5001 |
F882 |
Acceptance Request |
5002 |
F883 |
Display Acceptance
Request |
5003 |
F884 |
Release Acceptance
Request |
5004 |
F885 |
Delete Acceptance
Request |
5005 |
F886 |
Defer Acceptance
Request |
5006 |
F887 |
Waive Acceptance
Order Temporarily
5007 |
F888 |
Waive Acceptance
Request |
5008 |
F889 |
Create Acceptance
Deduction Request |
5009 |
F890 |
Reverse Temporary
Waiver |
5010 |
F891 |
Create Clearing
Request |
5011 |
F892 |
Change Clearing
Request |
5012 |
F893 |
Display Clearing
Request |
5013 |
F894 |
Release Clearing
Request |
5014 |
F895 |
Delete Clearing
Request |
5015 |
F896 |
Create Blanket
Remainder Clean Up |
5016 |
F899 |
Bundle Requests |
5017 |
F899R |
Bundle FI Documents
to Request |
5018 |
F9A0 |
BCA: Block
Checks |
5019 |
F9A1 |
Create Check |
5020 |
F9A10 |
Edit Block |
5021 |
F9A11 |
Delete Check |
5022 |
F9A12 |
Creat Check
Stack |
5023 |
F9A13 |
Request Check Stack
(Customer) |
5024 |
F9A16 |
BCA: Delete Stack
Creation |
5025 |
F9A18 |
BCA: Request Checks
from Location |
5026 |
F9A19 |
BCA: Release Check
Stack |
5027 |
F9A20 |
Display Check
Stack |
5028 |
F9A21 |
BCA: Block Check
Stack |
5029 |
F9A23 |
Lift Block |
5030 |
F9A25 |
BCA: Location
Maintenance Pos. Mgmt |
5031 |
F9A26 |
BCA: Stack Location
Settings |
5032 |
F9A4 |
BCA: Request
Check |
5033 |
F9A50 |
Change Check
Status |
5034 |
F9A7 |
BCA: Revoke Check
Block |
5035 |
F9A8 |
Check Locks |
5036 |
F9A9 |
BCA: Display
Checks |
5037 |
F9B1 |
BCA: Posting cut-off
paym. transact |
5038 |
F9B2 |
Posting Cut-Off Pay.
Trans. Batch |
5039 |
F9B3 |
User Log Currency
Changeover |
5040 |
F9B4 |
BCA: Report Currency
Conversion |
5041 |
F9C{ |
Authorization Types
Payment Items |
5042 |
F9C[ |
Authorization Types
for Condiitons |
5043 |
F9CC1 |
Authorizations for
Field Groups |
5044 |
F9CC2 |
Configuration |
5045 |
F9C} |
Authorization Types
Payment Orders |
5046 |
SO Ctrl: Assig.
ScrnFld->DBfld |
5047 |
SO Control: Field
Modificat.Criteri |
5048 |
SO Control:
Products |
5049 |
SO Control: Product
Group |
5050 |
SO Control: Applic.
Transactions |
5051 |
SO Control:
Tables |
5052 |
SO Control:
Activities |
5053 |
SO Control: FM per
Activity |
5054 |
F9CSO1 |
SO Control:
Applications |
5055 |
F9CSO2 |
SO Control: Field
Groups |
5056 |
F9CSO3 |
SO Control:
Views |
5057 |
F9CSO4 |
SO Control:
Sections |
5058 |
F9CSO5 |
SO Control:
Screens |
5059 |
F9CSO6 |
SO Control: Screen
Sequence |
5060 |
F9CSO7 |
SO Control:
Events |
5061 |
F9CSO8 |
SO Control: CUA
Standard Functions |
5062 |
F9CSO9 |
SO Control: CUA
Additional Function |
5063 |
F9C4 |
types |
5064 |
F9C6 |
BCA: Field
Modification Account Typ |
5065 |
F9C7 |
BCA: Field
Modification Activity |
5066 |
F9C] |
Authorization Types |
5067 |
Conversion Dir. Debit
Orde |
5068 |
F9GA |
Create Bank Statement
Recipient |
5069 |
F9GB |
Change Bank Statement
Recipient |
5070 |
F9GC |
Dispaly Bank
Statement Recipient |
5071 |
F9GL |
Display All BP
Roles |
5072 |
F9G1 |
Create acct
holder |
5073 |
F9G2 |
Change acct
holder |
5074 |
F9G3 |
Display Account
Holder |
5075 |
F9G4 |
Create Authorized
Drawer |
5076 |
F9G5 |
Change Authorized
Drawer |
5077 |
F9G6 |
Display Authorized
Drawer |
5078 |
F9G7 |
Create Account
Holder |
5079 |
F9G8 |
Change Account
Holder |
5080 |
F9G9 |
Display Account
Holder |
5081 |
F9HI |
Transfer BCA -
GL |
5082 |
F9HL |
Bal.Sheet Prep. BCA -
GL |
5083 |
F9HO |
GL Control for Legacy
Data |
5084 |
Individual Value
Adjustment |
5085 |
F9H0 |
Account Hierarchy
Change History |
5086 |
F9H1 |
Create Account
Hierarchy |
5087 |
F9H2 |
Change Account
Hierarchy |
5088 |
F9H3 |
Display Account
Hierarchy |
5089 |
F9H4 |
Cash Concentration:
Single Run |
5090 |
F9H5 |
Cash Concentration:
Restart |
5091 |
F9H6 |
Cash Concentration:
Mass Run |
5092 |
F9IA |
Release Payment
Order |
5093 |
F9IB |
Release Payment
Item |
5094 |
F9IC |
Create Payment Order
Former Account |
5095 |
F9ID |
BCA: CpD Editing of
Payment Item |
5096 |
F9IE |
Create Payment Item
Former Account |
5097 |
F9IF |
BCA: CpD Display of
Payment Item |
5098 |
F9IG |
Reverse Payment
Item |
5099 |
F9II |
Return Payment
Item |
5100 |
F9IJ |
Edit Payment
Item |
5101 |
F9IK |
Create Return Payment
Order |
5102 |
F9IL |
Create Planned
Item |
5103 |
F9IM |
Delete Planned
Item |
5104 |
F9IN |
Display Planned
Items |
5105 |
F9IO |
Post Planned
item |
5106 |
F9IP |
Planned items |
5107 |
F9I1 |
Create Payment Order
- External |
5108 |
F9I2 |
Create Payment Order
- Internal |
5109 |
F9I3 |
Display Payment
Order |
5110 |
F9I4 |
Create Payment
Item |
5111 |
F9I7 |
Display Payment
Item |
5112 |
F9I8 |
Postprocess Payment
Item |
5113 |
F9I9 |
Edit Payment Order
(General) |
5114 |
F9J0 |
Display Application
Log |
5115 |
F9J1 |
Reconcile with Legacy
System |
5116 |
Account Closure |
5117 |
F9KD |
Account Closure |
5118 |
F9KE |
Application Log
Account Closure |
5119 |
F9KG |
Release Limits |
5120 |
F9KH |
Release Currency
Changeovers |
5121 |
Change business
partner |
5122 |
F9KY |
Close Account |
5123 |
F9K1 |
Create Account |
5124 |
F9K2 |
Change account |
5125 |
F9K3 |
Display Account |
5126 |
F9L; |
Master Data
Settings |
5127 |
Development in BDT
Environment |
5128 |
Control |
5129 |
F9L0 |
Settings for
Additional Development |
5130 |
F9L4 |
Posting Date for
Closing in Dialog |
5131 |
F9MN |
Bank Customer
Accounts |
5132 |
F9M1 |
Bank Customer
Accounts: Settings |
5133 |
F9M2 |
Business Partner:
Settings |
5134 |
F9M3 |
Settings |
5135 |
F9M4 |
Settings Payment
Transactions |
5136 |
F9M5 |
Settings |
5137 |
F9NTC4 |
Notice: Mass
Release |
5138 |
F9N1 |
Create Bank
Statements |
5139 |
F9N10 |
Overview End of Day
Processing |
5140 |
F9N11 |
Start End-of-Day
Processing |
5141 |
F9N12 |
Overview of Current
Mass Runs |
5142 |
F9N13 |
Accts. Blocked by
Single Balancing |
5143 |
F9N14 |
Creation Bk.State.
