database Indexes for Handling Units  
5802 HUMAT Handling Units Related to Matl Doc.  
5803 HUMO HU Monitor     
5804 HUNK Number range maintenance: LE_HU   
5805 HUOBD Display HUs for Outbound Delivery   
5806 HUPAST Station      
5807 HUP1 HU creation in production   
5808 HUTRA Display HUs for Shipment    
5809 HU00 Handling units     
5810 HU02 Create and Changing Handling Unit   
5811 HU03 Display of HUs     
5812 HU04 Creation of HUs with stock   
5813 HU05 Display of HUs for object   
5814 TA Header Description     
5815 IAOMA Log for Account Assignment Manager  
5816 IAOMB Delete Acc. Assignment Manager Log  
5817 IAOMC Object Link Analysis Acct Managemen  
5818 IAOM0 Business Scenario Translator    
5819 IAOM1 Maintain Controlling Scenario    
5820 IAOM2 Maintain Controlling Integration    
5821 IA01 Create Equipment Task List   
5822 IA02 Change Equipment Task List   
5823 IA03 Display Equipment Task List   
5824 IA04 Display PM/SM Task List (A;E;T)  
5825 IA05 Create general task list   
5826 IA06 Change General Maintenance Task Lis  
5827 IA07 Display General Task List   
5828 IA08 Change PM Task Lists   
5829 IA09 Display Task Lists    
5830 IA10 Display Task Lists (Multilevel)   
5831 IA11 Create FunctLoc Task List   
5832 IA12 Change FunctLoc Task List   
5833 IA13 Display FunctLoc Task List   
5834 IA15 Task List Original Change Docs  
5835 IA16 Cost Maintenance Task Lists   
5836 IA17 Print Maintenance Task Lists   
5837 IA18 Display Task Lists by Class Search 
5838 IA19 Change Task Lists by Class Search 
5839 IA21 Evaluate Task List Change Documents  
5840 IA25 Deletion of PM Task Lists  
5841 IBIP PM: Batch Input Utility   
5842 IBIPA Transaction for BAL of IBIP  
5843 IBI2 Plant Maintenance Batch Input   
5844 IB01 Create Equipment BOM    
5845 IB02 Change Equipment BOM    
5846 IB03 Display Equipment BOM    
5847 IB05 Change Equipment BOM Group   
5848 IB06 Display Equipment BOM Group   
5849 IB07 Assign Equipment BOM to Plant  
5850 IB08 Change Equipment BOM - Plant Alloc. 
5851 IB09 Display Equipment BOM Plant Alloc.  
5852 IB11 Create Functional Location BOM   
5853 IB12 Change Functional Location BOM   
5854 IB13 Display Functional Location BOM   
5855 IB15 Change FunctLocation BOM Group   
5856 IB16 Display FunctLocation BOM Group   
5857 IB17 Create FunctLoc. BOM Plant Assignmn  
5858 IB18 Change FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc.  
5859 IB19 Display FunctLoc. BOM Plant Alloc.  
5860 IB51 Create IBase     
5861 IB52 Change IBase     
5862 IB53 Display IBase     
5863 IB54 Change Two Installed Bases   
5864 IB55 Display Two Installations    
5865 IB61 Create Installed Base with Referenc  
5866 IB80 Change Documents for Equipment BOM  
5867 IB81 FunctLocation BOM Change Documents   
5868 IB90 Equipment BOM Number Ranges   
5869 IB91 FunctLocation BOM Number Ranges   
5870 ICNV Incremental Conversion     
5871 IDCP Printout on Prenumbered Forms   
5872 IDDH Prenumbered Forms Report    
5873 IDOC IDoc: Repair and check programs  
5874 IDVD Unused Prenumbered Forms    
5875 IDX1 Port Maintenance in IDoc Adapter  
5876 IDX2 Metadata Overview for IDoc Adapter  
5877 IDX3 Mass Assgt of IDoc to Log. Partners
5878 IDX4 Assgt of IDoc to Log. Partners 
5879 IDX5 Adapter - Monitoring    
5880 IECS Technical Objects     
5881 IE01 Create Equipment     
5882 IE02 Change Equipment     
5883 IE03 Display Equipment     
5884 IE05 Change Equipment     
5885 IE06 Change Equipment     
5886 IE07 Equipment List (Multi-level)    
5887 IE08 Create Equipment     
5888 IE10 Multiple Equipment Entry    
5889 IE20 Equipment Search     
5890 IE25 Create Production Resource/Tool    
5891 IE31 Create Fleet Object    
5892 IE36 Display Vehicles     
5893 IE37 Change Vehicles     
5894 IE4N Equipment Installation and Removal   
5895 IFCU Consumption Transaction     
5896 IF00 Production Resources/Tools     
5897 IHCFX FX netting with In House Cash 
5898 IHCRVS Reversal of IHC Payment Orders  
5899 IHC01 Area Orders     
5900 IH01 Functional Location Structure    
5901 IH02 Reference Location Structure    
5902 IH03 Equipment Structure     
5903 IH04 Equipment Structure     
5904 IH05 Material Structure     
