Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 1001-2000

1001 CJR5 PS: Display plan primary cost elem. 
1002 CJR6 PS: Change activity input planning  
1003 CJR7 PS: Display activity input planning  
1004 CJR8 PS: Change revenue type planning  
1005 CJR9 PS: Display Revenue Element Plannin  
1006 CJSA Data Transfer to SAP-EIS   
1007 CJSB Select Key Figure and Characteristi  
1008 CJSG Generate WBS Element Group   
1009 CJSN Number Range Maintenance: Projects   
1010 CJS2 PS: Change stat. key figure plannin 
1011 CJS3 PS: Display stat. key fig. planning 
1012 CJS4 PS: Change stat. key figure plannin 
1013 CJS5 PS: Display stat. key fig. planning 
1014 CJT2 Project Actual Payment Line Items  
1015 CJVC Value Category Checking Program   
1016 CJV1 Create project version (simulation)   
1017 CJV2 Change project version (simulation)   
1018 CJV3 Display project version (simulation   
1019 CJV4 Transfer project     
1020 CJV5 Delete simulation version    
1021 CJV6 Maintenance: Version administration    
1022 CJV7 Display transfer log    
1023 CJW1 EURO: Adjust Project Budget   
1024 CJZ1 Act. Int Calc.: Projects Coll. Proc 
1025 CJZ2 Actual Int.Calc.: Project Indiv.Prc   
1026 CJZ3 Plan Int.Calc.: Project Indiv.Prc.   
1027 CJZ5 Plan Int.Calc.: Project Coll.Prc.   
1028 CJZ6 Actual Int.Calc.: Indiv.CO Order Pr  
1029 CJZ7 Planned Int.Calc: Indiv.CO Ord.Proc   
1030 CJZ8 Actual Int.Calc.: Coll.CO Order Prc  
1031 CJZ9 Plan Int.Calc.: Coll.CO Order Prc.  
1032 CJ00 Find Digital Signatures    
1033 CJ01 Create Work Breakdown Structure   
1034 CJ02 Change Work Breakdown Structure   
1035 CJ03 Display Work Breakdown Structure   
1036 CJ06 Create Project Definition    
1037 CJ07 Change Project Definition    
1038 CJ08 Display Project Definition    
1039 CJ11 Create WBS Element    
1040 CJ12 Change WBS Element    
1041 CJ13 Display WBS Element    
1042 CJ14 Display WBS Element (From DMS)   
1043 CJ2A Display structure planning    
1044 CJ2B Change project planning board   
1045 CJ2C Display project planning board   
1046 CJ2D Structure planning     
1047 CJ20 Structure planning     
1048 CJ20N Project Builder     
1049 CJ21 Change Basic Dates    
1050 CJ22 Display Basic Dates    
1051 CJ23 Change Forecast Dates    
1052 CJ24 Display Forecast Dates    
1053 CJ25 Change Actual Dates    
1054 CJ26 Display Actual Dates    
1055 CJ27 Project planning board    
1056 CJ29 Update WBS (Forecast)    
1057 CJ3A Change Budget Document    
1058 CJ3B Display Budget Document    
1059 CJ30 Change Project Original Budget   
1060 CJ31 Display Project Original Budget   
1061 CJ32 Change Project Release    
1062 CJ33 Display Project Release    
1063 CJ34 Project Budget Transfer    
1064 CJ35 Budget Return from Project   
1065 CJ36 Budget Supplement to Project   
1066 CJ37 Budget Supplement in Project   
1067 CJ38 Budget Return in Project   
1068 CJ40 Change Project Plan    
1069 CJ41 Display Project Plan    
1070 CJ42 Change Project Revenues    
1071 CJ43 Display Project Revenues    
1072 CJ44 Act. overhd: Projects; ind. process  
1073 CJ45 Act. ovhd: Projects; coll. process.  
1074 CJ46 Plnd ovrhd: Projects; ind. process.  
1075 CJ47 Pld Overhead: Projects; Coll.Procss   
1076 CJ48 Change Payment Planning: Init.Scree   
1077 CJ49 Display Payment Planning: Init.Scrn   
1078 CJ7E Plan Settlement: Projects    
1079 CJ7G Plan Settlement: Projects    
1080 CJ7M Project Plan Cost Line Items  
1081 CJ7N Maint. DRG inv.projects for retmt.  
1082 CJ70 Maintain Project Settlement LIs   
1083 CJ72 Project: Act. amt. line item settlm 
1084 CJ74 Project Actual Cost Line Items  
1085 CJ76 Project Commitment Line Items   
1086 CJ8A Act.-setlmt: Proj. retirmt. from IM  
1087 CJ8G Actual Settlement: Projects/Network    
1088 CJ8V Period Close for Project Selection  
1089 CJ80 Availability Control - Overview   
1090 CJ81 Update Report List    
1091 CJ88 Settle Projects and Networks   
1092 CJ9B Copy WBS Plan to Plan (Collective) 
1093 CJ9BS Copy WBS Plan to Plan (Indiv.) 
1094 CJ9C Copy WBS Actual to Plan (Collective 
1095 CJ9CS Copy WBS Actual to Plan (Indiv.) 
1096 CJ9D Copy Plan Versions    
1097 CJ9E Plan Settlement: Projects    
1098 CJ9ECP Project System: Easy Cost Planning  
1099 CJ9F Copy Project Costing (Collective)   
1100 CJ9FS Copy Project Costing (Indiv.)   
1101 CJ9G Plan Settlement: Projects    
1102 CJ9K Network Costing     
1103 CJ9L Forecast Costs: Individual Projects   
1104 CJ9M Forecast Costs: Coll.Project Proc.   
1105 CJ9Q Integrated Planning for Ntwks(Coll.   
1106 CJ9QS Integrated Planning for Ntwks (Ind.  
1107 CJ91 Create Standard WBS    
1108 CJ92 Change Standard WBS    
1109 CJ93 Display Standard WBS    
1110 CKAV Check availability     
1111 CKA1 Std Cost Est to Profitability Anal. 
1112 CKCM Costing Model     
1113 CKC1 Check Costing Variant    
1114 CKECP Hoc Cost Estimate    
1115 CKECP1 Easy Cost Planning: Central Access  
1116 CKMACD Werteflussanzeige für Leistungsarte     
1117 CKMB Display Material Ledger Document   
