Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 7001-8000

7001 KEV0 Maintain Distribution Keys    
7002 KEV1 Create distribution key    
7003 KEV2 Change distribution key    
7004 KEV3 Display distribution key    
7005 KEV4 Delete distribution key    
7006 KEWUSL Where-Used List for Cycles (PA)  
7007 KEWW Reorganize forms     
7008 KEX9 Reorganize planning layouts    
7009 KEZ5 Execute Distribution     
7010 KE0B Archiving: CO-PA     
7011 KE0C CO-PA Distribution: Initial Supply   
7012 KE0D CO-PA Distribution: Reconciliation    
7013 KE0E CO-PA Distribution: Installation    
7014 KE0G CO-PA Distribution: Roll-up    
7015 KE1A Copy complete plan    
7016 KE1B Process complete plan    
7017 KE1C Delete Plan Data    
7018 KE1D Forecast Plan Data    
7019 KE1E Transfer Plan Data to SOP  
7020 KE1F Complete Plan Management    
7021 KE1G Top-Down Complete Plan    
7022 KE1H CO-PA Planning: Set Planner Profile  
7023 KE1K Transfer to LIS    
7024 KE1L Create Plan Structure    
7025 KE1M Change Plan Structure    
7026 KE1N Display Plan Structure    
7027 KE1O Maintain User Exits for Planning   
7028 KE1Q Reorganize Long Texts    
7029 KE1V Transfer to EC-PCA    
7030 KE1W Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-G
7031 KE1XO Ext. Data Transfer to CO-PA Plannin 
7032 KE1Y Transfer of CO-PA Plan Data to FI-S
7033 KE11 Change plan data    
7034 KE12 Display plan data    
7035 KE13 Upload from Excel    
7036 KE13N Upload from Excel    
7037 KE13P Flexible Excel Upload    
7038 KE14 Create Planning Layout    
7039 KE15 Change Planning Layout    
7040 KE16 Display Planning Layout    
7041 KE17 Maintain Planning Authorization Obj   
7042 KE18 Display planning authorization obj.   
7043 KE19 Reorganize Planning Layouts    
7044 KE2B Correction to Incoming Orders   
7045 KE2C Delete records from error file  
7046 KE2D Display Error File    
7047 KE2K CO-PA: Maintain Key Figures   
7048 KE2T CO-PA: Assign IDoc Fields   
7049 KE2U CO-PA: Display Segment Types EDIMAP  
7050 KE21 Create CO-PA line item   
7051 KE21N CO-PA Line Item Entry   
7052 KE21S CO-PA Valuation Simulation    
7053 KE23 Display CO-PA line item   
7054 KE23N CO-PA Line Item Display   
7055 KE24 Line Item Display - Actual Data 
7056 KE25 Line Item Display - Plan Data 
7057 KE26 Repost Accounting Document    
7058 KE27 Periodic valuation     
7059 KE27S Reversal of KE27 Delta Line Items  
7060 KE28 Create top-down distribution    
7061 KE29 Management      
7062 KE3A CO-PA: Reorganize reports + data  
7063 KE3B Print and actualize reports   
7064 KE3C Reorganize Forms     
7065 KE3D Reorganize Line Item Layouts   
7066 KE3E Maintain Global Variables    
7067 KE3F Create line item layout   
7068 KE3G Change Line Item Layout   
7069 KE3H Display line item layout   
7070 KE3I CO-PA: Transport tool    
7071 KE3J Import      
7072 KE3K Maintain hierarchy     
7073 KE3L Split report     
7074 KE3M Overview of Reports    
7075 KE3P Maintain Variant Groups    
7076 KE3Q Maintain Variants     
7077 KE3R Schedule Variant Group    
7078 KE3S Define Variant Group    
7079 KE3T Reorganization of Variant Groups   
7080 KE3X Customize Application Tree    
7081 KE3Y Report selection     
7082 KE3Z Convert profitability report    
7083 KE30 Execute profitability report    
7084 KE31 Create profitability report    
7085 KE32 Change Report     
7086 KE33 Display Report     
7087 KE34 Create form     
7088 KE35 Change form     
7089 KE36 Display form     
7090 KE37 Maintain Report Authorization Objec   
7091 KE38 Display report authorization object   
7092 KE39 CO-PA: Reorganize report data   
7093 KE4A Change condition table    
7094 KE4B Display condition table    
7095 KE4C Copy Condition     
7096 KE4F Post Incoming Orders Subsequently   
7097 KE4L Pricing report     
7098 KE4N Change Pricing Report    
7099 KE4O Display Pricing Report    
7100 KE4Q Execute Pricing Report    
7101 KE4S Post billing documents to CO-PA  
7102 KE4SFI CO-PA: Post Subsequently from FI  
7103 KE4SMM CO-PA: Post Material Documents Subs  
7104 KE4ST Simulation billg docs transfer CO-P  
7105 KE4S00 CO-PA: Reversal of Line Items  
7106 KE4T Set Up Transfer of Incoming Orders 
7107 KE4TS Simulate Doc. Transfer from Orders  
7108 KE4U Maintain view cluster V_TKEVAx   
7109 KE4XO Transfer External Data to CO-PA  
7110 KE41 Create condition     
7111 KE42 Change condition     
7112 KE43 Display condition     
7113 KE45 Maintain View V_T258I_KO     
7114 KE49 Create Condition Table    
7115 KE5A EC-PCA: Call up report   
7116 KE5B EC-PCA: Copy Balance Sheet Acct Grp 
7117 KE5C EC-PCA: Account Master Data (CO/FI)  
7118 KE5T Compare G/L Accounts FI <-> EC-PCA 
7119 KE5U Compare and Reconcile G/L Accounts  
7120 KE5X Profit Center: Master Data Index  
7121 KE5Y Profit Center: Plan Line Items  
7122 KE5Z Profit Center: Actual Line Items  
7123 KE54 Delete Profit Centers    
7124 KE56 EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assg  
7125 KE57 EC-PCA: Mass Maintenance CCode Assg  
7126 KE59 EC-PCA: Create Dummy Profit Center  
7127 KE61 EC-PCA: Cost group CCSS to GLTPC 
7128 KE62 EC-PCA: Copy Data to Plan  
7129 KE75 EC-PCA: ALE Get profit centers  
7130 KE77 EC-PCA: ALE send profit centers  
7131 KE78 EC-PCA: Execute ALE Rollup   
7132 KE79 EC-PCA: Send ALE Hierarchies   
7133 KE8B EC-PCA: Drill-Down Reporting; Bckgd   
7134 KE8C EC-PCA: Maintain Currency Transl.   
7135 KE8D Overview of Reports    
7136 KE8I Copy Report-Report Interface/Report    
7137 KE8K Maintain Key Figures    
7138 KE8L EC-PCA: Reorganize Reports    
7139 KE8M EC-PCA: Test Monitor for Drill-Down  
7140 KE8O Transport Reports     
7141 KE8P Transport Forms     
7142 KE8Q Import Reports     