5905 IH06 Display Functional Location    
5906 IH07 Display Reference Location    
5907 IH08 Display Equipment     
5908 IH09 Display Material     
5909 IH10 Display Equipment     
5910 IH11 Display Functional Location    
5911 IH12 FunctLocation Structure     
5912 IH18 Ref. Location List (Multi-Level)   
5913 IH20 Where-Used List Time    
5914 IH21 IBase Structural Display    
5915 IH22 Where-Used List Time Interval   
5916 IKA1 IKA      
5917 IK01 Create Measuring Point    
5918 IK01R Create Reference Measuring Point   
5919 IK02 Change Measuring Point    
5920 IK02R Change Reference Measuring Point   
5921 IK03 Display Measuring Point    
5922 IK03R Display Reference Measuring Point   
5923 IK04 Create Measuring Points for Object  
5924 IK04R Create Ref. Measuring Points for Ob 
5925 IK05 Change Measuring Points for Object  
5926 IK05R Change Ref. Measuring Points for Ob 
5927 IK06 Display Measuring Points for Object  
5928 IK06R Display Ref Measuring Points for Ob 
5929 IK07 Display Measuring Points    
5930 IK07R Display Reference Measuring Point   
5931 IK08 Change Measuring Points    
5932 IK08R Change Reference Measuring Point   
5933 IK09 Maintain Number Range for Table IMP 
5934 IK10R Transfer Data from Ref Measuring Pn 
5935 IK11 Create Measurement Document    
5936 IK12 Change Measurement Document    
5937 IK13 Display Measurement Document    
5938 IK14 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
5939 IK15 Take Up Measurement Reading Transfe  
5940 IK16 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
5941 IK17 Display Measurement Documents    
5942 IK18 Change Measurement Documents    
5943 IK19 Maintain Number Range for Table IMR 
5944 IK21 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
5945 IK22 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
5946 IK31 Create MeasReading Entry List   
5947 IK32 Change MeasReading Entry List   
5948 IK33 Display MeasReading entry list   
5949 IK34 Collective Entry of MeasDocuments   
5950 IK41 Display MeasDocs From Archive   
5951 IK51 MeasReading Transfer Structure    
5952 IK52 MeasReading Transfer History    
5953 IK71 Create Meas. Document in Internet  
5954 IL01 Create Functional Location    
5955 IL02 Change Functional Location    
5956 IL03 Display Functional Location    
5957 IL04 Create FunctLocation: List Entry   
5958 IL05 Change Functional Location    
5959 IL06 Data Transfer From FunctLocation   
5960 IL07 Funct. Location List (Multi-Level)   
5961 IL08 Create Functional Location    
5962 IL09 User Profile for Labeling   
5963 IL10 Reusability of Historical Labels   
5964 IL11 Create Reference Location    
5965 IL12 Change Reference Location    
5966 IL13 Display Reference Location    
5967 IL14 Create RefLocation: List Entry   
5968 IL15 Change Reference Location    
5969 IL16 Data Transfer from RefLocation   
5970 IL17 Take up Data Transfer   
5971 IL18 Data Transfer From Equipment   
5972 IL20 Change Functional Location    
5973 IMAI CI Management Info System   
5974 IMAMB Automatic Mass Change    
5975 IMAMP Blanket Change to Plan Values  
5976 IMAN Number range maintenance: IMAK   
5977 IMAP Change plan for appropriation req.  
5978 IMAPL Overview Planning (Planner)    
5979 IMAPL2 Overview Planning     
5980 IMAPL3 Overview Planning (Easy Web)   
5981 IMAQ Display plan for appropriation req.  
5982 IMAR Plan investment portion of app.req.  
5983 IMAS Display plan: Appropriation request   
5984 IMAV Change plan revenues    
5985 IMAW Display plan revenues    
5986 IMA0 Appropriation Requests     
5987 IMA1 Create appropriation request    
5988 IMA1N Create Appropriation Request    
5989 IMA11 Individual Processing     
5990 IMA12 Individual Processing (Planner)    
5991 IMA13 Individual Processing (Web Trans.)   
5992 IMA2 Change appropriation request    
5993 IMA2N Change Appropriation Request    
5994 IMA3 Display appropriation request    
5995 IMA3N Display Appropriation Request    
5996 IMA4 Delete appropriation request    
5997 IMA4N Delete Appropriation Request    
5998 IMA6 Copy version assignmt to measure  
5999 IMBC IM Summariz: Settings in file  
6000 IMBD IM Summariz: Delete values/hierarch   

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