Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 13001-14000

13001 RTPB12 RPUS GUI: Additional Functions   
13002 RTPB13 RPUS GUI: Assignm scrn fld -> DBfl
13003 RTPB14 RPUS Field Mod: Criteria   
13004 RTPB15 RPUS Field Mod: Activity Category  
13005 RTPB16 Create data set for retirement plan 
13006 RTPB17 Retirement types     
13007 RTPB18 RPUS Authorization types    
13008 RTPB19 RPUS Field groups for authorization  
13009 RVND Create Payment Requests Online   
13010 RWBE Stock Overview     
13011 RZPT Time Maintenance Tool    
13012 RZ01 Job Scheduling Monitor    
13013 RZ02 Network Graphics for SAP Instances  
13014 RZ03 Presentation; Control SAP Instances   
13015 RZ04 Maintain SAP Instances    
13016 RZ06 Alerts Thresholds Maintenance    
13017 RZ08 SAP Alert Monitor    
13018 RZ10 Maintain Profile Parameters    
13019 RZ11 Profile Parameter Maintenance    
13020 RZ12 Maintain RFC Server Group Assignmen  
13021 RZ15 Read XMI log    
13022 RZ20 CCMS Monitoring     
13023 RZ21 CCMS Monitoring Arch. Customizing   
13024 RZ23 Performance database monitor    
13025 RZ23N Central Performance History    
13026 RZ25 Start Tools for a TID  
13027 RZ26 Methods for an Alert   
13028 RZ27 RZ20 for a Monitor   
13029 RZ28 Alert Viewer for Monitor   
13030 RZ70 SLD Administration     
13031 S-33 Display table     
13032 S_IWB Initial Screen Knowledge Warehouse   
13033 SAAB Activ. Assertions and Breakpoints   
13034 SADJ Customizing Transfer Assistant    
13035 SADP Contact person addr.maint. init.scr   
13036 SADQ Private address maint. initial scrn  
13037 SADR Address maint. - Group required!  
13038 SAD0 Address Management call    
13039 SAINT Add-On Installation Tool    
13040 SAKB0 AKB Configuration     
13041 SAKB4 Usage Explanations     
13042 SAKB5 Table Enhancements     
13043 SALE Display ALE Customizing    
13044 SAMT ABAP Program Set Processing   
13045 SARA Archive Administration     
13046 SARE Archive Explorer     
13047 SARFC Server Resources for Asynchron. RFC  
13048 SARI Archive Information System    
13049 SARJ Archive Retrieval Configurator    
13050 SARP Reporting (Tree Structure): Execute   
13051 SARPN Display Report Trees    
13052 SART Display Report Tree    
13053 SARTN Display Report Trees    
13054 SA01 Number range maintenance: ADRNR   
13055 SA11 Number range maintenance: ADRV   
13056 SA12 Number range maintenance: ADRVP   
13057 SA38 ABAP Reporting     
13058 SA39 SA38 for Parameter Transaction   
13059 SBAC Edit Application Components    
13060 SBCA Routing Server Administration    
13061 SBDS1 Displaying Open Bar Codes   
13062 SBDS2 Open Internal Bar Codes   
13063 SBDS3 Open External Bar Codes   
13064 SBDS4 Open Bar Codes with Keep Flag 
13065 SBDS5 Internal Bar Codes with Keep Flag 
13066 SBDS6 External Bar Codes with Keep Flag 
13067 SBDS7 Compare Open Bar Codes   
13068 SBEA BEAC corporate flight system   
13069 SBIW BIW in IMG for OLTP  
13070 SBI1 Maintain enhanced InfoSource    
13071 SBI2 Maintain enhanced master data str.  
13072 SBI3 Maintain append for InfoSource   
13073 SBI4 Maintain append for master data  
13074 SBI5 Delete InfoObjects     
13075 SBMA Migration Assistant     
13076 SBPT Administration Process Technology    
13077 SBRAC of Routing Attributes    
13078 SBRT RBR: Test Interface    
13079 SBRT2 Test      
13080 SBRT3 Test Server - Configuration   
13081 SBTA Test background processing    
13082 SBWP SAP Business Workplace    
13083 SB01 Business Navigator - Component View  
13084 SCAL Factory Calendar with GUI   
13085 SCASE Case Management     
13086 SCAT Computer Aided Test Tool   
13087 SCA2 Cannot be executed directly   
13088 SCA3 Cannot be executed directly   
13089 SCA4_D be executed directly    
13090 SCA4_U be executed directly    
13091 SCA5_D be executed directly    
13092 SCA5_U be executed directly    
13093 SCA6_D be executed directly    
13094 SCA6_U be executed directly    
13095 SCCL Local Client Copy    
13096 SCC1 Client Copy - Special Selections  
13097 SCC3 Client Copy Log    
13098 SCC5 Delete Client     
13099 SCC7 Post-Client Import Methods    
13100 SCC8 Client Export     
13101 SCC9 Remote Client Copy    
13102 SCDN Change Documents: Number Ranges   
13103 SCDO Display Change Document Objects   
13104 SCEM CATT - EM    
13105 SCFB Manager: Start of a Function  
13106 SCI Code Inspector     
13107 SCID Inspector for Specified Object   
13108 SCII Inspector: Inspection     
13109 SCMA Schedule Manager: Scheduler    
13110 SCMATP SchedMan: Task List Maintenance   
13111 SCMO Schedule Manager: Monitor    
13112 SCMP View/Table Comparison     
13113 SCMSMO Provider Monitor     
13114 SCON SAPconnect - Administration    
13115 SCOOL Repository      
13116 SCOT SAPconnect - Administration    
13117 SCP Display and Maintain Code Page   
13118 SCPI Production Optimization Interface    
13119 SCPM CATT - EM    
13120 SCPMIG Character Conversion     
13121 SCPRAT Change BC Set Value Attributes  
13122 SCPRIP Delete Several BC Sets   
13123 SCPR10 BC Sets: Compare after transport  
13124 SCPR20 BC Sets: Activate    
13125 SCPR3 Display and maintain BC Sets  