7143 KE8R Import Form from Client   
7144 KE8U Reorganize Report Data    
7145 KE8V EC-PCA: Maintain global variables   
7146 KE8W EC-PCA: Reorganize Forms    
7147 KE80 EC-PCA: Execute Drill-Down Report   
7148 KE81 EC-PCA: Create Drill-Down Report   
7149 KE82 EC-PCA: Change Drill-Down Report   
7150 KE83 EC-PCA: Display Drill-Down Report   
7151 KE84 EC-PCA: Create Form    
7152 KE85 EC-PCA: Change Form    
7153 KE86 EC-PCA: Display Form    
7154 KE9D Reorganize Line Item Layouts   
7155 KE91 Create Line-Item-Based Report    
7156 KE94 Create form     
7157 KE95 Change Form     
7158 KE96 Display Form     
7159 KE97 Maintain Report Authorization Objec   
7160 KE98 Display Report Authorization Object   
7161 KFTP R/2 - R/3 - Link: File Transfer
7162 KGBC Copy CMP Client    
7163 KGI2 Act. Overhead: Int.Order Ind.Pro   
7164 KGI4 Actual Overhead:Int.Ord. Coll. Proc   
7165 KGO2 Overhead Commt: Int.Orders Ind.Pro   
7166 KGO4 Overhead Commt: Int.Orders Col.Pro   
7167 KGP2 Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders Ind.Pro   
7168 KGP4 Overhead Plan.: Int.Orders Col.Pro   
7169 KGST Control Tables: Consistency Check   
7170 KIMS R/2 - R/3 - Link: IMS Systems
7171 KISR Execute Actual Segment Adjustment   
7172 KIS6 Segment Adjustment: Overview    
7173 KIS6N Segment Adjustment: Overview    
7174 KJH1 Create WBS Element Groups   
7175 KJH2 Change WBS Element Groups   
7176 KJH3 Display WBS Element Groups   
7177 KKAA Sales Document Line Items; Accrual  
7178 KKAB Run Selected Reports    
7179 KKAC Sales Order Hierarchy Display   
7180 KKAD Order List for Make-to-Order   
7181 KKAE Results Analysis: Display Worklist   
7182 KKAF Results Analysis: Delete Worklist   
7183 KKAG WIP: Display Worklist    
7184 KKAH Sales Order Selection    
7185 KKAI Actual Results Analysis: Orders   
7186 KKAIP Planned Results Analysis: Orders   
7187 KKAJ Actual Results Analysis: WBS Elem.  
7188 KKAJP Plan Results Analysis: WBS Elements  
7189 KKAK Actual Results Analysis: Sales Ordr  
7190 KKAKP Plan Results Analysis: Sales Orders  
7191 KKAL Results Analysis: Display Log   
7192 KKAM Make-to-order      
7193 KKAN Results Analysis: Delete Log   
7194 KKAO WIP Calc.: Collective Processing   
7195 KKAQ Display WIP - Collective Processing  
7196 KKAS WIP Calc. for Product Cost Coll. 
7197 KKAT WIP Display for Product Cost Coll. 
7198 KKAV WIP Calculation for Cost Object Hie 
7199 KKAW WIP Display Cost Object Hierarchy  
7200 KKAX WIP Calculation for Order   
7201 KKAY WIP Display for Order   
7202 KKA0 Maintain Cutoff Period    
7203 KKA0P Maintain Cutoff Period    
7204 KKA1 Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc 
7205 KKA1P Order Results Analysis and WIP Calc 
7206 KKA2 Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc. 
7207 KKA2P Project Results Anal. and WIP Calc. 
7208 KKA3 Sales Document Item Results Analysi  
7209 KKA3P Sales Document Item Results Analysi  
7210 KKA4 Create Res. Analysis Data for Order 
7211 KKA5 Create RA Data for WBS Element 
7212 KKA6 Create RA Data for Sales Order 
7213 KKA7 Delete Results Anal. Data for Order 
7214 KKA7P Delete Results Anal. Data for Order 
7215 KKA8 Delete RA Data for WBS Element 
7216 KKA8P Delete RA Data for WBS Element 
7217 KKA9 Delete RA Data for Sales Order 
7218 KKA9P Delete RA Data for Sales Order 
7219 KKBB Report Call CM    
7220 KKBC Main Tree for CO-PC Info System 
7221 KKBD Order Selection Without Variances   
7222 KKBE Order Selection with Variances   
7223 KKBF Order Selection (Classification)    
7224 KKBG Generate Report Group    
7225 KKBH Planning report: Cost objects   
7226 KKBI Import/Generate FI/CO Report Groups   
7227 KKBO Report Tree     
7228 KKBU Cost Object: Planning Overview   
7229 KKBZ Display Hierarchy List    
7230 KKB0 Control Parameters for Info System  
7231 KKB0N Control Parameters for Info System  
7232 KKB1 Costing Items for Sales Document  
7233 KKB2 Costing Items for Cost Object  
7234 KKB3 Costing Items for WBS Elements  
7235 KKB4 Itemization for Base Planning Obj.  
7236 KKB5 Costing Items for Material   
7237 KKB6 Configure Report Trees    
7238 KKCA Cost Objects: Variance Line Items  
7239 KKCP Cost Object Line Items - Plan 
7240 KKCS Cost Objects: Line Items - Actual 
7241 KKCV Var. Cost Obj. Line Items Config. 
7242 KKC1 Create Cost Object    
7243 KKC2 Change Cost Object    
7244 KKC3 Display Cost Object    
7245 KKC4 Create Cost Object Planning   
7246 KKC5 Change Cost Object Planning   
7247 KKC6 Display Cost Object Planning   
7248 KKC7 Create Product Group    
7249 KKC8 Change Product Group    
7250 KKC9 Display Product Group    
7251 KKDV CO-PC: Summarization level maint.   
7252 KKEB Revaluate Base Planning Objects   
7253 KKEC Compare Base Object - Unit Cost Est
7254 KKED BOM for Base Planning Objects  
7255 KKE1 Add Base Planning Object   
7256 KKE2 Change Base Planning Object   
7257 KKE3 Display Base Planning Object   
7258 KKE4 List Base Planning Objects   
7259 KKE5 Delete Test Data for Base Object 
7260 KKE6 Analyze Unit Cost Est Base Plan Obj
7261 KKE7 Report Tree Base Planning Object  
7262 KKFB RS Header: Line Items Variance  
7263 KKF1 Create CO Production Order   
7264 KKF2 Change CO Production Order   
7265 KKF3 Display CO Production Order   
7266 KKF4 Change CO-FA Plan Values   
7267 KKF5 Display CO-FA Plan Values   
7268 KKF6 Create Production Cost Collector   
7269 KKF6M Create Multiple Product Cost Coll.   
7270 KKF6N Maintain Product Cost Collector   
7271 KKF7 Change Production Cost Collector   
7272 KKF8 List Production Cost Collector   
7273 KKF9 Find CO Orders    
7274 KKG0 Display Cutoff Period    
7275 KKG0P Display Cutoff Period    
7276 KKG1 Create Cost of Sales: Order  
