Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 11001-12000

11001 OOBI INTERN: PA-PD Integration in Batch  
11002 OOBS Staffing Schedule     
11003 OOBU Business Events Bookings    
11004 OOBX Appraisal Type: Standard Input   
11005 OOCA Activity Types     
11006 OOCB Customer Enhancement for Master Dat  
11007 OOCC Cost Center of Cost Object  
11008 OOCE Organizational Elements     
11009 OOCH Consistency Check     
11010 OOCINH Inheritance of Contr. Area in Pos. 
11011 OOCK Integ. Cost Plng & Cost Accounting 
11012 OOCM Compensation Management Settings    
11013 OOCO Integration HR Planning: Cost Acctn  
11014 OOCR Set up PD Transport Connection  
11015 OODA Online Process     
11016 OODC Shift Planning: Requirements Entry   
11017 OODD Shift Planning: Lock Settings   
11018 OODE Shift Planning: Work Center View  
11019 OODF Shift Planning: Abbrev. Proposal   
11020 OODG Shift Planning: Standard Shift Grou  
11021 OODH Shift Planning: Selection View   
11022 OODK Shift Planning: Factory Calendar   
11023 OODL Default Values for Output   
11024 OODM Activate indicator for subst. types  
11025 OODN Shift Planning: Dialog Box Cust.  
11026 OODO Shift Planning: Different Payment   
11027 OODT Data Transfer     
11028 OODU Shift Planning: Report Variant   
11029 OODV Shift Planning: Substitution Type   
11030 OODW Shift Planning: Messages    
11031 OODX Shift Planning: Groupings    
11032 OODY Shift Planning: Time Types/Balances   
11033 OOEC Change Development Plan Catalog   
11034 OOEE Settings for Development Plans   
11035 OOEF Firmly Book/Cancel     
11036 OOEW Booking Priorities     
11037 OOEX Print Shift Plan w/Microsoft Excel  
11038 OOFA Switch for Business Event Locations  
11039 OOFD Search Function     
11040 OOFF Passport photo     
11041 OOFK Factory Calendar     
11042 OOFT Customizing Quota Planning FTE   
11043 OOHCP1 Basic Settings Pers. Cost Planning  
11044 OOHCP2 Data Collection Settings PersCostPl   
11045 OOHCP3 Planning Run Settings PersCostPl.   
11046 OOHCP4 Detail Planning Settings PersCostPl   
11047 OOHCP5 Posting Settings Pers. Cost Plannin  
11048 OOHP Set Up PD - PA Integration 
11049 OOHQ Integration: PLOG - PREL   
11050 OOIL Integration Cost Allocation    
11051 OOIO Initialization Object Type    
11052 OOIV Initial Business Event/Resource Typ   
11053 OOKF Cost Center Determination    
11054 OOKP Cost Planning     
11055 OOKR Fee Handling     
11056 OOKV Conflict Reaction     
11057 OOKY Set up Current Year for YEA Korea
11058 OOLA List Entry     
11059 OOLE Current Settings     
11060 OOLW Workflow connection - Ctry Reassign  
11061 OOMA Mail Connection     
11062 OOMG Control Elements Materials Mgmt   
11063 OOML Room Administration Mail Connection   
11064 OOMM Integration Materials Management    
11065 OOMP Organization Elements Materials Mgm   
11066 OOMV Create Sequential File for PD  
11067 OOMW Display Sequential File for PD  
11068 OONC No. Assignment for All Plan Version 
11069 OONF Note Function     
11070 OOPC Administration: Personnel No. Check   
11071 OOPD HR Master Data    
11072 OOPE Organizer Types     
11073 OOPH Set Up PA - PD Integration 
11074 OOPM HR Planning: Search Function   
11075 OOPP Consistency Check for Integration   
11076 OOPS HR Master Data Integration   
11077 OOPT Participate in Integration    
11078 OOQA Change Qualifications Catalog    
11079 OOQB Qualification Transfer: Applicants    
11080 OOQI Transfer Qualifications - Employee   
11081 OOQM Qual. Profile: Mass Data Maintenanc  
11082 OOQU Settings for Personnel Development   
11083 OOQ4 Maintain Career Model    
11084 OOQ5 Copy Requirements Profile to Holder  
11085 OORP Plan Version for Room Reservation  
11086 OORU Shift Planning: Proposal Strategy   
11087 OORV Strategy for Automatic Assignment   
11088 OORW Work Schedule: Rule Values   
11089 OOSD Integration Billing     
11090 OOSE Organizational Elements     
11091 OOSF Search Function     
11092 OOSG Settings for Credit Memo   
11093 OOSH Control Elements Day-To-Day Actys   