13126 SCPR92 BC Sets: Maintenance tool 2  
13127 SCRE Manager: Start of a Report  
13128 SCRK Number range maintenance: CSCR_KEYN   
13129 SCRM CRM-Relevant IMG in PlugIn of R/3 
13130 SCUA Central User Administration    
13131 SCUC CUA: Synchronize company addresses   
13132 SCUG Transfer Users     
13133 SCUL Central User Administration Log   
13134 SCUM Central User Administration    
13135 SCU0 Customizing Cross-System Viewer    
13136 SCU3 Table History     
13137 SCWB Correction Workbench     
13138 SC38 Start Report (Remote)    
13139 SDBE Explain an SQL statement   
13140 SDCC Service Data Control Center   
13141 SDD1 Duplicate Sales Documents in Period  
13142 SDMO Dynamic Menu (old)    
13143 SDOCU Documentation Structure     
13144 SDO1 Orders within time period   
13145 SDPI Number Range Maint.: SD_PICKING   
13146 SDQ1 Expiring Quotations     
13147 SDQ2 Expired Quotations     
13148 SDQ3 Completed Quotations     
13149 SDV Document Viewing     
13150 SDVK Purchase Analysis Sales Documents   
13151 SDV1 Expiring Contracts     
13152 SDV2 Expired Contracts     
13153 SDV3 Completed Contracts     
13154 SDWB Service Definition Work Bench   
13155 SDW0 ABAP Development WB Initial Screen  
13156 SD11 Data Modeler     
13157 SECATT Extended Computer Aided Test Tool  
13158 SECOCO Composer      
13159 SECR Audit Information System    
13160 SECSTO Administration of Secure Memory   
13161 SENG Administration of External Indexes   
13162 SEPA EPS Server: Administration    
13163 SEPS SAP Electronic Parcel Service   
13164 SERP Reporting: Change Tree Structure   
13165 SESS Manager Menu Tree Display   
13166 SETB Direct Input for BUSAB   
13167 SE01 Transport Organizer (Extended)    
13168 SE03 Transport Organizer Tools    
13169 SE06 Set Up Transport Organizer   
13170 SE07 CTS Status Display    
13171 SE09 Transport Organizer     
13172 SE10 Transport Organizer     
13173 SE11 ABAP Dictionary     
13174 SE12 ABAP/4 Dictionary Display    
13175 SE13 Maintain Technical Settings (Tables   
13176 SE14 Utilities for Dictionary Tables   
13177 SE15 Repository Information Syste    
13178 SE16 Data Browser     
13179 SE16N General Table Display    
13180 SE17 General Table Display    
13181 SE18 Business Add-Ins: Definitions    
13182 SE19 Business Add-Ins: Implementations    
13183 SE21 Package Builder      
13184 SE24 Class Builder     
13185 SE29 Application Packets     
13186 SE30 ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis   
13187 SE32 ABAP Text Element Maintenance   
13188 SE33 Context Builder     
13189 SE35 ABAP/4 Dialog Modules    
13190 SE36 Logical Database Builder    
13191 SE37 ABAP Function Modules    
13192 SE38 ABAP Editor     
13193 SE39 Editor: (New)     
13194 SE39O Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare   
13195 SE40 MP: Standards Maint. and Translatio  
13196 SE41 Menu Painter     
13197 SE43 Maintain Area Menu    
13198 SE43N Maintain Area Menu    
13199 SE51 Painter      
13200 SE54 Generate table view    
13201 SE61 R/3 Documentation     
13202 SE61D Display of SAPScript Text   
13203 SE62 Industry Utilities     
13204 SE63 Translation: Initial Screen    
13205 SE64 Terminology      
13206 SE71 SAPscript form     
13207 SE72 SAPscript Styles     
13208 SE73 SAPscript Font Maintenance    
13209 SE74 SAPscript format conversion    
13210 SE75 SAPscript Settings     
13211 SE76 SAPscript: Form Translation    
13212 SE77 SAPscript Styles Translation    
13213 SE78 Administration of Form Graphics   
13214 SE8I Lists in Repository Infosystem   
13215 SE80 Object Navigator     
13216 SE81 Application Hierarchy     
13217 SE82 Application Hierarchy     
13218 SE84 Repository Information System    
13219 SE85 Repository Information Syste    
13220 SE89 Maintain Trees in Information Syste  
13221 SE90 Model Information System    
13222 SE91 Message Maintenance     
13223 SE92 New SysLog Msg Maintenance as of 46
13224 SE92N Maintain System Log Messages   
13225 SE93 Maintain Transaction Codes    
13226 SE94 Customer enhancement simulation    
13227 SE95 Modification Browser     
13228 SE97 Maint. transaction call authorizatn   
13229 SFAC Field selection maintenance    
13230 SFAW Field Selection Maintenance    
13231 SFT1 Maintain Public Holidays    
13232 SFT2 Maintain Public Holiday Calendar   
13233 SFT3 Maintain Factory Calendar    
13234 SGEN SAP Load Generator    
13235 SGOSHI Object History     
13236 SHDB Batch Input Transaction Recorder   
13237 SHDG Global Fields: Change and Display  
13238 SHDI Transaction Variants Image Archive   
13239 SHDS Internal: Save transaction variant   
13240 SHD0 Transaction and Screen Variants   
13241 SHD1 Internal: Variant transaction call   
13242 SHI0 Structure buffer: Node type maint.  
13243 SHI1 Structure buffer: Link type maint.  
13244 SHI2 Structure buffer: Struc. type maint  
13245 SHI3 Structure maintenance     
13246 SH01 Online help: F1 Help server  
13247 SH02 Online help: Link tracing   
13248 SH03 Call extended help    
13249 SI_SEL Structure Editor Link    
13250 SIAC1 Web Object Administration    
13251 SIBU Industry Maintenance     
