Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 8001-9000

8001 LS51 Create Batch Search Strategy - WM 
8002 LS52 Change Batch Search Strategie - WM 
8003 LS53 Display Batch Search Strategy - WM 
8004 LTRA TRM Alert Monitor    
8005 LTRCC Customization Consistency Check    
8006 LTRL Log Reports     
8007 LTRMS TRM Monitor     
8008 LT0A Pre-plan storage units    
8009 LT0B Putaway Pre-Picked Handling Units   
8010 LT0C Removal of Pre-Picked HUs from Stoc 
8011 LT0D Transfer of Existing Handling Units  
8012 LT0E Create Removal TO for 2-Step Pickin 
8013 LT0F Create TO for Inbound Delivery  
8014 LT0G Return delivery to stock   
8015 LT0H Putaway/Stock Transfer of HUs   
8016 LT0I Removal of Handling Units from Stoc 
8017 LT0J Put Away Handling Unit   
8018 LT0R Request replenishment manually    
8019 LT0S Create TO for multiple deliveries  
8020 LT01 Create Transfer Order    
8021 LT02 Create TO for Inventory Difference  
8022 LT03 Create TO for Delivery   
8023 LT04 Create TO from TR   
8024 LT05 Process Posting Change Notice   
8025 LT06 Create TO for Material Document  
8026 LT07 Create TO for mixed storage unit 
8027 LT08 Manual Addition to Storage Unit  
8028 LT09 ID point function for storage units 
8029 LT1A Change Transfer Order    
8030 LT1B Confirm TO-Item Pick    
8031 LT1C Confirm TO-Item Transport    
8032 LT1D Confirm Transfer Order Pick   
8033 LT1E Confirm Transfer Order Transport   
8034 LT1F Confirm TO for SU Pick  
8035 LT1G Confirm TO for SU Transport  
8036 LT10 Create Transfer Order from List  
8037 LT11 Confirm Transfer Order Item   
8038 LT12 Confirm transfer order    
8039 LT13 Confirm TO for storage unit  
8040 LT14 Confirm preplanned TO item   
8041 LT15 Cancelling transfer order    
8042 LT16 Cancelling TO for storage unit  
8043 LT17 Single Entry of Actual Data  
8044 LT21 Display Transfer Order    
8045 LT22 Display Transfer Order / Stor. Type 
8046 LT23 Display Transfer Orders by Numbers  
8047 LT24 Display Transfer Order / Material  
8048 LT25 Display Transfer Order / Group  
8049 LT25A Display Transfer Order / Group  
8050 LT25N Confirm Transfer ORder / Group  
8051 LT26 Transfer orders for storage bin  
8052 LT27 Transfer order for storage unit  
8053 LT28 Display Transfer Order / Reference  
8054 LT31 Print TO Manually    
8055 LT32 Print transfer order for stor.unit  
8056 LT41 Prepare TRs for Multiple Processing  
8057 LT42 Create TOs by Multiple Processing  
8058 LT43 Forming groups for deliveries   
8059 LT44 Release for Multiple Processing   
8060 LT45 Evaluation of reference numbers   
8061 LT63 Control: Single Entry of Actual Dat 
8062 LT64 Single Entry of Actual Data  
8063 LT72 Determine 2-step relevance    
8064 LT73 Display 2-step     
8065 LU01 Create Posting Change Notice   
8066 LU02 Change Posting Change Notice   
8067 LU03 Display Posting Change Notice   
8068 LU04 Selection of Posting Change Notices  
8069 LVASA VAS Alert Monitor    
8070 LVASM VAS Monitor     
8071 LVASNR Number range maintenance: LXVAS_VOI   
8072 LXDCA Cross Docking Alert Monitor   
8073 LXDCK Cross-Docking Monitor     
8074 LX01 List of Empty Storage Bins  
8075 LX02 Stock list     
8076 LX03 Bin Status Report    
8077 LX04 Capacity load utilization    
8078 LX05 Block Bins in Bl.Storage w.Time Lim 
8079 LX06 Fire Department Inventory List   
8080 LX07 Check storage     
8081 LX08 Accident Regulations List    
8082 LX09 Overview of All Transf.Requirements   
8083 LX10 Activities per Storage Type   
8084 LX11 Document overview     
8085 LX12 Document Overview: Landscape Format   
8086 LX13 Analysis of differences    
8087 LX14 Matl mvmt frequency    
8088 LX15 Selection of Bins for Annual Invent 
8089 LX16 Selection of Bins for Continuous In 
8090 LX17 List of Inventory Differences   
8091 LX18 Statistics of Inventory Differences   
8092 LX19 Inventory Data Takeover by Btch Inp 
8093 LX20 Generate interim storage bins   
8094 LX21 Pick List for Several Transfer Ord. 
8095 LX22 Process Inventory from Overview   
8096 LX23 Stock comparison IM - WM  
8097 LX24 Display of hazardous mat.numbers   
8098 LX25 Inventory Status     
8099 LX26 Inventory in WM via cycle counting 
8100 LX27 Stock levels by shelf life 
8101 LX28 Relevant TO item for ext.system  
8102 LX29 Fixed bin supervision    
8103 LX30 Overview of WM messages ext.system  
8104 LX31 Analysis of print control tables  
8105 LX32 Archived transfer orders    
8106 LX33 Archived transfer requirements    
8107 LX34 Archived posting change notices   
8108 LX35 Archived system inventory records   
8109 LX36 Archived inventory histories    
8110 LX37 Linked objects     
8111 LX38 Check Report Customizing Strategy K  
8112 LX39 Evaluation Reference No. for 2-S.Pc  
8113 LX40 Material Situation Prod. Storage Bi  
8114 LX41 Bin Status Report WM/PP Interface  
8115 LX42 Evaluation PP Order from WM View 
8116 LX43 Consistency Check for Control Cycle  
8117 LX44 Inward and outward movements   
8118 LX45 Verification Field in Storage Bin  
8119 LX46 Transmission WM perform. data to HR 
8120 LX47 Analysis of Delayed Delivery Update  
8121 LYCHP Check-in / Check-out transaction   
8122 LYLDP Load & unload transaction   
8123 LYRDA Yard Alert Monitor    
8124 LYRDM Yard Monitor     
8125 LYSCH Scheduling Chart     
8126 LYVHC Yard Inventory     
8127 TA Header Description     
8128 M/N2 Create free goods table   
8129 M/N3 Display free goods table   