11094 OOSK Cost Accounting Control    
11095 OOSR Settings for Invoice    
11096 OOSS Prices; Taxes; Account Assignment   
11097 OOTK Integration Appointment Calendar    
11098 OOTO Specify Appointment Types    
11099 OOTS Breakpoints      
11100 OOTT Attendee Types     
11101 OOTV Prebookings      
11102 OOUM Integration Cost Transfer Posting   
11103 OOUR C. Enhancement Resource Reservation   
11104 OOVA Business Event Catalog    
11105 OOVB Vacancy Editing     
11106 OOVO Prebooking Business Event Types   
11107 OOVW Service for Lock    
11108 OOWB TEM-ESS : Standard values   
11109 OOWFAC Activate Workflow Event Linkage   
11110 OOWIZ1 Cost Transfer Posting    
11111 OOWIZ2 Activity Allocation     
11112 OOWIZ3 Billing      
11113 OOWIZ4 Customizing Correspondence     
11114 OOWIZ5 Cost Transfer Posting    
11115 OOW4 Workflow/Org.Mgmt Prefix Numbers    
11116 OOZI Dynamic Menus Additional Info   
11117 OOZO Shift Planning: Simulate Attendence   
11118 OOZS Attendance Types Time Management   
11119 OOZT Shift Planning: Employee Status   
11120 OOZW Integration with Time Management   
11121 OO0D Object Description Profile    
11122 OPCF Time units     
11123 OPCI Setup group key/category    
11124 OPDD Factory calendar     
11125 OPDK Define standard overview    
11126 OPDL Cap. plan. detailed cap.list maint.  
11127 OPDM Define detail list (leveling)   
11128 OPDT Define detail list    
11129 OPDV Com-file (Rel-Info/OLPK) KOP. Set´s   
11130 OPDW Com-file (Rel-Info/OLPK) KOP. Set´s   
11131 OPENPS Download Activities to Palm Pilot  
11132 OPE9 Maintain User Profile    
11133 OPFP Configuring the Fixed Price Version  
11134 OPFR01 RPUCORF0PBS : IMG Link   
11135 OPF0 Maintain User     
11136 OPH1 CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: Delete Actual Dat
11137 OPH2 PS Cash Management: Delete Plan Dat 
11138 OPH3 CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: Delete Master Dat
11139 OPH4 CO Cash Bgt Mgmt: MM Data Transfer
11140 OPH5 CO CBM: Successive FI Data Transfer 
11141 OPH6 CO CBM: Take Over FI Completely 
11142 OPH7 CO-CBM: Take Over All Data  
11143 OPIN Number range maintnce: VHU_PINST   
11144 OPI1 Maintain Value Categories     
11145 OPI2 Maintain Categories for Cost Elements   
11146 OPI4 Item Value Categories    
11147 OPI5 Categories for Stag.Key Figs   
11148 OPI8 Display Value Category     
11149 OPJA Maintain setup group/group category   
11150 OPJB Specify system messages    
11151 OPJO C MM-BD units of measurement  
11152 OPJU Production order control parameters   
11153 OPJX Factory Calendar C    
11154 OPJ0 Maintain User     
11155 OPJ1 Maintain User Profiles    
11156 OPJ3 Maintain Authorizations     
11157 OPJ4 Schedule batch function request    
11158 OPJ6 Maintain Status Profiles    
11159 OPKK Standard Text     
11160 OPKQ Customizing: Matchcode for Proc.Ord   
11161 OPKR Print flag     
11162 OPKT Initial Screen: Settlement Structur   
11163 OPKV Print Flag     
11164 OPKW Print shop papers    
11165 OPKX Deletion Flag/Indicator     
11166 OPKZ Customizing Matchcode for ProdOrder   
11167 OPK7 Accessing Customizing PDC transfer   
11168 OPLB CondTab: Create (batch; prod.)   
11169 OPLC CondTab: Change (batchs; prod.)   
11170 OPLD CondTab: Display (batches; prod.)   
11171 OPLI Background job for goods movements  
11172 OPLJ Job Fast entry confirmation     
11173 OPLL Order progress: Displayed fields   
11174 OPLP Job Convert planned order     
11175 OPMI Import models activities    
11176 OPMJ Determine progress values    
11177 OPN1 Maintain Profiles for Master Recipe  
11178 OPO1 Create Cost Element Planning Layout  
11179 OPO2 Change Cost Element Planning Layout  
11180 OPO3 Display Cost Element Planning Layou  
11181 OPO4 Create Stat. KF Planning Layout  
11182 OPO5 Change Stat. KF Planning Layout  
11183 OPO6 Display Stat. KF Planning Layout  
11184 OPPB Direct Procurement     
11185 OPPE Conversion Plnnd Order -> Prod.Orde  
11186 OPPE11 Define iPPE User Profiles    