Restar |
5144 |
F9N15 |
Duplicate Creation
Single Run |
5145 |
F9N16 |
Balance Notification
Mass Run |
5146 |
F9N17 |
Notification Single
Run |
5147 |
F9N18 |
Notification |
5148 |
F9N19 |
Balance Notification
Application Lo |
5149 |
F9N3 |
Application Log Bank
Statement |
5150 |
F9N4 |
Restart - Bank
Statement |
5151 |
F9N6 |
Posting Date for
Balancing as Batch |
5152 |
F9N7 |
Bank Statement -
Single Account |
5153 |
F9N8 |
List of Accounts in
End of DayProc |
5154 |
F9N9 |
Statement - Duplicate
Creation |
5155 |
F9OA |
Standing Order:
Display Applic. Log |
5156 |
F9OF |
Create Foreign
Payment Order |
5157 |
F9OG |
Post Standing
Order |
5158 |
F9OH |
Postprocess Payment
Order |
5159 |
F9OI |
Reverse Payment
Order |
5160 |
F9O01 |
Change stand.
order |
5161 |
F9O02 |
Change stand.
order |
5162 |
F9O03 |
Display Standing
Order |
5163 |
F9O43 |
Standing Order |
5164 |
F9O6 |
Delete stand.
order |
5165 |
F9O61 |
Standing Order
Deletion |
5166 |
F9SA |
CA Control:
Matchcode |
5167 |
F9SB |
CA Control: Assign.
Scr.Field->DBFl |
5168 |
F9SC |
CA Control: Field
Modific. Criteria |
5169 |
F9SD |
CA Control:
Products |
5170 |
F9SE |
CA Control: Product
Group |
5171 |
F9SF |
CA Control:
Application Transaction |
5172 |
F9SH |
CA Control:
Tables |
5173 |
F9SI |
PAIT Control: Field
Groups |
5174 |
F9SJ |
Condition Control:
Field Groups |
5175 |
F9SK |
Assign.Sc.Fld.->DB Fl |
5176 |
F9SL |
Cond.Control: Assign.
Table<->FuMod |
5177 |
F9SM |
Position Control:
Field Groups |
5178 |
F9SN |
PAIT Control:
Scrn.Fld. <-> DB Fiel |
5179 |
F9SO |
Position Control:
Scrn.Fld.->DB Fld |
5180 |
Standing Order
Currency Changeover |
5181 |
F9SP |
Position Control:
Table <-> Fun.Mod |
5182 |
F9SQ |
PAIT Control: Table
<-> Fun.Mod. |
5183 |
F9SR |
PAOR Control: Field
Groups |
5184 |
F9SS |
PAOR Control:
Scrn.Fld.<-> DB Field |
5185 |
F9ST |
PAOR Control: Table
<-> Func. Mod. |
5186 |
F9SX |
BCA Control: External
Applications |
5187 |
F9S1 |
CA Control:
Applications |
5188 |
F9S18 |
CA Control:
Activities |
5189 |
F9S19 |
CA Control: Field
Mod. per Activity |
5190 |
F9S2 |
CA Control: Field
Groups |
5191 |
F9S3 |
CA Control:
Views |
5192 |
F9S4 |
CA Control:
Sections |
5193 |
F9S5 |
CA Control:
Screens |
5194 |
F9S6 |
CA Control: Screen
Sequences |
5195 |
F9S7 |
CA Control:
Events |
5196 |
F9S8 |
CA Control: CUA
Standard Functions |
5197 |
F9S9 |
CA Control: CUA
Additional Function |
5198 |
F9VW |
Preparation of
Currency Changeover |
5199 |
F960 |
Application Log Cash
Concentration |
5200 |
F961 |
Application Log FI
Transfer |
5201 |
F962 |
Application Log
Balance Sheet Prep. |
5202 |
F963 |
Appl. log bal.sh.
prep.(backdated) |
5203 |
F97A |
Overview of BCA
Reconciliation Keys |
5204 |
F97A1 |
Reconciliation key
detail display |
5205 |
F97C |
Internal Reference
Accts |
5206 |
F97CX |
External Reference
Accts |
5207 |
F97E |
Recon. to
reconciliation key |
5208 |
F97G |
FI Document/BCA
Posting |
5209 |
F97I |
Balances |
5210 |
F97J |
Appl. log bal.sh.
prep.(backdated) |
5211 |
F970 |
Account Balances |
5212 |
F971 |
Account Locks |
5213 |
F972 |
Overdraft List |
5214 |
F973 |
Display reconcil.
balance list 1 |
5215 |
F974 |
Display reconcil.
balance list 2 |
5216 |
F975 |
statememt daily status |
5217 |
F976 |
Overview Interest
Accrual/Deferral |
5218 |
F977 |
Correction parked
payment items |
5219 |
F978 |
Reconcil. List: FI
Documents |
5220 |
F98A |
Release Charge
Conditions |
5221 |
F98B |
Edit Value Date
Conditions |
5222 |
F98C |
Display Value Date
Donditions |
5223 |
F98D |
Release Value Date
Conditions |
5224 |
F98E |
Edit Condition
Assignment |
5225 |
F98F |
Display Condition
Assignment |
5226 |
F98G |
Release Condition
Assignment |
5227 |
F98H |
Release Condit.
Assign. for Deletio |
5228 |
F98I |
Release Conditions
for Deletion |
5229 |
F98R |
Retroactive Condition
Change |
5230 |
F98RK |
Retroactive Condition
Change |
5231 |
F98TM |
Application Log for
Term Control |
5232 |
F980 |
Acc/Def Individ.
Statement |
5233 |
F982 |
Edit general
conditions |
5234 |
F983 |
Display General
Conditions |
5235 |
F984 |
Release General
Conditions |
5236 |
F985 |
Edit Interest
Conditions |
5237 |
F986 |
Display Interest
Conditions |
5238 |
F987 |
Release Interest
Conditions |
5239 |
F988 |
Edit Charge
Conditions |
5240 |
F989 |
Display Charge
Conditions |
5241 |
F99C |
Restart Interest
Acc./Def. |
5242 |
F99D |
Preparation Early
Account Balancing |
5243 |
F99E |
Closing: Settled
Accounts |
5244 |
F99F |
Single Acct. Closing:
Restart |
5245 |
F99G |
Check Account
Balancing Ext. Data |
5246 |
F991 |
Mass Acct. Balancing
(Int./Charges) |
5247 |
F992 |
Application Log
Account Balancing |
5248 |
F992EX |
Application Log Acct
Balancing EDT |
5249 |
F993 |
Accrual/Deferral for
General Ledger |
5250 |
F994 |
Application Log
Accrual/Deferral |
5251 |
F995 |
Restart Account
Balancing |
5252 |
F996 |
Single Acct.