1118 CKMC Consistency Check for a Material  
1119 CKMCCC Manual Change: Act. Cost Comp. Spli 
1120 CKMCCD ManChang: Display Actual CC Split  
1121 CKMCCS Display Actual Cost Component Split  
1122 CKMD Transactions for a Material   
1123 CKME Activation of Planned Prices   
1124 CKMF Allow Price Determination     
1125 CKMG Allow Closing Entries     
1126 CKMH Price Determination     
1127 CKMI Closing      
1128 CKMJ Display Organizational Measures     
1129 CKML Actual Costing/Material Ledger    
1130 CKMLCP Cockpit Actual Costing    
1131 CKMLDC Debit/Credit Material     
1132 CKMLDM Debit or Credit Material   
1133 CKMLOH History/Multiple Currencies     
1134 CKMLPC Price Change     
1135 CKMLQS Valuated Quantity Structure(M-level    
1136 CKMM Change Price Determination    
1137 CKMPCD Display Price Change Document   
1138 CKMPRP Maintain Planned Prices    
1139 CKMR Report Selection Material Ledger   
1140 CKMREP Program for ML Tables   
1141 CKMS Material Ledger Docs for Material  
1142 CKMVFM Value Flow Monitor     
1143 CKM3 Material Price Analysis    
1144 CKM3N Material Price Analysis    
1145 CKM9 Show Customizing Settings for Plant  
1146 CKNR Maintain Number Ranges: KALK   
1147 CKRU00 Create ML Costing Run    
1148 CKRU01 Costing Run; Create Profile   
1149 CKRU02 Costing Run; Change Profile   
1150 CKRU03 Costing Run; Display Profile   
1151 CKRU04 Display Selection      
1152 CKRU05 Display ML Costing Run    
1153 CKRU06 Delete ML Costing Run    
1154 CKRU07 Plants in Costing Runs    
1155 CKRU08 Display Levels      
1156 CKR1 Reorganization in Product Costing   
1157 CKR5 Reorganize in Background    
1158 CKUC Multilevel Unit Costing     
1159 CKU1 Update Material Price    
1160 CKVF Show Whether Marking/Release Allowe   
1161 CKWE Determine Value Added    
1162 CKW1 Create Production Lot Cost Est.  
1163 CKW3 Display Production Lot Cost Est.  
1164 CKW4 Activate Production Lot Cost Est.  
1165 CK00 Product costing initial screen   
1166 CK11 Create Product Cost Estimate   
1167 CK11N Create Material Cost Estimate   
1168 CK13 Display Product Cost Estimate   
1169 CK13N Display Material Cost Estimate   
1170 CK22 Organizational Measure     
1171 CK24 Price Update with Cost Estimate  
1172 CK31 Print Log of Costing Run  
1173 CK32 CK BATCH: Print logs   
1174 CK33 Comparison of Itemizations    
1175 CK40N Edit Costing Run    
1176 CK41 Create Costing Run    
1177 CK42 Change Costing Run    
1178 CK43 Display Costing Run    
1179 CK44 Delete Costing Run    
1180 CK45 Delete Costing Run in Background  
1181 CK51 Create Order BOM Cost Estimate  
1182 CK51N Create Order BOM Cost Estimate  
1183 CK53 Display Order BOM Cost Estimate  
1184 CK53N Display Order BOM Cost Estimate  
1185 CK55 Mass Costing - Sales Documents  
1186 CK60 Preselection for Material/Plant    
1187 CK61 CK Batch Processing    
1188 CK62 Find Structure: BOM Explosion   
1189 CK63 CK Batch Processing    
1190 CK64 Run: Cost Estimate of Objects  
1191 CK65 CK Batch Processing    
1192 CK66 Mark Run for Release   
1193 CK68 Release Costing Run    
1194 CK74 Create Additive Costs    
1195 CK74N Create Additive Costs    
1196 CK75 Change Additive Costs    
1197 CK75N Change Additive Costs    
1198 CK76 Display Additive Costs    
1199 CK76N Display Additive Costs    
1200 CK77N Create Additive Costs    
1201 CK80 Flexible Cost Component Report   
1202 CK81 Overview of Reports    
1203 CK82 Select Cost Estimates    
1204 CK83 Print Cost Estimates in Background  
1205 CK84 Line Items in Cost Est for Product
1206 CK85 Line Items in Cost Est for Order
1207 CK86 Costed Multilevel BOM    
1208 CK87 Costed BOM Sales Orders   
1209 CK88 Partner Cost Component Split   
1210 CK89 Flexible Cost Comp. Report SaleOrde  
1211 CK90 Mixed Costing     
1212 CK91 Create Procurement Alternatives    
1213 CK91N Edit Procurement Alternatives    
1214 CK92 Change Procurement Alternatives    
1215 CK93 Display Procurement Alternatives    
1216 CK94 Change Mixing Ratio    
1217 CK95 Display Mixing Ratios    
1218 CLABAP Display ABAP class library   
1219 CLBOR Display BOR library    
1220 CLB1 Batch Input for Classification   
1221 CLB2 Direct Input for Classification   
1222 CLB3 Display Classification File    
1223 CLD0 Distr. Configuration Profile (Netwk   
1224 CLD1 Distr. Configuration Profile (Matl)   
1225 CLD2 Distribute Global Dependencies    
1226 CLD3 Distr. Variant Tables (Structure)   
1227 CLD4 Distr. Variant Tables (Data)   
1228 CLEAR Start Data Cleansing Tool   
1229 CLGT Set Up Tables for Search  
1230 CLHI Distribution of Class Hierarchies   
1231 CLHP Graphical Hierarchy Maintenance    
1232 CLJP Specify Japanese calender    
1233 CLMM Mass Change for Assigned Values  
1234 CLM1 Create Claim     
1235 CLM10 Claim Overview     
1236 CLM11 Claim Hierarchy     
1237 CLM2 Change Claim     
1238 CLM3 Display Claim     
1239 CLNA Namespace: Characteristics/Classes     
1240 CLNK Number Ranges for Class Maintenance  