8130 M/03 Create Conditions Table (Purchasing   
8131 M/04 Change Conditions Table (Purchasing   
8132 M/05 Displ. Conditions Table (Purchasing   
8133 M/13 Create Condition Table (Service)   
8134 M/14 Change Condition Table (Services)   
8135 M/15 Display Condition Table (Services)   
8136 M/56 Messages: Create Cond. Table: RFQ  
8137 M/57 Messages: Change Condition Table   
8138 M/58 Messages: Display CondTab: RFQ   
8139 M/59 Messages: Create CondTab: Pur. Orde  
8140 M/60 Messages: Change CondTab: Pur. Orde  
8141 M/61 Messages: Disp. CondTab: Pur. Order  
8142 M/62 Messages: Create CondTab: Del. Schd  
8143 M/63 Messages: Change CondTab: Del. Schd  
8144 M/64 Messages: Disp. CondTab: Del. Sched  
8145 M/65 Messages: Create CondTab: O. Agmt.  
8146 M/66 Messages: Change CondTab: O. Agmt.  
8147 M/67 Messages: Disp. CondTab: Outl. Agmt  
8148 M/70 Messages: Create CondTab.: Entry Sh  
8149 M/71 Messages: Change CondTab.: Entry Sh  
8150 M/72 Messages: Disp. CondTab.: Entry Sh.  
8151 M_LA Purchasing: Condition List    
8152 M_LB Change Condition List    
8153 M_LC Display Condition List    
8154 M_LD Execute Condition List    
8155 MAL1 Create material via ALE   
8156 MAL2 Change material via ALE   
8157 MAP1 Create contact person    
8158 MAP2 Change contact person    
8159 MAP3 Display contact person    
8160 MASS Mass Change     
8161 MASSD Mass Maintenance     
8162 MBBM Batch Input: Post Material Document  
8163 MBBR Batch Input: Create Reservation   
8164 MBBS Display valuated special stock   
8165 MBC1 Create MM Batch Search Strategy  
8166 MBC2 Change MM Batch Determ. Strategy  
8167 MBC3 Display MM Batch Determ. Strategy  
8168 MBGR Displ. Material Docs. by Mvt. Reaso 
8169 MBLB Stocks at Subcontractor    
8170 MBNK Number Ranges; Material Document   
8171 MBNL Subsequent Delivery f. Material Doc  
8172 MBN1 Free goods - Create (Purchasing)  
8173 MBN2 Free goods - Change (Purchasing)  
8174 MBN3 Free goods - Display (Purchasing)  
8175 MBPM Manage Held Data     
8176 MBRL Return Delivery for Matl Document  
8177 MBSF Release Blocked Stock via Mat. Doc. 
8178 MBSI Find Inventory Sampling    
8179 MBSL Copy Material Document    
8180 MBSM Display Cancelled Material Docs.   
8181 MBST Cancel Material Document    
8182 MBSU Place in Stor.for Mat.Doc: Init.Scr  
8183 MBVR Management Program: Reservations    
8184 MBWO test      
8185 MBW1 Special stocks via WWW   
8186 MBXA Printout of XAB Documents   
8187 MB0A Post Goods Receipt for PO  
8188 MB00 Inventory Management     
8189 MB01 Post Goods Receipt for PO  
8190 MB02 Change Material Document    
8191 MB03 Display Material Document    
8192 MB04 Subsequ.Adj.of Mat.ProvidedConsmp     
8193 MB05 Subseq. Adjustmt: Act.Ingredient Ma   
8194 MB1A Goods Withdrawal     
8195 MB1B Transfer Posting     
8196 MB1C Other Goods Receipts    
8197 MB11 Goods Movement     
8198 MB21 Create Reservation     
8199 MB22 Change Reservation     
8200 MB23 Display Reservation     
8201 MB24 Reservation List     
8202 MB25 Reservation List     
8203 MB26 Picking list     
8204 MB31 Goods Receipt for Production Order  
8205 MB5B Stocks for Posting Date   
8206 MB5C Pick-Up List     
8207 MB5K Stock Consistency Check    
8208 MB5L List of Stock Values: Balances  
8209 MB5M BBD/Prod. Date     
8210 MB5S Display List of GR/IR Balances  
8211 MB5T Stock in transit CC   
8212 MB5U Analyze Conversion Differences    
8213 MB5W List of Stock Values   
8214 MB51 Material Doc. List    
8215 MB52 List of Warehouse Stocks on Hand 
8216 MB53 Display Plant Stock Availability   
8217 MB54 Consignment Stocks     
8218 MB55 Display Quantity String    
8219 MB56 Analyze batch where-used list   
8220 MB57 Compile Batch Where-Used List   
8221 MB58 Consgmt and Ret. Packag. at Custome 
8222 MB59 Material Doc. List    
8223 MB9A Analyze archived mat. documents   
8224 MB90 Output Processing for Mat. Document  
8225 MC.A INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection; Rec/Iss    
8226 MC.B INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection; Turnover    
8227 MC.C INVCO: Mat.Anal.Selection; Coverage    
8228 MC.D INVCO: MRP Cntrllr.Anal.Sel. Stock   
8229 MC.E INVCO: MRP Cntrllr Anal.Sel. Rec/Is  
8230 MC.F INVCO: MRP Cntlr Anal.Sel. Turnover  
8231 MC.G INVCO: MRP Cntlr.Anal.Sel. Coverage   
8232 MC.H INVCO: Business Area Anal.Sel. Stoc  
8233 MC.I INVCO: Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss 
8234 MC.J INVCO: Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Turnove 
8235 MC.K INVCO: Bus. Area Anal. Sel. Coverag 
8236 MC.L INVCO: Mat.Group Analysis Sel. Stoc  
8237 MC.M INVCO: Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss  
8238 MC.N INVCO: Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Turnove  
8239 MC.O INVCO: Mat.Group Anal. Sel. Coverag  
8240 MC.P INVCO: Division Analysis Sel. Stock  
8241 MC.Q INVCO: Division Anal. Sel. Rec/Iss  
8242 MC.R INVCO: Division Anal. Sel. Turnover  
8243 MC.S INVCO: Division Anal. Sel. Coverage  
8244 MC.T INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Selection Stoc   
8245 MC.U INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Rec/Issue   
8246 MC.V INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Turnover   
8247 MC.W INVCO: Mat.Type Anal.Sel. Coverage   
8248 MC.1 INVCO: Plant Anal. Selection: Stock  
8249 MC.2 INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection; Rec/Is   