Balancing (Int./Charge |
5253 |
F997 |
Early Mass Account
Balancing |
5254 |
F997S |
Early Individual
Account Balancing |
5255 |
F999 |
Interest scale |
5256 |
GAL1 |
Update Assignment
Table EDIMAP |
5257 |
GAL2 |
Export/Import |
5258 |
GAL3 |
Export of G/L acct
transactn figure |
5259 |
Cycle Overview
5260 |
GAR5 |
Display Structure of
Local DBs |
5261 |
GA1D |
Delete allocation
line items |
5262 |
GA11 |
Create FI-SL Actual
Assessment |
5263 |
GA11N |
Create FI-SL Actual
Assessment |
5264 |
GA12 |
Change FI-SL Actual
Assessment |
5265 |
GA12N |
Change FI-SL Actual
Assessment |
5266 |
GA13 |
Display FI-SL actual
assessment |
5267 |
GA13N |
Display FI-SL Actual
Assessment |
5268 |
GA14 |
Delete FI-SL Actual
Assessment |
5269 |
GA14N |
Delete FI-SL Actual
Assessment |
5270 |
GA15 |
Execute FI-SL actual
assessment |
5271 |
GA16 |
Actual Assessment
Overview |
5272 |
GA2A |
Delete FI-SL Planned
Assessment |
5273 |
Delete FI-SL Planned
Assessment |
5274 |
GA2B |
Execute FI-SL Planned
Assessment |
5275 |
GA2C |
Plan Assessment
Overview |
5276 |
GA27 |
Create FI-SL Planned
Assessment |
5277 |
GA27N |
Create FI-SL Planned
Assessment |
5278 |
GA28 |
Change FI-SL Planned
Assessment |
5279 |
GA28N |
Change FI-SL Planned
Assessment |
5280 |
GA29 |
Display FI-SL Planned
Assessment |
5281 |
GA29N |
Display FI-SL Planned
Assessment |
5282 |
GA31 |
Create FI-SL actual
distribution |
5283 |
GA31N |
Create FI-SL Actual
Distribution |
5284 |
GA32 |
Change FI-SL actual
distribution |
5285 |
GA32N |
Change FI-SL Actual
Distribution |
5286 |
GA33 |
Display FI-SL actual
distribution |
5287 |
GA33N |
Display FI-SL Actual
Distribution |
5288 |
GA34 |
Delete FI-SL actual
distribution |
5289 |
GA34N |
Delete FI-SL Actual
Distribution |
5290 |
GA35 |
Execute FI-SL actual
distribution |
5291 |
GA36 |
Actual Distribution
Overview |
5292 |
GA4A |
Delete FI-SL Planned
Distribution |
5293 |
Delete FI-SL Planned
Distribution |
5294 |
GA4B |
Execute FI-SL Planned
Distribution |
5295 |
GA4C |
Plan Distribution
Overview |
5296 |
GA47 |
Create FI-SL Planned
Distribution |
5297 |
GA47N |
Create FI-SL Planned
Distribution |
5298 |
GA48 |
Change FI-SL Planned
Distribution |
5299 |
GA48N |
Change FI-SL Planned
Distribution |
5300 |
GA49 |
Display FI-SL Planned
Distribution |
5301 |
GA49N |
Display FI-SL Planned
Distribution |
5302 |
GB01 |
Document Entry for
Local Ledgers |
5303 |
GB02 |
Number Range
Maint.for Local Ledger |
5304 |
GB03 |
Number Range
Maint.f.Global Ledgers |
5305 |
GB04 |
Number Range
Maint.for Local Ledger |
5306 |
GB05 |
Number Range
Maint.f.Global Ledgers |
5307 |
GB06 |
Reverse Local FI-SL
Actual Documnts |
5308 |
GB11 |
Document Entry for
Global Ledgers |
5309 |
GB16 |
Reverse Global FI-SL
Actual Docmnts |
5310 |
comparison |
5311 |
Ledger comparison
w/diff. clearing |
5312 |
Generate FI-SL
Archiving |
5313 |
Analysis of FI-SL
Database Contents |
5314 |
Ledger Comparison
Remote |
5315 |
GCA9 |
Check allocation
customizing |
5316 |
Generate summ.table
trans. structur |
5317 |
Generate summ.table
trans. structur |
5318 |
GCB1 |
Change FI-SL
Customizing Comp. Code |
5319 |
GCB2 |
Display FI-SL
Customizing Comp.Code |
5320 |
GCB3 |
Copy FI-SL
Customizing Company Code |
5321 |
GCB4 |
FI-SL: Delete Company
Code |
5322 |
Generate Code for
5323 |
Delete FI-SL
Transaction Data |
5324 |
Delete FI-SL
Transaction Data |
5325 |
GCD1 |
FI-SL Customizing:
Diagnosis Tool |
5326 |
GCD2 |
List of FI-SL Direct
Posting Tables |
5327 |
GCD3 |
Graphical Navigation
in FI-SL |
5328 |
GCD4 |
Check General
Ledger |
5329 |
GCD5 |
Check Currencies in
5330 |
GCD6 |
Graphic Display of
FI-SL Tables |
5331 |
FI-LC: Reconcil. of
bal. carried fw |
5332 |
FI-LC: Reconcil. of
fin. data table |
5333 |
Ingeration: Euro
transaction types |
5334 |
Suggest FI-LC package
assignment |
5335 |
Reconcil. integration
<_> CF FILCT |
5336 |
substitution/Ret. earn. (CF) |
5337 |
Post extract in
carryforward period |
5338 |
Check whether balance
carried fwd |
5339 |
Delete period values
for current yr |
5340 |
Package |
5341 |
Item can be Included
in Bal.Sheet |
5342 |
GCF1 |
Create FI-SL
Customizng Fld Assign. |
5343 |
GCF2 |
Change FI-SL
Customizng Fld Assign. |
5344 |
GCF3 |
Display FI-SL
Customizng Fd Assign. |
5345 |
GCF4 |
FI-SL: Delete Field
Assignment |
5346 |
Activate Global Plan
Line Items |
5347 |
Generation of
GLU1 |
5348 |
Reconciliation of
total line items |
5349 |
GCG1 |
Create FI-SL
Customizing Glob.Comp. |
5350 |
GCG2 |
Change FI-SL
Customizing Glob.Comp. |
5351 |
GCG3 |
Display FI-SL
Customizing Glob.Comp |
5352 |
GCG4 |
Copy FI-SL
Customizing Global Comp. |
5353 |
GCG5 |
FI-SL Customizing:
Delete Companies |
5354 |
Monitor flexible
general ledger |
5355 |
Maintain FI-SL
tables |
5356 |
Quick installation
5357 |
GCI1 |
Installation of FI-SL
Tables |
5358 |
GCI2 |
FI-SL: Installation
of Object Table |
5359 |
Diagnosis: Direct
Access to Functio |
5360 |
Activate Local Plan
Line Items |
5361 |
GCL1 |
Create FI-SL
Customizing Ledger |
5362 |
GCL2 |
Change FI-SL
Customizing Ledger |
5363 |
GCL3 |
Display FI-SL
Customizing Ledger |
5364 |
GCL4 |
Delete FI-SL
Customizing Ledger |
5365 |
GCL6 |
FI-SL: Copy
Ledger |
5366 |
GCM1 |
Conversion |
5367 |
Report Selection |
5368 |
Activate drilldown
rep. for SL tabl |
5369 |
Deactivate drilldown
rep. - SL tabl |
5370 |
GCR1 |
Rollup: Create Field
Assignment |
5371 |
GCR2 |
Rollup: Change Field
Assignment |
5372 |
GCR3 |
Rollup: Display Field
Assignment |
5373 |
GCR6 |
Customizing:Del.Rollup Fld.A. |
5374 |
GCR7 |
Rollup: Direct
Access |
5375 |
GCR8 |
Rollup: Direct
Access |
5376 |
Transport Rules |
5377 |
Transport from Report
Writer object |
5378 |
Transport of sets and
variables |
5379 |
GCT0 |
Transport of
Substitutions |
5380 |
GCT1 |
Transport Ledger |
5381 |
GCT2 |
FI-SL Activation |
5382 |
GCT3 |
Information |
5383 |
GCT4 |
Transport Rollup |
5384 |
GCT5 |
Transport: Planning
Parameters |
5385 |
GCT6 |
Distribution Key |
5386 |
GCT7 |
Cycles |
5387 |
GCT8 |
Transport: Document
Types |
5388 |
GCT9 |
Transport of
Validations |
5389 |
Subsequently posting
CO data to FIS |
5390 |
GCU0 |
Customizing FI-GLX
Menu |
5391 |
GCU1 |
Data Transfer from
FI |
5392 |
GCU2 |
Generate G1U2 |
5393 |
GCU3 |
Transfer Data From
CO |
5394 |
GCU4 |
Subsequent Posting of
Data From MM |
5395 |
GCU5 |
Subsequent Posting of
Data frm Sale |
5396 |
GCU6 |
CO plan doc subs.