1241 CLOI Production Optimization Interface    
1242 CLST Create Class Statistics     
1243 CLUNDO Undo Changes (CA-CL)    
1244 CLVL Maintain Variable Lists    
1245 CLWA Create Material Group (MMS)   
1246 CLWB Change Material Group (MMS)   
1247 CLWC Display Material Group (MMS)   
1248 CLWD Delete Material Group (MMS)   
1249 CLWE Create Characteristic Profile (MMS)   
1250 CLWF Change Characteristic Profile (MMS)   
1251 CLWG Display Characteristic Profile (MMS   
1252 CLWH Delete Characteristic Profile (MMS)   
1253 CLWJ Change Generic Article (MMS)   
1254 CLWK Display Generic article (MMS)   
1255 CLWL Delete Generic Article (MMS)   
1256 CLWM Create MMS Material Group Hierarchy  
1257 CLWN Change MMS Material Group Hierarchy  
1258 CLWO Display MMS Material Group Hierarch  
1259 CLWP Delete MMS Material Group Hierarchy  
1260 CLW1 Allocate Material Group Hierarchy   
1261 CLW2 Display Material Group Hierarchy   
1262 CL00 Classification Menu     
1263 CL01 Create Class     
1264 CL02 Classes      
1265 CL03 Display Class     
1266 CL04 Delete Class     
1267 CL2A Classification Status     
1268 CL2B Class Types     
1269 CL20 Assign Object to Classes   
1270 CL20N Object Assignments     
1271 CL21 Display Object in Classes   
1272 CL22 Allocate Class to Classes   
1273 CL22N Assign Class to Superior Classes  
1274 CL23 Display Class for Classes   
1275 CL24 Assign Objects to One Class  
1276 CL24N Class Assignments     
1277 CL25 Display Objects in Class   
1278 CL26 Mass Release of Assignments   
1279 CL30 Find Objects in Classes   
1280 CL30N Find Objects in Classes   
1281 CL31 Find Object In Class Type  
1282 CL6A Class List     
1283 CL6AN Class List (ALV)    
1284 CL6B Object List     
1285 CL6BN Object List (ALV)    
1286 CL6C Class Hierarchy     
1287 CL6D Classes Without Superior Class   
1288 CL6E Copy DIN Standard    
1289 CL6F Copy DIN Characteristic Data   
1290 CL6G Create Material w. DIN Char. Data 
1291 CL6H Classes: Reassign/Split/Merge     
1292 CL6K Delete Characteristic (Class w. Obj  
1293 CL6M Delete Class (with Assignments)   
1294 CL6O Plus-Minus Object Display    
1295 CL6P Where-Used List for Classes   
1296 CL6Q Where-Used List for Classes   
1297 CL6R Direct Input for Classes   
1298 CL6T Copy Text for Classes   
1299 CMAP0 Configurable Semantic Mapping    
1300 CMCH Check overall profile    
1301 CMD1 Create Output: Direct Procurement   
1302 CMD2 Change output: Direct procurement   
1303 CMD3 Display Output: Direct Procurement   
1304 CMFN Number Range Maint: CMF_PROTOK (SAP  
1305 CMIG iPPE Migration Tool    
1306 CMOD Enhancements      
1307 CMPC2 CondTab: Create (Campaign Determ.)   
1308 CMPC3 CondTab: Change (Campaign Determ.)   
1309 CMPC4 CondTab: Display (Campaign Determ.)   
1310 CMPP Workforce Planning     
1311 CMPRO Category Management:Project Mainten    
1312 CMP2 Workforce Planning: Project View   
1313 CMP3 Workforce Planning: Work Center Vie  
1314 CMP9 Workforce Planning - Reporting   
1315 CMRP MRP      
1316 CMS_CS Sheet      
1317 CMS1 Create set (PPC)    
1318 CMS2 Change Set     
1319 CMS3 Display Set     
1320 CMS4 Delete Set     
1321 CMV1 Create variable     
1322 CMV2 Change variable     
1323 CMV3 Display variable     
1324 CMV4 Delete value variable    
1325 CMWO Configuration Management Workbench    
1326 CMXSV Standard XStep Repository    
1327 CMX05 XSteps: BADI Monitor    
1328 CM0X Capacity planning     
1329 CM02 Capac. planning; work center orders  
1330 CM03 Capac. planning; work center pool  
1331 CM04 Capac. planning; work center backlo  
1332 CM05 Capacity plan.:Work center overload   
1333 CM07 Cap. planning: Variable access   
1334 CM10 Capacity leveling     
1335 CM11 Maintain flow control    
1336 CM40 Capacity leveling in the background  
1337 CM41 Evaluation of leveling in backgroun  
1338 CM99 Generate basic capacity load   
1339 CNB1 Purchase requisitions for project   
1340 CNB2 Purchase orders for project   
1341 CNC4 Consistency checks for WBS   
1342 CNC5 Consistency checks sales order/proj   
1343 CNE1 Project Progress (Individual Proc.)   
1344 CNE2 Project Progress (Collective Proc.)   
1345 CNE5 Progress Analysis     
1346 CNG9 Graph. Cust. Netw./Hierarchy Graph.   
1347 CNL1 Create delivery information    
1348 CNL2 Change delivery information    
1349 CNL3 Display delivery information    
1350 CNMASS Mass Changes in Project System  
1351 CNMM Project-Oriented Procurement     
1352 CNMT Milestone Trend Analysis    
1353 CNN0 Number Range for Library Network  
1354 CNN1 Number range maint.: ROUTING_0   
1355 CNPAR Partner Overview     
1356 CNPRG Network Progress     
1357 CNSE5 Progress Analysis     
1358 CNS0 Create deleivry from project   
1359 CNS40 Project Overview     
1360 CNS41 Structure Overview     
1361 CNS42 Overview: Project Definitions    
1362 CNS43 Overview: WBS Elements    
1363 CNS44 Overview: Planned Orders    
1364 CNS45 Overview: Orders     
1365 CNS46 Overview: Networks     