8250 MC.3 INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection;Turnove    
8251 MC.4 INVCO: Plant Anal.Selection;Coverag    
8252 MC.5 INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection; Stock  
8253 MC.6 INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection: Rec/Is  
8254 MC.7 INVCO: SLoc Anal. Selection;Turnove   
8255 MC.8 INVCO: SLoc Anal.Selection; Coverag   
8256 MC.9 INVCO: Material Anal.Selection;Stoc    
8257 MC(A SIS: Customer;Inc.Orders - Selectio   
8258 MC(B SIS: Variant Configuration    
8259 MC(E SIS: Material;Inc.Orders - Selectio   
8260 MC(I SIS: SalesOrg. Inc.Orders Selection   
8261 MC(M SIS: Sales Office; Inc.Orders Selec  
8262 MC(Q SIS: Employee; Inc.Orders Selection   
8263 MC(U SIS: Shipping Point Deliveries Sel.  
8264 MC+A SIS: Customer Returns; Selection   
8265 MC+E SIS: Customer; Sales - Selection  
8266 MC+I SIS: Customer Credit Memos - Selec. 
8267 MC+M SIS: Material Returns; Selection   
8268 MC+Q SIS: Material; Sales - Selection  
8269 MC+U SIS: Material Credit Memos; Selec.  
8270 MC+Y SIS: Sales Org. Returns; Selection  
8271 MC+2 SIS: SalesOrg.Invoiced Sales; Selec   
8272 MC+6 SIS: SalesOrg.Credit Memos Selectio   
8273 MC$< PURCHIS: MatGrp PurchVal Selection   
8274 MC$> PURCHIS: MatGrp PurchQty Selection   
8275 MC$: PURCHIS: Vendor Freqs. Selection   
8276 MC$A PURCHIS: MatGrp DelRelblty Selectio   
8277 MC$C PURCHIS: MatGrp QtyRelblty Selectio   
8278 MC$E PURCHIS: MatGrp Freq. Selection   
8279 MC$G PURCHIS: Material PurchVal Selectio   
8280 MC$I PURCHIS: Material PurchQty Selectio   
8281 MC$K PURCHIS: Material DelRelib Selectio   
8282 MC$M PURCHIS: Material QtyRel Selection   
8283 MC$O PURCHIS: Material Freqs. Selection   
8284 MC$0 PURCHIS: PurchGrp PurchVal Selectio   
8285 MC$2 PURCHIS: PurchGrp Freqs. Selection   
8286 MC$4 PURCHIS: Vendor PurchVal Selection   
8287 MC$6 PURCHIS: Vendor DelRelblty Selectio   
8288 MC$8 PURCHIS: Vendor QtyRelblty Selectio   
8289 MC-A SIS: Sales Office Returns; Selectio  
8290 MC-E SIS: Sales Office - Sales Selection 
8291 MC-I SIS: Sales Office Credit Memos Sele 
8292 MC-M SIS: Employee - Returns; Selection  
8293 MC-Q SIS: Employee - Sales; Selection  
8294 MC-U SIS: Employee - Credit Memos; Selec 
8295 MC-0 SIS: Shipping Point Returns; Selec.  
8296 MC/B Schedule jobs: Exceptions INVCO   
8297 MC/E Create Exception: EWS/PURCHIS    
8298 MC/F Maintain exception: EWS/PURCHIS    
8299 MC/G Display exception: EWS/PURCHIS    
8300 MC/H Create groups exception: PURCHIS   
8301 MC/I Change groups exception: PURCHIS   
8302 MC/J Display exception: PURCHIS    
8303 MC/K Create job for exception: PURCHIS  
8304 MC/L Change jobs exceptions: PURCHIS   
8305 MC/M Display jobs exceptions: PURCHIS   
8306 MC/N Schedule jobs exceptions: PURCHIS   
8307 MC/Q Create exception: EWS/SIS    
8308 MC/R Maintain exception: EWS/SIS    
8309 MC/S Display exception: EWS/SIS    
8310 MC/T Create groups exception: SIS   
8311 MC/U Change groups exception: SIS   
8312 MC/V Display exception: SIS    
8313 MC/W Create job for exception: SIS  
8314 MC/X Change Jobs: Exceptions SIS   
8315 MC/Y Display Jobs: Exceptions SIS   
8316 MC/Z Schedule Jobs: Exceptions SIS   
8317 MC/1 Create Exception: EWS/INVCO    
8318 MC/2 Maintain exception: EWS/INVCO    
8319 MC/3 Display exception: EWS/INVCO    
8320 MC/4 Create groups exception: INVCO   
8321 MC/5 Change groups exception: INVCO   
8322 MC/6 Display exception: INVCO    
8323 MC/7 Create job for exception: INVCO  
8324 MC/8 Change jobs exceptions: INVCO   
8325 MC/9 Display jobs exceptions: INVCO   
8326 MC?0 WFIS: Schedule Jobs - Exceptions  
8327 MC?1 WFIS: Create Exception    
8328 MC?2 WFIS: Maintain Exception    
8329 MC?3 WFIS: Display Exception    
8330 MC?4 WFIS: Create Exception Group   
8331 MC?5 WFIS: Change Exception Group   
8332 MC?6 WFIS: Display Exception Group   
8333 MC?7 WFIS: Create Jobs - Exceptions  
8334 MC?8 WFIS: Change Jobs - Exceptions  
8335 MC?9 WFIS: Display Jobs - Exceptions  
8336 MC:B Schedule jobs exceptions: RIS   
8337 MC:1 Create exception: EWS/RIS    
8338 MC:2 Maintain exception: EWS/RIS    
8339 MC:3 Display exception: EWS/RIS    
8340 MC:4 Create exception group: RIS   
8341 MC:5 Change groups exception: RIS   
8342 MC:6 Display exception: RIS    
8343 MC:7 Create job for exception: RIS  
8344 MC:8 Change jobs exceptions: RIS   
8345 MC:9 Display jobs exceptions: RIS   
8346 MC=B Schedule jobs exceptions: SFIS   
8347 MC=E Create exception: EWS/PMIS    
8348 MC=F Maintain exception: EWS/PMIS    
8349 MC=G Display exception: EWS/PMIS    
8350 MC=H Create groups exception: PMIS   
8351 MC=I Change groups exception: PMIS   
8352 MC=J Display exception: PMIS    
8353 MC=K Create job for exception: PMIS  
8354 MC=L Change jobs exceptions: PMIS   
8355 MC=M Display jobs exceptions: PMIS   
8356 MC=N Schedule jobs exceptions: PMIS   
8357 MC=Q Display exception: EWS/QMIS    
8358 MC=R Maintain exception: EWS/QMIS    
8359 MC=S Display exception: EWS/QMIS    
8360 MC=T Display groups exception: QMIS   
8361 MC=U Change groups exception: QMIS   
8362 MC=V Display exception: QMIS    
8363 MC=W Create job for exception: QMIS  
8364 MC=X Change Jobs: Exceptions QMIS   
8365 MC=Y Display Jobs: Exceptions SIS   
8366 MC=Z Schedule Jobs: Exceptions QMIS   
8367 MC=1 Create exception: EWS/SFIS    
8368 MC=2 Maintain exception: EWS/SFIS    
8369 MC=3 Display exception: EWS/SFIS    