11187 OPPE12 Determine Tabs for iPPE Worbench   
11188 OPPE13 User Assignment: iPPE Workbench   
11189 OPPE20 Profile Maintenance iPPE PS   
11190 OPPJ MRP Checking Rule    
11191 OPPL MRP      
11192 OPPM Evaluation Profiles     
11193 OPPQ C M MRP Plant Parameters for MRP
11194 OPPR C M MRP MRP Group  
11195 OPPZ MRP Group     
11196 OPP1 Customizing MRP     
11197 OPP2 MPS      
11198 OPP3 Customizing Repetitive Manufacturin    
11199 OPP5 List Profile Component List   
11200 OPSB Cost Planning Profile    
11201 OPSI Edit PS validation rules   
11202 OPSM Maintain Overall Profile PS InfoSys  
11203 OPSN Edit PS substitution rules   
11204 OPSO Maintain Project Types    
11205 OPSP Capacity availability check    
11206 OPST Network Confirmation Parameters    
11207 OPSX PS: Reset Budgeted Status   
11208 OPS5 Maintain Standard Network Profile   
11209 OPS9 Budget Management Profile    
11210 OPTH PS info system maintenance   
11211 OPTM Fincl Budgeting Profile for Project  
11212 OPTX Maint. PS Info System database set. 
11213 OPTZ Matchcode for standard WBS elements  
11214 OPT2 Matchcode for project definition   
11215 OPT3 Matchcode for WBS elements   
11216 OPT4 Matchcode for standard network   
11217 OPT5 Customizing matchcode for network   
11218 OPUZ Control parameters plant maintenanc   
11219 OPU0 Matchcode for standard project def.  
11220 OPU3 Production order control parameters   
11221 OPU6 Production order control parameters   
11222 OPU7 Control parameters plant maintenanc   
11223 OPVC Convert Avlability Cntrl Tol.Limits   
11224 OPVP Collective availibility checkProfil    
11225 OP01 Customizing Routing/Work Center    
11226 OP03 Factory Calendar C    
11227 OP07 Standard Text     
11228 OP08 Standard Text     
11229 OP13 Maintain Screen Sequence    
11230 OP18 Maintain Setup Group/Setup Group Ca  
11231 OP36 Maintain Capacity Default Values   
11232 OP41 Matchcode for work center   
11233 OP49 Matchcode for Routings/Ref. Op. Set  
11234 OP58 Maintain Default Value Profiles   
11235 OP61 Number range maintenance: ROUTING_3   
11236 OP62 Number ranges for routings   
11237 OP63 Number Ranges for Ref.Operation Set  
11238 OP7A Customizing matchcode for PRTs   
11239 OP73 PRT Authorization Group    
11240 OP77 Engineering Workbench for Task List  
11241 OP8C Record layout for background (APL)  
11242 OP8D Data transfer APL    
11243 OP8H Profiles: Default Values for Rtgs.  
11244 OP84 Profiles: Default Values for Rtgs.  
11245 OP85 Profiles: Default Values for QM  
11246 OQBA Variants-maintain all-QINF in DB   
11247 OQBB Activate Customizing doc. types   
11248 OQBC Deactivate Customizing doc. types   
11249 OQIA Maintain variant: Q-level evaluatio   
11250 OQIC Work list variant for results rec. 
11251 OQID Order maint. variant for material  
11252 OQIE Usage var. for QM order in material
11253 OQIF Customize Lot Selection for QVM1  
11254 OQIG Customize Lot Selection for QVM2  
11255 OQIH Customize Lot Selection for QVM3  
11256 OQII Customize Lot Selection for QA16  
11257 OQIJ Field select. maintain results hist  
11258 OQIK Field sel. PhysSampDraw with ref.  
11259 OQIL Field sel. insp. lots for physSamps 
11260 OQIM Field sel. deletion program Q-level  
11261 OQIN Results recording for insp. points  
11262 OQIO Results recording for insp. lots  
11263 OQIP Results recording for insp. charac.  
11264 OQIQ Results recording variant for sampl  
11265 OQIR Results recording variant for equip  
11266 OQIS Res. recording variant for fnct. Lo 
11267 OQIT Settings for Insp. Method List  
11268 OQIU Settings for Master Insp. Char. Lis 
11269 OQIV Results History for Task List Chara 
11270 OQIW Results History for Task List Chara 
11271 OQIX Test Equipment Usage List   
11272 OQIY Test Equipment Tracking    
11273 OQI3 Storage Data Maintenance    
11274 OQI4 Customize Lot Selection for QA32/33  
11275 OQI5 List of control charts for insp. lo
11276 OQI6 List of control charts for task lis
11277 OQI7 Results Recording Worklist: New   
11278 OQI8 Work list variant automatic UD  