13252 SICF HTTP Service Hierarchy Maintenance   
13253 SICK Installation Check     
13254 SIMGH Structure Maintenance     
13255 SINA SAPBPT: Maintain Standard Config.   
13256 SIN1 SAPBPT: Inbox     
13257 SI00 SAP Knowledge Warehouse    
13258 SI21 Migration of extended help   
13259 SI22 Create Command Files    
13260 SI23 Init. screen of cust. maint. interf 
13261 SI23_6 Edit templates     
13262 SI24 Initial Screen of IMG (KW)  
13263 SI24_1 Customizing System (KW)    
13264 SI24_2 Customizing Server (KW)    
13265 SI24_3 Customizing Assignments (KW)    
13266 SI24_4 Customizing Export Variants (KW)   
13267 SI24_5 Initial Structure (Custom.)    
13268 SI24_6 Instantiation of Info Obj.   
13269 SI24_7 export_range in iwbsetting    
13270 SI24_8 R/3 Link Maintenance (Cust)   
13271 SI24_9 Document Management Areas (View)   
13272 SI80 Knowledge Warehouse     
13273 SI81 Management      
13274 SI85 Knowledge Warehouse (General)    
13275 SI86 Management      
13276 SI88 HTML Export     
13277 SI89 Analyze HTML Export Logs   
13278 SI90 Knowledge Warehouse: Training    
13279 SKEP Schedule
13280 SKNF Maintain Configuration Groups    
13281 SKPR07 for KPRO Retrieval    
13282 SKPR09 Test Content Repositories    
13283 SKWA Administration Workbench     
13284 SKWR01 Taxonomy Tree Management    
13285 SKWR02 Index      
13286 SKWR03 Documents      
13287 SKWS Status Management     
13288 SLAT Additional Translation Tools    
13289 SLDB Logical Databases (Tree Structure)   
13290 SLGN Applic.log: Number range maintenanc   
13291 SLGT Register in Central Object Director  
13292 SLG1 Display Application Log: Display Logs   
13293 SLG2 Application Log: Delete logs   
13294 SLIBN Reuse Library     
13295 SLIBP Reuse Product     
13296 SLIN ABAP: Extended Program Check   
13297 SLIS FI-SL Spec.Purpose Ledg. Info.Syste   
13298 SLLS Translation Statistics     
13299 SLLT Translation Performance Statistics    
13300 SLPP Proposal Pool     
13301 SLWA Translation Environment Admin.    
13302 SLWB Environment Scheduler     
13303 SLW3 Scheduler      
13304 SLW4 Translation: Application Hierarchy    
13305 SL02 PAW - Main Menu   
13306 SL31 PAW - Test-Type Definitions   
13307 SL32 PAW - Location Definitions   
13308 SL60 PAW - Test Results Overview  
13309 SL61 PAW - Test Results Transfer to HR
13310 SL62 PAW - Lookup Definition Tree  
13311 SL63 PAW - Location Test-Catalog   
13312 SL64 PAW - Statistical Evaluations   
13313 SL65 PAW - Export Test Results  
13314 SL66 PAW - Download Certification Detail  
13315 SL67 PAW - Download Test-Catalog for Loc 
13316 SL68 PAW - Test Data Generation  
13317 SL69 PAW - Qualification Transfer Log.  
13318 SL70 PAW - Person Results Overview  
13319 SL71 PAW - Initial Data Generator  
13320 SL73 PAW - Batch Qualification Generatio  
13321 SL74 PAW - Batch Q.- Generation Protocol 
13322 SL75 PAW - Item Results Overview  
13323 SL76 PAW - Test Structure Display  
13324 SL77 PAW - Show comments for test items
13325 SL79 PAW - Location Profile Maintenance  
13326 SL91 PAW - Maintain location profile  
13327 SL92 PAW - Maintain test type profil 
13328 SL93 PAW - Maintain Settings   
13329 SL94 PAW - Maintain test IO profile 
13330 SL95 PAW - Maintain User Profiles  
13331 SL96 PAW - Release Control Settings  
13332 SL99 PAW - Display authorization profile  
13333 SMAP01 Maintain Solution Map objects   
13334 SMCL CSL: Monitor     
13335 SMEN Manager Menu Tree Display   
13336 SMET Display frequency of function calls  
13337 SMGW Gateway Monitor     
13338 SMICM Monitor      
13339 SMLG Maint.Assign. Logon Grp to Instance  
13340 SMLT Management      
13341 SMMS Message Server Monitor    
13342 SMOD SAP Enhancement Management    
13343 SMOMO Mobile Engine     
13344 SMQA tRFC/qRFC: Confirm. status & data  
13345 SMQE qRFC Administration     
13346 SMQG Distributed QOUT Tables    
13347 SMQR Registration of Inbound Queues   
13348 SMQS Registration of Destinations    
13349 SMQ1 qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue)   
13350 SMQ2 qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue)   
13351 SMQ3 qRFC Monitor (Saved E-Queue)   
13352 SMT1 Trusted Systems (Display <-> Maint.  
13353 SMT2 Trusting systems (Display <->Maint.   
13354 SMW0 SAP Web Repository    
13355 SMX Display Own Jobs    
13356 SM01 Lock Transactions     
13357 SM02 System Messages     
13358 SM04 User List     
13359 SM12 Display and Delete Locks   
13360 SM13 Administrate Update Records    
13361 SM13T Administrate Update Records    
13362 SM14 Update Program Administration    
13363 SM18 Reorganize Security Audit Log   
13364 SM19 Security Audit Configuration    
13365 SM20 Security Audit Log Assessment   
13366 SM20N Analysis of Security Audit Log  
13367 SM21 Online System Log Analysis   
13368 SM28 Installation Check     
13369 SM29 Model Transfer for Tables   
13370 SM30 Call View Maintenance    
13371 SM31 Call View Maintenance Like SM30  
13372 SM32 Maintain Table Parameter ID TAB  
13373 SM33 Display Table Parameter ID TAB  
13374 SM34 Viewcluster Maintenance Call    
13375 SM35 Batch Input Monitoring    
13376 SM35P Batch Input: Log Monitoring   