8370 MC=4 Create groups exception: SFIS   
8371 MC=5 Change groups exception: SFIS   
8372 MC=6 Display exception: SFIS    
8373 MC=7 Create job for exception: SFIS  
8374 MC=8 Change jobs exceptions: SFIS   
8375 MC=9 Display jobs exceptions: SFIS   
8376 MCAA WFIS: Maintain Requirements    
8377 MCAC WFIS: Maintain Formulas    
8378 MCAE WFIS: Activate Updating    
8379 MCAF WFIS: Standard Analyses    
8380 MCAG WFIS: Customizing; Standard Analyse   
8381 MCAH WFIS: Organization View - Selection  
8382 MCAI WFIS: Process View - Selection  
8383 MCAJ WFIS: Object View - Selection  
8384 MCAK WFIS: Group View - Selection  
8385 MCAL WFIS: Sample Scenario - Selection  
8386 MCAM WFIS: Append Structure    
8387 MCAN WFIS: Selection Program    
8388 MCAO WIS: Application PM/QM/SM Selection   
8389 MCAP WIS: Delete Data    
8390 MCAQ WIS: Correct Data    
8391 MCAR WIS: Transfer Data    
8392 MCAT WFIS: Display Evaluation Structure   
8393 MCAU WFIS: Change Evaluation Structure   
8394 MCAV WFIS: Create Evaluation Structure   
8395 MCAW WFIS: Display Evaluation    
8396 MCAX WFIS: Change Evaluation    
8397 MCAY WFIS: Create Evaluation    
8398 MCAZ WFIS: Execute Evaluation    
8399 MCA7 INVCO: Execute Evaluation    
8400 MCB& INVCO: Set up statis. for stck/reqt 
8401 MCB) INVCO: Long-Term Stock Selection   
8402 MCB% INVCO: Set up stats. for parm. anal
8403 MCBA INVCO: Plant Analysis Selection   
8404 MCBC INVCO: Stor. Loc. Analysis Selectio  
8405 MCBE INVCO: Material Analysis Selection   
8406 MCBG INVCO: MRP Cntrlr Analysis Selectio  
8407 MCBI INVCO: Business Area Anal. Selectio  
8408 MCBK INVCO: MatGrp Analysis Selection   
8409 MCBM INVCO: Division Analysis Selection   
8410 MCBO INVCO: Mat.Type Analysis Selection   
8411 MCBR INVCO: Batch Analysis Selection   
8412 MCBV INVCO: Parameter Analysis Selection   
8413 MCBZ INVCO: Stck/Reqt Analysis Selection   
8414 MCB1 Inventory Controlling     
8415 MCB2 INVCO: Create Evaluation Structure   
8416 MCB3 INVCO: Change Evaluation Structure   
8417 MCB4 INVCO: Display Evaluation Structure   
8418 MCB5 INVCO: Create Evaluation    
8419 MCB6 INVCO: Change Evaluation    
8420 MCB7 INVCO: Display Evaluation    
8421 MCC1 Inventory Controlling     
8422 MCC2 Inventory Information System    
8423 MCC3 Set Up INVCO Info Structs. from Doc
8424 MCC4 Set Up INVCO Info Structs.from Stoc 
8425 MCDA PURCHIS: Create Evaluation    
8426 MCDB PURCHIS: Change Evaluation    
8427 MCDC PURCHIS: Display Evaluation    
8428 MCDG PURCHIS: Execute Evaluation    
8429 MCD7 PURCHIS: Create Eval. Structure   
8430 MCD8 PURCHIS: Change Eval. Structure   
8431 MCD9 PURCHIS: Display Eval. Structure   
8432 MCE+ PURCHIS: Reporting - Subseq. Settlm  
8433 MCEA PURCHIS:Long-Term Plg Vend.Analysis    
8434 MCEB PURCHIS:Lng-Term Plg Mat.Gr.Analysi    
8435 MCEC PURCHIS:Long-Term Plg Mat. Analysis   
8436 MCER PURCHIS: Service Purch.Qty-Selectio    
8437 MCES PURCHIS: Service Purch.Val-Selectio    
8438 MCE0 Purchasing Information System    
8439 MCE1 PURCHIS: PurchGrp Analysis Selectio   
8440 MCE2 PURCHIS: Update Diagnosis Purch.Doc   
8441 MCE3 PURCHIS: Vendor Analysis Selection   
8442 MCE5 PURCHIS: MatGrp Analysis Selection   
8443 MCE7 PURCHIS: Material Analysis Selectio   
8444 MCE8 PURCHIS: Service Analysis Selection   
8445 MCE9 Purchasing Information System    
8446 MCGC RIS: Season: Mvmts + Stk - Selectio
8447 MCGD RIS: POS: Sales - Selection  
8448 MCGE RIS: POS: Matl Aggr. POS - Selectio
8449 MCGF RIS: POS: Cashier - Selection  
8450 MCGG RIS: Cust./Material Grp - Selection  
8451 MCGH RIS: Customer/Material - Selection   
8452 MCGJ RIS: POS: POS Balancing - Selection 
8453 MCGK RIS: Matls w/ additionals- Selectio  
8454 MCGL RIS: Sales data: Customers- Sel.  
8455 MCG1 Rough-Cut Planning Profiles    
8456 MCG2 Var. standard anal. def. sett. IS-R 
8457 MCG3 Call Self-Defined Analyses: Retail   
8458 MCH+ RIS: Display Evaluation Structure   
8459 MCH: RIS: STRPS/Mvmts + Stock - Selectio 
8460 MCHA RIS: Till Receipt/Matl - Selection  
8461 MCHB RIS: Till Receipt - Selection  
8462 MCHC Companion sales     
8463 MCHG RIS: Purchasing: Mvmt+Stck-Selectio    
8464 MCHP RIS: Material: Mvmt+Stck - Selectio  
8465 MCHS RIS: Promotion - Selection   
8466 MCHV RIS: Material/Add-On - Selection   
8467 MCHY RIS: Create Evaluation Structure   
8468 MCHZ RIS: Change Evaluation Structure   
8469 MCH0 Retail Information System    
8470 MCH1 RIS: Execute Evaluation    
8471 MCH2 RIS: Create Evaluation    
8472 MCH3 RIS: Change Evaluation    
8473 MCH4 RIS: Display Evaluation    
8474 MCH6 Update Maintenance: RIS    
8475 MCH7 RIS: Update Diagnosis; SP Change Do 
8476 MCH8 RIS: Perishables - Selection   
8477 MCH9 RIS: Inventory Controlling - Stores  
8478 MCIA PMIS: Customer Notification Analysi   
8479 MCIS Call Up PM Standard Analyses  
8480 MCIZ PMIS: Vehicle Consumption Analysis   
8481 MCI0 Plant Maintenance Information Syste   
8482 MCI1 PMIS: Object Class Analysis   
8483 MCI2 PMIS: Manufacturer Analysis    
8484 MCI3 PMIS: Location Analysis    
8485 MCI4 PMIS: Planner Group Analysis   
8486 MCI5 PMIS: Object Damage Analysis   
8487 MCI6 PMIS: Obj.Statistic.Analysis     
8488 MCI7 PMIS: Breakdown Analysis    
8489 MCI8 PMIS: Cost Evaluation    
8490 MCJB MTTR/MTBR for Equipment    
8491 MCJC FunctLoc: Mean Time Between Repair  
8492 MCJE PMIS: Info System    
8493 MCJ1 PMIS: Create Evaluation    
