Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 14001-15000

14001 TI91 Collective Processing OTC Options   
14002 TI92 Collect.Processing-Int.Rate Instrum     
14003 TI93 Posting Block     
14004 TI94 Collective Monitoring of Options   
14005 TJ01 Journal of transactions    
14006 TJ02 Collective editing of options   
14007 TJ04 Payment Plan     
14008 TJ05 Interest Rate Adjustment    
14009 TJ06 Option Expiration     
14010 TJ07 Rate Adjustment Schedule    
14011 TJ08 Release: Work Item List   
14012 TJ09 Planned Records     
14013 TJ10 Summary Journal Fin. Transctions   
14014 TJ11 Display Single Transaction    
14015 TJ12 Journal: Transactions w. Cash Flows  
14016 TKCS Start transaction sender programs   
14017 TK11 Create condition (shipment costs)   
14018 TK12 Change condition (shipment costs)   
14019 TK13 Display condition (shipment costs)   
14020 TK14 Create condition with ref.   
14021 TLD1 Execute data mining report   
14022 TLD2 Create Data Mining Report   
14023 TLD3 Change Data Mining Report   
14024 TLD4 Display Data Mining Report   
14025 TLD5 Data Mining: Create Form   
14026 TLD6 Data Mining: Change Form   
14027 TLD7 Data Mining: Display Form   
14028 TLD8 Display Results of Data Mining  
14029 TLL1 Limit: Create Limit Transfer   
14030 TLL2 Limit: Change Limit Transfer   
14031 TLL3 Limit: Display Limit Transfer   
14032 TLL4 Limit Transfer: Change Documents   
14033 TLL5 Limit Transfer: Collective Process.   
14034 TLMA Access Report Tree    
14035 TLMB Maintain Batch Variants    
14036 TLMC Limit Management: Manage Comments   
14037 TLMD Split Report     
14038 TLMG Management: Character. Groups    
14039 TLMH Maintain hierarchy     
14040 TLMJ Maintain Hierarchy Nodes    
14041 TLMK Maintain Key Figures    
14042 TLMM Limit Mgmt: Drilldown Test Monitor  
14043 TLMO Transport Reports     
14044 TLMP Transport Forms     
14045 TLMQ Import Reports from Client 0  
14046 TLMR Import Forms from Client 0  
14047 TLMS Display Structure     
14048 TLMT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report  
14049 TLMU Convert drilldown reports    
14050 TLMV Maintain Global Variable    
14051 TLMW Maintain Crcy Translation Type TLM  
14052 TLMX Reorganize Drilldown Reports    
14053 TLMY Reorganize Report Data    
14054 TLMZ Reorganize Forms     
14055 TLM0 Execute Report     
14056 TLM1 Create Report     
14057 TLM2 Change Report     
14058 TLM3 Display Report     
14059 TLM4 Create Form     
14060 TLM5 Change Form     
14061 TLM6 Display Form     
14062 TLM7 Maintain authorization obj. present   
14063 TLM8 Display authorization obj.presentat    
14064 TLR1 Limit: Create Reservation    
14065 TLR2 Limit: Change Reservation    
14066 TLR3 Limit: Display Reservation    
14067 TLR4 Reservations: Mass Processing    
14068 TLR5 Reservations: Change Documents    
14069 TLR6 Reservations: Reorganization     
14070 TLR7 Limit: Copy Reservation    
14071 TLTA Access Report Tree    
14072 TL3M List of curr. supported field names 
14073 TL3P Maintain Variant Group    
14074 TL3Q Maintain Variants     
14075 TL3R Schedule Variant Groups    
14076 TL3S Define Variant Groups    
14077 TM_51 Create Interest Rate Instrument    
14078 TM_52 Change Interest Rate Instrument    
14079 TM_53 Display Interest Rate Instrument    
14080 TM_54 Interest Rate Instrument    
14081 TM_55 Reverse Interest Rate Instrument    
14082 TM_59 of Interest Rate Instrument   
14083 TM_60 Key Date Evaluation    
14084 TM_60A Charges Overview     
14085 TM_61 Create Facility      
14086 TM_62 Change Facility      
14087 TM_63 Display Facility      
14088 TM_64 Facility      
14089 TM_65 Reverse Facility      
14090 TM_69 of Facility     
14091 TMA5 Edit characteristics     
14092 TMA6 Edit Value Fields    
14093 TMBA BAV Information     
14094 TMBU BAV Transfers     
14095 TMB1 Premium reserve fund lists   
14096 TMB2 Statements      
14097 TMCA Create fixed-term deposit offer   
14098 TMCB Execute fixed-term deposit offer   
14099 TMCC Display fixed-term deposit offer   
14100 TMEZ Money Market: Effective Int. Calc.  
14101 TMFM Money Market: Generate Cash Flow  
14102 TMMN Money Market     
14103 TMR0 Money Market: Position list   
14104 TMR1 Money Market: Flexible Position Lis  
14105 TMSA Create fixed-term deposit simulatio   
14106 TMSB Change/execute fixed-term dep.simul    
14107 TMSC Display fixed-term deposit simulatn   
14108 TMSD Delete fixed-term deposit simulatio   
14109 TM0F Fxd Term Dep. Fast Entry  
14110 TM00 Money Market: Collective processing   
14111 TM01 Create Fixed-Term Deposit    
14112 TM02 Change Fixed-Term Deposit    
14113 TM03 Display Fixed-Term Deposit    
14114 TM04 Roll Over Fixed-Term Deposit   
14115 TM06 Settle Fixed-Term Deposit    
14116 TM07 Reverse Fixed-Term Deposit    
14117 TM09 Fixed-Term Deposit History    
14118 TM1F Deposit at Notice Fast Entry  
14119 TM11 Create Deposit at Notice   
14120 TM12 Change Deposit at Notice   
14121 TM13 Display Deposit at Notice   
14122 TM14 Roll Over Deposit at Notice  
14123 TM15 Give Notice on Deposit at Notice 
14124 TM16 Settle Deposit at Notice   
14125 TM17 Reverse Deposit at Notice   
14126 TM19 Deposit at Notice History   
14127 TM20 Money Market: Collective Processing   