11279 OQI9 Cntrl chart lists for master charac 
11280 OQNC Set field selection for notif. list 
11281 OQND Set field selection for task list 
11282 OQNE Set field selection for item list 
11283 OQNF Variant: Work list activities   
11284 OQNL Field selec. multi-lvl list - notif 
11285 OQNM Field selec. mul.lev. list - partne 
11286 OQNN Field selec. mul.level list - item 
11287 OQNO Field selec. multi-lvl list - activ 
11288 OQNP Field selec. multi-level list - tas 
11289 OQNU Multi-lev. list fld selection-cause   
11290 OQR0 Organize QM Archiving    
11291 OQS8 Customizing for IQS8    
11292 OQS9 Customizing for IQS9    
11293 OQZ7 Create cond. table for certificates  
11294 OQZ8 Change cond. table for certificates  
11295 OQZ9 Disp. cond. table for certificates  
11296 OQ02 Maintain Forms     
11297 OQ49 Routing matchcode     
11298 OQ62 Number ranges for inspection plans  
11299 OQ63 Number ranges for ref.operation set  
11300 OQ77 Engineering Workbench for QM   
11301 OQ84 Profile def. values: Task list/gen.  
11302 OQ85 Profile def. values: Task list/char  
11303 ORDO Download of an Investment Program  
11304 ORET Report Selection     
11305 ORFA Asset Accounting Customizing    
11306 ORIS Stat. Setup: Sales Price Revaluatio  
11307 ORISBW Reorg: BW Sls Price Revaluation Doc 
11308 ORKA C CO-OPA Configuration Menu: Orders  
11309 ORKE Display CO-PA IMG    
11310 ORKL Reconciliation Ledger Menu    
11311 ORK0 Configuration menu gen. controlling   
11312 ORK1 Customizing: Account-Based EC-PCA    
11313 ORK2 EC-PCA: Call IMG    
11314 ORMI Import models orders    
11315 ORUP Upload of an Investment Program  
11316 OSPI Number Range for Backflush Discrep.  
11317 OSPJ No.Range Maintenance f. Document Lo  
11318 OSPM Background Job Reprocessing REM   
11319 OSPN Background Job: Adjmt. of Dep. Reqs 
11320 OSPO Backgr. Job - Agg. Coll. Backflush 
11321 OSPR Number Ranges in REM   
11322 OSPT Repetitive Mfg Profile Assistant   
11323 OSPY Conversion for withdrawal seq. grp  
11324 OSS1 Logon to SAPNet    
11325 OS01 LAN check with ping   
11326 OS02 Operating system configuration    
11327 OS03 O/S Parameter changes    
11328 OS04 Local System Configuration    
11329 OS05 Remote System Cconfiguration    
11330 OS06 Local Operating System Activity   
11331 OS07 Remote Operating System Activity   
11332 OS40 Generate BOM Transfer File   
11333 OS41 Transfer BOM without Long Text  
11334 OS42 Process Transfer File    
11335 OS43 Copy BOM changes    
11336 OS44 Copy BOM variants    
11337 OS45 Copy BOM with description   
11338 OS46 Edit transfer file (long text)_  
11339 OS53 Number ranges for change master  
11340 OS61 Effectivity Type     
11341 OTCP Call TR OTCO    
11342 OTLA Report Selection     
11343 OTPM Define El.Bank Stmt Search String  
11344 OT20 Number Ranges of Memo Records  
11345 OT30 Open item account    
11346 OT31 Not an open item account  
11347 OT35 Purchase orders     
11348 OT38 C FI Batch Input Program  
11349 OT39 C FI Batch Input Program  
11350 OT43 C Maintain version: Man. bank stmt 
11351 OT45 C Maintain variants: check deposit  
11352 OT48 C FT CMF reorganization   
11353 OT50 C Elec acct assignment /checks recd 
11354 OT58 C Elec acct determntn (manual acct) 
11355 OT59 C Elec.bkng ac.assignment (   
11356 OT60 C TR Acct determin G/L acct balint
11357 OT62 C acct determination dep./loan mgmt  
11358 OT69 Reorganize CM data from orders  
11359 OT75 Reconstruct CM from Vendor Bill.Doc  
11360 OT76 Reconstruct CM from Loans   
11361 OT77 Reconstruct CM from Securities   
11362 OT78 Reconstruct FC; Money Mkt; Deriv.  
11363 OT81 Repetitive Codes     
11364 OV/1 Generate Record Layout    
11365 OV/2 RV Batch Input Program   
11366 OV/3 RV Batch Input Program   
11367 OV/4 RV Batch Input Program   
11368 OV/5 RV Batch Input Program   
11369 OV/6 RV Transfer Program    
11370 OV/7 Test Data for Data Transfer  
11371 OV/8 Test Data - Transfer Data - Cond.
11372 OV/9 Display Test Data    
11373 OVAA C SD Tab. VAG Rejection Reasons 