13377 SM36 Schedule Background Job    
13378 SM37 Overview of job selection   
13379 SM37B Simple version of job selection  
13380 SM37C Flexible version of job selection  
13381 SM38 Queue Maintenance Transaction    
13382 SM39 Job Analysis     
13383 SM49 Execute external OS commands   
13384 SM50 Work Process Overview    
13385 SM51 List of SAP Systems   
13386 SM54 TXCOM Maintenance     
13387 SM55 THOST Maintenance     
13388 SM56 Number Range Buffer    
13389 SM58 Asynchronous RFC Error Log   
13390 SM580 Transaction for Drag & Relate  
13391 SM59 RFC Destinations (Display/Maintain)    
13392 SM61 Backgroup control objects monitor   
13393 SM61B New control object management   
13394 SM63 Display/Maintain Operating Mode Set   
13395 SM64 Trigger an Event    
13396 SM65 Background Processing Analysis Tool   
13397 SM66 Systemwide Work Process Overview   
13398 SM69 Maintain External OS Commands   
13399 SNC0 SNC Access Control List: Systems  
13400 SNC1 Generate SNC name for user  
13401 SNC2 Export SNC name of user  
13402 SNC3 User initial control list 3.1-4.0  
13403 SNC4 Check canonical SNC names   
13404 SNLS Display NLS (character set; lang.)  
13405 SNL1 Display NLS (character set; lang.)  
13406 SNL2 Set NLS (character set; language...  
13407 SNL3 Develop NLS (character set; lang...  
13408 SNOTE Assistant      
13409 SNRO Number Range Objects    
13410 SNUM Number Range Driver    
13411 SOA SAP ArchiveLink     
13412 SOAACT Actual Calculation of Provisions    
13413 SOAAD ACE Account Assignment    
13414 SOAD SAPoffice: External Addresses    
13415 SOAIMG IMG for Stock Option Accounting  
13416 SOASIM Simulation of Provisions     
13417 SOBJ Maintenance Object Attributes    
13418 SOBN01 data      
13419 SOBT Maintenance Object Attributes    
13420 SOCP SAPoffice: External Addresses    
13421 SODS SAPoffice: LDAP Browser    
13422 SOEX Express Message     
13423 SOFF SAPoffice: Area Menu    
13424 SOHI Object History     
13425 SOLMAP Maintain Solution Maps    
13426 SOSB Send Order Overview (User)   
13427 SOSG Send Request Overview (Groups)   
13428 SOST Overview transmission requests    
13429 SOSV SAPconnect Send Requests    
13430 SOTR Test transaction for API1 (received  
13431 SOYA SAPoffice: Change folder owner   
13432 SOY1 SAPoffice: Mass Maint. Users   
13433 SOY2 SAPoffice: Statistics data collect.   
13434 SOY3 SAPoffice: Statistics Evaluation    
13435 SOY4 SAPoffice: Access overview    
13436 SOY5 SAPoffice: Inbox overview    
13437 SOY6 SAPoffice: Document overview    
13438 SOY7 SAPoffice: Folder overview    
13439 SOY8 SAPoffice: Mass Archiving    
13440 SOY9 SAPoffice: Inbox Reorg.    
13441 SO00 SAPoffice: Short Message    
13442 SO01 SAPoffice: Inbox     
13443 SO01X SAPoffice: Inbox     
13444 SO02 SAPoffice: Outbox     
13445 SO02X SAPoffice: Outbox     
13446 SO03 SAPoffice: Private Folders    
13447 SO03X SAPoffice: Private Folders    
13448 SO04 SAPoffice: Shared Folders    
13449 SO04X SAPoffice: Shared Folders    
13450 SO05 SAPoffice: Private Trash    
13451 SO05X SAPoffice: Private Trash    
13452 SO06 SAPoffice: Substitution on/off    
13453 SO07 SAPoffice: Resubmission     
13454 SO07X SAPoffice: Resubmission     
13455 SO10 SAPscript: Standard Texts    
13456 SO12 SAPoffice: User Master    
13457 SO13 SAPoffice: Substitute     
13458 SO15 SAPoffice: Distribution Lists    
13459 SO16 SAPoffice: Profile     
13460 SO17 SAPoffice: Delete Shared Trash   
13461 SO18 SAPoffice: Shared Trash    
13462 SO19 SAPoffice: Default Documents    
13463 SO20 SAPoffice: Private Default Document   
13464 SO21 Maintain PC Work Directory   
13465 SO22 SAPoffice: Delete PC Temp. Files  
13466 SO23 SAPoffice: Distribution Lists    
13467 SO28 Maintain SOGR     
13468 SO30 SAPoffice: Reorg.     
13469 SO31 Reorganization (daily)     
13470 SO36 Create Automatic Forwarding    
13471 SO38 SAPoffice: Synchr. of Folder Auths.  
13472 SO40 SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set MAIL  
13473 SO41 SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEFAX  
13474 SO42 SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_   
13475 SO43 SAPoffice: Cust.Layout Set TELEFAX_   
13476 SO44 SAPoffice: Cust. Layout Set TELEX  
13477 SO50 Rules for inbound distribution   
13478 SO52 Deletes Address from User Master  
13479 SO55 User consistency check    
13480 SO60 Call R/3 Help Library   
13481 SO70 Hypertext: Display/Maint. Structure    
13482 SO71 Test plan management    
13483 SO72 Maintain Hypertext Module    
13484 SO73 Import graphic into SAPfind   
13485 SO75 Getting Started with the R/3 System 
13486 SO80 SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Dialog  
13487 SO81 SAPfind: Free Text Indexing (Test)  
13488 SO82 SAPfind: Free Text Retrieval Batch  
13489 SO85 SAPfind: txt_seq_search     
13490 SO86 SAPfind: Txt_seq_search_1     
13491 SO90 SAPfind: shell folders service prog  
13492 SO91 SAPfind SO: SAPoffice Marketing Inf  
13493 SO95 Pregenerated Search Queries - Selec  
13494 SO99 Put Information System    
13495 SPAD Spool Administration     
13496 SPAK Package Builder      