posting to FI-SL |
5397 |
GCU9 |
Delete Transaction
Data |
5398 |
Update Type in
5399 |
Preparation for FI-SL
Customizing |
5400 |
Rule Maintenance |
5401 |
GCV1 |
FI-SL: Create
Activity |
5402 |
GCV2 |
Change FI-SL
Customizing Activity |
5403 |
GCV3 |
Display FI-SL
Customizing Activity |
5404 |
GCV4 |
FI-SL Customizing:
Delete Activity |
5405 |
GCW4 |
Sp.Purpose Ldgr
Currency Translatio |
5406 |
GCW7 |
Transport Currency
Translation Mthd |
5407 |
GCZ3 |
Generate Report
Groups |
5408 |
GC01 |
Call GS01 for LC |
5409 |
GC10 |
FI-LC: Print
Companies |
5410 |
GC11 |
Create Company Master
Record |
5411 |
GC12 |
Change Company Master
Record |
5412 |
GC13 |
Display Company
Master Record |
5413 |
GC14 |
Delete Company Master
Record |
5414 |
GC16 |
Create Subgroup
Master Record |
5415 |
GC17 |
Change Subgroup
Master Record |
5416 |
GC18 |
Display Subgroup |
5417 |
GC19 |
FI-LC: Print
Subgroups |
5418 |
GC21 |
Enter Individual
Fin.Statement Data |
5419 |
GC22 |
Display Individual
Fin. Stmt Data |
5420 |
GC23 |
FI-LC: Document
Entry |
5421 |
GC24 |
FI-LC: Display
Document |
5422 |
GC25 |
Consolidation Number Range |
5423 |
GC26 |
FI-LC: Journal Entry
Report |
5424 |
GC27 |
FI-LC: Customize
Journal Entry Repr |
5425 |
GC28 |
Status Display |
5426 |
GC29 |
Management |
5427 |
GC30 |
FI-LC: Mass
Reversal |
5428 |
GC31 |
FI-LC: Customize
Curr. Translation |
5429 |
GC32 |
FI-LC: Customizing
Consolidation |
5430 |
GC33 |
FI-LC: Financial Data
Table Maint. |
5431 |
GC34 |
FI-LC: Reported Data
Table Display |
5432 |
GC35 |
FI-LC: Transport
Table Entries/Sets |
5433 |
GC36 |
Transport connection:
Cons.Inv.Cust |
5434 |
GC38 |
Data transfer |
5435 |
GC39 |
Change Local
Valuation Data |
5436 |
GC4P |
FI-LC Print
Step-Consolidated Group |
5437 |
GC41 |
GLT3 - Maintain GLT3
sub-assignment |
5438 |
GC44 |
Send Financial
Statement Data |
5439 |
GC45 |
Delete Subgroup |
5440 |
GC50 |
Report Selection |
5441 |
GC51 |
Report Selection |
5442 |
GC60 |
Data for elim. of IC
profit/loss |
5443 |
GC61 |
Export of Transaction
Data |
5444 |
GC62 |
Import of Transaction
Data |
5445 |
GC63 |
Liability Method |
5446 |
GC99 |
Consolidation Test
Data |
5447 |
GD00 |
Report Selection |
5448 |
GD02 |
FI-SL line item plan
documents |
5449 |
GD12 |
Flex.G/L: Totals
Record Display |
5450 |
GD13 |
Totals record
display |
5451 |
GD20 |
Start Selectin FI-SL
Line Items |
5452 |
GD21 |
Flexible G/L:
Document Selection |
5453 |
GD22 |
Flex. G/L: Actual
Document Display |
5454 |
GD23 |
FI-SL: Local Actual
Document Displa |
5455 |
GD33 |
FI-SL: Global Actual
Doc. Display |
5456 |
GD42 |
Flex. G/L: Plan
Document Display |
5457 |
GD43 |
FI-SL: Local Plan
Document Display |
5458 |
GD44 |
FI-SL: Global Plan
Document Display |
5459 |
GD51 |
Enter Local FI-SL
Master Data |
5460 |
GD52 |
Change Local FI-SL
Master Data |
5461 |
GD53 |
Display Local FI-SL
Master Data |
5462 |
GD54 |
Delete Local FI-SL
Master Data |
5463 |
GD60 |
Create Code
Combinations |
5464 |
GD61 |
Maintain Code
Combinations |
5465 |
GD62 |
Display Code
Combinations |
5466 |
GD63 |
Code combinations
activation |
5467 |
GD64 |
Code combinations
deactivation |
5468 |
Generate Source
Code |
5469 |
GGB0 |
Maintenance |
5470 |
GGB1 |
Maintenance |
5471 |
GGB4 |
Analysis tool for
valid./subst. |
5472 |
G/L installation |
5473 |
JOA Master
Transaction |
5474 |
JVA in a Client |
5475 |
GJA1 |
Create joint
operating agreement |
5476 |
GJA2 |
Change joint
operating agreement |
5477 |
GJA3 |
Display joint
operating agreement |
5478 |
GJA4 |
JOA master data
catalog |
5479 |
GJA5 |
Display changes for
Joint Op. Agree |
5480 |
GJA8 |
JV JOA screen |
5481 |
reconciliation |
5482 |
Billing threshold
check |
5483 |
switching |
5484 |
JV Cutback
Program |
5485 |
Copy configuration
from company cod |
5486 |
netting |
5487 |
Cutback Ledger
Update |
5488 |
JV Customizing |
5489 |
GJC1 |
Activate company in
JV |
5490 |
GJC2 |
Deactivate company in
JV |
5491 |
Delete JOA |
5492 |
Delete Joint Venture
Data |
5493 |
Equity_Change Managemen |
5494 |
Process history |
5495 |
Print Allocation
Information |
5496 |
Execute JV assessment
- plan |
5497 |
GJF1 |
Create JV assessment
cycle - actual |
5498 |
GJF2 |
Change JV assessment
cycle - actual |
5499 |
GJF3 |
Display JV assessment
cycle - actua |
5500 |
GJF4 |
Delete JV assessment
cycle - actual |
5501 |
GJF5 |
Execute JV assessment
- actual |
5502 |
GJF6 |
Overview JV
assessment |
5503 |
GJF7 |
Create JV assessment
cycle - plan |
5504 |
GJF8 |
Change JV assessment
cycle - plan |
5505 |
GJF9 |
Display JV assessment
cycle - plan |
5506 |
Display JOA
graphically |
5507 |
Document Entry for
Local Ledgers |
5508 |
Driver transaction
for customizing |
5509 |
Document Entry for
Local Ledgers |
5510 |
Graphical Navigation
5511 |
GJG1 |
#NAME? |
5512 |
GJG2 |
#NAME? |
5513 |
GJG3 |
Display JV
distribution cycle-actua |
5514 |
GJG4 |
#NAME? |
5515 |
GJG5 |
Execute JV
distribution - actual |
5516 |
GJG6 |
Overview distribution
- actual |
5517 |
GJG7 |