11374 OVAC C SD Tab VCPA Copy Documents  
11375 OVAE C SD Tab. VEP Orders  
11376 OVAF C SD Tab. 184 Item Category Determ
11377 OVAG C SD Tab. VAG Rejection Reasons 
11378 OVAQ C SD Tab. VAU Order Block Reasons
11379 OVAR C SD Tab. ROAZ Route Determination 
11380 OVAS C SD Tab. VAST Order: Block Reason  
11381 OVAT C SD Tab. TXVR Copy Document Text
11382 OVAU C SD Tab. VAU Other Reasons 
11383 OVAV C SD Tab. MVFU Avail.Check Criteri 
11384 OVAX C SD Tab. VAU   
11385 OVAY C SD Tab. 184E Sched.Line Determ. 
11386 OVAZ C SD Tab. VAKZ Order Type/Organiz. 
11387 OVA0 C_RV_Tab. VVVS Status group    
11388 OVA5 C SD Tab.VHA Ord.Type Group Itm Det
11389 OVBT Modification Report Billing Plan   
11390 OVB3 Rebate: Reorganiz. of Billing Index  
11391 OVCB Structure of Reporting View   
11392 OVCC Assign View to User   
11393 OVCD Definition of Reporting View   
11394 OVCE Control Update of Perform.Measures   
11395 OVCF Control Reporting - Info Blocks  
11396 OVCM RVCust:TVKK:Planning:Sales Act. Typ    
11397 OVE6 C RV Table T616 Exp/Import Proced.  
11398 OVE7 C SD Table T616Z BusTransTypeProp.  
11399 OVE8 C SD Table TVFM MatPrGrp-Imp/Exp  
11400 OVFB C SD Tab. TVBO   
11401 OVFC C SD Tab.TVCPF    
11402 OVFK C SD Table VFK Billing Documents 
11403 OVFS C SD Table VFS   
11404 OVFU C SD Table VFSP   
11405 OVF3 C_RV_Tab. VAUK Cost Centers    
11406 OVG1 Redetermine subtotal     
11407 OVH1 C RV Tab. THIT Hierarchy Type 
11408 OVH2 C SD Tab. THIZU AcctGrpAssignment  
11409 OVH3 C RV Tab. THIOZ Org.assignments  
11410 OVK0 C SD Table STE Tax Categories  
11411 OVK1 C SD Table V_TST Tax Catg./Country  
11412 OVK3 C SD Table TSKD Cust.Tax Indicator  
11413 OVK4 C SD Table TSKM Mat.Tax Indicator  
11414 OVK5 V Table VKM Material Acct Grp 
11415 OVK7 C SD Table T459 Reqt/PlanOrd.Type  
11416 OVK8 C SD Tab. TVKT Customer Acct Grp
11417 OVK9 Tax Records for Each Country  
11418 OVLA C SD Tab T173 Shipping Types 
11419 OVLB C SD Tab TVKOL   
11420 OVLC C SD Tab.TVCPL    
11421 OVLD SD Table VKN Trans.connection point  
11422 OVLE SD Table VTR Mode of Transport 
11423 OVLF C SD Tab TROLZ   
11424 OVLG C SD Tab. TVLG Weight Grp/Deliver 
11425 OVLH SD Table VRO Routes   
11426 OVLL C SD Tab T630L Loading Times 
11427 OVLM C RV Tab. TROLZ Route determ.  
11428 OVLN C SD Tab TVLSP Delivery Blockin 
11429 OVLR C SD Tab TROAL   
11430 OVLS C SD Tab TVLS Delivery Block Reason
11431 OVLU c_rv_tab. vro Transit time    
11432 OVLV C SD Tab T630R Shipping Times 
11433 OVLW C SD Tab.T644    
11434 OVLX C SD Tab TVLSP Delivery Blocks 
11435 OVL1 C SD Tab. VRO Transportat.Plannin  
11436 OVL5 Maintain Transit Time    
11437 OVNA C SD Table T685B   
11438 OVNB C SD Tab. TVST Shipping Point Info
11439 OVNC C SD Tab. TNAPR Layouts  
11440 OVND C SD Tab TNAPN Output/Part.Functio  
11441 OVNE C SD Tab. TVKO Sales Org.Informatio 
11442 OVNF C SD Table T685B   
11443 OVNG C SD Tab. TVAK Assign Ouput 
11444 OVNI C SD Tab. TVLK Assign Output 
11445 OVNJ C SD Tab. TVFK Assign Output 
11446 OVNK C SD Table 077D Higher-level Output 
11447 OVNL C SD Table T685B   
11448 OVNM C SD Background job messages  
11449 OVNN C SD Output Variants   
11450 OVNO C SD Table TVKO Form for SalesOff
11451 OVPS Document Mgmt Customizing    
11452 OVP3 Change price point group   
11453 OVRB Statistical Currency per Sales Org.  
11454 OVRC C SD Variants for Orders on Hand
11455 OVRD C SD Background Jobs f. Ord. onHan
11456 OVRE C SD Top Cust/Mat Variants  
11457 OVRF C SD Table TVSM Material Stats Grps
11458 OVRG C SD Background Jobs f. Top Cust/Ma
11459 OVR0 SD Table 171 Sales Regions  
11460 OVR1 SD Table ZONE Transportation Zones  
11461 OVR2 c_rv_Tab. T016 Sectors    
11462 OVR3 C SD Tab. Customer Calendar  
11463 OVR4 C SD Tab. Billing Schedules  
11464 OVSA C SD Table T130W Plant Fld Selec.  
11465 OVSB C SD Tab.T176 Purchase Order Types   
11466 OVSC C SD Table TVWA GoodsReceivingHrs.  
11467 OVSD C SD Tab.TPRIO Delivery Priorities   
11468 OVSF C SD Table TVSB Shipping Cond.  
11469 OVSG C SD Table TINC Incoterms  