13497 SPAM Support Package Manager    
13498 SPAR Determine storage parameters    
13499 SPAT Spool Administration (Test)    
13500 SPAU Display Modified DE Objects   
13501 SPBM Monitoring parallel background task   
13502 SPBT Test: Parallel background tasks   
13503 SPCC Spool consistency check    
13504 SPDD Display Modified DDIC Objects   
13505 SPEC01 Specification system: Edit template   
13506 SPEC02 Specification system: Edit datashee   
13507 SPHA Telephony administration     
13508 SPHB SAPphone: System Administration    
13509 SPHD SAPphone: Own telephone number   
13510 SPHS SAPphone: Interface for Telephone   
13511 SPHT SAPphone Test Environment    
13512 SPHW Initiate Call in Web Applications  
13513 SPH4 Activ./deactiv. telephony in system   
13514 SPIA PMI Administration     
13515 SPIC Spool installation check    
13516 SPID Display Process Repository    
13517 SPIM Monitoring: Meta Data    
13518 SPIO Process Monitoring Overview    
13519 SPIS Start User Interface for Monitoring  
13520 SPOV Spool Request Overview    
13521 SPPFC Initial Screen in Customizing   
13522 SPPFP Process Actions     
13523 SPRM Update settings     
13524 SPRO - Edit Project    
13525 SPTP Text elem. maint. for print formats 
13526 SPUMG Unicode Pre-Migration     
13527 SP00 Spool and related areas   
13528 SP01 Output Controller     
13529 SP01O Spool Controller     
13530 SP02 Display Spool Requests    
13531 SP02O Display Output Requests    
13532 SP03 Spool: Load Formats    
13533 SP1T Output Control (Test)    
13534 SP11 TemSe directory     
13535 SP12 TemSe Administration     
13536 SQCIT Maintain CI Templates    
13537 SQLR SQL Trace Interpreter    
13538 SQVI QuickViewer      
13539 SQ00 SAP Query: Start queries   
13540 SQ01 SAP Query: Maintain queries   
13541 SQ02 SAP Query: Maintain InfoSet   
13542 SQ03 SAP Query: Maintain user groups  
13543 SQ07 SAP Query: Language comparison   
13544 SQ09 SAP Query: Maintain additional func  
13545 SQ10 Query: Role Administration    
13546 SQ11 Query: Web reporting (Admin)   
13547 SRCN Delete Country-Specific Reports    
13548 SRET Report Selection     
13549 SRET06 Transaction      
13550 SRET07 for Indexing: Non-KPRO    
13551 SREV Authoring Environment     
13552 SRIP Import of Training Indexes   
13553 SRMD Routing&Mapping Configuration     
13554 SRMO SAP Retrieval - Monitor   
13555 SRMO1 of IMS Monitoring    
13556 SRN1 Number range maintenance: ADRCITY   
13557 SRN2 Number range maintenance: ADRSTREET   
13558 SRN3 Number range maintenance: ADRPSTCOD   
13559 SROLE User Roles to XML doc.  
13560 SRSE Test Search for the IMS  
13561 SRTM Run Time Monitor Initial Screen  
13562 SRTV Text Retrieval: Customizing    
13563 SR10 Create City     
13564 SR11 Change city     
13565 SR12 Display city     
13566 SR13 Help      
13567 SR20 Create street     
13568 SR21 Change street     
13569 SR22 Display street     
13570 SR30 Create postal code    
13571 SR31 Change postal code    
13572 SR32 Display postal code    
13573 SSAA System Administration Assistant    
13574 SSC SAP R/3 appointment diary (internal  
13575 SSCA Appointment Calendar: Administratio    
13576 SSCA1 calendar: Administratio     
13577 SSCV Appoint. diary: VisualBasic fronten   
13578 SSC0 SAP R/3 Appointment Cal. (Employee)  
13579 SSC0X SAP R/3 Appointment Cal. (Employee)  
13580 SSC1 SAP R/3 (own) Appointment Calendar  
13581 SSC1X SAP R/3 (own) Appointment Calendar  
13582 SSFI IAC: Test: Browser Digital Signatur  
13583 SSM1 is Old     
13584 SSM2 Set Initial Area Menu   
13585 SSO2 Workplace Single Sign-On Admin.   
13586 SSPC SAP DEFAULT Specifications    
13587 SST0 Analysis in Customizing    
13588 SST7 Complex Analysis     
13589 SSUC Structure graphic: copy settings   
13590 SSUD Structure graphic: delete settings   
13591 SSUO Structure Graphic: Central Settings   
13592 STAD Statistics display for all systems  
13593 STAT Local Transaction Statistics    
13594 STCUP Table control variants upgrade   
13595 STDA Debugger display/control (server)    
13596 STDC Debugger output/control     
13597 STDR Object Directory Consistency Check   
13598 STDU Debugger display/control (user)    
13599 STEP10 Export STEP Data    
13600 STEP20 Import STEP Data    
13601 STERM Terminology Maintenance     
13602 STFB CATT function module test   
13603 STFO Plan Service Connection    
13604 STI1 Change Documents Payment Details   
13605 STI2 Change Docs Correspondence    
13606 STI3 Chg. Docs Transaction Authoriz.   
13607 STMA Proposal Pool Administration    
13608 STMP Proposal Pool: Selection    
13609 STMS Transport Management System    
13610 STP4 Select DB activities    
13611 STRUST Trust Manager     
13612 STTO Test Organization     
13613 STUN Menu Performance Monitor    
13614 STVARV Selection variable maint. (TVARV)   
13615 STWB_1 Test Catalog Management    
13616 STWB_2 Test Plan Management    
13617 STZCH Time zones: Consistency checks   
13618 ST01 System Trace     
13619 ST02 Setups/Tune Buffers     
13620 ST03 Performance;SAP Statistics; Workloa    
13621 ST03G Global Workload Statistics    