7277 KKG2 Create Cost of Sales: Project  
7278 KKG3 Create Cost of Sales: Sales Order 
7279 KKH1 Create Cost Object Group   
7280 KKH2 Change Cost Object Group   
7281 KKH3 Display Cost Object Group   
7282 KKMLH Transport of Reports    
7283 KKMLI Transport of Forms    
7284 KKMLJ Client Copy of Reports   
7285 KKMLK Client Copy of Forms   
7286 KKMLM Test Monitor Object Record Reports  
7287 KKMLN Reorganization of Report Data   
7288 KKMLO Reorganization of Reports    
7289 KKMLP Reorganization of Forms    
7290 KKMLV Maintain Global Variable    
7291 KKML0 Run Drilldown Report    
7292 KKML1 Create Drilldown Report    
7293 KKML2 Change Drilldown Report    
7294 KKML3 Display Drilldown Report    
7295 KKML4 Create Form     
7296 KKML5 Change Form     
7297 KKML6 Display Form     
7298 KKML7 Maintain Key Figures    
7299 KKML8 Background Processing of Reports   
7300 KKMN Product costing application area   
7301 KKN1 Actual Reval.: Cost.Obj. Ind.Pro   
7302 KKN2 Actual Reval.: Cost Obj. Col.Pro  
7303 KKOB Basic Functions of Cost Object Cont 
7304 KKOG Groups for Costing    
7305 KKOH Transport of Reports    
7306 KKOI Transport of Forms    
7307 KKOJ Client Copy of Reports   
7308 KKOK Client Copy of Forms   
7309 KKOM Test Monitor Object Record Reports  
7310 KKON Reorganization of Report Data   
7311 KKOO Reorganization of Reports    
7312 KKOP Reorganize Forms     
7313 KKOR Report Selection     
7314 KKOT Split Report     
7315 KKOV Maintain Global Variable    
7316 KKOW Maintain Currency Translation Type   
7317 KKO0 Run Drilldown Report    
7318 KKO1 Create Drilldown Report    
7319 KKO2 Change Drilldown Report    
7320 KKO3 Display Drilldown Report    
7321 KKO4 Create Form     
7322 KKO5 Change Form     
7323 KKO6 Display Form     
7324 KKO7 Maintain Key Figures    
7325 KKO8 Background Processing of Reports   
7326 KKPA Create Cost Est w/o Qty Structure 
7327 KKPAN Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure 
7328 KKPB Change Cost Est w/o Qty Structure 
7329 KKPBN Change Cost Est. w/o Quantity Struc 
7330 KKPC Display Cost Est w/o Qty Structure 
7331 KKPCN Display Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure 
7332 KKPD Order List for Process Manufacturin  
7333 KKPDN Create Cost Est. w/o Qty Structure 
7334 KKPE Report Selection for Process Mfg  
7335 KKPG Graph. Cost Object Hierarchy Maint.  
7336 KKPH Collective Entry     
7337 KKPHIE Cost Object Hierarchy    
7338 KKPJ Actual OHead: Cost Obj Collec Proc. 
7339 KKPM Process costing menu    
7340 KKPN Material Assignment     
7341 KKPT Cost Obj Hier: Coll. Proc. Variance 
7342 KKPU User's List of Reports   
7343 KKPV Delete Transaction Data    
7344 KKPX Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.  
7345 KKPY Actual Cost Distribution: Cost Obj.  
7346 KKPZ Actual Overhead: Cost Obj Individ  
7347 KKP1 Create Hierarchy Master Record   
7348 KKP2 Change Hierarchy Master Record   
7349 KKP3 Display Hierarchy Master Record   
7350 KKP4 Display Cost Object Hierarchy   
7351 KKP5 Cost ObjHier: Indiv. Proc. Variance  
7352 KKP6 Cost Object: Analysis    
7353 KKRA Order Summarization     
7354 KKRC Summarization: CO Object    
7355 KKRO Data Collection: Product Drilldown   
7356 KKRP Project Summarization     
7357 KKRS Summarization: Repetitive Mfg (COC)   
7358 KKRV Data Collection Product Drilldown   
7359 KKRZ Summarization: Process Mfg (COC)   
7360 KKR0 CO Summarization: Hierarchy Mainten   
7361 KKR1 CO Summarization: Summ. Object Type  
7362 KKR2 CO Summarization: Summ. Characteris   
7363 KKSB Start Selected Reports    
7364 KKSD Order List for Order-Related Prod.  
7365 KKSM Product Cost Ctrllg: Make-to-Stock   
7366 KKSP Variances - Engineer-to-Order (C)   
7367 KKSQ Variances - Engineer-to-Order (I)   
7368 KKSR Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (C)   
7369 KKSS Scrap - Engineer-to-Order (I)   
7370 KKST Variances - Cost by Sales Order (C)
7371 KKSU Variances - Cost by Sales Order (I)
7372 KKSV Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (C)
7373 KKSW Scrap - Cost by Sales Order (I)
7374 KKS1 Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)
7375 KKS1N Variances - Product Cost by Lot (C)
7376 KKS2 Variances - Product Cost by Lot (I)
7377 KKS3 Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (C)
7378 KKS4 Scrap - Product Cost by Lot (I)
7379 KKS5 Variances - Product Cost by Per. (C
7380 KKS6 Variances - Product Cost by Per. (I
7381 KKS7 Scrap - Product Cost by Period (C)
7382 KKS8 Scrap - Product Cost by Period (I)
7383 KKV1 View Maint. Sel. Production Orders  
7384 KK01 Create Statistical Figure    
7385 KK02 Change Statistical Figure    
7386 KK03 Display Statistical Key Figures   
7387 KK04 Stat.Key Figures: Master Data Repor  
7388 KK05 Create Cond. Table (Price Overhead)  
7389 KK06 Change Cond.Table (Price Overhead)   
7390 KK07 Display Cond.Table (Price Overhead)   
7391 KK11 Create Condition     
7392 KK12 Change Condition     
7393 KK13 Display Condition     
7394 KK14 Create Condition with Reference   
7395 KK16 CO-COC Plng: Change Costs/ActyInput   
7396 KK17 CO-COC Plng: Display Costs/ActyInpu   
7397 KK46 CO-COC Plng: Change Stat. Key Fig. 
7398 KK47 CO-COC Plng: Display Stat. Key Fig. 
7399 KK65 COC Create Planng Layt Cost/ActInpu  
7400 KK66 COC Change Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInpu  
7401 KK67 COC Display Plnng Layt Cost/ActvInp  
7402 KK87 Actual settmt: prodn cost collector  
7403 KK88 Actual Settlement: Cost Objects   
7404 KK89 Actual Settlement: Cost Objects   
7405 KK95 COC Create Planning Layout Stat. KF 
7406 KK96 COC Change Planning Layout Stat. KF 
7407 KK97 COC Display Planning Layout Stat. K 