1366 CNS47 Overview: Activities/Elements     
1367 CNS48 Overview: Confirmations     
1368 CNS49 Overview: Relationships     
1369 CNS50 Overview: Capacity Requirements    
1370 CNS51 Overview: PRTs     
1371 CNS52 Overview: Components     
1372 CNS53 Overview: Milestones     
1373 CNS54 Overview: Sales Document    
1374 CNS55 Overview: Sales and Dist. Doc. Item 
1375 CNS60 Change Documents for Projects/Netw.   
1376 CNS71 Create versions     
1377 CNVL Variable Overviews     
1378 CNW1 WWW: Confirmation     
1379 CNW4 Project Documents     
1380 CN01 Create Standard Network    
1381 CN02 Change Standard Network    
1382 CN03 Display Standard Network    
1383 CN04 Edit PS Text Catalog   
1384 CN05 Display PS Text Catalog   
1385 CN06 MPX Download: Standard Network   
1386 CN07 MPX Upload: Standard Network   
1387 CN08 Allocate material -> stand. network  
1388 CN09 Allocate material -> stand. network  
1389 CN11 Create standard milestone    
1390 CN12 Change standard milestone    
1391 CN13 Display standard milestone    
1392 CN19 Display Activity (From DMS)    
1393 CN2X Confirm Completions in Network   
1394 CN20 Dsply network/act.bsc data init.scr   
1395 CN21 Create Network     
1396 CN22 Change Network     
1397 CN23 Display Network     
1398 CN24 Overall Network Scheduling    
1399 CN25 Confirm Completions in Network   
1400 CN26 Display Mat.Comp/Init: Ntwk;Acty;It    
1401 CN26N Display Mat. Components (From DMS)   
1402 CN27 Collective confirm.     
1403 CN28 Display Network Confirmations    
1404 CN29 Cancel Network Confirmation    
1405 CN30 Processing PDC error records   
1406 CN33 PDM-PS interface     
1407 CN38 Maintain Flexible Reference Point   
1408 CN40 Project Overview     
1409 CN41 Structure Overview     
1410 CN42 Overview: Project Definitions    
1411 CN42N Overview: Project Definitions    
1412 CN43 Overview: WBS Elements    
1413 CN43N Overview: WBS Elements    
1414 CN44 Overview: Planned Orders    
1415 CN44N Overview: Planned Orders    
1416 CN45 Overview: Orders     
1417 CN45N Overview: Orders     
1418 CN46 Overview: Networks     
1419 CN46N Overview: Networks     
1420 CN47 Overview: Activities/Elements     
1421 CN47N Overview: Activities/Elements     
1422 CN48 Overview: Confirmations     
1423 CN48N Overview: Confirmations     
1424 CN49 Overview: Relationships     
1425 CN49N Overview: Relationships     
1426 CN50 Overview: Capacity Requirements    
1427 CN50N Overview: Capacity Requirements    
1428 CN51 Overview: PRTs     
1429 CN51N Overview: PRTs     
1430 CN52 Overview: Components     
1431 CN52N Overview: Components     
1432 CN53 Overview: Milestones     
1433 CN53N Overview: Milestones     
1434 CN54N Overview: Sales Document    
1435 CN55N Overview: Sales and Dist. Doc. Item 
1436 CN60 Change Documents for Projects/Netw.   
1437 CN61 Standard network     
1438 CN65 Change documents order /network   
1439 CN70 Overview: Batch variants    
1440 CN71 Create versions     
1441 CN72 Create Project Version    
1442 CN80 Archiving project structures    
1443 CN85 PS: Delete operative structures   
1444 CN98 Delete Standard Networks    
1445 COAA Simulate Order Record    
1446 COAC Process Order: Archive Database   
1447 COAL Read Order Record from Archive  
1448 COA3 PP: Archiving orders - retrieval  
1449 COA4 PP: Archiving order - administratio  
1450 COA7 Process Order: Retrieval - Archive  
1451 COB1 Create batch search strategy - prod 
1452 COB2 Change batch search strategy - prod 
1453 COB3 Display batch search strategy- prod  
1454 COCB Process Management     
1455 COCM - Initiating object    
1456 COCM1 - Procurement     
1457 COCM2 OCM - Picking    
1458 CODC Change Documents for Network   
1459 COEBR Batch Record     
1460 COFC Reprocessing Errors Actual Costs   
1461 COFI Command file creation    
1462 COGI Processing goods movemnts w. errors  
1463 COIB As-Built for Serialized Material   
1464 COID Select Object Detail Lists in PP-PI 
1465 COIF Production Memos     
1466 COIK Picking list     
1467 COIO Order Info System for PP-PI  
1468 COMLI WIP Closing for Activities   
1469 COMP Customizing Missing Parts Info Syst  
1470 CONC No.Range for CtrlRecipes: COCB_CRID   
1471 CONM No.Range for Proc.Messages:COCB_MSI    
1472 CONV01 Converter: Display application log    
1473 CONV02 Convert document      
1474 CONV03 Convert a BOM assembly    
1475 CONV04 Convert Document Structure     
1476 CONV20 Reset Converter(s) Status(es)     
1477 CON1 Actual Reval.: Prod.Ordr Ind.Pro   
1478 CON2 Actual Reval.: Prod.Ordr Col.Pro   
1479 COOIS Production Order Information System   
1480 COOPC OPC Test Environment    
1481 COPA Archive Order Record    
1482 COPAWA Pack components for order   
1483 COPD Print Process Order    
1484 COPI Print Process Order ShopFloor Paper  
1485 COPOC Process Manufacturing Cockpit    
1486 CORA Process Order: Schedule Ext. Relshp  
1487 CORK Process Order Confirmations (Total)   
1488 CORO Create Process Order w/o Material  