8494 MCJ2 PMIS: Change Evaluation    
8495 MCJ3 PMIS: Display Evaluation    
8496 MCJ4 PMIS: Execute Evaluation    
8497 MCJ5 PMIS: Create Evaluation Structure   
8498 MCJ6 PMIS: Change Evaluation Structure   
8499 MCJ7 PMIS: Display Evaluation Structure   
8500 MCKA OIW Metadata     
8501 MCKB TIS selection version tree   
8502 MCKC User-spec. TIS select. version tree  
8503 MCKH Selection version tree: Sales   
8504 MCKI Selection version tree: Purchasing   
8505 MCKJ Selection version tree: Stock   
8506 MCKK Selection version tree: Production   
8507 MCKL Selection version tree: Quality   
8508 MCKM Selection version tree: Plant Maint  
8509 MCKN Selection version tree: Retail   
8510 MCKO Selection version tree: General   
8511 MCKP User-spec. selec. vers. tree: Sales  
8512 MCKQ User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Purchas  
8513 MCKR User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Stock  
8514 MCKS User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Product  
8515 MCKT User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Quality  
8516 MCKU User-spec. sel. vers. tree: PM  
8517 MCKV User-spec. sel. vers. tree: Retail  
8518 MCKW User-spec. sel. vers. tree: General  
8519 MCKY WFIS: Selection Versions (User-Spec   
8520 MCKZ WFIS: Selection Versions (General)   
8521 MCK0 Plant Maintenance Information Syste   
8522 MCK1 Create Hierarchy     
8523 MCK2 Change hierarchy     
8524 MCK3 Display hierarchy     
8525 MCK4 Change SAP OIW Hierarchy   
8526 MCK5 Display SAP OIW Hierarchy   
8527 MCK6 Create Customer OIW Hierarchy   
8528 MCK7 Change Customer OIW Hierarchy   
8529 MCK8 Display Customer OIW Hierarchy   
8530 MCK9 Maintain Customer OIW Info Catalog  
8531 MCLD WM: Material Flow - Selection  
8532 MCLH WM: Movement Types - Selection  
8533 MCL1 WMS: Stck Placemt.+Remov. Selection   
8534 MCL5 WMS: Flow of Quantities Selection  
8535 MCL9 WM: Material Plcmt/Removal:Selectio    
8536 MCM+ WFIS: Create Selection Version   
8537 MCM- WFIS: Change Selection Version   
8538 MCM/ WFIS: Display Selection Version   
8539 MCM% RIS: Create Selection Version   
8540 MCM? RIS: Schedule Selection Version   
8541 MCMA INVCO: Display selection version   
8542 MCMB INVCO: SelecVers: Schedule job   
8543 MCMC PPIS: Create selection version   
8544 MCMD PPIS: Change selection version   
8545 MCME PPIS: Display selection version   
8546 MCMF PPIS: SelectVers: Schedule job   
8547 MCMG QMIS: Create selection version   
8548 MCMH QMIS: Change selection version   
8549 MCMI QMIS: Display selection version   
8550 MCMJ QMIS: Selection Version:Schedule Jo   
8551 MCMK PMIS: Create selection version   
8552 MCML PMIS: Change selection version   
8553 MCMM PMIS: Display selection verison   
8554 MCMN PMIS: SelectVers: Schedule job   
8555 MCMO Create selection version    
8556 MCMP Change selection version    
8557 MCMQ Display selection version    
8558 MCMR Selection Version: Create Variant   
8559 MCMS Selection Version: Change Variant   
8560 MCMT Selection Version: Display Variant   
8561 MCMV Selection version: Schedule job   
8562 MCMX RIS: Change Selection Version   
8563 MCMY RIS: Display Selection Version   
8564 MCMZ RIS: Selection Version: Schedule Jo  
8565 MCM0 INVCO: Change selection version   
8566 MCM1 SIS: Create selection version   
8567 MCM10 TIS: Create selection version   
8568 MCM11 TIS: Change selection version   
8569 MCM12 TIS: Display selection version   
8570 MCM13 TIS: Selection Version: Schedule Jo  
8571 MCM2 SIS: Change selection version   
8572 MCM3 SIS: Display selection version   
8573 MCM4 SIS: Selec. version: Schedule job  
8574 MCM5 PURCHIS: Create selection version   
8575 MCM6 PURCHIS: Change selection version   
8576 MCM7 PURCHIS: Display selection version   
8577 MCM8 PURCHIS: SelectVers: Schedule job   
8578 MCM9 INVCO: Create selection version   
8579 MCNB BW: Initialize Stock Balances   
8580 MCNR Number Range Maintenance: MCLIS   
8581 MCOA QMIS: Cust. analysis; Lot overview  
8582 MCOB QMIS: General Results for Customer  
8583 MCOC QMIS: Cust. Analysis Quant. Overvie  
8584 MCOD QMIS: Quantitative Results for Cust  
8585 MCOE QMIS: Customer Analysis Q Score  
8586 MCOG QMIS: Customer Analysis Lot Counter  
8587 MCOI QMIS: Customer Analysis Quantities   
8588 MCOK QMIS: Customer Analysis Expense   
8589 MCOM QMIS: Customer Analysis Level/Disp.   
8590 MCOO QMIS: Customer analysis - insp. lot 
8591 MCOP QMIS: Cust. Analysis Item Q Not. 
8592 MCOV QMIS: Cust. Anal. Overview Q Not. 
8593 MCOX QMIS: Customer Analysis Defects   
8594 MCO1 RIS: OTB - Selection   
8595 MCO2 OTB: Copy Planning Type   
8596 MCO4 Create OTB Planning    
8597 MCO5 Change OTB Planning    
8598 MCO6 Display OTB Planning    
8599 MCO7 Create OTB Planning    
8600 MCO8 Change OTB Planning    
8601 MCO9 Display OTB Planning    
8602 MCPB Operation analysis: Dates    
8603 MCPD Production order analysis: Dates   
8604 MCPF Material analysis: Dates    
8605 MCPH Work center analysis: Dates   
8606 MCPI Menu: Production Info System   
8607 MCPK Operation analysis: Quantities    
8608 MCPM Production order anal.: Quantities   
8609 MCPO Material analysis: Quantities    
8610 MCPQ Work center analysis: Quantities   
8611 MCPS Operation analysis: Lead time   
8612 MCPU Production Order Analysis: Lead Tim  
8613 MCPW Material analysis: Lead time   
8614 MCPY Work center analysis: Lead time  