14128 TM21 Deposit at Notice Cash Flow Update 
14129 TM22 Check Dates against Calendar   
14130 TM3F Commercial Paper Fast Entry   
14131 TM30 Commercial Paper: NPV Calculator   
14132 TM31 Create Commercial Paper    
14133 TM32 Change Commercial Paper    
14134 TM33 Display Commercial Paper    
14135 TM35 Give Notice on Commercial Paper  
14136 TM36 Settle Commercial Paper    
14137 TM37 Reverse Commercial Paper    
14138 TM39 Commercial Paper History    
14139 TM41 Create Cash Flow Transaction   
14140 TM42 Change Cash Flow Transaction   
14141 TM43 Display Cash Flow Transaction   
14142 TM46 Cancel Cash Flow Transaction   
14143 TM47 Reverse Cash Flow Transaction   
14144 TM49 Cash Flow Transaction History   
14145 TO01 Create OTC Interest Rate Instrument  
14146 TO02 Change OTC Interest Rate Instrument  
14147 TO03 Display OTC Interest Rate Instrumen  
14148 TO04 Settle OTC Interest Rate Instrument  
14149 TO05 Reverse OTC Interest Rate Instrumen  
14150 TO06 Give Notice on OTC Int. Rate Instr.
14151 TO07 OTC Int. Rate Inst.: Display Histor 
14152 TO08 Execute OTC Int.Rate Instr. Order  
14153 TP_LOG Log: Calls of GDS Functions  
14154 TPCP Travel Planning Customizing    
14155 TPCT Current settings     
14156 TPED Maintain HR Master Data (ESS)  
14157 TPES Display HR Master Data (ESS)  
14158 TPLOG Short cut for TPLOG   
14159 TPMD Maintain HR Master Data   
14160 TPMM Personnel Actions     
14161 TPMS Display HR Master Data   
14162 TPM1 Valuation      
14163 TPM10 post or reverse transactions   
14164 TPM11 Reversal/Recalculation      
14165 TPM12 Ledger: Position List    
14166 TPM13 Ledger: Flow List    
14167 TPM14 Types - Valn Class Transfer  
14168 TPM15 Class Transfer     
14169 TPM16 Reverse Valuation Class Transfer    
14170 TPM18 Derived Business Transact.    
14171 TPM19 Change TRL Bus. Transactions   
14172 TPM2 Reverse Valuation      
14173 TPM20 Journal      
14174 TPM21 Create Nominal Adjustment     
14175 TPM22 Display Nominal Adjustment     
14176 TPM23 Reverse Nominal Adjustment     
14177 TPM24 Margin Flows     
14178 TPM25 Margin Flows     
14179 TPM26 Display quantity ledger positions    
14180 TPM27 Derived Flows     
14181 TPM28 Acct Assignment Reference    
14182 TPM29 Reverse Acct Assignm. Ref. Transfer   
14183 TPM3 Asst Reference Allocations    
14184 TPM33 Determination Overview     
14185 TPM35 posting      
14186 TPM4 Account      
14187 TPM40 Cash Flow Display    
14188 TPM41 Display Sec. Account Position List   
14189 TPM42 Display Class List     
14190 TPM43 Display Restraints On Drawing    
14191 TPM44 Profit Accrual/Deferra     
14192 TPM45 Reverse Accrual/Deferral of Income    
14193 TPM5 Create Class Pos. in Futures Accoun  
14194 TPM50 Change Position Mgmt Procedure    
14195 TPM51 TRL Reporting     
14196 TPM53 Create Totals Records     
14197 TPM54 Delete Totals Records     
14198 TPM55A Generate Position ID (Securities)    
14199 TPM55B Generate Position ID (Loans)    
14200 TPM55D Generate Pos.ID (Listed Derivatives    
14201 TPM56A Change Position ID (Securities)    
14202 TPM56B Change Position ID (Loans)    
14203 TPM56C Change PositionID (OTC Transactions    
14204 TPM56D Change Pos. ID (Listed Derivatives)   
14205 TPM57A Display Position ID (Securities)    
14206 TPM57B Display Position ID (Loans)    
14207 TPM57C Display Pos. ID (OTC Transactions)   
14208 TPM57D Display Pos. ID (Listed Derivatives   
14209 TPM58A Delete Position ID (Securities)    
14210 TPM58B Delete Position ID (Loans)    
14211 TPM58D Delete Pos. ID (Listed Derivatives)   
14212 TPM59 Exchange per Company Code/Class    
14213 TPM6 Change Class Pos. in Futures Accoun  
14214 TPM60 NPVs      
14215 TPM7 Display Class Pos. in Futures Acct  
14216 TPM70 Impairment      
14217 TPM71 Reverse Impairment      
14218 TPM73 security valn     
14219 TPM8 Display Futures Account Cash Flow   
14220 TPM9 List-Class Pos. in Futures Acc  
14221 TPPR Travel Profile Display    
14222 TPQ0 Quicktrip Manager     
14223 TP00 Travel Management: Travel Planning   
14224 TP01 Planning Manager     
14225 TP02 Travel Planning (End User)   
14226 TP03 Planning Manager (Expert)    
14227 TP04 Travel Request (End User)   
14228 TP10 Travel Plan Synchronization (AIR)   
14229 TP12 Travel Plan Synchronization (Manual   
14230 TP20 Create Travel Plan    
14231 TP30 Display Travel Planning report tree   
14232 TP31 for Travel Planning    
14233 TP40 Maintain Routings      
14234 TP41 Maintain Screen via IMG    
14235 TP50 Global flight availability    
14236 TP60 Synchronization of Hotel Catalog    
14237 TRACE Program Trace     
14238 TRBS Automatic Postings Loans: Activitie   
14239 TRD1 Run Data Mining Report   
14240 TRD2 Create Data Mining Report   
14241 TRD3 Change Data Mining Report   
14242 TRD4 Display Data Mining Report   
14243 TRD5 Data Mining: Create Form   
14244 TRD6 Data Mining: Change Form   
14245 TRD7 Data Mining: Display Form   
14246 TRD8 Display Results of Data Mining  
14247 TRIP Travel Manager     
14248 TRLM Treasury Management Basic Functions   
14249 TRMA Access Report Tree    
14250 TRMB Maintain Batch Variants    
14251 TRMC Comments Management: Treasury    
14252 TRMD Distribute Report     
14253 TRME Create Report     
14254 TRMG Groups for TR Report   