1489 CORP Control Parameters for Proc. Orders  
1490 CORR Collective Entry of Confirmations   
1491 CORS Cancel Process Order Confirmation   
1492 CORT Display Process Order Confirmation   
1493 CORZ Process Order: Time Event Confirmat  
1494 COR1 Create Process Order    
1495 COR2 Change Process Order    
1496 COR3 Display Process Order    
1497 COR5 Collective Process Order Release   
1498 COR6 Single Process Order Confirmation   
1499 COR6N Single Screen Entry of Confirmation  
1500 COR7 Convert Planned Order to Proc. Orde 
1501 COR8 Coll.Conv.: Plnned Ord. to Proc.Ord  
1502 COWF1 Task Customizing (Production Order)   
1503 COW1 Production Order Workplace    
1504 COX1 Create Order (Internally)    
1505 CO0DS Delete Simulation Order    
1506 CO01 Create production order    
1507 CO01S Adding simulation order    
1508 CO02 Change Production Order    
1509 CO02S Change simulation order    
1510 CO03 Display Production Order    
1511 CO03S Display simulation order    
1512 CO04 Print Production Orders    
1513 CO05 Collective Release of Prod. Orders  
1514 CO06 Backorder Processing     
1515 CO07 Create order without a material  
1516 CO08 Production order with sales order  
1517 CO09 Availability Overview     
1518 CO1F Create confirmation of prod. order  
1519 CO1L Confirmation: List of requests   
1520 CO1P Predefined confirmation processes    
1521 CO1V Confirmation: Fast entry of time tk 
1522 CO10 Production order with project   
1523 CO11 Enter Time Ticket    
1524 CO11N Single Screen Entry of Confirmation  
1525 CO12 Collective Entry of Confirmations   
1526 CO13 Cancel confirmation of prod. order  
1527 CO14 Display confirmation of prod. order  
1528 CO15 Enter Production order Confirmation   
1529 CO16 Conf.: Postprocessing error records   
1530 CO16N Reprocessing Confirmation     
1531 CO17 Enter confirmation with reference   
1532 CO19 Enter Time Event    
1533 CO20 Orders acc. to Order Numbers  
1534 CO21 Orders for Material    
1535 CO22 Orders for the MRP controller  
1536 CO23 Orders for the production scheduler  
1537 CO24 MissingPartsInfoSyst      
1538 CO26 Order information system    
1539 CO27 Picking list     
1540 CO28 Choose indiv. object lists   
1541 CO30 Standard trigger points    
1542 CO31 Create standard trigger point   
1543 CO32 Change standard trigger point   
1544 CO33 Display standard trigger point   
1545 CO40 Converting Planned Order    
1546 CO41 Coll. Conversion of Planned Orders  
1547 CO42 Act. Overhead: Prod.Ordr Ind.Pro   
1548 CO43 Act. Overhead: Prod.Ordr Col.Pro   
1549 CO44 Mass processing of orders   
1550 CO46 Order progress report     
1551 CO47 Change comparison     
1552 CO51 Send Process Messages    
1553 CO52 Evaluate Process Data    
1554 CO53 Control Recipe Monitor    
1555 CO54 Message Monitor     
1556 CO55 Worklist for Maintaining PI Sheets  
1557 CO56 Display PI Sheet    
1558 CO57 Create Message Manually    
1559 CO58 Maintain PI Sheet    
1560 CO59 Delete PI Sheet    
1561 CO60 Find PI Sheet    
1562 CO62 Delete Process Messages    
1563 CO63 Evaluate Deletion Logs    
1564 CO64 Worklist for Completing PI Sheets  
1565 CO67 Worklist for Checking PI Sheets  
1566 CO68 MiniApp PI Sheet Mon -> List 
1567 CO69 Create Message Automatically    
1568 CO78 Archiving orders     
1569 CO8A Presett. Co-Products; Postprocessin    
1570 CO8B Presett. Co-Products; Postprocessin    
1571 CO80 Number range maintenance: AUF_RUECK   
1572 CO81 Number assignment: routing to order  
1573 CO82 Number ranges for orders   
1574 CO83 Number range maintenance: RESB   
1575 CO88 Act. Settlment: Prod./Process Order   
1576 CO99 Set Status Closed    
1577 CPAE Actl. Template Alloc: Prof. Analysi  
1578 CPAS Actual Template Alloc.: Bus. Proces  
1579 CPBA Run Selected Reports    
1580 CPBB Select Reports     
1581 CPBL Bus. Processes: Planning Overview   
1582 CPBP Business Processes: Plan Line Items  
1583 CPBT Bus. Process.: Activity Price Repor  
1584 CPB1 Business Processes: Act. Line Items  
1585 CPB9 Planning Report for Bus. Processes  
1586 CPCA Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
1587 CPCAN Delete Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
1588 CPCB Execute Plan Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1589 CPCC Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview  
1590 CPCCN Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan: Overview  
1591 CPC1 Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1592 CPC1N Create Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1593 CPC2 Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1594 CPC2N Change Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1595 CPC3 Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1596 CPC3N Display Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1597 CPC4 Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1598 CPC4N Delete Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1599 CPC5 Execute Actual Indirect Acty Alloc.  