8615 MCP0 Shop Floor Information System   
8616 MCP1 SFIS: Operation Analysis Selection   
8617 MCP3 SFIS: Material Analysis Selection   
8618 MCP5 SFIS: Material Analysis Selection   
8619 MCP6 Goods rcpt analysis: repetitive mfg  
8620 MCP7 SFIS: Work Center Analysis Selectio  
8621 MCP8 Goods rcpt analysis: repetitive mfg  
8622 MCP9 SFIS: Select Run Schedule   
8623 MCQ. SFIS: Kanban analysis selection   
8624 MCQA Call Up QM Standard Analyses  
8625 MCR: Std Analyses: User Settings; CALL  
8626 MCRB LIS: Generate Evaluations    
8627 MCRC Charact. Texts for Eval. Structures  
8628 MCRE Material Usage Analysis: Selection   
8629 MCRG Change Settings: PPIS    
8630 MCRH Display Settings: PPIS    
8631 MCRI Product Cost Analysis: Selection   
8632 MCRJ Prod. Cost Analysis: Repetitive Mfg  
8633 MCRK Prod. Cost Analysis: Repetitive Mfg  
8634 MCRM Reporting Point Stats.: Selection   
8635 MCRO Matl consumptn anal.: repetitive mf  
8636 MCRP Matl consumptn anal.: repetitive mf  
8637 MCRQ Call Standard Analyses: PP-IS   
8638 MCRU PP-PI: Operation Analysis Selection   
8639 MCRV PP-PI: Process Order Analysis   
8640 MCRW PP-PI: Resources Selection    
8641 MCRX PP-PI: Material Usage Analysis   
8642 MCRY PP-PI: Product Cost Analysis   
8643 MCR1 SFIS: Create Evaluation    
8644 MCR2 SFIS: Change Evaluation    
8645 MCR3 SFIS: Display Evaluation    
8646 MCR4 SFIS: Execute Evaluation    
8647 MCR7 SFIS: Create Evaluation Structure   
8648 MCR8 SFIS: Change Evaluation Structure   
8649 MCR9 SFIS: Display Evaluation Structure   
8650 MCS/ Mass Generation: Info Struct./Updat   
8651 MCSA SIS: Create Evaluation    
8652 MCSB SIS: Change Evaluation    
8653 MCSC SIS: Display Evaluation    
8654 MCSG SIS: Execute Evaluation    
8655 MCSH Call Std. Analyses of Customer Appl 
8656 MCSI Call Standard Analyses of Sales  
8657 MCSJ Call Standard Analyses of Purchasin  
8658 MCSK Call Standard Analyses of Stocks  
8659 MCSL Call Shop Floor Standard Analyses  
8660 MCSM1 TIS: Create evaluation    
8661 MCSM2 TIS: Change evaluation    
8662 MCSM3 TIS: Display evaluation    
8663 MCSM4 TIS: Execute evaluation    
8664 MCSM5 TIS: Create evaluation structure   
8665 MCSM6 TIS: Change evaluation structure   
8666 MCSM7 TIS: Display evaluation structure   
8667 MCSR Standard Analyses External Data   
8668 MCSS Display Log: Gen. Info Structure  
8669 MCST Display Log: Gen. Updating   
8670 MCSX Archive Statistical Data    
8671 MCSY Reset Time Stamp: LIS Generation  
8672 MCSZ Convert LIS Statistical Data   
8673 MCS1 Standard Analyses; General Logistic   
8674 MCS7 SIS: Create Evaluation Structure   
8675 MCS8 SIS: Change Evaluation Structure   
8676 MCS9 SIS: Display Evalaution Structure   
8677 MCTA SIS: Customer Analysis - Selection  
8678 MCTC SIS: Material Analysis - Selection  
8679 MCTE SIS: Sales Org. Analysis - Selectio 
8680 MCTG SIS: Sales Office Analysis Selectio  
8681 MCTI SIS: Sales Empl. Analysis Selection  
8682 MCTK SIS: Shipping Pt. Analysis Selectio  
8683 MCTV01 SIS: Sales Activity - Selection  
8684 MCTV02 SIS: Sales Promotions - Selection  
8685 MCTV03 SIS: Address List - Selection  
8686 MCTV04 SIS: Address Counter - Selection  
8687 MCTV05 SIS: Customer Potential Analysis   
8688 MCT0 Initial SIS Screen    
8689 MCT1 Standard SDIS Analyses    
8690 MCT2 Initial SIS Screen    
8691 MCUA TIS: Shpt analysis    
8692 MCUB TIS: Shipment Analysis: Routes   
8693 MCUC TIS: ShipmentAnaly: MeansOfTranspor    
8694 MCUD TIS: Shipment Analysis: Shipping   
8695 MCUE TIS: Shipment Analysis: Stages   
8696 MCUF TIS: Shipment Analysis: Material   
8697 MCU0 Transportation Info System (TIS)   
8698 MCU1 Create LIS Unit    
8699 MCU2 Delete LIS Unit    
8700 MCU3 Call Standard Analyses: Transportat   
8701 MCVA QMIS: Vendor Analysis Lot Overview  
8702 MCVB QMIS: General Results for Vendor  
8703 MCVC QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Qty Overvie 
8704 MCVD QMIS: Quant. Results for Vendor  
8705 MCVE QMIS: Vendor Analysis Quality Score  
8706 MCVG QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Lot Numbers 
8707 MCVI QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Quantities  
8708 MCVK QMIS: Vendor Analysis - Effort  
8709 MCVM QMIS: Vendor Analyis - Level & Disp
8710 MCVO Vendor Analysis - Lots Overview  
8711 MCVP QMIS: vendor analysis items Q notif 
8712 MCVQ Quality Management Info System QMIS  
8713 MCVR SIS: update diagnosis - order  
8714 MCVS TIS: Update Diagnosis: Transportatn   
8715 MCVT SIS: update diagnosis - delivery  
8716 MCVV SIS: update diagnosis - billing doc 
8717 MCVVK SIS: Updating - Sales Activities  
8718 MCVW INVCO: Update Diagnosis MatDoc   
8719 MCVX QMIS: Vendor analysis defects   
8720 MCVY INVCO: Update Diagnosis AcctngDoc   
8721 MCVZ QMIS: Ven. Analysis- Q Not. Overvie 
8722 MCV0 Purchasing Information System    
8723 MCV1 QMIS: Vendor analysis - insp. lot 
8724 MCV3 QMIS: Material analysis - insp. lot 
8725 MCV5 Call Up Price List w.Stepped Displa  
8726 MCV6 Call Up Indiv. Customer Prices List  
8727 MCV7 Call Up List of Price Groups  
8728 MCV8 Call Up Material/MatPrcGroup List    
8729 MCV9 Call Up List of Incomplete Document 
8730 MCW_AA IMG Retail     
8731 MCWIS FK Simulation Inventory Document   
8732 MCWRP FK Simulation Invoice Document   
8733 MCW1 PURCHIS: Evaluate Payment Header   
8734 MCW2 PURCHIS: Evaluate Payment Item   