14255 TRMH Maintain hierarchy     
14256 TRMJ Maintain Hierarchy Nodes    
14257 TRMK Maintain Key Figures    
14258 TRMM Treasury Drill Down Rptng Testmonit  
14259 TRMO Transport reports     
14260 TRMP Transport forms     
14261 TRMQ Import reports from client 0  
14262 TRMR Import forms from client 0  
14263 TRMS Display Structure     
14264 TRMT Translation Tool - Drilldown Report  
14265 TRMU Convert drilldown reports    
14266 TRMV Maintain Global Variable    
14267 TRMW Maintain currency exchange type TRM  
14268 TRMX Reorganize Drilldown Reports    
14269 TRMY Reorganize report data    
14270 TRMZ Reorganize Forms     
14271 TRM0 Execute Report     
14272 TRM1 Create Report     
14273 TRM2 Change Report     
14274 TRM3 Display Report     
14275 TRM4 Create Form     
14276 TRM5 Change Form     
14277 TRM6 Display Form     
14278 TRM7 Maintain Auth.Object Presentation    
14279 TRM8 Display Auth.Object Presentation    
14280 TRNA No.range: FVVD_KSON special arrangm   
14281 TRNB Number range: FVVD_BEKI doc. number  
14282 TRNC No.range: FVVD_RPNSP Gen.daybook no   
14283 TRND No.Range: FVV_VORG Release Procedur   
14284 TRN0 Number range: Land register no.  
14285 TRN2 No. range: FVVD_KINT loans int.part  
14286 TRN3 No.range: FVV_OBJNR(address    
14287 TRN7 Number range: FVVD_KOBJ Object key  
14288 TRN8 Number range: Loan collateral no.  
14289 TRN9 No. range: FVVD_RBLNR coll.value no  
14290 TRP01 Create Repo Contract    
14291 TRP02 Change Repo Contract    
14292 TRP03 Display Repo Contract    
14293 TRP04 Settle Repo     
14294 TRP06 Reverse Repo Contract    
14295 TRP08 History      
14296 TRP10 Display Repo Contract    
14297 TRSA S-API Debugger     
14298 TRSR Financial Object Calculation    
14299 TRTC Access Report Tree    
14300 TRTD Access Report Tree    
14301 TRTG Access Report Tree    
14302 TRTK Access Report Tree    
14303 TRTM Access Report Tree    
14304 TRTR Access Report Tree    
14305 TRTV Access Report Tree    
14306 TRTW Access Report Tree    
14307 TR3M List of curr. supported field names 
14308 TR3P Maintain variant groups    
14309 TR3Q Maintain Variants     
14310 TR3R Schedule Variant Group    
14311 TR3S Define Variant Group    
14312 TR3T Reorganization of variant groups   
14313 TSCUST Table Search: Customizing    
14314 TSE39 Old version of splitscreen editor  
14315 TSRUN Table Search: Start Screen   
14316 TSW1 SWIFT Generation MT300    
14317 TSW2 SWIFT Generation MT320    
14318 TS00 Collective processing     
14319 TS01 Create Securities Transaction    
14320 TS02 Change Securities Transaction    
14321 TS03 Execute Securities Order    
14322 TS04 Settle Securities Contract    
14323 TS05 Sec. Transaction: Order Expiration   
14324 TS06 Display Securities Transaction    
14325 TS07 Reverse Securities Transaction    
14326 TS08 Securities Transaction: History    
14327 TS10 Display Securities Transaction    
14328 TUTT Workbench Tutorial     
14329 TU02 Parameter changes     
14330 TVDT Import DTB Derivatives Prices   
14331 TVMD Transfer Mkt Data    
14332 TVM1 Market Risk and Analysis   
14333 TVS1 Statistics calculator     
14334 TV20 Create Scenario     
14335 TV21 Change Scenario     
14336 TV22 Display Scenario     
14337 TV35 Effective Rate/NPV Underlying    
14338 TV36 Currency exposure     
14339 TV38 Position Evaluation     
14340 TV39 Global Evaluation of Cash Flow  
14341 TV40 Effective Rate Evaluation FX Genera  
14342 TV42 Interest exposure     
14343 TV43 Global IRR     
14344 TV44 P/L Evaluation     
14345 TV45 Matrix Evaluations     
14346 TV46 Bond price calc.    
14347 TV48 Historical Simulation     
14348 TV49 Variance/Covariance      
14349 TV50 Save OTC NPVs    
14350 TX.1 Forex fast entry - spot  
14351 TX.3 Display Forex Transaction    
14352 TX.5 Execute forex order    
14353 TX-2 Maturity schedule for fwd exch.tran  
14354 TX-3 Posting overview     
14355 TX-5 Settle forex transaction    
14356 TX/5 Forex order expiry    
14357 TXAK Calculation of option premiums   
14358 TXA5 Forex Order Processing    
14359 TXBA Text Module Maintenance    
14360 TXF5 Execute Fixing Order    
14361 TXV5 Execute Fixing Transaction    
14362 TXZI Interest calculator     
14363 TX01 Spot/Forward Transaction Entry    
14364 TX02 Change Forex Transaction    
14365 TX03 Display Forex Transaction    
14366 TX04 Reverse Activity     
14367 TX05 Spot/Forward Trans.: Add Activity   
14368 TX06 Forex: Collective processing    
14369 TX10 Create Forex Swap    
14370 TX11 Rollover on previous basis   
14371 TX12 Premature Settlement     
14372 TX13 Create Foreign Exchange Offer   
14373 TX14 Execute foreign exchange offer   
14374 TX21 Create Forex Transaction    
14375 TX22 Display foreign exchange offer   
14376 TX23 Create foreign exchange simulation   
14377 TX24 Change foreign exchange simulation   
14378 TX25 Display foreign exchange simulation   
14379 TX26 Delete foreign exchange simulation   
14380 TX30 FX Transactions: Rate Overview   
14381 TX31 Create Internal Forex Transaction    
14382 TX32 Forex Transactions Reserve    
14383 TX33 Forex Transactions Reserve    
14384 TX34 Forex Transactions Reserve    
14385 TX35 Forex Transactions Reserve    
14386 TX39 Forex Transactions Reserve    
14387 TX76 Forex Transaction History    