1600 CPC6 Overview actual ind. activity alloc  
1601 CPC6N Act. Indirect Acty Alloc.: Overview  
1602 CPC7 Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
1603 CPC7N Create Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
1604 CPC8 Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
1605 CPC8N Change Indirect Activity Alloc. Pla  
1606 CPC9 Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan  
1607 CPC9N Display Indirect Acty Alloc. Plan  
1608 CPFX Pre-distribute Fixed Costs: Process   
1609 CPH1 Create Business Process Group   
1610 CPH2 Change Business Process Group   
1611 CPH3 Display Business Process Group   
1612 CPH4 Change Standard Hierarchy (BusProc)   
1613 CPH4N Change Standard Hierarchy    
1614 CPH5 Display bus. process std. hierarchy  
1615 CPH5N Display Std Hierarchy/Business Proc   
1616 CPII Price calc. in actl: process  
1617 CPK1 Create Task Cost Data   
1618 CPK2 Change Task Cost Data    
1619 CPK3 Display Task Cost Data   
1620 CPMA Target=Actual-IAA: process     
1621 CPMB ABC: Plan Reconciliation    
1622 CPMN Activity-Based Costing Menu    
1623 CPPA Delete Plan Assessment for Processe  
1624 CPPAN Delete Plan Assessment for Processe  
1625 CPPB Execute Plan Assess. for Processes  
1626 CPPC Plan Assess. for Processes: Overvie  
1627 CPPCN Plan Assess. for Processes: Overvie  
1628 CPPE Plan Templ. Alloc.: Results Analysi  
1629 CPPI Iter. plan act. price calc. (CO-ABC 
1630 CPPS Plan Template Allocation: Process   
1631 CPP1 Create Actual Assess. for Processes  
1632 CPP1N Create Actual Assess. for Processes  
1633 CPP2 Change Actual Assess. for Processes  
1634 CPP2N Change Actual Assess. for Processes  
1635 CPP3 Display Actual Assess.for Processes   
1636 CPP3N Display Actual Assess.for Processes   
1637 CPP4 Delete Actual Assess. for Processes  
1638 CPP4N Delete Actual Assess. for Processes  
1639 CPP5 Execute Actual Assess.for Processes   
1640 CPP6 Actual Assess. Processes: Overview   
1641 CPP6N Actual Assess. Processes: Overview   
1642 CPP7 Create Plan Assess. for Processes  
1643 CPP7N Create Plan Assess. for Processes  
1644 CPP8 Change Plan Assess. for Processes  
1645 CPP8N Change Plan Assess. for Processes  
1646 CPP9 Display Plan Assess. for Processes  
1647 CPP9N Display Plan Assess. for Processes  
1648 CPSP Split Plan Costs    
1649 CPS1 Variance Calculation: Processes    
1650 CPS2 Actual Cost Splitting: Processes   
1651 CPTA Actual Template Allocation: Order   
1652 CPTB Actual Template Allocation: Orders   
1653 CPTD Actual Template Alloc.: Prod. Order  
1654 CPTE Actual Template Alloc.: Run Sched.  
1655 CPTG Actual Templ. Allocation: Cost Obj.  
1656 CPTH Actual Templ. Allocation: Cost Obj.  
1657 CPTJ Actl Template Alloc.: Cust. Orders  
1658 CPTK Actual Template Allocation: Project   
1659 CPTL Actual Template Allocation: Project   
1660 CPT1 Create Template     
1661 CPT2 Change Template     
1662 CPT3 Display Template     
1663 CPT4 Delete Template     
1664 CPT6 Formula Plan for Bus. Processes  
1665 CPUA Plan Template Allocation: Order   
1666 CPUB Plan Template Allocation: Orders   
1667 CPUK Plan Template Allocation: Project   
1668 CPUL Plan Template Allocation: Projects   
1669 CPVA Delete Plan Process Distribution   
1670 CPVAN Delete Plan Process Distribution   
1671 CPVB Execute Plan Process Distribution   
1672 CPVC Plan Process Distribution Overview   
1673 CPVCN Plan Process Distribution Overview   
1674 CPV1 Create Actual Process Distribution   
1675 CPV1N Create Actual Process Distribution   
1676 CPV2 Change Actual Distribution Process   
1677 CPV2N Change Actual Distribution Process   
1678 CPV3 Display Actual Process Distribution   
1679 CPV3N Display Actual Process Distribution   
1680 CPV4 Delete Actual Process Distribution   
1681 CPV4N Delete Actual Process Distribution   
1682 CPV5 Execute Actual Process Distribution   
1683 CPV6 Actual Process Distribution Overvie   
1684 CPV6N Actual Process Distribution Overvie   
1685 CPV7 Create Plan Process Distribution   
1686 CPV7N Create Plan Process Distribution   
1687 CPV8 Change Plan Process Distribution   
1688 CPV8N Change Plan Process Distribution   
1689 CPV9 Display Plan Process Distribution   
1690 CPV9N Display Plan Process Distribution   
1691 CPZI Actual overhead calc.: process   
1692 CPZP Plan Overhead: Business Processes   
1693 CP01 Create Business Process    
1694 CP02 Change Business Process    
1695 CP03 Display Business Process    
1696 CP04 Delete Business Process    
1697 CP05 Process: Display Changes    
1698 CP06 CO-ABC Planning: Activity Inputs   
1699 CP07 CO-ABC Planning: Display Act. Input  
1700 CP12 Edit Business Processes    
1701 CP13 Business Processes: Master Data Rep  
1702 CP14 Delete Business Processes    
1703 CP20 Business Alloc Structure Display   
1704 CP26 CO-ABC Planning: Quantities & Price  
1705 CP27 CO-ABC Planning: Display Qty/Price   
1706 CP30 Business Process: Change Management   
1707 CP46 CO-ABC Planning: Stat. Key Figures  
1708 CP47 CO-ABC Planning: Display Stat. KF  
1709 CP65 Create ABC Planning Layout (ActInpt  
1710 CP66 Change ABC Planning Layout (AcInput  
1711 CP67 Display ABC Planning Layout (AcInpt  
1712 CP75 Planning Layout: Create Qtys/Prices   
1713 CP76 Planning Layout: Change Qtys/Prices   
1714 CP77 Planning Layout: Display Qtys/Price   
1715 CP85 Create ABC Planning Layout (St.KF)  
1716 CP86 Change ABC Planning Layout (St.KF)  
1717 CP87 Display ABC Planning Layout (St.KF)  
1718 CP97 Copy Planning for Business Processe  
1719 CP98 Copy Planning for Business Processe  