8735 MCW3 PURCHIS: Evaluate VBD Header   
8736 MCW4 PURCHIS: Evaluate VBD Item   
8737 MCW5 Payment: Simulate Updating    
8738 MCW6 LIS Setup for Agency Documents  
8739 MCXA QMIS: Material Analysis-Lot Overvie   
8740 MCXB QMIS: General Results for Material  
8741 MCXC QMIS: Matl Analysis - Qty Overview 
8742 MCXD QMIS: Quant. Results for Material  
8743 MCXE QMIS: Matl Analysis - Quality Score 
8744 MCXG QMIS: Matl Analysis - Lot Numbers 
8745 MCXI QMIS: Material Analysis - Quantitie  
8746 MCXK QMIS: Material Analysis - Effort  
8747 MCXM QMIS: Matl Analysis - Level & Disp.
8748 MCXP QMIS: Matl. Analysis - Q Notif. Ite
8749 MCXV QMIS: mat. analysis overview Q not. 
8750 MCXX QMIS: Material analysis defects   
8751 MCX1 QMIS: Create Evaluation    
8752 MCX2 QMIS: Change Evaluation    
8753 MCX3 QMIS: Display Evaluation    
8754 MCX4 QMIS: Execute Evaluation    
8755 MCX7 QIS: Create Evaluation Structure   
8756 MCX8 QIS: Change Evaluation Structure   
8757 MCX9 QIS: display evaluation structure   
8758 MCYA Delete Jobs: Exceptions    
8759 MCYB Plan Jobs: Exceptions    
8760 MCYG Exception Analysis INVCO    
8761 MCYH Exception Analysis: PURCHIS    
8762 MCYI Exception Analysis: SIS    
8763 MCYJ Exception Analysis: PP-IS    
8764 MCYK Exception Analysis: PM-IS    
8765 MCYL Exception Analysis: QM-IS    
8766 MCYM Exception Analysis: Retail IS   
8767 MCYN Exception Analysis: LIS-General    
8768 MCYO Exception analysis: TIS    
8769 MCYO0 Schedule Jobs: Exceptions: TIS   
8770 MCYO1 Create Exception: EWS/TIS    
8771 MCYO2 Maintain Exception: EWS/TIS    
8772 MCYO3 Display Exception: EWS/TIS    
8773 MCYO4 Create Exception Group: TIS   
8774 MCYO5 Change Exception Group: TIS   
8775 MCYO6 Display Exception: TIS    
8776 MCYO7 Create Job for Exception: TIS  
8777 MCYO8 Change Jobs: Exceptions: TIS   
8778 MCYO9 Display jobs: Exceptions SIS   
8779 MCYY WFIS: Exception Analysis    
8780 MCY1 Create Exception EWS/LIS    
8781 MCY2 Maintain Exception EWS/LIS    
8782 MCY3 Display Exception (EWS/LIS)    
8783 MCY4 Create Group Exception    
8784 MCY5 Change Group Exception    
8785 MCY6 Display Exception     
8786 MCY7 Create Job For Exception   
8787 MCY8 Change Jobs: Exceptions    
8788 MCY9 Display Jobs: Exceptions    
8789 MCZ1 Create LIS Inbound Interface   
8790 MCZ2 Change LIS Inbound Interface   
8791 MCZ3 Display LIS Inbound Interface   
8792 MC0A Number Range Maintenance: Key Figs.  
8793 MC0C Number Range Maintenance: Info Sets  
8794 MC00 Logistics Information System (LIS)   
8795 MC01 Key Figure Retrieval Via Info Sets 
8796 MC02 Key Fig.Retrieval Using Text String  
8797 MC03 Key Fig Retrieval via Classificatio  
8798 MC04 Create Info Set    
8799 MC05 Change Info Set    
8800 MC06 Display Info Set    
8801 MC07 Create Key Figure    
8802 MC08 Change Key Figure    
8803 MC09 Create Field Catalog    
8804 MC1/ External Data: Maintain Formulas   
8805 MC1A Maintain Formulas/Requirements     
8806 MC1AT Maintain Formulas/Requirements     
8807 MC1B SIS: Maintain Requirements    
8808 MC1BT TIS: Maintain requirements    
8809 MC1D SIS: Maintain Formulas    
8810 MC1DT TIS: Maintain formulas    
8811 MC1F PURCHIS: Maintain Requirements    
8812 MC1H PURCHIS: Maintain Formulas    
8813 MC1J SFIS: Maintain Requirements    
8814 MC1L SFIS: Maintain Formulas    
8815 MC1N INVCO: Maintain Requirements    
8816 MC1P INVCO: Maintain Formulas    
8817 MC1Q INVCO: Display Formulas    
8818 MC1R Display Formulas/Requirements     
8819 MC1S QMIS: Maintain Requirements    
8820 MC1T QMIS: Display Requirements    
8821 MC1U QMIS: Maintain Formulas    
8822 MC1V QMIS: Display Formulas    
8823 MC1W PMIS: Maintain Requirements    
8824 MC1X PMIS: Display Requirements    
8825 MC1Y PMIS: Maintain Formulas    
8826 MC1Z PMIS: Display Formulas    
8827 MC10 Perform Analysis     
8828 MC11 Create Evaluation     
8829 MC12 Change Evaluation     
8830 MC13 Display Evaluation     
8831 MC14 TIS: Maintain requirements    
8832 MC15 TIS: Maintain formulas    
8833 MC16 LIS: Delete Evaluation Structure   
8834 MC18 Create Field Catalog    
8835 MC19 Change Field Catalog    
8836 MC20 Display Field Catalog    
8837 MC21 Create Info Structure    
8838 MC22 Change Info Structure    
8839 MC23 Display Info Structure    
8840 MC24 Create Update     
8841 MC25 Change Update     
8842 MC26 Display Update     
8843 MC27 Create Evaluation Structure    
8844 MC28 Change Evaluation Structure    
8845 MC29 Display Evaluation Structure    
8846 MC3V U3 update     
8847 MC30 Update Log     
8848 MC35 Create Rough-Cut Planning Profile   
8849 MC36 Change Rough-Cut Planning Profile   
8850 MC37 Display Rough-Cut Planning Profile   
8851 MC38 Number range maintenance: MC_ERKO   
8852 MC40 INVCO: ABC Analysis of Usage Values 
8853 MC41 INVCO: ABC Analysis of Reqmt Values 
8854 MC42 INVCO: Range of Coverage by Usg.Val 
8855 MC43 INVCO: Range Of Coverage By Reqmts 
8856 MC44 INVCO:Analysis of Inventory Turnove   
8857 MC45 INVCO: Analysis of Usage Values  
8858 MC46 INVCO: Analysis of Slow-Moving Item  
8859 MC47 INVCO: Analysis of Reqmt Values  
8860 MC48 INVCO: Anal. of Current Stock Value 
8861 MC49 INVCO: Mean Stock Values   
8862 MC50 INVCO: Analysis of Dead Stock  
8863 MC59 Revise Planning Hierarchy    
8864 MC6A Sales and Operations Planning   
8865 MC6B Sales and Operations Planning   
8866 MC61 Create Planning Hierarchy    
8867 MC62 Change Planning Hierarchy    