7408 KLABL Derivation of the Default Risk Rule 
7409 KLEH Display Logs     
7410 KLEXT Display Active External Transaction   
7411 KLFZ01 Facilities: Create     
7412 KLFZ02 Facilities: Change     
7413 KLFZ03 Facilities: Display     
7414 KLH1 Create Activity Type Group   
7415 KLH2 Change Activity Type Group   
7416 KLH3 Display Activity Type Group   
7417 KLONL Online Check     
7418 KLSDC1 Single Transaction Check: New   
7419 KLSDC2 Single Transaction Check: Change   
7420 KLSDC3 Single Transaction Check: Deactivat   
7421 KLSDC4 Display Transactions     
7422 KLSI01 Create Collateral Provision    
7423 KLSI02 Change Collateral Provision    
7424 KLSI03 Display Collateral Provision    
7425 KL01 Create activity type    
7426 KL02 Change activity type    
7427 KL03 Display Activity Type    
7428 KL04 Delete activity type    
7429 KL05 Activity type: Display changes   
7430 KL13 Activity Types: Master Data Report  
7431 KL14 Delete Activity Types    
7432 KL20 Templ. Alloc. Struct. CCTR/Acty Typ  
7433 KM1V Cost Center Selection Variants   
7434 KM3V Select. Variants for Bus. Processes  
7435 KM5V Selection Variants: Cost Elements   
7436 KM7V Activity Type Selection Variants   
7437 KNMA Target=Actual-IAA: cost centers    
7438 KOAB Order Types: Budget Profile   
7439 KOAI Order Types: Default Int. Planning  
7440 KOAK Order Types: Classification    
7441 KOAL Order Types: Settlement Profile   
7442 KOAM Order Types: Model Order   
7443 KOAO Order Types: Commitment Update   
7444 KOAP Order Types: Plan Profile   
7445 KOA1 Send Internal Order     
7446 KOBP Orders: Plan Line Items   
7447 KOB1 Orders: Actual Line Items   
7448 KOB2 Orders: Commitment Line Items   
7449 KOB3 Orders: Variance Line Items   
7450 KOB4 Orders: Budget Line Items   
7451 KOB5 Orders: Maint. Line Item Settlement  
7452 KOB6 Orders: Settlement Line Items   
7453 KOB7 Orders: Line Item Settlement Retire  
7454 KOB8 Orders: WIP/Results Anal. Line Item  
7455 KOCF Carry Forward Order Commitments   
7456 KOCM Conversion Classification: AUFK    
7457 KOCO Budget Carryforward for Orders   
7458 KOC2 Run Selected Reports    
7459 KOC4 Cost Analysis     
7460 KOH1 Create Order Group    
7461 KOH2 Change Order Group    
7462 KOH3 Display Order Group    
7463 KOK2 Collective Proc. Internal Orders   
7464 KOK3 Collective Disp. Internal Orders   
7465 KOK4 Aut. Collect. Proc. Internal Orders  
7466 KOK5 Master Data List Internal Orders  
7467 KOK6 Collect. Printing of Internal Order  
7468 KOL1 Order List (Master Data)   
7469 KOMM Customizing pick list    
7470 KOM1 Create CO model order   
7471 KOM2 Change CO Model Order   
7472 KOM3 Display CO model order   
7473 KONK Maintain Order Number Ranges   
7474 KON1 Actual Reval.: Int.Orders Ind.Pro   
7475 KON2 Actual Reval.: Int.Orders Col.Pro   
7476 KOPA1 Overall Plan.; Orders: Create layou  
7477 KOPA2 Overall Plan.; Orders: Change Layou  
7478 KOPA3 Overall Plan.; Orders: Displ. Layou  
7479 KOPU Execute Orders for Plan Revaluation  
7480 KOP1 Create Orders for Plan Revaluation  
7481 KOP2 Change Orders for Plan Revaluation  
7482 KOP3 Display Orders for Plan Revaluation  
7483 KOP4 Delete Orders for Plan Revaluation  
7484 KORI Job Selection     
7485 KORJ Job Selection (Output)    
7486 KOSL Incompleteness FT Data BOM   
7487 KOTZ Costing Items for Order   
7488 KOT2 Maintain Order Types - All Categs. 
7489 KOT3 Display Order Types    
7490 KOV2 Maintain Transaction Grps for Order  
7491 KOV3 Display Transaction Grps for Orders  
7492 KOW1 Create Periodic Reposting    
7493 KOW1N Create Periodic Reposting    
7494 KOW2 Change Periodic Reposting    
7495 KOW2N Change Periodic Reposting    
7496 KOW3 Display Periodic Reposting    
7497 KOW3N Display Periodic Reposting    
7498 KOW4 Delete Periodic Reposting    
7499 KOW4N Delete Periodic Reposting    
7500 KO01 Create Internal Order    
7501 KO02 Change Order     
7502 KO03 Display Internal Order    
7503 KO04 Order Manager     
7504 KO08 Data Transfer for Order Master Data 
7505 KO09 Sender Structures for Trans. Data  
7506 KO1ECP Internal Orders: Easy Cost Planning  
7507 KO12 Change Order Plan (Overall; Year)  
7508 KO12N Overall Planning for Orders: Change   
7509 KO13 Display Order Plan (Overall; Year)  
7510 KO13N Overall Planning for Orders: Displa   
7511 KO14 Copy Planing for Internal Orders  
7512 KO14N Set planner profile     
7513 KO15 Copy Actual Int.Order Data to Plan 
7514 KO2A Change budget document    
7515 KO2B Display budget document    
7516 KO22 Change Order Budget    
7517 KO23 Display Order Budget    
7518 KO24 Change Order Supplement    
7519 KO25 Display Order Supplement    
7520 KO26 Change Order Return    
7521 KO27 Display Order Return    
7522 KO30 Activate Orders Availability Contro   
7523 KO31 Reconstruct Order Availability Cntr   
7524 KO32 Deactivate Order Availability Cntrl   
7525 KO8A Act.-setlmt: Order retmt. from IM  
7526 KO8B Display Settlement Document    
7527 KO8G Act. Settlment: Int.-/Maint. Orders   
7528 KO8N No. Ranges for Settlement Document  
7529 KO88 Actual Settlement: Order    
7530 KO9E Plan Settlement: Internal Order   
7531 KO9G Plan Settlement: Internal Orders   
7532 KPAS Actl. Templ.-Alloc.: CCTR/Acty Type   
7533 KPA6 Change Primary Cost Element Plannin  
7534 KPA7 Display Primary Cost Elem. Planning  
7535 KPB6 Change Activity Type Plan Data  
7536 KPB7 Display Activity Type Plan Data  
7537 KPC6 Change Activity Input Planning   
7538 KPC7 Display activity input planning   
7539 KPD6 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data 
7540 KPD7 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data 
7541 KPEP Flexible Excel Upload    
7542 KPEU Upload for Excel Planning   