#NAME? |
5518 |
GJG8 |
Change JV
distribution cycle - plan |
5519 |
GJG9 |
Display JV
distribution cycle-plan |
5520 |
Install JV standard
reports |
5521 |
JV Load
Balancing |
5522 |
GJJ1 |
Generate JADE audit
file |
5523 |
GJJ2 |
Billing extracts |
5524 |
Summary ledger line
items |
5525 |
Billing ledger line
items |
5526 |
GJL2 |
C JVA Change
Ledger |
5527 |
GJL3 |
C JVA Display
Ledger |
5528 |
GJL7 |
Plan Data Transfer by
Documents |
5529 |
Non open item unreal.
exchange diff |
5530 |
JV Number range
customizing |
5531 |
Partner Netting |
5532 |
GJP1 |
JVA NPI/CI Netting
(with CI Grp) |
5533 |
Change Condition
Table (CRP) |
5534 |
Change Condition
Table (CRP) |
5535 |
GJQ0 |
CRP Customising
Menu |
5536 |
GJQ5 |
Create Conditions
(CRP) |
5537 |
GJQ6 |
Change Conditions
(CRP) |
5538 |
GJQ7 |
Display Conditions
(CRP) |
5539 |
GJQ8 |
Create Conditions
(Purchasing) |
5540 |
Cash Call
Reclass |
5541 |
Configure report
selection |
5542 |
auswählen |
5543 |
GJR1 |
Summary Ledger
Reporting |
5544 |
GJR2 |
Billing Ledger
Reporting |
5545 |
GJR3 |
JV EDI Inbound: IDOC
Status Report |
5546 |
GJR4 |
EDI: Invoice and
Operating Statemen |
5547 |
GJR5 |
JV EDI Inbound:
Unusual Expenditure |
5548 |
GJR6 |
JV EDI Inbound: Memo
AFE Projects |
5549 |
GJR7 |
JV EDI Inbnd:
Expenditure Compariso |
5550 |
GJR8 |
810/819 Mapping
Report |
5551 |
GJR9 |
810/819 Property
Error |
5552 |
Call set
maintenance |
5553 |
C FI Month End
Advance Tax Return |
5554 |
GJT0 |
Reverse AM/MM
Transfer document |
5555 |
GJT1 |
JV Transfer Asset to
Asset |
5556 |
GJT2 |
JV Transfer Asset to
Asset |
5557 |
GJT3 |
JV Transfer Asset to
Asset |
5558 |
GJT4 |
JV Transfer Asset to
Asset |
5559 |
GJT5 |
JV Transfer Asset to
Asset |
5560 |
GJT6 |
JV Transfer Asset to
Asset |
5561 |
Advance Tax
Report |
5562 |
IS-OIL: Joint Venture
Accounting co |
5563 |
Joint Venture
Deletion |
5564 |
List Venture / Equity
Groups |
5565 |
Bank Acct Switch -
Create Data |
5566 |
IS-OIL: Joint Venture
Accounting pr |
5567 |
Joint Venture Master
Transaction |
5568 |
GJV1 |
Create Joint Venture
Master |
5569 |
GJV2 |
Change Joint Venture
Master |
5570 |
GJV3 |
Display Joint Venture
Master |
5571 |
GJV4 |
Joint Venture
Customizing Menu |
5572 |
GJV5 |
Display Change
Documents JV-Master |
5573 |
GJ0A |
Non-Operated Billing
by Operator V. |
5574 |
GJ0B |
Non-Operated Billing
by Venture V.2 |
5575 |
GJ01 |
Net Cash Call to
Equity Group |
5576 |
GJ02 |
JV Gross Cash Call To
Equit Group |
5577 |
GJ03 |
JV Net Cash Call To
Project |
5578 |
GJ04 |
JV Gross Cash Call To
Project |
5579 |
GJ05 |
JV Non-operated cash
call to eq grp |
5580 |
GJ06 |
JV Non-Operated Cash
Call to Projec |
5581 |
GJ09 |
Joint Venture
detailed information |
5582 |
GJ10 |
Yearly balance
shifting |
5583 |
GJ11 |
Joint Venture master
data catalog |
5584 |
GJ12 |
Billing Ledger
Extract |
5585 |
GJ13 |
Joint Venture Ledger
Extract |
5586 |
GJ14 |
Hard Copy
Billing |
5587 |
GJ16 |
EDI Billing |
5588 |
GJ17 |
Suspense Project /
Equity Group |
5589 |
GJ18 |
Partner Suspense
Clearing |
5590 |
GJ19 |
Adjustments |
5591 |
GJ20 |
Venture Bank Account
Switching |
5592 |
GJ3R |
Mapping |
5593 |
GJ4A |
Periodic updates for
company code |
5594 |
GJ54 |
JOA detailed
information |
5595 |
GJ60 |
EDI Outbound Base
Configuration |
5596 |
GJ82 |
Create BTCI Sessions
for Cash Calls |
5597 |
GJ83 |
JV Automatic
posting |
5598 |
GJ84 |
JVA NPI/CI Netting
(without CI Grp) |
5599 |
GJ85 |
JV Automated Postings
(Cost Calcs) |
5600 |
GJ87 |
Display summary
ledger totals |
5601 |
GJ88 |
Display billing
ledger totals |
5602 |
GJ89 |
Automatic Adjust of
Overhead Rates |
5603 |
GJ90 |
JV Realized exchange
differences |
5604 |
GJ91 |
JV Unrealized
exchange |
5605 |
GJ92 |
JV Goods receipt
expense orders |
5606 |
GJ93 |
JV Goods receipt
inventory orders |
5607 |
GJ94 |
International Cost
Calculations |
5608 |
GJ95 |
North American
Overhead Calculation |
5609 |
GJ96 |
Payroll Burden
Clearing |
5610 |
GJ97 |
Compare FI with JV
document |
5611 |
GJ98 |
North America
Overhead Detail Repor |
5612 |
GLA1 |
Activate flexible
G/L |
5613 |
Foreign Currency
Valuation:G/L Asst |
5614 |
Blnce carrd fwrd:
Summ for P&L acct |
5615 |
GLC1 |
Flexible G/L:
Currencies |
5616 |
GLC2 |
Flex.G/L: Activate
local ledger |
5617 |
Deletion of Flex G/L
transactn data |
5618 |
Check allocation
customizing |
5619 |
Transfer opening
balance flex. G/L |
5620 |
Copy transaction
figures |
5621 |
Flexible G/L: Balance
carry forward |
5622 |
Activate Local Plan
Line Items |
5623 |
GLL1 |
Create ledger |
5624 |
GLL2 |
Change ledger |
5625 |
GLL3 |
Display ledger |
5626 |
GLL4 |
Delete ledger |
5627 |
FI-SL Change Planning
Layout |
5628 |
FI-SL Display
Planning Layout |
5629 |
FI-SL Create Planning
Layout |
5630 |
FI-SL: Excel Upload
of Plan Data |
5631 |
GLR1 |
Flex. G/L: Create
rollup ledger |
5632 |
GLR2 |
Flex. G/L: Change
rollup ledger |
5633 |
GLR3 |
Display flex. G/L
rollup ledger |
5634 |
GLR4 |
Flex. G/L: Delete
rollup ledger |
5635 |
GL10 |