8868 MC63 Display Planning Hierarchy    
8869 MC64 Create Event     
8870 MC65 Change Event     
8871 MC66 Display Event     
8872 MC67 screen: genl.plg.hier    
8873 MC7E ALE Configuration for Info Structur  
8874 MC71 Evaluation: Product Group Hierarchy   
8875 MC72 Evaluation: Product Group Usage   
8876 MC73 Evaluation: Material Usage; Prod.Gr   
8877 MC74 Transfer Mat. to Demand Management  
8878 MC75 Transfer PG to Demand Management  
8879 MC78 Copy SOP Version    
8880 MC79 User Settings for SOP   
8881 MC8A Create Planning Type    
8882 MC8B Change Planning Type    
8883 MC8C Display Planning Type    
8884 MC8D Mass Processing: Create Planning   
8885 MC8E Mass Processing: Change Planning   
8886 MC8F Delete Entry in Planning File  
8887 MC8G Schedule Mass Processing    
8888 MC8H Maintain User Methods    
8889 MC8I Mass Processing: Check Planning   
8890 MC8J Reprocess Mass Processing    
8891 MC8K Copy/Delete Planning Versions    
8892 MC8M Read Opening Stocks    
8893 MC8N Delete forecast versions    
8894 MC8O Reset Generation Time Stamp   
8895 MC8P Standard SOP: Generate Master Data  
8896 MC8Q Aggregate Copy     
8897 MC8R RESET: Status for Planning Objects  
8898 MC8U Calculate Proportional Factors    
8899 MC8V LIS Planning: Copy Versions   
8900 MC8W LIS Planning: Delete Versions   
8901 MC8X SOP: Distribution Scenario - Select  
8902 MC8Y SOP: Distribution Scenario - Displa  
8903 MC8Z SOP => Key Figure Assignments  
8904 MC80 Delete and activate versions   
8905 MC84 Create Product Group    
8906 MC85 Display Product Group    
8907 MC86 Change Product Groups    
8908 MC9A Flexible Planning: Gen. Master Data  
8909 MC9B Calc. Proportions as in Pl.Hierarch  
8910 MC9C Reports for Flexible Planning   
8911 MC9E Info Structure: Add to General Char 
8912 MC9F Info Structure: Delete All Charact.  
8913 MC9K Maintain Available Capacity    
8914 MC90 Dm.Mgmt.: Mat.from any IS  
8915 MC91 Initial Graphic: Product Groups   
8916 MC92 Initial: Product Groups; Hierarchie   
8917 MC93 Create Flexible LIS Planning   
8918 MC94 Change Flexible LIS Planning   
8919 MC95 Display Flexible LIS Planning   
8920 MC97 Number Range Maintenance: MC_SAUF   
8921 MC98 Maintain Planning Objects    
8922 MC99 Display Planning Objects    
8923 MDAB Planning File - Set Up BATCH 
8924 MDAC Execute Action for Planned Order  
8925 MDBA BAPI planned order processing   
8926 MDBS MPS - total planning run  
8927 MDBT MRP Run In Batch   
8928 MDC7 Start MD07 by using report  
8929 MDLD Print MRP List    
8930 MDLP MPS      
8931 MDL1 Create Production Lot    
8932 MDL2 Change Production Lot    
8933 MDL3 Display Production Lot    
8934 MDM1 Mail To Vendor    
8935 MDM2 Mail to Vendor    
8936 MDM3 Mail to Customer    
8937 MDM4 Mail to MRP Controller   
8938 MDM5 Workflow: Mail to MRP Controller  
8939 MDPH Planning Profile     
8940 MDPP Demand Management     
8941 MDPV Planning variant: Initial screen   
8942 MDP0 Independent Requirements     
8943 MDP1 Create combination structure    
8944 MDP2 Change combination structure    
8945 MDP3 Display combination structure    
8946 MDP4 Maintain combinations     
8947 MDP6 Modeling      
8948 MDRE Checking Plnng File In BCKGRND Mode 
8949 MDRP Distribution Resource Planning    
8950 MDSA Display Serial Numbers    
8951 MDSP Change BOM Explosion Numbers   
8952 MDUM Convert Planned Orders into PReqs  
8953 MDUP Maintain Project New Key Assignment  
8954 MDUS Assign New Key to WBS Elements 
8955 MDVP Collective Availability Check PAUF   
8956 MDW1 Access MRP control program   
8957 MD00 MRP : external procurement   
8958 MD01 MRP Run     
8959 MD02 MRP - Single-item; Multi-level -  
8960 MD03 MRP-Individual Planning-Single Leve    
8961 MD04 Display Stock/Requirements Situatio    
8962 MD05 Individual Display Of MRP List  
8963 MD06 Collective Display Of MRP List  
8964 MD07 Current Material Overview    
8965 MD08 Reorg. MRP Lists    
8966 MD09 Pegging      
8967 MD11 Create Planned Order    
8968 MD12 Change Planned Order    
8969 MD13 Display Planned Order    
8970 MD14 Individual Conversion of Plnned Ord  
8971 MD15 Collective Conversion Of Plnd Ordrs  
8972 MD16 Collective Display of Planned Order  
8973 MD17 Collective Requirements Display    
8974 MD19 Firm Planned Orders    
8975 MD20 Create Planning File Entry   
8976 MD21 Display Planning File Entry   
8977 MD25 Create Planning Calendar    
8978 MD26 Change Planning Calendar    
8979 MD27 Display Planning Calendar    
8980 MD4C Multilevel Order Report    
8981 MD40 MPS      
8982 MD41 MPS - Single-item; Multi-level -  
8983 MD42 MPS - Single-item; Single-level -  
8984 MD43 MPS - Single-item; Interactive -  
8985 MD44 MPS Evaluation     
8986 MD45 MRP List Evaluation    
8987 MD46 Eval. MRP lists of MRP controller 
8988 MD47 Product Group Planning Evaluation   
8989 MD48 Cross-Plant Evaluation     
8990 MD50 Sales order planning    
8991 MD51 Individual project planning    
8992 MD61 Create Planned Indep. Requirements   
8993 MD62 Change Planned Indep. Requirements   
8994 MD63 Display Planned Indep. Requirements   
8995 MD64 Create Planned Indep.Requirements    
8996 MD65 Change Standard Indep.Requirements    
8997 MD66 Display Standard Indep.Requirements    
8998 MD67 Staggered Split     
8999 MD70 Copy Total Forecast    
9000 MD71 Copy Reference Changes      

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