7543 KPE6 Change Revenue Element Planning   
7544 KPE7 Display Revenue Element Planning   
7545 KPF6 Change CElem/Activity Input Plannin   
7546 KPF7 Display CElem./Acty Input Planning   
7547 KPG1 Create Planning Parameters    
7548 KPG2 Change Planning Parameters    
7549 KPG3 Display Planning Parameters    
7550 KPG4 Delete Planning Parameters    
7551 KPG5 Create Cost Planning Layout   
7552 KPG6 Change Cost Planning Layout   
7553 KPG7 Display Cost Planning Layout   
7554 KPHR Transfer HR Costs to CO  
7555 KPH0 Maintain Distribution Keys    
7556 KPH1 Create Distribution Key    
7557 KPH2 Change Distribution Key    
7558 KPH3 Display Distribution Key    
7559 KPH4 Delete Distribution Key    
7560 KPH5 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout  
7561 KPH6 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout  
7562 KPH7 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout  
7563 KPI6 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data 
7564 KPI7 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data 
7565 KPPS Allocation Templ. Plan: CCtr/ATyp   
7566 KPRI Define Price Tables    
7567 KPRN Copy Resource Planning    
7568 KPRO KPRO Administration     
7569 KPRW Evaluate resources used    
7570 KPRZ Depend.Planning: Recalculation     
7571 KPR1 Callup View Maintenance With COArea  
7572 KPSI CO-CCA Plan Reconciliation    
7573 KPSR Execute Plan Segment Reversal   
7574 KPT6 Execute Formula Planning    
7575 KPUB Revaluate Plan in Background   
7576 KPU1 Create Plan Revaluation    
7577 KPU2 Change Plan Revaluation    
7578 KPU3 Display Plan Revaluation    
7579 KPU4 Delete Plan Revaluation    
7580 KPY1 Create Planning Parameters    
7581 KPY2 Change Planning Parameters    
7582 KPY3 Display Planning Parameters    
7583 KPY4 Delete Planning Parameters    
7584 KPZ2 Change Cost Center Budget   
7585 KPZ3 Display Cost Center Budget   
7586 KP04 Set Planner Profile    
7587 KP06 Change CElem/Activity Input Plannin   
7588 KP07 Display Planning CElem/Act. Input   
7589 KP16 Change Plan Data for Primary Costs 
7590 KP17 Display Plan Data for Primary Costs 
7591 KP26 Change Plan Data for Activity Types 
7592 KP27 Display Plan Data for Activity Type 
7593 KP36 Change Secondary Cost Plan Data  
7594 KP37 Display Secondary Costs Plan Data  
7595 KP46 Change Stat. Key Figure Plan Data 
7596 KP47 Display Stat. Key Figure Plan Data 
7597 KP56 Change Revenue Plan Data   
7598 KP57 Display Revenue Plan Data   
7599 KP65 Create Cost Planning Layout   
7600 KP66 Change Cost Planning Layout   
7601 KP67 Display Cost Planning Layout   
7602 KP75 Create Activity Type Planning Layou  
7603 KP76 Change Activity Type Planning Layou  
7604 KP77 Display Activ. Type Planning Layout  
7605 KP80 Maintain Distribution Keys    
7606 KP81 Create Distribution Key    
7607 KP82 Change Distribution Key    
7608 KP83 Display Distribution Key    
7609 KP84 Delete Distribution Key    
7610 KP85 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout  
7611 KP86 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout  
7612 KP87 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout  
7613 KP9R Copy CO Resource Prices   
7614 KP9S Revaluate CO Resource Prices   
7615 KP90 Delete Planned Costs    
7616 KP90NI Delete Planned Costs    
7617 KP91 Delete Planned Costs    
7618 KP91NI Delete Plan Data    
7619 KP95 Revaluate Manual Planning    
7620 KP96 Activate L. Items and Int. Planning 
7621 KP97 Copy Planning for Cost Centers  
7622 KP98 Copy Actual to Plan for Cost Center
7623 KRMI Run Sched. Header: Line Items Actua 
7624 KR01 Create Summarization     
7625 KR02 Change Summarization     
7626 KR03 Display Summarization     
7627 KR04 Delete Summarization     
7628 KR05 Execute Summarization     
7629 KSAG Maintain condition tables    
7630 KSAH Display condition tables    
7631 KSAI Accrual Calc.: Maintain Actual Data  
7632 KSAJ Accrual Calc.: Maintain Tgt=Act Cre  
7633 KSAP Accrual Calc.: Maintain Plan Data  
7634 KSAQ Maintain surcharge conditions    
7635 KSAR Display Overhead Conditions    
7636 KSAZ Accrual: Maintain Overhead Structur   
7637 KSA3 Actual Accrual for Cost Centers  
7638 KSA4 Execute actual accrual    
7639 KSA8 Plan Accrual for Cost Centers  
7640 KSA9 Execute Plan Accrual    
7641 KSBB Run Selected Reports    
7642 KSBL Cost centers: Planning overview   
7643 KSBP Cost Centers: Plan Line Items  
7644 KSBT Cost centers: Activity prices   
7645 KSB1 Cost Centers: Actual Line Items  
7646 KSB2 Cost Centers: Commitment Line Items  
7647 KSB5 Controlling Documents: Actual    
7648 KSB9 Planning Report: Cost Centers   
7649 KSCA Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
7650 KSCAN Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
7651 KSCB Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7652 KSCC Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview  
7653 KSCCN Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview  
7654 KSCF Carry Forward Cost Center Commitmen  
7655 KSCK Find CCtrs in Cycles and Segments 
7656 KSCP Find Processes in Cycles / Segments 
7657 KSCYC3 Display Cycle/Segment Objects    
7658 KSC1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7659 KSC1N Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7660 KSC2 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7661 KSC2N Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7662 KSC3 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7663 KSC3N Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7664 KSC4 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7665 KSC4N Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7666 KSC5 Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