14388 TX78 Execute order - Forex   
14389 TYMN Treasury Information System (TIS)   
14390 TZA0 Dialog Programming: Asynch.Updates    
14391 TZB0 Dialog Programming: Doc. and Help  
14392 TZ10 Dialog Programming: Data Transport   
14393 TZ20 Dialog Programming: F Code Proc.  
14394 TZ30 Dialog Programming: Input Check   
14395 TZ31 Dialog Programming: Input Check   
14396 TZ40 Dialog Programming: Screen Control   
14397 TZ50 Dialog Programming: Screen Modif.   
14398 TZ60 Dialog Programming: Tables TC   
14399 TZ61 Dialog Programming: Tables SL   
14400 TZ70 Dialog Programming: Tables SL   
14401 TZ80 Dialog Programming: Authorizations    
14402 TZ90 Dialog Programming: Locking    
14403 U_P_S UPS: Area Menu    
14404 UCC0 BP conversion: Initial conversion   
14405 UCC1 BP conversion: Initial CBP Customiz  
14406 UCC2 BP conversion: Cutomizing    
14407 UCD1 Delete converted partners    
14408 UCD3 Delete matched partner    
14409 UCH1 Display logs     
14410 UCH2_1 Determine data elements    
14411 UCH2_2 Determine tables     
14412 UCH2_3 Usage of Fields to be Converted 
14413 UCP1 Convert TR Partner to CBP  
14414 UCP11 General code conversion    
14415 UCP2 Convert Relationships     
14416 UCP2_3 Conversion FI fields to relat'ships  
14417 UCP3 Match: Selection without partner   
14418 UCP3_2 Match selected partners    
14419 UCP4 Structure partner-obj. relationship    
14420 UCP6 Convert Memos     
14421 UCP7 Display log     
14422 UCP8 Conversion of partner-object rel.   
14423 UCP9 Generate Coding     
14424 UCUST BP: Business partner - applic.Cust.  
14425 UC17A Convert industries     
14426 UD96 Revenues Increasing Budget    
14427 UKVC Number range maintenance: IDWTVC   
14428 UNKR Number range main.:W_AKTION    
14429 UPART Business Partner: Conversion to CBP  
14430 UPDA Foreign Trade: Mater data transfer  
14431 UPS ALE Distribution Units (UPS)   
14432 UPSC00 ALE Distribution Unit: Setting   
14433 UPSMAS Post UPSMAS-IDocs     
14434 UPSRCP Replication Table: Organization    
14435 UPS01 Create ALE Distribution Unit   
14436 UPS02 Change ALE Distribution Unit   
14437 UPS03 Display ALE Distribution Unit   
14438 UPS04 Copy ALE Distribution Unit   
14439 USMM Customer measurement     
14440 V Quickstart RKCOWUSL     
14441 V.00 List of Incomplete Documents   
14442 V.07 Periodic billing     
14443 V.14 Sales Orders Blocked for Delivery  
14444 V.15 Display Backorders     
14445 V.21 Log of Collective Run   
14446 V.22 Display Collective Runs    
14447 V.23 Release Orders for Billing   
14448 V.25 Release Customer Expected Price   
14449 V.26 Selection by Object Status   
14450 V+01 Create Sales Call    
14451 V+02 Create Telephone Call    
14452 V+03 Create Sales Letter    
14453 V+11 Create Direct Mailing    
14454 V+21 Create Sales Prospect    
14455 V+22 Create Competitor     
14456 V+23 Create Business Partner    
14457 V-01 Create Sales Order    
14458 V-02 Create Quotation     
14459 V-03 Create ordering party (Sales)   
14460 V-04 Create invoice recipient (Sales)   
14461 V-05 Create payer (Sales)    
14462 V-06 Create consignee (Sales)    
14463 V-07 Create one-time customer (Sales)   
14464 V-08 Create payer (Centrally)    
14465 V-09 Create ordering party (Centrally)   
14466 V-11 Create carrier     
14467 V-31 Create Freight 1    
14468 V-32 Create Freight 1 with Reference  
14469 V-33 Change Freight 1    
14470 V-34 Create Freight 1    
14471 V-35 Create Freight 1    
14472 V-36 Create Freight 1 with Reference  
14473 V-37 Change Freight 2    
14474 V-38 Display Freight 2    
14475 V-40 Display Taxes (Export)    
14476 V-41 Create Material Price    
14477 V-42 Create Material Price w/ref.   
14478 V-43 Change Material Price    
14479 V-44 Display Material Price    
14480 V-45 Create Price List    
14481 V-46 Create Price List w/ref.   
14482 V-47 Change Price List    
14483 V-48 Display Price List    
14484 V-49 Create Customer-Specific Price    
14485 V-50 Create Customer-spec. Price w/ref.   
14486 V-51 Change Cust.price     
14487 V-52 Display Cust.price     
14488 V-61 Create Cust.disc./surcharge     
14489 V-62 Create Customer Disc/Surch. w/ref   
14490 V-63 Change Cust.Disc/Surcharge     
14491 V-64 Display Cust.Disc/Surcharge     
14492 V-65 Create Mat.Disc/Surcharge     
14493 V-66 Create w/ref.Material Disc/Surcharg    
14494 V-67 Change Mat.Disc/Surcharge     
14495 V-68 Display Mat.Disc/Surcharge     
14496 V-69 Create Price grp Disc/Surch   
14497 V-70 Create w/ref.Price Group Disc/Surch   
14498 V-71 Change Price grp Disc/Surch   
14499 V-72 Display Price grp Disc/Surch   
14500 V-73 Create Disc/Surc    
14501 V-74 Create w/ Disc/Surch    
14502 V-75 Change Disc/Surc    
14503 V-76 Display Disc/Surc    
14504 V-77 Create Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/S    
14505 V-78 Create w/ref.Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/Sur    
14506 V-79 Change Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/S    
14507 V-80 Display Cust/MatPrGrp Disc/S    
14508 V-81 Create Cust/mat.Disc/Surch.     
14509 V-82 Create w/ref.Cust/Mat.Disc/Surcharg     
14510 V-83 Change Cust/mat.Disc/Surch.     
14511 V-84 Display Cust/mat.Disc/Surch.     
14512 V-85 Create PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Sur    