1720 CRAA Display Work Center    
1721 CRAH Create Work Center    
1722 CRAV Change Work Center    
1723 CRF1 Credit Cards: Read Original Data  
1724 CRF2 Credit Cards: Delete Standard File  
1725 CRF3 Credit Cards: Edit Standard File  
1726 CRF4 Credit Cards: Edit Log   
1727 CRK1 Create Card Document    
1728 CRK2 Change Card Document    
1729 CRK3 Display Card Document    
1730 CRNA Number Range Maintenance: CR_ARBPL   
1731 CRNH Number range maintenance: CR_HIERAR   
1732 CRNK Number Range Maintenance: CR_KAPA   
1733 CRR1 Evaluate Card Master Records   
1734 CRR2 Evaluate Card Documents    
1735 CRR3 Evaluate Log File    
1736 CRS1 Create Credit Card Master Record  
1737 CRS2 Change Credit Card Master Record  
1738 CRS3 Display Credit Card Master Record  
1739 CRTD Payment Card: Create Example File  
1740 CRWBD Replication Workbench     
1741 CR00 Resource Planning Menu    
1742 CR04 Test Work Center Formulas   
1743 CR05 Work Center List    
1744 CR06 Work Center Assignment to Cost Ctr 
1745 CR07 Work Center Capacities    
1746 CR08 Work Center Hierarchy    
1747 CR09 Task list reference text   
1748 CR10 Work center change documents   
1749 CR11 Add Capacity     
1750 CR12 Change capacity     
1751 CR13 Display Capacity     
1752 CR15 Capacity where-used     
1753 CR21 Create Hierarchy     
1754 CR22 Change Hierarchy     
1755 CR23 Display Hierarchy     
1756 CR24 Create Resource Network    
1757 CR25 Change Resource Network    
1758 CR26 Display Resource Network    
1759 CR31 Create Hierarchy     
1760 CR32 Change Hierarchy     
1761 CR33 Display Hierarchy     
1762 CR40 Work center usage in deleted object 
1763 CR41 Archiving work centers    
1764 CR60 Work center information system   
1765 CSAB Browse Sales Order BOM   
1766 CSA1 Enqueue test for dialog RFC  
1767 CSC5 Single-Level Class Where-Used List   
1768 CSD5 Single-Level Doc. Where-Used List   
1769 CSKB Start order Browser    
1770 CSK1 Sales order BOM multi-lev. explosio  
1771 CSK2 Multi-level sales order BOM   
1772 CSK3 Sales order BOM - summarized BOM 
1773 CSMB Start material BOM browser   
1774 CSPB Start WBS BOM browser   
1775 CSPC Customer Specifications     
1776 CSP1 Multi-level WBS BOM explosion   
1777 CSP2 WBS BOM multi-level BOM   
1778 CSP3 WBS BOM - summarized BOM  
1779 CS00 BOM Menu     
1780 CS01 Create Material BOM    
1781 CS02 Change Material BOM    
1782 CS03 Display Material BOM    
1783 CS05 Change Material BOM Group   
1784 CS06 Display Material BOM Group   
1785 CS07 Allocate Material BOM to Plant  
1786 CS08 Change Material BOM - Plant Alloc. 
1787 CS09 Display Allocations to Plant   
1788 CS11 Display BOM Level by Level  
1789 CS12 Multilevel BOM     
1790 CS13 Summarized BOM     
1791 CS14 BOM Comparison     
1792 CS15 Single-Level Where-Used List    
1793 CS20 Mass Change: Initial Screen   
1794 CS21 Mass Material Change: Initial Scree  
1795 CS22 Mass Document Change: Initial Scree  
1796 CS23 Mass Class Change: Initial Screen  
1797 CS31 Create class BOM    
1798 CS32 Change class BOM    
1799 CS33 Display class BOM    
1800 CS40 Create Link to Configurable Materia  
1801 CS41 Change Material Config. Allocation   
1802 CS42 Display Material Config. Assignment   
1803 CS51 Create standard BOM    
1804 CS52 Change standard BOM    
1805 CS53 Display standard BOM    
1806 CS61 Create Order BOM    
1807 CS62 Change Order BOM    
1808 CS63 Display Order BOM    
1809 CS71 Create WBS BOM    
1810 CS72 Change WBS BOM    
1811 CS73 Display WBS BOM    
1812 CS74 Create multi-level WBS BOM   
1813 CS75 Change multi-level WBS BOM   
1814 CS76 Display multi-level WBS BOM   
1815 CS80 Change Documents for Material BOM  
1816 CS81 Change Documents for Standard BOM  
1817 CS82 Change documents for sales order BO 
1818 CS83 Change documents for WBS BOM  
1819 CS84 Change documents for class BOM  
1820 CS90 Material BOM Number Ranges   
1821 CS91 Number Ranges for Standard BOMs  
1822 CS92 Number Ranges for Sales Order BOMs 
1823 CTEW TEW For Catt    
1824 CTNK Number Ranges for Characteristics   
1825 CTU6 Function Tree with Tree Control  
1826 CT01 Create Characteristic     
1827 CT02 Change Characteristic     
1828 CT03 Display Characteristic     
1829 CT04 Characteristics      
1830 CT05 Create Characteristic     
1831 CT06 Display Characteristic     
1832 CT10 Characteristics List     
1833 CT12 Where-Used List for Char.Environmen   
1834 CT21 Batch Input for Characteristics   
1835 CT22 Maint. Seq. File for Characteristic  
1836 CT23 Display Chars for Change Number  
1837 CT24 Display Change Numbers Used   
1838 CT25 Where-Used List of Chars in Deps 
1839 CUAL Distribution of SCE Knowledge Bases  
1840 CUCK Copy Config. Material    
1841 CUD2 Distr. Conf. Prof. for GM Task List
1842 CUD3 Distr. Conf. Prof. for Mod. Specs 
1843 CUFD Distribute Variant Functions    
1844 CUID Distribution of Interface Designs   
1845 CUK2 Distribute Dependency Nets    
1846 CUNI Units of measure    
1847 CUNK Number Ranges for Dependencies   
1848 CUNR Number Range Maintenance: CU_INOB   
1849 CUSC Customize Country Version    
1850 CU01 Create Dependency     
1851 CU02 Change Dependency     
1852 CU03 Display Dependency     
1853 CU04 Dependency List     
1854 CU05 Dependency Where-Used List    
1855 CU21 Create Dependency Net    
1856 CU22 Change Dependency Net    
1857 CU23 Display Dependency Net    
1858 CU31 Create Knowledge Base Object   
1859 CU32 Change Knowledge Base Object   
1860 CU33 Display Knowledge Base Object   
1861 CU34 Create Runtime Version for SCE  
1862 CU35 Change Runtime Version for SCE  