7667 KSC6 Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview  
7668 KSC6N Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview  
7669 KSC7 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
7670 KSC7N Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
7671 KSC8 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
7672 KSC8N Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
7673 KSC9 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan  
7674 KSC9N Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan  
7675 KSEX Allocations: Extracts     
7676 KSFX Predistribute fixed costs: cctr   
7677 KSH1 Create Cost Center Group   
7678 KSH2 Change Cost Center Group   
7679 KSH3 Display Cost Center Group   
7680 KSII Actual Price Determination: CCtrs   
7681 KSI4 Actual Overhead: Cost Centers   
7682 KSMN Actual Menu     
7683 KSOP CO-OM-ABC: Transfer SOP/LTP    
7684 KSOV Cycle Maintenance/Overview (CCA;ABC    
7685 KSO9 Commitment Overhead: Cost Centers   
7686 KSPI Iterative Plan Price Calculation   
7687 KSPP Transfer Planning From Logistics   
7688 KSPU Execute Plan Revaluation    
7689 KSP4 Plan Overhead: Cost Centers   
7690 KSRT Allocations: Runtime Analysis    
7691 KSR4 User-Defined Strategies     
7692 KSS1 Variance Calculation: Cost Centers   
7693 KSS2 Actual Cost Splitting: Cost Centers  
7694 KSS3 Calculate Target Costs    
7695 KSS4 Split Plan Costs    
7696 KSUA Delete Plan Assessment    
7697 KSUAN Delete Plan Assessment    
7698 KSUB Execute Plan Assessment    
7699 KSUC Plan Assessment: Overview    
7700 KSUCN Plan Assessment: Overview    
7701 KSU1 Create Actual Assessment    
7702 KSU1N Create Actual Assessment    
7703 KSU2 Change Actual Assessment    
7704 KSU2N Change Actual Assessment    
7705 KSU3 Display Actual Assessment    
7706 KSU3N Display Actual Assessment    
7707 KSU4 Delete Actual Assessment    
7708 KSU4N Delete Actual Assessment    
7709 KSU5 Execute Actual Assessment    
7710 KSU6 Actual Assessment: Overview    
7711 KSU6N Actual Assessment: Overview    
7712 KSU7 Create Plan Assessment    
7713 KSU7N Create Plan Assessment    
7714 KSU8 Change Plan Assessment    
7715 KSU8N Change Plan Assessment    
7716 KSU9 Display Plan Assessment    
7717 KSU9N Display Plan Assessment    
7718 KSVA Delete Plan Distribution    
7719 KSVAN Delete Plan Distribution    
7720 KSVB Execute Plan Distribution    
7721 KSVC Plan Distribution: Overview    
7722 KSVCN Plan Distribution: Overview    
7723 KSV1 Create Actual Distribution    
7724 KSV1N Create Actual Distribution    
7725 KSV2 Change Actual Distribution    
7726 KSV2N Change Actual Distribution    
7727 KSV3 Display Actual Distribution    
7728 KSV3N Display Actual Distribution    
7729 KSV4 Delete Actual Distribution    
7730 KSV4N Delete Actual Distribution    
7731 KSV5 Execute Actual Distribution    
7732 KSV6 Actual Distribution: Overview    
7733 KSV6N Actual Distribution: Overview    
7734 KSV7 Create Plan Distribution    
7735 KSV7N Create Plan Distribution    
7736 KSV8 Change Plan Distribution    
7737 KSV8N Change Plan Distribution    
7738 KSV9 Display Plan Distribution    
7739 KSV9N Display Plan Distribution    
7740 KSWA Delete Plan Periodic Reposting   
7741 KSWAN Delete Plan Periodic Reposting   
7742 KSWB Execute Plan Periodic Reposting   
7743 KSWC Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview   
7744 KSWCN Plan Periodic Repostings: Overview   
7745 KSWUSL Where-Used List: Cycles in CCA  
7746 KSW1 Create Periodic Reposting    
7747 KSW1N Create Periodic Reposting    
7748 KSW2 Change Periodic Reposting    
7749 KSW2N Change Periodic Reposting    
7750 KSW3 Display Periodic Reposting    
7751 KSW3N Display Periodic Reposting    
7752 KSW4 Delete Periodic Reposting    
7753 KSW4N Delete Periodic Reposting    
7754 KSW5 Execute Actual Periodic Reposting   
7755 KSW6 Periodic Repostings: Overview    
7756 KSW6N Periodic Repostings: Overview    
7757 KSW7 Create Plan Periodic Reposting   
7758 KSW7N Create Plan Periodic Reposting   
7759 KSW8 Change Plan Periodic Reposting   
7760 KSW8N Change Plan Periodic Reposting   
7761 KSW9 Display Plan Periodic Reposting   
7762 KSW9N Display Plan Periodic Reposting   
7763 KS01 Create cost center    
7764 KS02 Change cost center    
7765 KS03 Display cost center    
7766 KS04 Delete cost center    
7767 KS05 Cost Center: Display Changes   
7768 KS07 Execute rough entry of cost center 
7769 KS08 Execute list editing of cost center 
7770 KS12 Change Cost Centers    
7771 KS13 Cost Centers: Master Data Report  
7772 KS14 Delete Cost Centers    
7773 KS30 Cost Centers: Change Management   
7774 KVA0 Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF   