11470 OVSH C SD Table TVBO Rebate Groups 
11471 OVSI C SD View V_T189 Price List Categ.  
11472 OVSJ C SD Table T178 Mat.Cond.Group  
11473 OVSK C SD Table TVPR Commission Groups 
11474 OVSL Pricing groups for customers   
11475 OVSM C SD Table TVAV Buying Habits 
11476 OVSN C SD Table TPFK   
11477 OVSP C SD MS Material Types  
11478 OVSQ C SD Table TSAB Departments  
11479 OVSR C SD Table TVPV Decision Authorit 
11480 OVSU C SD Table TUMS Material Status  
11481 OVSV C RV Customizing Product Hierarchy  
11482 OVSW C SD Table TVBR Call Frequency 
11483 OVSX C SD Table TLGR   
11484 OVSY C SD Table TGR   
11485 OVS0 C SD Matchcodes Product Proposals  
11486 OVS1 SD Matchcodes Materials    
11487 OVS2 C SD Matchcodes Customers   
11488 OVS3 C SD matchcode for contact person 
11489 OVS4 C SD Matchcodes Vendors   
11490 OVS5 C SD Matchcodes Sales Personnel  
11491 OVS6 C SD Table TKUKL Customer Classif.  
11492 OVS7 C SD Tab.TKUPA PartnerGrp/Customer   
11493 OVS9 C SD Table T151 Customer Groups  
11494 OVTH C SD Table T079V Screen Selection  
11495 OVT0 C SD Table 077D Accnt Grp Customer  
11496 OVT1 C SD Table 142 Storage condition 
11497 OVT2 SD Table 143    
11498 OVT4 C SD Valuation Classes Materials  
11499 OVT5 C SD Table 077K Vendor Account Grp
11500 OVT6 View V_TVRL     
11501 OVVX Collective Document Types for SD  
11502 OVV0 C SD Tab. TVCPA Order Copying Rule
11503 OVV1 C SD Tab.VCPL Delivery Copying Rule 
11504 OVV2 C SD Tab.TVCPF Billing copying rule 
11505 OVV3 C SD Table TVFS Billing Block 
11506 OVXA Division -> Sales organization   
11507 OVXC Shipping point -> Plant   
11508 OVXE C RV Tab. VSTZ Plant/Ship.Point  
11509 OVXF C RV Tab. VRSZ Legs/Route  
11510 OVXG Define sales areas    
11511 OVXH C RV Tab. VTR Carrier  
11512 OVXJ Sales group -> Sales office  
11513 OVXK Distrib.channels->Sales organiz.     
11514 OVXM Sales office -> Sales area  
11515 OVXN C RV Tab. VKN   
11516 OVXZ C SD Table NLS Nielsen ID  
11517 OVX2 Business area->Plant/Division     
11518 OVX3 Company code -> Sales organization  
11519 OVX6 Plants->Sales org./     
11520 OVX8 Check Report Organization Sales   
11521 OVZA C SD Number Ranges/Product Proposal  
11522 OVZB C SD Number Ranges/Material Master  
11523 OVZC C SD Number Ranges/Customer Master  
11524 OVZD C SD Inactive !!! NR contact person
11525 OVZE C SD Number Ranges/Vendors   
11526 OVZF C SD Number Ranges/Sales Personnel  
11527 OVZ1 C SD Tab. TMVFP Avail.check criteri 
11528 OVZ2 C SD Tab. MVF Avail. check control
11529 OVZ3 C SD Tab. TMVFU Avail.check criteri 
11530 OVZ4 C SD Factory Calendar   
11531 OVZ5 C SD User Maintenance   
11532 OV05 Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion    
11533 OV06 Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion    
11534 OV07 Condition Table: Listing/Exclusion    
11535 OV08 Condition Table: Add Index   
11536 OV09 Condition table: Change Index   
11537 OV10 Condition Table: Display Index   
11538 OV16 Condition Table: Material Substit.   
11539 OV17 Condition Table: Material Substit.   
11540 OV18 Condition Table: Material Substit.D   
11541 OV20 Condition Table: Create Rebate   
11542 OV21 Condition Table: Change Rebate   
11543 OV22 Condition Table: Display Rebate   
11544 OV46 Condition table: Cross-selling H   
11545 OV47 Condition table: Cross-selling Ä   
11546 OV48 Condition table: Cross-selling A   
11547 OV50 Comparison of master data for cust. 
11548 OV51 Display of Changes for Customer  
11549 OV52 Del.Customers Pre-Production Startu    
11550 OV61 Recon. account det.: Create table  
11551 OV62 Rec. account det.: Change table  
11552 OV63 Rec. account det.: Display table  
11553 OV7Z Create Characteristics for Rem.Allo   
11554 OV71 Cash account det.: Change table  
11555 OV72 Cash account det.: Display table  
11556 OV8Z Check Settings     
11557 OV80 Acc. det.- credit cards: Create tab 
11558 OV81 Acc. det.- credit cards: Change tab 
11559 OV82 Acc. det.- credit cards: Displ. tab 
11560 OV9Z Suitable Statistical Structures    