14513 V-86 Create w/ref.PrGrp/MatPrGrp Disc/Su    
14514 V-87 Change PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Sur    
14515 V-88 Display PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Sur    
14516 V-89 Create PGrp/MPrGrp Disc/Sur    
14517 V-90 Create w/ref.PrGrp/Mat Disc/Surch.    
14518 V-91 Change PGrp/mat Disc/Surch.    
14519 V-92 Display PGrp/mat.Disc/Surch.     
14520 V-93 Create Domestic Taxes    
14521 V-94 Create Domestic Taxes w/Reference   
14522 V-95 Change Domestic Taxes    
14523 V-96 Display Domestic Taxes    
14524 V-97 Create Cross-border Taxes    
14525 V-98 Create Cross-border Taxes    
14526 V-99 Change Cross-border Taxes    
14527 V/C7 CondTable: Create (Batches; SD)   
14528 V/C8 CondTable: Change (Batch; SD)   
14529 V/C9 CondTable: Display (Batches; SD)   
14530 V/G1 Output CondTab/Create Group    
14531 V/G2 Output CondTab Change Group   
14532 V/G3 Output CondTab/Display Group    
14533 V/I2 Set up condition indices   
14534 V/I3 Conditions: Pricing SD - Index  
14535 V/I4 Conditions: Pricing SD - Index  
14536 V/LA Create Pricing Report    
14537 V/LB Change Pricing Report    
14538 V/LC Display Pricing Report    
14539 V/LD Execute pricing report    
14540 V/LE Generate pricing reports    
14541 V/N2 Create free goods table   
14542 V/N3 Display free goods table (SD)  
14543 V/03 Create Condition Table (SD Price)  
14544 V/04 Change Condition Table (Sales pr.)  
14545 V/05 Display Condition Table: (Sales Pr.  
14546 V/12 Account Determination: Create Table   
14547 V/13 Account Determination: Change Table   
14548 V/14 Account Determination: Display Tabl   
14549 V/56 Output: Cond.Table - Create Orders  
14550 V/57 Output - Cond.Table - Change Order 
14551 V/58 Output - Cond.Table - Display Order 
14552 V/59 Output - Cond.Table - Create Dlv. 
14553 V/60 Output - Cond.Table - Change Dlv. 
14554 V/61 Output - Cond.Table - Display Dlv. 
14555 V/62 Output - Cond.Table - Create BillDo 
14556 V/63 Output - Cond.Table - Change BillDo 
14557 V/64 Output - Cond.Table - Display BillD 
14558 V/65 Output CondTable/Create SalesSuppor    
14559 V/66 Output CondTab./Change Sales Suppor   
14560 V/67 Output CondTab/Display Sales Suppor   
14561 V/77 Output -ConditTable- Create Transpr   
14562 V/78 Output -CondTable- Change Transport   
14563 V/79 Output -CondTable- Display Transpor   
14564 V/93 Output -CondTable- Create Packaging   
14565 V/94 Output -CondTable- Change Packaging   
14566 V/95 Output -CondTable- Display Packagin   
14567 V_I8 Conditions: Pricing SD - Index  
14568 V_NL Edit net price list   
14569 V_RA Backorder Processing: Selection Lis   
14570 V_R1 List of Backorders    
14571 V_R2 Display List of Backorders   
14572 V_SA Collective Proc. Analysis (Deliv.)   
14573 V_UC Incomplete SD Documents    
14574 V_UC_7 Incomplete SD Documents    
14575 V_V1 Updating Unconfirmed Sales Document   
14576 V_V2 Updating Sales Documents by Materia  
14577 VACF Commit. carried forwrd: Sales order  
14578 VAKC Items in Sales Order Configuration  
14579 VAKP Configuration: Maintain T180    
14580 VALU Analysis      
14581 VAM4 Merge: Japan - Commodity Code  
14582 VAN1 Actual Reval.: Sales Order   
14583 VAP1 Create Contact Person    
14584 VAP2 Change Contact Person    
14585 VAP3 Display Contact Person    
14586 VARC SD: User Guide to Archiving  
14587 VARCH Change report variant     
14588 VARD Display report variant     
14589 VASK Deleting Groups     
14590 VA00 Initial Sales Menu    
14591 VA01 Create Sales Order    
14592 VA02 Change Sales Order    
14593 VA03 Display Sales Order    
14594 VA05 List of Sales Orders   
14595 VA07 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Order)  
14596 VA08 Compare Sales - Purchasing (Org.Dt.  
14597 VA11 Create Inquiry     
14598 VA12 Change Inquiry     
14599 VA13 Display Inquiry     
14600 VA14L Sales Documents Blocked for Deliver  
14601 VA15 Inquiries List     
14602 VA21 Create Quotation     
14603 VA22 Change Quotation     
14604 VA23 Display Quotation     
14605 VA25 Quotations List     
14606 VA26 Collective Processing for Quotation   
14607 VA31 Create Scheduling Agreement    
14608 VA32 Change Scheduling Agreement    
14609 VA33 Display Scheduling Agreement    
14610 VA35 List of Scheduling Agreements   
14611 VA41 Create Contract     
14612 VA42 Change Contract     
14613 VA42W Workflow for master contract   
14614 VA43 Display Contract     
14615 VA44 Actual Overhead: Sales Order   
14616 VA45 List of Contracts    
14617 VA46 Coll.Subseq.Processing f.Contracts     
14618 VA51 Create Item Proposal    
14619 VA52 Change Item Proposal    
14620 VA53 Display Item Proposal    
14621 VA55 List of Item Proposals   
14622 VA88 Actual Settlement: Sales Orders   
14623 VA94 Load Commodity Codes for Japan  
14624 VA94X Load Commodity Codes for Japan  
14625 VA95 Merge Commodity Code/Import Code No  
14626 VB(D Rebate Agreement Settlement    
14627 VB(1 Rebate number ranges    
14628 VB(7 Rebate Agreement Settlement    
14629 VB(8 List Rebate Agreements    
14630 VBG1 Create Material Grouping    
14631 VBG2 Change Material Grouping    
14632 VBG3 Display Material Grouping    
14633 VBKB Bonus Buy: Create Condition Table  