Flexible G/L:
Transaction figures |
5636 |
GL21 |
Create rollup |
5637 |
GL22 |
Change rollup |
5638 |
GL23 |
Display rollup |
5639 |
GL24 |
Delete rollup |
5640 |
GL25 |
Execute rollup |
5641 |
GL26 |
Reverse rollup |
5642 |
GM Special Ledger BW
Extractors |
5643 |
Not Relevant
Grant |
5644 |
GMS1 |
GM Grant Control:
Applications |
5645 |
GMS100 |
GM Grant Ctrl: Fld
grp per activity |
5646 |
GMS101 |
GM Grant Ctrl: Fld
grp per rolecat |
5647 |
GMS102 |
GMGC: Authorization
Types |
5648 |
GMS103 |
GMGC: Field Grps for
Authorization |
5649 |
GMS104 |
GM: Visual Screen
Tool |
5650 |
GMS105 |
GMGC: Field Groups
for Ext.Applictn |
5651 |
GMS106 |
GMGC: Note View for
Role Categories |
5652 |
GMS107 |
GMGC: Where-Used
Views |
5653 |
GMS108 |
GM Field Grouping for
Applctn Objec |
5654 |
GMS11 |
GM: Assign Scrn Flds
to DB Fields |
5655 |
GMS12 |
GM Grant Control:
Field grp criteri |
5656 |
GMS13 |
GM Grant Control:
Role Categories |
5657 |
GMS14 |
GM Grant Control: BP
Role Groupings |
5658 |
GMS15 |
GM: Application
Transactions |
5659 |
GMS16 |
GM Grant Control:
Tables |
5660 |
GMS17 |
GM: External
Applications |
5661 |
GMS18 |
GM Grant Control:
Activities |
5662 |
GMS19 |
GM: Function Module
Activity |
5663 |
GMS2 |
GM Grant Control:
Field Groups |
5664 |
GMS200 |
GM Grant Control:
Change doc lists |
5665 |
GMS22 |
GM Grant Control:
Where-Used List: |
5666 |
GMS23 |
GM Grant Control:
Data sets |
5667 |
GMS24 |
GM Where used list
define view |
5668 |
GMS25 |
GM Where used list -
process tovie |
5669 |
GMS26 |
GM: BAPI Fields to
Field Groups |
5670 |
GMS3 |
GM Grant Control:
Views |
5671 |
GMS4 |
GM Grant Control:
Sections |
5672 |
GMS5 |
GM Grant Control:
Screens |
5673 |
GMS6 |
GM Grant Control:
Screen Sequence |
5674 |
GMS7 |
GM Grant Control:
Events |
5675 |
GMS8 |
GM Grant Control: GUI
Std Functions |
5676 |
GMS9 |
GM Grant Control: GUI
Addl Function |
5677 |
GP12 |
Change Local Planned
Values |
5678 |
GP12N |
FI-SL: Change Plan
Data |
5679 |
GP12NA |
FI-SL: Display Plan
Data |
5680 |
GP13 |
Display Local Planned
Values |
5681 |
GP22 |
Change Global Planned
Values |
5682 |
GP23 |
Display Global
Planned Values |
5683 |
GP30 |
Maintain Distribution
Keys |
5684 |
GP31 |
Create Distribution
Key |
5685 |
GP32 |
Change Distribution
Key |
5686 |
GP33 |
Display Distribution
Key |
5687 |
GP34 |
Delete Distribution
Key |
5688 |
GP41 |
Create Planning
Parameters |
5689 |
GP42 |
Change Planning
Parameters |
5690 |
GP43 |
Display Planning
Parameters |
5691 |
GP44 |
Delete Planning
Parameters |
5692 |
GP52 |
Local Source Data to
Plan |
5693 |
GP62 |
Global Source Data to
Plan |
5694 |
GP82 |
Flexible G/L: Enter
plan values |
5695 |
GP83 |
Flexible G/L: Display
plan values |
5696 |
Calling SAP Graphics
demos |
5697 |
GRE0 |
Report Writer:
Extract Management |
5698 |
GRE1 |
Report Writer:
Display Extracts |
5699 |
GRE5 |
Report Writer: Delete
Extracts |
5700 |
GRE6 |
Report Writer: Print
Extracts |
5701 |
GRE7 |
Report Writer:
Validity of Extracts |
5702 |
GRE8 |
Extracts: User
Settings |
5703 |
GRE9 |
Extracts: User
settings; coll.maint |
5704 |
Request and Message
Gen. |
5705 |
GRM1 |
Display Grouping WBS
Elem Assign. |
5706 |
GRM2 |
Display MRP Group
Assignments |
5707 |
GRM3 |
Colective Processing:
Assignments |
5708 |
GRM4 |
Change Grouping
Element Assignments |
5709 |
GRM5 |
Maintain MRP group
assignments |
5710 |
GRM6 |
Grouping Consistency
Check |
5711 |
GRM7 |
Display Grouping WBS
Elem Assign. |
5712 |
Editor callup for
FI/CO program |
5713 |
GRP1 |
Report Writer:
Display Extracts |
5714 |
GRP5 |
Report Writer: Delete
Extracts |
5715 |
GRP6 |
Report Writer: Print
Extracts |
5716 |
GRP7 |
Report Writer:
Validity of Extracts |
5717 |
Report Painter:
Translate reports |
5718 |
GRR1 |
RW: Create Row/Column
Structure |
5719 |
GRR2 |
RW: Change
formula |
5720 |
GRR3 |
RW: Display
formula |
5721 |
GRR4 |
Create model |
5722 |
GRR5 |
Change model |
5723 |
GRR6 |
Display model |
5724 |
GRR7 |
Export models |
5725 |
GRR8 |
Import models |
5726 |
GRR9 |
Copy models from
client |
5727 |
GR1L |
Directory: Standard
Layout |
5728 |
GR11 |
Create Standard
Layout |
5729 |
GR12 |
Change Standard
Layout |
5730 |
GR13 |
Display Standard
Layout |
5731 |
GR14 |
Delete Standard
Layout |
5732 |
GR17 |
Export standard
layouts |
5733 |
GR18 |
Import standard
layouts |
5734 |
GR19 |
Copy standard layouts
from client |
5735 |
GR2L |
Libraries |
5736 |
GR21 |
Create Library |
5737 |
GR22 |
Change Library |
5738 |
GR23 |
Display library |
5739 |
GR24 |
Delete library |
5740 |
GR27 |
Export libraries |
5741 |
GR28 |
Import libraries |
5742 |
GR29 |
Copy libraries from
client |
5743 |
GR3L |
Catalog: Reports |
5744 |
GR31 |
Create report |
5745 |
GR32 |
Change Report |
5746 |
GR33 |
Display report |
5747 |
GR34 |
Delete report |
5748 |
GR37 |
Export reports |
5749 |
GR38 |
Import reports |
5750 |
GR39 |
Copy reports from
client |
5751 |
GR5G |
Generate report
groups |
5752 |
GR5L |
Directory: Report
groups |
5753 |