13622 ST03N R/3 Workload and Perf. Statistics  
13623 ST04 DB Performance Monitor    
13624 ST04N Database Performance Monitor    
13625 ST05 Performance trace     
13626 ST06 Operating System Monitor    
13627 ST07 Application monitor     
13628 ST10 Table Call Statistics    
13629 ST11 Display Developer Traces    
13630 ST12 Single transaction analysis     
13631 ST13 Analysis & Monitoring tool collection     
13632 ST14 Application Analysis      
13633 ST20 Trace      
13634 ST20LC Check      
13635 ST22 ABAP dump analysis    
13636 ST30 Perf. Analysis: Execute    
13637 ST33 Display Perf. Analysis: Display Data   
13638 ST34 Perf. Analysis: Log IDs   
13639 ST35 Perf. Analysis: Assign CATTs   
13640 ST36 Perf. Analysis: Delete Data   
13641 ST37 Perf. Analysis: Eval. Schema   
13642 ST4A Database: Shared cursor cache (ST04  
13643 ST62 Create Industry Short Texts   
13644 SUB% Internal call: Submit via commnd fl 
13645 SUCH Translatability CHECKs     
13646 SUCOMP User company address maintenance   
13647 SUGR Maintain User Groups    
13648 SUGRD Display user groups    
13649 SUIM User Information System    
13650 SUMG Unicode Migration Tool    
13651 SUPC Role Profiles     
13652 SUPN Number range maint.: PROF_VARIS   
13653 SURAD Survey Administration     
13654 SURQC Question catalog     
13655 SURST Survey: build questionnaire struct.    
13656 SURVEY Cockpit      
13657 SUUM Global User Manager    
13658 SUUMD Display User Administration    
13659 SU01 User Maintenance     
13660 SU01D User Display     
13661 SU02 Maintain Authorization Profiles    
13662 SU03 Maintain Authorizations     
13663 SU05 Maintain Internet Users    
13664 SU10 User Mass Maintenance    
13665 SU20 Maintain Authorization Fields    
13666 SU21 Maintain Authorization Objects    
13667 SU22 Auth. Object Usage in Transactions  
13668 SU24 Auth. Obj. Check Under Transactions  
13669 SU25 Upgrade Tool for Profile Generator  
13670 SU26 Upgrade Tool for Profile Generator  
13671 SU3 Maintain Users Own Data   
13672 SU53 Evaluate Authorization Check    
13673 SU56 Analyze User Buffer    
13674 SU84 Read Archived User Change Documents  
13675 SU85 Read Archived Password Change Doc.  
13676 SU86 Read Profile Change Documents   
13677 SU87 Read Authorization Change Documents   
13678 SVGM SAP R/3 Procedure Model   
13679 SVGS View for activity in Procedure Mode 
13680 SWB3 Maintain Start Conditions    
13681 SWB4 Display Start Conditions    
13682 SWDA Alphanumeric Workflow Builder    
13683 SWDB Create workflow     
13684 SWDD Workflow Builder     
13685 SWDI Workflow Builder (Selection)    
13686 SWDM Business Workflow Explorer    
13687 SWDN Number Range Maint.: SWD_WDID   
13688 SWDP Show Graphical Workflow Log   
13689 SWDS Workflow Builder (Selection)    
13690 SWEAD Event Queue Administration    
13691 SWEL Display Event Trace    
13692 SWELS Switch Event Trace On/Off   
13693 SWEM Configure Event Trace    
13694 SWE3 Display Instance Linkages    
13695 SWE4 Status Change Event Trace   
13696 SWE5 Checks for Event Linkages   
13697 SWFC Workflow Customizing     
13698 SWF3 Workflow Wizard Explorer    
13699 SWF4 Workflow Wizard Repository    
13700 SWIA WI Administration Report    
13701 SWIE Unlock Work Item    
13702 SWI1 Selection report for workflows   
13703 SWI11 Where-Used List for Tasks   
13704 SWI13 Task Profile     
13705 SWI14 Workflows for Object Type   
13706 SWI3 Workflow Outbox     
13707 SWI30 Unlock Workflows     
13708 SWI5 Workload Analysis     
13709 SWI6 Workflows for Object    
13710 SWJ1 Browser for Planning Conditions   
13711 SWLC Check Tasks for Agents   
13712 SWLD Workbench for Workflow 4   
13713 SWLP Copy a Plan Version   
13714 SWO1 Business Object Builder    
13715 SWO2 Browser      
13716 SWO3 Object Builder     
13717 SWO4 Object Repository     
13718 SWPA Runtime System Customizing    
13719 SWPC Continue Workflow     
13720 SWPR Restart Workflow     
13721 SWRK using work areas    
13722 SWRP Dummy for IAC Workflow Status  
13723 SWT0 Configure workflow trace    
13724 SWUA Start Verification Workflow    
13725 SWUC Customizing decision task    
13726 SWUD Workflow Diagnosis     
13727 SWUE Trigger an event    
13728 SWUG Generate Workflow Start Transaction   
13729 SWUR Send mails for work items  
13730 SWUS Test Workflow     
13731 SWUT Namespace for Form Transactions   
13732 SWUU SAPforms: Diagnosis     
13733 SWUV Send R3F Messages Once   
13734 SWUW Number Range Maint.: SWW_WIID   
13735 SWUX SAPforms Administration     
13736 SWUY Workflow-Message Linkage     
13737 SWU0 Simulate event     
13738 SWU1 User RFC Monitor    
13739 SWU10 Delete Workflow Trace Files   
13740 SWU2 Workflow RFC Monitor    
13741 SWU4 Consistency Test for Standard Task  
13742 SWU5 Consistency Test for Customer Task  
13743 SWU6 Consistency Test for Workflow Task  
13744 SWU7 Consistency Test for Workflow Templ  
13745 SWU8 Workflow Trace: On/Off    
13746 SWU9 Display Workflow Trace    
13747 SWWA Maintain WI Deadline Monitoring   
13748 SWWB Schedule WI Deadline Monitoring    
13749 SWWD Maintain Work Item Error Monitoring  
13750 SWWH WIM: Delete Work Item History  