14634 VBKC Bonus Buy: Display Condition Table  
14635 VBK0 Bonus Buy Selection    
14636 VBK1 Create Bonus Buy    
14637 VBK2 Change Bonus Buy    
14638 VBK3 Display Bonus Buy    
14639 VBK6 Delete Bonus Buy    
14640 VBN1 Free goods - Create (SD)  
14641 VBN2 Free goods - Change (SD)  
14642 VBN3 Free goods - Display (SD)  
14643 VBOE Currency conversion rebate agreemnt   
14644 VBOF Rebate: Update Billing Documents   
14645 VBO1 Create Rebate Agreement    
14646 VBO2 Change Rebate Agreement    
14647 VBO3 Display Rebate Agreement    
14648 VB01 Create Material Listing/Exclusion    
14649 VB02 Change Material Listing/Exclusion    
14650 VB03 Display Material Listing/Exclusion    
14651 VB04 Reference Material Listing/Exclusio    
14652 VB11 Create Material Substitution    
14653 VB12 Change Material Substitution    
14654 VB13 Display Material Substitution    
14655 VB14 Reference Material Substitution    
14656 VB21 Create Sales Deal    
14657 VB22 Change Sales Deal    
14658 VB23 Display Sales Promotion    
14659 VB25 List of Sales Deals   
14660 VB31 Create Promotion     
14661 VB32 Change Promotion     
14662 VB33 Display Promotion     
14663 VB35 Promotions List     
14664 VB41 Create cross-selling     
14665 VB42 Change cross-selling     
14666 VB43 Display cross-selling     
14667 VB44 Copy cross-selling     
14668 VC/A Sales Activity Description 1   
14669 VC/B Sales Activity Description 2   
14670 VC/C Sales Activity Description 3   
14671 VC/D Sales Activity Description 4   
14672 VC/E Sales Activity Description 5   
14673 VC/F Sales Activity Description 6   
14674 VC/G Sales Activity Description 7   
14675 VC/H Sales Activity Description 8   
14676 VC/I Sales Activity Description 9   
14677 VC/J Sales Activity Description 10   
14678 VC/1 List of Customers    
14679 VC/2 Customer Master Data Sheet   
14680 VCC1 Payment Cards: Worklist    
14681 VCH1 Create Batch Search Strategy   
14682 VCH2 Change Batch Search Strategy   
14683 VCH3 Display Batch Search Strategy   
14684 VCR1 Competitive products     
14685 VCUAC Display Anti-dumping - Qty-dependen   
14686 VCUAE Display Anti-dumping - Weight-depen   
14687 VCUDC Display 3rd Country - Qty-dependent  
14688 VCUDE Display 3rd Country - Weight-depend  
14689 VCUPC Display Pharma.Prod. - Qty-dependen   
14690 VCUPF Display Pharma.Prod. - Weight-depen   
14691 VCUP1 Display Preference - Qty-dependent   
14692 VCUP2 Display Preference - Weight-depend.   
14693 VCUZC Display Quota - Quantity-dependent   
14694 VCUZE Display Quota - Weight-dependent   
14695 VCUZP Display Ceilings - Percentage   
14696 VCUZ1 Display Ceiling - Quantity-dependen   
14697 VCUZ2 Display Ceiling - Weight-dependent   
14698 VC00 Sales Support     
14699 VC01 Create Sales Activity    
14700 VC01N Sales Activity     
14701 VC02 Change Sales Activity    
14702 VC03 Display Sales Activity    
14703 VC05 Sales support monitor    
14704 VC06 Parallel Processing for Address Lis  
14705 VC15 Crossmatching
14706 VDDI EMU currency conversion cust. maste  
14707 VDH1 Customer Hierarchy Maintenance (SD)   
14708 VDH1N Display Customer Hierarchy     
14709 VDH2 Display Customer Hierarchy    
14710 VDH2N Display customer hierarchy     
14711 VD01 Create Customer (Sales)    
14712 VD02 Change Customer (Sales)    
14713 VD03 Display Customer (Sales)    
14714 VD04 Customer Changes (SD)    
14715 VD05 Block customer (sales)    
14716 VD06 Mark customer for deletion (sales)  
14717 VD07 Ref. doc. det. for ref. customer 
14718 VD51 Maintain Customer-Material Info    
14719 VD52 Maintain Cust-Mat.Info w/Select.Scr    
14720 VD53 Display Customer-Material Info    
14721 VD54 Display Customer-Material Info    
14722 VD59 List customer-material-info     
14723 VEA3 EXTRASTAT: File Version France   
14724 VEA4 EXTRASTAT: File Version France   
14725 VEA5 EXTRASTAT: File Version France   
14726 VEB1 Period-end Closings: Control    
14727 VEB2 DtA: Special Rule Countries/Regions   
14728 VEB5 Calculate Assemblies Individually    
14729 VEB6 Calculate Assemblies Collectively    
14730 VEB9 Customer Exits: Print Control   
14731 VECN Profitability and Sales Accounting   
14732 VEFU Foreign Trade: Add INTRASTAT Data  
14733 VEFUX FT-GOV: Change transaction INTRASTA   
14735 VEIAE EXTRASTAT Archiving     
14736 VEIAI INTRASTAT Archiving     
14740 VEIV Foreign Trade: Add EXTRASTAT Data  
14741 VEIW Create file INTRA/EXTRA/KOBRA    
14742 VEIX Create file INTRA/EXTRA/KOBRA    
14743 VEIY Create file INTRA/EXTRA/KOBRA    
14744 VEIZ Create file INTRA/EXTRA/KOBRA    
14746 VEI1 Display IDoc Import    
14747 VEI2 Display IDoc Export    
14748 VEI3 Display Stat.Value - Subcontracting   
14749 VEI4 Merge: Remaining Commodity Codes   
14750 VEI5 Create value limit subcontracting   
14751 VEI6 EDI: IDoc List - Import Basis 
14755 VEKU For. Trade: Change KOBRA Documents  
14756 VEM4 Merge: EU - Commodity Code  
14757 VEPR Customs log     
14758 VEU4 Load Commodity Code-Other Countries   
14759 VEU4X Load Commodity Code-Other Countries   
14760 VEXU Foreign Trade: Add EXTRASTAT Data  
14761 VEXUX FT-GOV: Change transaction EXTRASTA   
14762 VE01 INTRASTAT: Selection Dispatch to EU  
14763 VE02 INTRASTAT: Create Form - Germany  
14764 VE03 INTRASTAT: Create File - Germany  