1863 CU36 Display Runtime Version for SCE  
1864 CU37 Create SCE Database Schema   
1865 CU41 Create Configuration Profile    
1866 CU42 Change Configuration Profile    
1867 CU43 Display Configuration Profile    
1868 CU44 Material Configuration Overview    
1869 CU45 Standard Network Config. Overview   
1870 CU50 Material Config. Simul./Modelling    
1871 CU51 Order BOM     
1872 CU51E CE: Order BOM (eoASL)   
1873 CU52 Display Order BOM    
1874 CU52E CE: Display Order BOM   
1875 CU55 CE: WBS BOM (eoPSL)   
1876 CU59 Transfer Variant Table Contents   
1877 CU60 Table Maintenance     
1878 CU60E Upload for Variant Tables   
1879 CU61 Create Table Structure    
1880 CU62 Change Table Structure    
1881 CU63 Display Table Structure    
1882 CU64 Table Structure List    
1883 CU65 Create Function     
1884 CU66 Change Function     
1885 CU67 Display Function     
1886 CU68 Function List     
1887 CU70 Create Sort Sequence    
1888 CU71 Change Sort Sequence    
1889 CU72 Display Sort Sequence    
1890 CU80 Configurable Mat. Characteristics    
1891 CVD1 Edit Report Shipping Orders   
1892 CVII Display Initial Order on Classific.  
1893 CVIX Activate event type linkage   
1894 CVIY Task-specific Customizing     
1895 CVI0 Document distribution     
1896 CVI1 Create recipient list    
1897 CVI2 Change recipient list    
1898 CVI3 Display recipient list    
1899 CVI4 All recipients of a document  
1900 CVI6 Display documents of recipient   
1901 CVI7 Start distribution with rec. list  
1902 CVI8 Start document distribution    
1903 CVI9 Log for distribution orders   
1904 CVWD WWW access:Distribtution order pack   
1905 CVWG DMS: Test for up/download ActiveX  
1906 CVW1 Internet scenario for doc. search  
1907 CVW2 Index search DMS in WWW  
1908 CVW3 Find documents in the World Wide We
1909 CVW3A Find documents in the World Wide We
1910 CVW4 Display document lists in WWW  
1911 CVW4A Display document lists in WWW  
1912 CV00 Document Management     
1913 CV01 Create Document Info Record   
1914 CV01N Create Document     
1915 CV02 Change Document Info Record   
1916 CV02N Change Document     
1917 CV03 Display Document Info Record   
1918 CV03N Display document     
1919 CV04 List Document Info Records   
1920 CV04N Find Document     
1921 CV11 Create Document Structure    
1922 CV12 Change Document Structure    
1923 CV13 Display Document Structure    
1924 CV130 TEST_CV130      
1925 CV15 Change Document BOM Group   
1926 CV16 Display Document BOM Group   
1927 CV22 Change Frontend Type    
1928 CV30 Display Transfer Log    
1929 CV31 Find CAD Interface Errors Online  
1930 CV80 Change Documents for Doc. Structure  
1931 CV90 Number ranges for documents   
1932 CV91 Number Ranges for Doc. Structures  
1933 CWBQM QM: Engineering Workbench    
1934 CWVT Merchandise Distribution     
1935 CXAA Hierarchy levels     
1936 CXAH Hierarchy Level Relationships    
1937 CXAO CU / Translation Method Assignments  
1938 CXAP Cons Unit/Tax Rate Assignments   
1939 CXAQ Cons: CU: Validation Assignment   
1940 CXAR Mass Changes - Cons Units  
1941 CXAS Mass Changes - Cons Groups  
1942 CXA0 Mass reversal     
1943 CXA2 Item Categories     
1944 CXA9 Reasons for Inclusion    
1945 CXBW0 Initial Data Transfer    
1946 CXBW1 Comparison of Data Slice   
1947 CXB1 Versions      
1948 CXB2 Consolidation frequencies     
1949 CXB3 Global System Settings    
1950 CXB4 Generate Authorizations for CGs   
1951 CXB5 Central maintenance of master data  
1952 CXCA Financial data types    
1953 CXCC Upload Methods: Reported Fin. Data  
1954 CXCD Data Monitor     
1955 CXCE Data Monitor for a Cons Unit 
1956 CXCF Cons Monitor for a Cons Group 
1957 CXCK Copy Totals Records    
1958 CXCL Cons: Item Substitution/Ret.Earning    
1959 CXCR Delete Totals Records    
1960 CXCX Report Selection     
1961 CXCY Customizing of Report Selection   
1962 CXC2 Data Entry Groups    
1963 CXC4 Data entry profiles    
1964 CXC5 Cons: Selection parameters FICDOW00   
1965 CXC6 Cons: Selection parameters FICDOW10   
1966 CXC8 Assign PC Pathname to CG/CU  
1967 CXC9 Period Categories     
1968 CXDL Delete trans. data in Cons ledger 
1969 CXDL1 Delete trans. data in Cons ledger 
1970 CXD1 Currency translation methods    
1971 CXD2 Exchange Rate Indicators    
1972 CXD3 Cur.Trl.aff.Earnings: FS Items    
1973 CXEA Tasks for Reclassification    
1974 CXEB Methods for Reclassification    
1975 CXEC Reclassification      
1976 CXED Tasks for Prep.for Cons Group Chang 
1977 CXEE Cons: Contra Items / Ret. Earnings 
1978 CXEF Cons: Rollup Standardized Fin. Data  
1979 CXEG IMG: Doc.Types for Man.Posting - DM 
1980 CXEH IMG: Doc.Types for Reclassific. - D 
1981 CXEI IMG: Doc.Types for Prep/CG Chgs - D
1982 CXEJ IMG: Doc.Types for Man.Posting - CM 
1983 CXEK IMG: Doc.Types for Reclassific. - C 
1984 CXEL IMG: Doc.Types for Prep/CG Chgs - C
1985 CXEM IMG: Doc.Types for IU Elimination  
1986 CXEN IMG: Doc.Types for Cons of Investmt 
1987 CXEO IMG: Doc. Types for Realtime Update 
1988 CXEP IMG: Document types for EIPI  
1989 CXEUA ECCS EURO: Reconcile Totals Records  
1990 CXEUB ECCS EURO: Additional Financial Dat  
1991 CXEUC ECCS Euro: Integration    
1992 CXEU1 ECCS EURO: Populate Euro Units  
1993 CXEU4 ECCS Euro: Status Management   
1994 CXE0 Task groups     
1995 CXE0P Assignment Archiving Log    
1996 CXE1 Document Types     
1997 CXE5 Post selected items    
1998 CXE6 Tasks for IU Elimination   
1999 CXE7 Methods for Interunit Elimination   
2000 CXE8 Tasks for IU Elimination   

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