GR51 |
Create report
group |
5754 |
GR52 |
Change Report
Group |
5755 |
GR53 |
Display report
group |
5756 |
GR54 |
Delete report
group |
5757 |
GR55 |
Execute Report
Group |
5758 |
GR57 |
Export report
groups |
5759 |
GR58 |
Import report
groups |
5760 |
GR59 |
Copy report groups
from client |
5761 |
Subsequent Pstng of
Stat.Key Figure |
5762 |
GS01 |
Create set |
5763 |
GS02 |
Change Set |
5764 |
GS03 |
Display Set |
5765 |
GS04 |
Delete set |
5766 |
GS07 |
Exports sets |
5767 |
GS08 |
Import sets |
5768 |
GS09 |
Copy sets from
client |
5769 |
GS11 |
Create Variable |
5770 |
GS12 |
Change Variable |
5771 |
GS13 |
Display Variable |
5772 |
GS14 |
Delete Variable |
5773 |
GS17 |
Export variables |
5774 |
GS18 |
Import variables |
5775 |
GS19 |
Copy variables from
client |
5776 |
GS32 |
Create/Change Key
Figures |
5777 |
GS33 |
Display Key
Figures |
5778 |
Table Display |
5779 |
Test |
5780 |
FI-SL: Balance Carry
Forward |
5781 |
FI-SL: Global
Currency Translation |
5782 |
FI-SL: Local Currency
Translation |
5783 |
Generate FI-SL
completely |
5784 |
Internal Maintnce of
ApplCompnts |
5785 |
HMU1 |
Convert Haz.-Inducers
to Substances |
5786 |
HMU2 |
Hazard-Inducing Substances |
5787 |
HMU3 |
Convert Dangerous
Goods Description |
5788 |
HMU4 |
Convert Non-DG
Indicators |
5789 |
Maintenance View for
Table ADMI_CRI |
5790 |
Customizing HR |
5791 |
Management reports |
5792 |
Set Up and Maintain
ESS Users |
5793 |
HR00 |
HR Report
Selection |
5794 |
Doc. Cancellation of
HU Gds Mv |
5795 |
Display Staged
HUs |
5796 |
Display Manufactured
HUs |
5797 |
of HU Stocks |
5798 |
Number Range
Maintenance: HU_VEKP |
5799 |
for Travel
Planning |
5800 |
Handling Units for
Inbound Delivery |
5801 |
Database Indexes for
Handling Units |
5802 |
Handling Units
Related to Matl Doc. |
5803 |
HU Monitor |
5804 |
Number range
maintenance: LE_HU |
5805 |
Display HUs for
Outbound Delivery |
5806 |
Station |
5807 |
HUP1 |
HU creation in
production |
5808 |
Display HUs for
Shipment |
5809 |
HU00 |
Handling units |
5810 |
HU02 |
Create and Changing
Handling Unit |
5811 |
HU03 |
Display of HUs |
5812 |
HU04 |
Creation of HUs with
stock |
5813 |
HU05 |
Display of HUs for
object |
5814 |
TA |
Description |
5815 |
Log for Account
Assignment Manager |
5816 |
Delete Acc.
Assignment Manager Log |
5817 |
Object Link Analysis
Acct Managemen |
5818 |
Business Scenario
Translator |
5819 |
Maintain Controlling
Scenario |
5820 |
Maintain Controlling
Integration |
5821 |
IA01 |
Create Equipment Task
List |
5822 |
IA02 |
Change Equipment Task
List |
5823 |
IA03 |
Display Equipment
Task List |
5824 |
IA04 |
Display PM/SM Task
List (A;E;T) |
5825 |
IA05 |
Create general task
list |
5826 |
IA06 |
Change General
Maintenance Task Lis |
5827 |
IA07 |
Display General Task
List |
5828 |
IA08 |
Change PM Task
Lists |
5829 |
IA09 |
Display Task
Lists |
5830 |
IA10 |
Display Task Lists
(Multilevel) |
5831 |
IA11 |
Create FunctLoc Task
List |
5832 |
IA12 |
Change FunctLoc Task
List |
5833 |
IA13 |
Display FunctLoc Task
List |
5834 |
IA15 |
Task List Original
Change Docs |
5835 |
IA16 |
Cost Maintenance Task
Lists |
5836 |
IA17 |
Print Maintenance
Task Lists |
5837 |
IA18 |
Display Task Lists by
Class Search |
5838 |
IA19 |
Change Task Lists by
Class Search |
5839 |
IA21 |
Evaluate Task List
Change Documents |
5840 |
IA25 |
Deletion of PM Task
Lists |
5841 |
PM: Batch Input
Utility |
5842 |
Transaction for BAL
of IBIP |
5843 |
IBI2 |
Plant Maintenance
Batch Input |
5844 |
IB01 |
Create Equipment
5845 |
IB02 |
Change Equipment
5846 |
IB03 |
Display Equipment
5847 |
IB05 |
Change Equipment BOM
Group |
5848 |
IB06 |
Display Equipment BOM
Group |
5849 |
IB07 |
Assign Equipment BOM
to Plant |
5850 |
IB08 |
Change Equipment BOM
- Plant Alloc. |
5851 |
IB09 |
Display Equipment BOM
Plant Alloc. |
5852 |
IB11 |
Create Functional
Location BOM |
5853 |
IB12 |
Change Functional
Location BOM |
5854 |
IB13 |
Display Functional
Location BOM |
5855 |
IB15 |
Change FunctLocation
BOM Group |
5856 |
IB16 |
Display FunctLocation
BOM Group |
5857 |
IB17 |
Create FunctLoc. BOM
Plant Assignmn |
5858 |
IB18 |
Change FunctLoc. BOM
Plant Alloc. |
5859 |
IB19 |
Display FunctLoc. BOM
Plant Alloc. |
5860 |
IB51 |
Create IBase |
5861 |
IB52 |
Change IBase |
5862 |
IB53 |
Display IBase |
5863 |
IB54 |
Change Two Installed
Bases |
5864 |
IB55 |
Display Two
Installations |
5865 |
IB61 |
Create Installed Base
with Referenc |
5866 |
IB80 |
Change Documents for
Equipment BOM |
5867 |
IB81 |
FunctLocation BOM
Change Documents |
5868 |
IB90 |
Equipment BOM Number
Ranges |
5869 |
IB91 |
FunctLocation BOM
Number Ranges |
5870 |
Conversion |
5871 |
Printout on
Prenumbered Forms |
5872 |
Prenumbered Forms
Report |
5873 |
IDoc: Repair and
check programs |
5874 |
Unused Prenumbered
Forms |
5875 |
IDX1 |
Port Maintenance in
IDoc Adapter |
5876 |
IDX2 |
Metadata Overview for
IDoc Adapter |
5877 |
IDX3 |
Mass Assgt of IDoc to
Log. Partners |
5878 |
IDX4 |
Assgt of IDoc to Log.