11561 OV90 COPA project: Create table   
11562 OV91 COPA project: Change table   
11563 OV92 COPA project: Display table   
11564 OWA1 Configuration: Generate Foll.Docs A   
11565 OWBA Trading Contract: Inc. Costs Sales  
11566 OWBC Trading Contract: Incid. Costs Purc  
11567 OWB10 Number range maintenance: WB2B   
11568 OWD1 Maintain rounding profiles    
11569 OWEA Output Determination; Mat. Maint.   
11570 OWEB Delete Label Messages (GR)   
11571 OWEK Labeling: Conditions     
11572 OWET Labeling: Condition Table    
11573 OWS0 Batch Management     
11574 OWTY Customizing Warranty Processing    
11575 OWTYCU WTY Tabstrip Customizing    
11576 OWV0 Customizing Pricing     
11577 OW00 Default values for fields in views 
11578 OXA1 List: Service Master Records   
11579 OXK1 Coding Block: Maintain Subscreens   
11580 OXK2 Display Coding Block Subscreens   
11581 OXK3 Coding Block: Maintain CustomerFiel   
11582 OXK4 Coding Block: Display CustomerField   
11583 OX01 Company Code -> Purchasing Org.  
11584 OX06 Controlling Area: Basic Data   
11585 OX14 C MM-IV Valuation area - val. level
11586 OX17 Plants -> Purchasing organization   
11587 OX18 Plants->company code     
11588 OX19 Controlling Area: Assgn. to CCode  
11589 OYEA IDoc administration     
11590 OYEB Event coupling for IDoc inbound  
11591 OYEC Delete codes for process technology  
11592 OYED Conversion EDIS -> EDIR   
11593 OYSM Number Range tRFC Port   
11594 OYSN Number Range IDoc    
11595 OYSO Number Range R/2 Mailbag   
11596 OYSP Process codes <-> standard tasks  
11597 OYSQ Number range for R/2-R/3 linkage  
11598 OYS1 Maintain Number Range: EDIPORT   
11599 OY04 C Decimal Places for Currencies  
11600 OY18 Table history     
11601 OY19 Customizing Cross-System Viewer    
11602 O000 C RM-MAT Menu - Classification  
11603 O020 Record Layout for BTCI (Classes)  
11604 O021 Class Data Transfer    
11605 O023 Display Class Maintenance Data File  
11606 O024 Transfer Class Data: Direct Input  
11607 O035 Country version delivery sys create  
11608 O037 HR Customizing User Parameters   
11609 O052 Set up Clients    
11610 O053 Customizing Request Management    
11611 O06C Define Process Manufacturing Cockpi   
11612 O07C Obsolete transaction     
11613 O2CL Profile for User Settings   
11614 O20C ProcMgmt: Copy Settings betw. Plant  
11615 O21C PP-PI: Where-Used List for Charact.  
11616 O22C Copy SAP Messages (Standard)   
11617 O23C Client Copy of PP-PI Characteristic  
11618 O24C Copy SAP Messages (Generic)   
11619 O25C Create Charac. with PP-PI Attribute  
11620 O25X Create Charac. with PP-PI Attribute  
11621 O26C Change Charac. with PP-PI Attribute  
11622 O26X Change Charac. with PP-PI Attribute  
11623 O27C Display Charac. with PP-PI Attribut  
11624 O27X Display Charac. with PP-PI Attribut  
11625 O28C Copy SAP Messages (Central)   
11626 O285 Master Recipe/QM Data    
11627 O29C Copy SAP Messages (Decentralized)   
11628 O7E1 Payment advice note entry screens.  
11629 O7E3 Acnt assignment model entry screens  
11630 O7E4 Preliminary posting entry screens   
11631 O7E5 Vendor inv./cr.mem. entry screens   
11632 O7E6 G/L item fast entry screens  
11633 O7FA Pyt Adv.Notes Field Sel.Ext.Sel.Fld   
11634 O7FB Auto.Pymt Fld Sel.Sort Payment   
11635 O7FC Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Find Payment    
11636 O7FD Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Sort Payment    
11637 O7FE Auto.Pymt Fld.Sel.Find Line Item   
11638 O7F1 Clearing field selection conditions   
11639 O7F2 Clearing field selection search   
11640 O7F3 Clearing Field Selection Sort   
11641 O7F4 Item Display Field Sel.Conditions   
11642 O7F5 Item Display Field Selection Search  
11643 O7F6 Item Display Field Selection Sort  
11644 O7F7 Item Display Field Selection Total  
11645 O7F8 Item Display Field Sel.Addit.Fields   
11646 O7F9 Paymnt Adv.Notes Field Selction Fld  
11647 O7L0 FI IMG Link    
11648 O7R1 Item Display Totals Variants   
11649 O7R2 Item Display Master Record Info.  