7775 KVA1 Display Plan Assignment CCtr/KF   
7776 KVA2 Maintain Actual Assignment CCtr/KF   
7777 KVA3 Display Actual Assignment CCtr/KF   
7778 KVA4 Transfer Plan Statistical Key Figur  
7779 KVA5 Transfer Actual Stat. Key Figure  
7780 KVA6 Copy Assignment CCtr/KF    
7781 KVBI Sales Documents: Line Items Actual  
7782 KVBO Sales Documents: Commit. Line Items  
7783 KVB0 Maintain Plan Assignment Process/KF   
7784 KVB1 Display Plan Assignment Process/KF   
7785 KVB2 Change Actual Assignment Process/KF   
7786 KVB3 Display Actual Assignment Process/K   
7787 KVB4 PROZ: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures 
7788 KVB5 PROZ: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figures 
7789 KVB6 Copy Assignment Processes/KF    
7790 KVC0 Change Plan Assignment CObj/KF   
7791 KVC1 Display Plan Assignment CObj/KF   
7792 KVC2 Change Actual Assignment CObj/KF   
7793 KVC3 Display Actual Assignment CObj/KF   
7794 KVC4 KSRTG: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures 
7795 KVC5 KSRTG: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figure 
7796 KVC6 Copy Assignment Cost Object/Key Fig  
7797 KVD0 Maintain Plan Assignment ATyp/KF   
7798 KVD1 Display Plan Assignment ATyp/KF   
7799 KVD2 Change Actual Assignment ATyp/KF   
7800 KVD3 Display Actual Assignment ATyp/KF   
7801 KVD4 LSTAR: Copy Plan Stat. Key Figures 
7802 KVD5 LSTAR: Copy Actual Stat. Key Figure 
7803 KVD6 Copy Assignment ActType/Key Figure   
7804 KW3P WWW: Internal Price List   
7805 KXH1 Create Group (Hierarchical)    
7806 KXH2 Change Group (Hierarchical)    
7807 KXH3 Display Hierarchy (Hierarchical)    
7808 KZA1 Select Overhead     
7809 LAS0 Sequencing      
7810 LAS2 Change Sequence Schedule    
7811 LAS3 Display Sequence Schedule    
7812 LBWE LO Data Ext.: Customizing Cockpit  
7813 LBWF Log for Logistics Extract. Structur  
7814 LBWG Delete Newly Reorg. BW Data   
7815 LBW0 Interface LIS Information Structure   
7816 LBW1 Update Activation LIS/BW    
7817 LBW2 Version Copier LIS/BW    
7818 LB01 Create Transfer Requirement    
7819 LB02 Change transfer requirement    
7820 LB03 Display Transfer Requirement    
7821 LB10 TRs for Storage Type   
7822 LB11 TRs for Material    
7823 LB12 TRs and Posting Change for Mat.Doc. 
7824 LB13 TRs for Requirement    
7825 LCO1 Set Up Warehouse Co/Material Docs.  
7826 LCO2 Set Up Warehouse Co/Transport Order  
7827 LC10 liveCache Assistant     
7828 LC11 Creating the liveCache connection   
7829 LDAP LDAP Customizing and Test   
7830 LDA2 Change Takt Time    
7831 LDA3 Display Takt Time    
7832 LDB1 Create Line Hierarchy    
7833 LDB2 Change Line Hierarchy    
7834 LDB3 Display Line Hierarchy    
7835 LDD1 Create Line Balance    
7836 LDD2 Change Line Balance    
7837 LDD3 Display Line Balance    
7838 LDE1 Instruction for Routing    
7839 LDE2 Instruction for Line Hier.   
7840 LD00 Line Design     
7841 LD01 Repost Communication Document    
7842 LD02 Reposting multiple comm.records    
7843 LD03 Display Communication Document    
7844 LD04 Evaluation of Communication Doc.   
7845 LD05 Check LDK01 Records (internal call)  
7846 LD06 Check LDK02 Records    
7847 LD07 Check LDK03 Records    
7848 LD08 Check LDK04 Records (internal call)  
7849 LD09 Check LDK05 records    
7850 LD10 Clear decentralized inventory diff.   
7851 LD11 Clear differences in R/2   
7852 LEAN Request long-term VendDecl. (vendor   
7853 LECI Register Means of Transport/Visitor   
7854 LECIW Register Means of Transport/Visitor   
7855 LEER Create long-term VenDecl. (customer   
7856 LEMA Dun long-term vendor decl. (vendor)  
7857 LEPA Activate Determination Log    
7858 LEPD Deletion of INDX Records   
7859 LEPS Display Determination Log    
7860 LH01 Assign Pick-HU to TO   
7861 LH03 Assign Pick-HU to TO Display  
7862 LIBS List layout     
7863 LICC Cycle Counting per Quant   
7864 LISK LIS: Data Collection in R/2  
7865 LI01 Create System Inventory Record   
7866 LI01N Create System Inventory Record   
7867 LI02 Change System Inventory Record   
7868 LI02N Change System Inventory Record   
7869 LI03 Display System Inventory Record   
7870 LI03N Display System Inventory Record   
7871 LI04 Print System Inventory Record   
7872 LI05 Inventory History for Storage Bin  
7873 LI11 Enter Inventory Count    
7874 LI11N Enter Inventory Count    
7875 LI12 Change inventory count    
7876 LI12N Change inventory count    
7877 LI13 Display Inventory Count    
7878 LI13N Display Inventory Count    
7879 LI14 Start Inventory Recount    
7880 LI15 Evaluation of quant inventory   
7881 LI16 Cancel Physical Inventory Doc. Item  
7882 LI20 Clear Inventory Differences WM   