Partners |
5879 |
IDX5 |
Adapter -
Monitoring |
5880 |
Objects |
5881 |
IE01 |
Create Equipment |
5882 |
IE02 |
Change Equipment |
5883 |
IE03 |
Equipment |
5884 |
IE05 |
Change Equipment |
5885 |
IE06 |
Change Equipment |
5886 |
IE07 |
Equipment List
(Multi-level) |
5887 |
IE08 |
Create Equipment |
5888 |
IE10 |
Multiple Equipment
Entry |
5889 |
IE20 |
Equipment Search |
5890 |
IE25 |
Create Production
Resource/Tool |
5891 |
IE31 |
Create Fleet
Object |
5892 |
IE36 |
Display Vehicles |
5893 |
IE37 |
Change Vehicles |
5894 |
IE4N |
Installation and Removal |
5895 |
Transaction |
5896 |
IF00 |
Resources/Tools |
5897 |
FX netting with In
House Cash |
5898 |
Reversal of IHC
Payment Orders |
5899 |
IHC01 |
Area Orders |
5900 |
IH01 |
Functional Location
Structure |
5901 |
IH02 |
Reference Location
Structure |
5902 |
IH03 |
Structure |
5903 |
IH04 |
Structure |
5904 |
IH05 |
Structure |
5905 |
IH06 |
Display Functional
Location |
5906 |
IH07 |
Display Reference
Location |
5907 |
IH08 |
Equipment |
5908 |
IH09 |
Display Material |
5909 |
IH10 |
Equipment |
5910 |
IH11 |
Display Functional
Location |
5911 |
IH12 |
Structure |
5912 |
IH18 |
Ref. Location List
(Multi-Level) |
5913 |
IH20 |
Where-Used List
Time |
5914 |
IH21 |
IBase Structural
Display |
5915 |
IH22 |
Where-Used List Time
Interval |
5916 |
IKA1 |
5917 |
IK01 |
Create Measuring
Point |
5918 |
IK01R |
Create Reference
Measuring Point |
5919 |
IK02 |
Change Measuring
Point |
5920 |
IK02R |
Change Reference
Measuring Point |
5921 |
IK03 |
Display Measuring
Point |
5922 |
IK03R |
Display Reference
Measuring Point |
5923 |
IK04 |
Create Measuring
Points for Object |
5924 |
IK04R |
Create Ref. Measuring
Points for Ob |
5925 |
IK05 |
Change Measuring
Points for Object |
5926 |
IK05R |
Change Ref. Measuring
Points for Ob |
5927 |
IK06 |
Display Measuring
Points for Object |
5928 |
IK06R |
Display Ref Measuring
Points for Ob |
5929 |
IK07 |
Display Measuring
Points |
5930 |
IK07R |
Display Reference
Measuring Point |
5931 |
IK08 |
Change Measuring
Points |
5932 |
IK08R |
Change Reference
Measuring Point |
5933 |
IK09 |
Maintain Number Range
for Table IMP |
5934 |
IK10R |
Transfer Data from
Ref Measuring Pn |
5935 |
IK11 |
Create Measurement
Document |
5936 |
IK12 |
Change Measurement
Document |
5937 |
IK13 |
Display Measurement
Document |
5938 |
IK14 |
Collective Entry of
MeasDocuments |
5939 |
IK15 |
Take Up Measurement
Reading Transfe |
5940 |
IK16 |
Collective Entry of
MeasDocuments |
5941 |
IK17 |
Display Measurement
Documents |
5942 |
IK18 |
Change Measurement
Documents |
5943 |
IK19 |
Maintain Number Range
for Table IMR |
5944 |
IK21 |
Collective Entry of
MeasDocuments |
5945 |
IK22 |
Collective Entry of
MeasDocuments |
5946 |
IK31 |
Create MeasReading
Entry List |
5947 |
IK32 |
Change MeasReading
Entry List |
5948 |
IK33 |
Display MeasReading
entry list |
5949 |
IK34 |
Collective Entry of
MeasDocuments |
5950 |
IK41 |
Display MeasDocs From
Archive |
5951 |
IK51 |
MeasReading Transfer
Structure |
5952 |
IK52 |
MeasReading Transfer
History |
5953 |
IK71 |
Create Meas. Document
in Internet |
5954 |
IL01 |
Create Functional
Location |
5955 |
IL02 |
Change Functional
Location |
5956 |
IL03 |
Display Functional
Location |
5957 |
IL04 |
Create FunctLocation:
List Entry |
5958 |
IL05 |
Change Functional
Location |
5959 |
IL06 |
Data Transfer From
FunctLocation |
5960 |
IL07 |
Funct. Location List
(Multi-Level) |
5961 |
IL08 |
Create Functional
Location |
5962 |
IL09 |
User Profile for
Labeling |
5963 |
IL10 |
Reusability of
Historical Labels |
5964 |
IL11 |
Create Reference
Location |
5965 |
IL12 |
Change Reference
Location |
5966 |
IL13 |
Display Reference
Location |
5967 |
IL14 |
Create RefLocation:
List Entry |
5968 |
IL15 |
Change Reference
Location |
5969 |
IL16 |
Data Transfer from
RefLocation |
5970 |
IL17 |
Take up Data
Transfer |
5971 |
IL18 |
Data Transfer From
Equipment |
5972 |
IL20 |
Change Functional
Location |
5973 |
CI Management Info
System |
5974 |
Automatic Mass
Change |
5975 |
Blanket Change to
Plan Values |
5976 |
Number range
maintenance: IMAK |
5977 |
Change plan for
appropriation req. |
5978 |
Overview Planning
(Planner) |
5979 |
Planning |
5980 |
Overview Planning
(Easy Web) |
5981 |
Display plan for
appropriation req. |
5982 |
Plan investment
portion of app.req. |
5983 |
Display plan:
Appropriation request |
5984 |
Change plan
revenues |
5985 |
Display plan
revenues |
5986 |
IMA0 |
Requests |
5987 |
IMA1 |
Create appropriation
request |
5988 |
Create Appropriation
Request |
5989 |
IMA11 |
Processing |
5990 |
IMA12 |
Individual Processing
(Planner) |
5991 |
IMA13 |
Individual Processing
(Web Trans.) |
5992 |
IMA2 |
Change appropriation
request |
5993 |
Change Appropriation
Request |
5994 |
IMA3 |
Display appropriation
request |
5995 |
Display Appropriation
Request |
5996 |
IMA4 |
Delete appropriation
request |
5997 |
Delete Appropriation
Request |
5998 |
IMA6 |
Copy version assignmt
to measure |
5999 |
IM Summariz: Settings
in file |
6000 |
IM Summariz: Delete
values/hierarch |
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