14765 VE04 EXTRASTAT: Data selection for expor  
14766 VE05 EXTRASTAT: Create File - Germany  
14767 VE06 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien  
14768 VE07 Create INTRASTAT Form for France  
14769 VE08 Create INTRASTAT File for Italy  
14770 VE09 Create INTRASTAT file for Belgium  
14771 VE10 Create INTRASTAT file for Holland  
14772 VE11 Create INTRASTAT file for Spain  
14773 VE12 Create INTRASTAT form for Holland  
14774 VE13 KOBRA data selection: export German  
14775 VE14 Create KOBRA file for Germany  
14776 VE15 Create disk - INTRA/EXTRA/KOBRA/VAR   
14777 VE16 Create INTRASTAT form for Austria  
14778 VE17 Create INTRASTAT form for Sweden  
14779 VE18 SED data selection for USA exporter 
14780 VE19 Create SED form for USA  
14781 VE20 Create AERP file for USA  
14782 VE21 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz. 
14783 VE22 Create VAR form for Switzerland  
14784 VE23 V.A.R.: File - Switzerland   
14785 VE24 Comm. Code Number Information (old  
14786 VE24X Commodity Code Information    
14787 VE25 SED: Selection: USA Carriers   
14788 VE27 HMF: Selection - USA   
14789 VE29 Assigned Documents for Each License  
14790 VE30 Existing licenses     
14791 VE31 Blocked SD Documents    
14792 VE32 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Ireland  
14793 VE33 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - U.K.  
14794 VE34 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Belgien  
14795 VE37 INTRASTAT: File - France   
14796 VE38 INTRASTAT: Selection Simulation - E  
14797 VE39 EXTRASTAT: Selection Simulation    
14798 VE40 KOBRA: Selection Simulation    
14799 VE41 VAR: Selection of bill. docs Switz. 
14800 VE42 INTRASTAT: File - Denmark   
14801 VE43 SED: Selection Exp. USA Simulation  
14802 VE44 SED: Select Carrier USA Simulation  
14803 VE45 INTRASTAT: Paper Form - Greece  
14804 VE46 INTRASTAT: File - Finland   
14805 VE54 Preference Determination: Collectiv    
14806 VE55 Preference Determination: Individua    
14807 VE56 Check Export Control for Consistenc  
14808 VE67 Aggregate Vendor Declarations    
14809 VE68 Request Vendor Declarations    
14810 VE72 Export - Billing Documents   
14811 VE73 Goods Catalog: Create Document   
14812 VE74 Goods Catalog: Create Diskette   
14813 VE81 Check Report: General FT Data  
14814 VE81X Incompleteness: FT Material Data   
14815 VE82 Check Report: Export Control Data  
14816 VE82X Incompleteness: Export Control Data   
14817 VE83 Check Report: Preference Data   
14818 VE83X Incompleteness: Preference Material    
14819 VE84 Monitoring: Purchasing Info Records   
14820 VE85 Change Statistical Value - Import  
14821 VE86 Display Statistical Value - Import  
14822 VE87 Change Stat.Value - Subcontracting   
14823 VE88 Change Statistical Value - Export  
14824 VE89 Display Statistical Value - Export  
14825 VE90 Change preference values    
14826 VE91 Display Preference Values    
14827 VE92 Create INTRASTAT tape Luxembourg   
14828 VE93 EDI-CUSTEC Austria     
14829 VE94 Load Commodity Code for EU Countrie 
14830 VE94X Load Commodity Code for EU Countrie 
14831 VE95 Create INTRASTAT papers: Portugal   
14832 VE96 EXTRASTAT Data Select.: Init. Scree  
14833 VE97 Create EXTRASTAT tape: Netherlands   
14834 VE98 Sales Invoice Values per Period  
14835 VE99 Create Document - Austria   
14836 VFAE Archive EXTRASTAT Documents    
14837 VFAI Archive INTRASTAT Documents    
14838 VFBS Next screen control    
14839 VFBV Reorganization of discount-rel. dat   
14840 VFLI Log tax exemption    
14841 VFRB Retro-billing      
14842 VFSN Reorganization info structure S060   
14843 VFS3 Adjusting info structure S060   
14844 VFX2 Display Blocked Billing Documents   
14845 VFX3 List Blocked Billing Documents   
14846 VF00 9Sales organization & is not define 
14847 VF01 Create Billing Document    
14848 VF02 Change Billing Document    
14849 VF03 Display Billing Document    
14850 VF04 Maintain Billing Due List   
14851 VF05 List Billing Documents    
14852 VF06 Batch billing     
14853 VF07 Display bill. document from archive  
14854 VF08 Billing for ext. delivery   
14855 VF11 Cancel Billing Document    
14856 VF21 Create Invoice List    
14857 VF22 Change invoice list    
14858 VF23 Display Invoice List    
14859 VF24 Edit Work List for Invoice Lists 
14860 VF25 List of Invoice Lists   
14861 VF26 Cancellation invoice list    
14862 VF27 Display invoice list from archive  
14863 VF31 Output from Billing Documents   
14864 VF44 Revenue Recognition: Worklist    
14865 VF45 Revenue recognition: Revenue report   
14866 VF46 Revenue Recognition: Cancellation    
14867 VF47 Revenue Recognition:ConsistencyChec     
14868 VGK1 Create Group for Delivery   
14869 VGK2 Change Group for Delivery   
14870 VGK3 Display Group for Delivery   
14871 VGL1 Create Group for Delivery   
14872 VGL2 Change Group for Delivery   
14873 VGL3 Display Group for Delivery      
14874 VGW1 Create Picking Wave    
14875 VGW2 Change Picking Waves    
14876 VGW3 Display Picking Waves    
14877 VG01 Create Group     
14878 VG02 Change Group     
14879 VG03 Display Group     
14880 VIBA Send IDoc Output-AES-Initial Procg   
14881 VIBB Send IDoc Output-AES-Repeat Procg   
14882 VIBC Send IDoc Output-AES-Error in Procg  