13751 SWWL WIM: Delete Work Item   
13752 SWXF DEMO: Create Notification of Absenc  
13753 SWXFTB DEMO: Notif. of Absence Toolbox  
13754 SWXML XML Document Selection    
13755 SXDA Data Transfer Workbench    
13756 SXDB Data Transfer Workbench    
13757 SYNT Display Syntax Trace Output   
13758 S00 Short Message     
13759 S000 System Menu     
13760 S002 Menu Administration     
13761 T_I2 Reorganize condition indexes    
13762 T_LA Create Pricing Report    
13763 T_LB Change pricing report    
13764 T_LC Display pricing report    
13765 T_LD Execute pricing report    
13766 T_03 Create (shipment costs)   
13767 T_04 CondTab: Change (shipment costs)   
13768 T_05 CondTab: Display (shipment costs)   
13769 T_09 Condition table: Change Index   
13770 TAANA Analysis      
13771 TACD Trader: Change Documents    
13772 TAC1 Number range maintenance: FTA_GSART   
13773 TAC2 Number range maintenance: FTA_KLAMM   
13774 TAC3 Number range maintenance: FTR_REFNR   
13775 TAC4 Number Range Maintenance: FTA_MAID   
13776 TB.5 FC valuation of hedged documents  
13777 TBB1 Execute postings     
13778 TBB2 Reverse postings     
13779 TBB3 Flag Flows as Reversed   
13780 TBB4 Accrual/deferral      
13781 TBB5 Reverse accrual/deferral     
13782 TBB6 Realized Gains/Losses     
13783 TBB7 Run Key Date Valuation   
13784 TBB8 Reverse Key Date Valuation   
13785 TBCD Treasury: Change Docs Transactions   
13786 TBCK Check account determination    
13787 TBCS Automatic fixing processing    
13788 TBCX Maintain Acct Determination: Forex   
13789 TBCY Maintain Acct Determination: MM   
13790 TBCZ Maintain Acct Determination: DE   
13791 TBC1 Datafeed: Define variants    
13792 TBDA Datafeed: Real-Time Initialization    
13793 TBDB Datafeed: Read archives    
13794 TBDC Datafeed: Real-Time monitor    
13795 TBDJ Datafeed: Historical Market Data   
13796 TBDK Datafeed: Code Conversion Program   
13797 TBDM Market Data File Interface INPUT  
13798 TBDN Market Data File Interface - OUTPUT 
13799 TBDO Market Data File: Code Conversion  
13800 TBD1 Datafeed: Table structure VTB_DFCU   
13801 TBD2 Datafeed: Datafeed Customizing    
13802 TBD3 Datafeed: Market data administratio   
13803 TBD4 Datafeed: Updated market data   
13804 TBD5 Datafeed: Import market data file  
13805 TBD6 Datafeed: Log file administration   
13806 TBD7 Datafeed: Check Customizing    
13807 TBEX Spreadsheet for Market Data   
13808 TBIR Mass Release of Interim Limits  
13809 TBI1 Standg instrns Maintain pmnt detail  
13810 TBI1D Display SI Payment Details   
13811 TBI2 Standing instns Alloc. pmnt details  
13812 TBI3 Standg instr. Disply alloc.pmnt.det   
13813 TBI5 Maintain Correspondence SI    
13814 TBI5D Display SI Correspondence    
13815 TBI6 Authorization - maintain SI   
13816 TBI6D Authorization - display SI   
13817 TBI7 SI Maintain Derived Flows   
13818 TBI7D Display SI Derived Flows   
13819 TBI8 Standing Instructions: Evaluations    
13820 TBLB Limit Utilization: Overview    
13821 TBLC Lock/Unlock Limits     
13822 TBLC01 Check of Determination Procedure   
13823 TBLD Lock/Unlock Countries     
13824 TBLE Limit Management: Lock Entries   
13825 TBLM Flow List     
13826 TBLR Release Limits     
13827 TBLT01 Limit: Generate Table for Lim. Type 
13828 TBLT02 Limit: Move Data to Generated Table 
13829 TBLT03 Limit: Delete Generated Table   
13830 TBLT04 Limit: Reorganiz. of Analysis Char.  
13831 TBLT05 Limit: Check Analysis Characterist.   
13832 TBLT06 Check/Correct Consist. of Gen.Table   
13833 TBLW1 Review: Send     
13834 TBLW2 Review: Change Review Recipient   
13835 TBL1 Limits: Change/Display     
13836 TBL10 Treasury: Delete Limits    
13837 TBL2 Limits: Change Documents    
13838 TBL3 Limits: Overview     
13839 TBL4 Limit Utilization: Overview    
13840 TBL6 Limit Utilization: Delete    
13841 TBL7 Limit Type: Delete Data   
13842 TBL8 Reorganize STC Logs    
13843 TBL9 Display STC Logs    
13844 TBMN Currency Hedges     
13845 TBM1 Treasury: Create Mast.Agreement    
13846 TBM2 Treasury: Chg. Mast. Agreement   
13847 TBM3 Treasury: Displ. Mast. Agreement   
13848 TBM4 Treasury: Master Agreement Changes   
13849 TBM5 Treasury: Assign Mast. Agreement   
13850 TBM6 Treasury: Vol. Check for Master Agr 
13851 TBRL Treasury: Coll. proc. references   
13852 TBR0 Posting journal     
13853 TBR1 Treasury: Create netting    
13854 TBR2 Treasury: Change netting    
13855 TBR3 Treasury: Display netting    
13856 TBR4 Treasury: Reverse netting    
13857 TBR5 Treasury: Netting proposal list   
13858 TBR6 Treasury: Create reference    
13859 TBR7 Treasury: Change reference    
13860 TBR8 Treasury: Display reference    
13861 TBR9 Treasury: Reverse Reference    
13862 TBT1 Transaction Authorizat. for Traders   
13863 TBT1D Display Trans. Auth. for Traders  
13864 TBX2 Conversion of SEC Corresp. Customiz   
13865 TBZ1 Output Correspondence     
13866 TBZ11 Monitor      
13867 TBZ12 Overview of Reset Counterconfirmatn   
13868 TBZ13 Printer Override Function    
13869 TBZ14 Exception Processing IDoc (Inbound)   
13870 TBZ15 Status Monitor - IDoc Confirmations  