7883 LI21 Clear Inventory Differences in MM-I  
7884 LK01 Create consumer     
7885 LK02 Change consumer     
7886 LK03 Display consumer     
7887 LLDEL Delete application logs    
7888 LLVS WM Menu     
7889 LL01 Warehouse Activity Monitor    
7890 LM00 Logon RF     
7891 LM01 Dynamic Menu     
7892 LM02 #NAME?
7893 LM03 Put Away - by TO  
7894 LM04 #NAME?
7895 LM05 Picking by TO ID   
7896 LM06 Picking - by Delivery ID  
7897 LM07 Picking - System Guided   
7898 LM09 Put Away by Delivery ID  
7899 LM11 Posting Changes     
7900 LM12 Material Inquiry     
7901 LM13 Put Away Clustered    
7902 LM18 Handling Unit Inquiry    
7903 LM19 Handling Unit - Pack   
7904 LM22 Handling Unit - Unpack   
7905 LM24 Packing HU by Delivery   
7906 LM25 Unpack HU by Delivery   
7907 LM26 Picking by Delivery - W/O sel scree
7908 LM27 Put Away by Delivery - W/O selscre
7909 LM30 Load Control - Load by Shipment 
7910 LM31 Load Control - Load by Delivery 
7911 LM32 Load Control - System Guide Load 
7912 LM33 Load Control - UnLd by Shipment. 
7913 LM34 Load Control - UnLd by Delivery 
7914 LM35 Load Control - Detail by Shipping U
7915 LM36 Load Control - Detail by Delivery 
7916 LM37 Load Control - Detail by Shipment 
7917 LM45 Pick and Pack    
7918 LM46 Pick and Pack by Delivery  
7919 LM50 Count Inventory By System Guided  
7920 LM51 Count Inventory By User Selection  
7921 LM55 Print Storage Bin Labels   
7922 LM56 Select by SU - Interleaving  
7923 LM57 System Guided Putaway - Interleavin  
7924 LM58 Sys. guided dynamic inventory count  
7925 LM59 User initiated dynamic invent. coun  
7926 LM60 User guided dynamic invent. count  
7927 LM61 Goods Issue by Delivery   
7928 LM62 Goods Issue by MS area  
7929 LM63 Goods Issue by Shipment   
7930 LM64 Goods Issue by ALL   
7931 LM65 Goods Issue by Group   
7932 LM66 Goods Issue by HU   
7933 LM71 Goods Receipt by Delivery   
7934 LM72 Goods Receipt by MS area  
7935 LM73 Goods Receipt by Shipment   
7936 LM74 Goods Receipt by ALL   
7937 LM76 Goods Receipt by HU   
7938 LM77 Queue Assignment     
7939 LM80 Serial number capture    
7940 LNRMS Number range maintenance: TRM_MSGSE   
7941 LNRRQ Number range maintenance: TRM_REQES   
7942 LNRRS Number range maintenance: TRM_RSRC   
7943 LNRTK Number range maintenance: TRM_TASK   
7944 LN01 Number Ranges for Transfer Requirem  
7945 LN02 Number Ranges for Transfer Orders  
7946 LN03 Number Ranges for Quants   
7947 LN04 Number Ranges for Posting Changes  
7948 LN05 Number ranges physical inventory   
7949 LN06 Number Ranges for Group Number  
7950 LN07 Number Ranges for WM Communic.Rec.  
7951 LN08 Number range maintenance: LVS_LENUM   
7952 LOCA Demo      
7953 LPIN Info: Material Stock WM-PP   
7954 LPINW Info Transaction (IAC)    
7955 LPK1 Create Control Cycle for WM  
7956 LPK2 Change Control Cycle for WM  
7957 LPK3 Display Control Cycle for WM  
7958 LPK4 Create Contr.Cycles for Rel.Ord.Par   
7959 LPRO Material Forecast Menu    
7960 LPSC Screen Conversion Tool    
7961 LPVAS VAS Management     
7962 LPYRD Yard Management     
7963 LP00 Mobile Presentation     
7964 LP10 Direct picking for PO   
7965 LP11 WM staging of crate parts  
7966 LP11W WM Staging for Crate Parts (IAC) 
7967 LP12 Staging release order parts (WM-PP)  
7968 LP21 WM replenishment for fixed bins  
7969 LP22 Replenishm. Planning for Fixed Bins  
7970 LP24 WM Replenishment for Random Whse  
7971 LQ01 Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt  
7972 LQ02 Transfer Posting in Invent. Mgmt  
7973 LRF1 RF Monitor; Active    
7974 LRF2 RF Monitor; Passive    
7975 LROUT Creation or adjustement of routes  
7976 LRSW Resource element maintenance wizar   
7977 LSMW System Migration Workbench    
7978 LS01 Create Warehouse Master Record   
7979 LS01N Create Warehouse Master Record   
7980 LS02 Change Warehouse Master Record   
7981 LS02N Change Warehouse Master Record   
7982 LS03 Display Warehouse Master Record   
7983 LS03N Display Warehouse Master Record   
7984 LS04 Display Empty Storage Bins   
7985 LS05 Generate Storage Bins    
7986 LS06 Block Storage Bins    
7987 LS07 Block Quants     
7988 LS08 Block Storage Bins by Aisle  
7989 LS09 Display Material Data for Stor.Type  
7990 LS11 Change several stor.bins simultan.   
7991 LS22 Change Quants     
7992 LS23 Display Quants     
7993 LS24 Display Quants for Material   
7994 LS25 Display Quants per Storage Bin  
7995 LS26 Warehouse stocks per material   
7996 LS27 Display quants for storage unit  
7997 LS28 Display storage units / bin  
7998 LS32 Change storage unit    
7999 LS33 Display storage unit    
8000 LS41 List of control cycles for WIP loc.

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