14883 VIBD Printing: Analysis form data audit  
14884 VIBN Monitor messages     
14885 VIB1 Send IDoc Output    
14886 VIB2 Call Print Program From VI10/VI14  
14887 VIB3 Foreign Trade Output Status   
14888 VIB4 Print Transaction: Initial Procg   
14889 VIB5 Print Transaction: Repeat Procg   
14890 VIB6 Print Transaction: Error in Procg  
14891 VIB7 Send IDoc Output - Initial Procg 
14892 VIB8 Send IDoc Output - Repeat Procg 
14893 VIB9 Send IDoc Output - Error in Procg
14894 VICC Convert format currency field   
14895 VICI Call shipment info via CALL TRANS 
14896 VIC00 Check IMG ShpmtCostCalc    
14897 VIEX FT: Journal Export Actual   
14898 VIE4 Incompleteness Periodic Declaration    
14899 VIFBW Reorg: Shipment Costs in BW  
14900 VIIM FT: Op. Cockpit: Purchase order  
14901 VII4 Merge: Rest - Import Code Number 
14902 VIJ1 Journal Import     
14903 VIJ2 Journal Export     
14904 VILI FT: Export Deliveries Journal   
14905 VIMM Decl. Recpts/Disptch Min. Oil Prod.  
14906 VIMU Foreign Trade: Comparison of codes  
14907 VIM4 Merge: EU - Import Code Number 
14908 VIM6 Customer Exits: Data Selection   
14909 VIPL Display Customs Duty for Ceiling  
14910 VIR1 Import Reorg. - Incompleteness   
14911 VIR2 Export Reorg. - Incompleteness   
14912 VIS3 Check program: Cross-plant    
14913 VIUL Foreign Trade: Data Upload   
14914 VIU4 Load Import Code No.-Other Countrie  
14915 VIU4X Load Import Code No.-Other Countrie  
14916 VIWAX Display FT Data in Goods Issue 
14917 VIWBX Change FT Data in Goods Issue 
14918 VIWE FT: Op. Cockpit: Goods Receipt  
14919 VI00 Shipment costs     
14920 VI01 Create shipment costs    
14921 VI02 Change shipment costs    
14922 VI03 Display shipment costs    
14923 VI08 Display FT data in purchasing doc. 
14924 VI08X Display FT data in purchasing doc. 
14925 VI09 Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc. 
14926 VI09X Change FT Data in Purchasing Doc. 
14927 VI10 Display FT Data in Billing Document 
14928 VI10X Display FT Data in Billing Document 
14929 VI14 Change FT Data in Billing Document 
14930 VI14X Change FT Data in Billing Document 
14931 VI15 Display logs (appl. log)   
14932 VI17 Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery 
14933 VI17X Display FT Data in Inbound Delivery 
14934 VI18 Display Anti-dumping     
14935 VI19 Display Third-country Customs Dutie   
14936 VI20 Display Customs Quota    
14937 VI21 Display Pharmaceutical Products    
14938 VI22 Display Customs Exemption    
14939 VI23 Display Preferential Customs Duties   
14940 VI24 Code Number Information - Import  
14941 VI24X Import Code No. Information   
14942 VI25 Display Gross Price - Customs  
14943 VI26 Display Surcharge/Discount - Custom   
14944 VI27 Display Freight - Customs   
14945 VI53 Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery 
14946 VI53X Change FT Data in Inbound Delivery 
14947 VI64 Display FT Data in Outbound Deliver 
14948 VI64X Display FT Data in Outbound Deliver 
14949 VI71 Change Preference Values    
14950 VI72 Display Insurance - Customs   
14951 VI73 Maintain Vendor Declaration    
14952 VI73N Maintain Vendor Declaration    
14953 VI74 Display Vendor Declaration    
14954 VI74N Display Vendor Declaration    
14955 VI75 Vendor Declarations - Dunning notic  
14956 VI77 Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery 
14957 VI77X Change FT Data in Outbound Delivery 
14958 VI79 Display FT Data in Goods Receipt 
14959 VI79X Display FT Data in Goods Receipt 
14960 VI80 Change FT Data in Goods Receipt 
14961 VI80X Change FT Data in Goods Receipt 
14962 VI81 Check Report: CAP Products   
14963 VI81X Check Report: CAP Products   
14964 VI82 Check General Customer Master Data  
14965 VI82X Incompleteness: FT Customer Data   
14966 VI83 Check Customer Master/Legal Control   
14967 VI83X Incompleteness:Customer Control Dat    
14968 VI84 Doc.Payments: Check Customer Master   
14969 VI84X Billing Doc.Incompleteness Customer    
14970 VI85 Incompleteness: Foreign Trade Vendo   
14971 VI86 Incompleteness: Cross-plant     
14972 VI90 Fill Foreign Components in BOMs  
14973 VI91 Display Foreign Components in BOMs  
14974 VI94 Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries
14975 VI94X Load Import Code Nos - EU Countries
14976 VI96 Customer Exits: Default Values   
14977 VI98 Receipt-Basis for Intercomp.Billing    
14978 VI99 Returns and Credit Memos   
14979 VK+C Condition master data check   
14980 VKAR Read Archive File    
14981 VKAW Generate Archive File    
14982 VKC1 Create General Strategy    
14983 VKC2 Change General Strategy    
14984 VKC3 Display General Strategy    
14985 VKDV Number range maintenance: RV_SNKOM   
14986 VKM1 Blocked SD Documents    
14987 VKM2 Released SD Documents    
14988 VKM3 Sales Document     
14989 VKM4 SD Documents     
14990 VKM5 Delivery      
14991 VKPA Archiving      
14992 VKPB Sales price calc. in background run 
14993 VKPR Read archive file    
14994 VKP0 Sales Price Calculation    
14995 VKP1 Sales price calculation    
14996 VKP2 Display POS Conditions    
14997 VKP3 Pricing document for material   
14998 VKP4 Pricing document for org. structure  
14999 VKP5 Create Calculation     
15000 VKP6 Change pricing document    

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