13871 TBZ2 Incoming Confirmations Forex    
13872 TBZ3 Money Market: Incoming Confirmation   
13873 TBZ4 Incoming Confirmations Forex Option   
13874 TBZ5 List of Days Overdue Counterconf.  
13875 TBZ6 Match Incoming SWIFT Confirmation   
13876 TBZ7 Delete corr. planned records   
13877 TBZ8 Correspondence - Overview    
13878 TB01 Create forex hedge    
13879 TB02 Change forex hedge    
13880 TB03 Display forex hedge    
13881 TB04 Delete forex hedge    
13882 TB10 Process hedge requests    
13883 TB11 Create Object Hedge    
13884 TB12 Change object hedge    
13885 TB13 Display object hedge    
13886 TB14 Reverse object hedge    
13887 TB18 Hedged underlyings     
13888 TB19 Forex Hedges - Collective Processin  
13889 TB20 Unallocated forex transactions    
13890 TB21 Allocated forex transactions    
13891 TB30 List of open items FI  
13892 TB35 Reconciliation of cleared items   
13893 TB60 List of processed hedge requests  
13894 TCMK Funds Management     
13895 TCMN Funds Management     
13896 TCO Start a TR in Parameter TCX 
13897 TCOM Evaluate offers     
13898 TC02 Number range maint.: FTI_UGSART   
13899 TDMN Cash management     
13900 TER1 SAPterm: Changing Status of Terms  
13901 TFMN Cash Flow     
13902 TF00 Processing for Repos/Forwards    
13903 TF01 Create Forward Contract     
13904 TF02 Change Forward Contract     
13905 TF03 Display Forward Contract     
13906 TF04 Forward Contract     
13907 TF05 Contract Due Date    
13908 TF06 Reverse Forward Contract     
13909 TF10 Display Forward Contract     
13910 TGANL Create Separation Allowance    
13911 TGANZ Display Separation Allowance Event   
13912 TGMOD Change Separation Allowance    
13913 TGPER Edit Separation Allowance    
13914 THIPAA For checking past certificates   
13915 THMEX Management: Application     
13916 THMMM Upload from Money Market   
13917 THMRO Upload From External Sourc   
13918 THMR1 Reverse single HR dedesignation    
13919 THMR2 Reverse single HR dissolve    
13920 THMST Relationship Status Overvie    
13921 THM10 Expiration      
13922 THM11 Reverse Exposure Expiration     
13923 THM12 Plan Expiration     
13924 THM14 Relationship Dedesignation     
13925 THM15 Reverse HR dedesignations     
13926 THM30 NPVs on Inception Date   
13927 THM35 of the interest rates   
13928 THM50 Effectiveness Assessmen     
13929 THM51 Reverse Prospective Eff. Ass.    
13930 THM52 Assessment      
13931 THM53 Reverse Retrospective Eff. Ass.    
13932 THM54 OCI Reclassification     
13933 THM55 Reverse Manual OCI Reclassification    
13934 THM56 value changes to be posted  
13935 THM57 Reverse FV Changes to be Posted  
13936 THM80 test      
13937 THM81 per hedging relationship    
13938 THM82 plan overview     
13939 THM83 Relationships per Derivativ    
13940 THM84 Reclassified OCI     
13941 THM85 Change documents for Hedge Managemn   
13942 TI-3 Display Currency Option    
13943 TIC1 Number Range Maintenance: FTI_OPTFU   
13944 TIDX1 Simulate Price Index    
13945 TI00 Processing for Futures    
13946 TI10 Create Interest Rate Adjustment    
13947 TI11 Change Interest Rate Adjustment    
13948 TI12 Display Interest Rate Adjustment    
13949 TI35 Collect.Processing: Listed Options    
13950 TI37 Reverse Interest Rate Adjustment    
13951 TI4A Forex Fast Entry    
13952 TI4B Currency Option Entry - Spread  
13953 TI40 Currency Option Fast Entry   
13954 TI49 Change Currency Option    
13955 TI5AN Create Transaction     
13956 TI5BN Change Transaction     
13957 TI5CN Display Transactio     
13958 TI5DN Execute Order     
13959 TI5EN Order Expiration     
13960 TI5FN Settle Contract     
13961 TI5GN Reverse      
13962 TI5HN Display History     
13963 TI5W Display Option Master    
13964 TI5X Create Option Master    
13965 TI5Y Change Option Master    
13966 TI55 Create Future Master Record   
13967 TI56 Chg.Futures Master     
13968 TI57 Displ.Futures Master     
13969 TI7A Order Expiration     
13970 TI7B Display Interest Settlements    
13971 TI70 Create Order     
13972 TI71 Create OTC Option    
13973 TI72 Change Transaction     
13974 TI73 Display Transaction     
13975 TI74 Reverse Contract     
13976 TI75 Settle Contract     
13977 TI76 OTC Transaction: History    
13978 TI77 Terminate Transaction     
13979 TI78 Execute Own Offer    
13980 TI79 Settle Termination     
13981 TI8A OTC Option: Reverse Activity   
13982 TI8B OTC Option: Order Expiry   
13983 TI8C OTC Option: Display Activity   
13984 TI8D Terminate OTC Option    
13985 TI8E OTC Option: Settle Termination   
13986 TI8F OTC Option Knock-In    
13987 TI8G OTC Option Knock-Out    
13988 TI8H Settle OTC Knock-Out Option   
13989 TI8I Settle OTC Knock-In Option   
13990 TI80 Create OTC Option    
13991 TI81 Change OTC Option    
13992 TI82 OTC option: Display    
13993 TI83 OTC Option: Create Contract   
13994 TI84 OTC Option: Execute Offer   
13995 TI85 OTC Option: Settle Contract   
13996 TI86 Exercise OTC Option    
13997 TI87 OTC Option: Settle Exercise   
13998 TI88 OTC Option: Expired    
13999 TI89 OTC Option: Settle Expiration   
14000 TI90 Release      

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