11650 O7R3 Item Display Special Fields   
11651 O7S1 Pyt Medium Correspondence Sort Varn  
11652 O7S2 Pyt Medium Line Items Sort Variant 
11653 O7S3 Credit Management Sort Variants   
11654 O7S4 General Correspondence Sort Variant   
11655 O7S5 Correspondence Int.Docs Sort Varian   
11656 O7S6 Line Item Corresp.Sort Variant   
11657 O7S7 Item Display Sort Variants   
11658 O7V1 Document Display Default Line Layou  
11659 O7V2 Item Display Default Line Layout  
11660 O7V3 Clearing Default Line Layout   
11661 O7V4 Automatic Paymnt Default Line Layou  
11662 O7V5 Auto.Pyt Line Item Dflt Line Layout 
11663 O7V6 Paymt Adv.Notes Default Line Layout  
11664 O7V7 Credit Management Dflt Line Layout  
11665 O7Z1 Document Display Line Layout   
11666 O7Z2 Document Posting Line Layout   
11667 O7Z3 Document Display Line Layout   
11668 O7Z4 Clearing Line Layout    
11669 O7Z4D Clearing Line Layout    
11670 O7Z4K Clearing Line Layout    
11671 O7Z4S Clearing Line Layout    
11672 O7Z5 Auto.Payment Line Layout    
11673 O7Z6 Auto.Pyt Line Item Line Layout  
11674 O7Z7 Payment Adv.Notes Line Layout   
11675 O7Z8 External Documents Line Layout   
11676 O7Z9 Credit Management Line Layout   
11677 O984 Customizing doc converter program   
11678 TA Header Description     
11679 PAAH Call Ad-Hoc Query    
11680 PACA PF Administration     
11681 PACB PF account maintenance    
11682 PACC PF debugger     
11683 PACE Pension fund : Postings   
11684 PACEN New posting maintenance    
11685 PACG HR-CH-PF ESS-Online Simulation    
11686 PACK HR-CH: Pension fund    
11687 PACN Number range maint. for accounts  
11688 PACO Account/Posting maintenance PF    
11689 PACP Pension Fund; Interface    
11690 PACS Applicant Evaluation PF    
11691 PACT PC parameter maintenance    
11692 PAC0 PC Editor: Initial screen   
11693 PAC5 Maintain HR Master Data   
11694 PAEP1 Procedure for Single Records: PA   
11695 PAEP2 Procedure for Final Results: PA  
11696 PAJP Call Reporting Tree - Japan  
11697 PAKG Adjustments workbench     
11698 PAKY Adjustments Workbench (excl. adjust   
11699 PAL1 Create Sales Representative    
11700 PAL2 Display Sales Representative    
11701 PAL3 Maintain Sales Representative    
11702 PAL4 Create Buyer     
11703 PAL5 Maintain Buyer     
11704 PAL6 Display Buyer     
11705 PAR1 Flexible Employee Data    
11706 PAR2 Employee List     
11707 PAT1 Personnel Administration Info Syste   
11708 PAUX Adjustment Workbench     
11709 PAUY Adjustment Workbench (retro proc.)   
11710 PAW1 Who is who    
11711 PAZZ Call Word interface    
11712 PA0A Number Range Maintenance: HRPERSON   
11713 PA00 Initial PA Master Data Menu  
11714 PA03 Maintain Personnel Control Record   
11715 PA05 Number Range Maintenance: RP_COIFT   
11716 PA06 Number Range Maintenance: PD_SEQ_NR   
11717 PA07 Number Range Maintenance: RP_GARNEM   
11718 PA08 Maintain Number Range: RP_GARNSUB   
11719 PA09 Number Range Maintenance: HR_MMSRV   
11720 PA10 Personnel File     
11721 PA20 Display HR Master Data   
11722 PA30 Maintain HR Master Data   
11723 PA40 Personnel Actions     
11724 PA41 Change Entry/Leaving Date    
11725 PA42 Fast Entry for Actions   
11726 PA48 Hiring from non-SAP system   
11727 PA51 Display Time Data    
11728 PA53 Display Time Data    
11729 PA61 Maintain Time Data    
11730 PA62 List Entry of Additional Data  
11731 PA63 Maintain Time Data    
11732 PA64 Calendar Entry     
11733 PA70 Fast Entry     
11734 PA71 Fast Entry of Time Data  
11735 PA97 Compensation administration - matri   
11736 PA98 Compensation Administration     
11737 PA99 Compensation Admin. - Release Repor  
11738 PBAA Evaluate recruitment instrument    
11739 PBAB Maintain vacancy assignments    
11740 PBAC Applicant statistics     
11741 PBAD Recurring tasks: Print letters   
11742 PBAE Applicant pool     
11743 PBAF Vacancy assignment list    
11744 PBAG Screening      
11745 PBAH Decision      
11746 PBAI All applicants via qualifications   
11747 PBAJ Recruitment info system    
11748 PBAK Recurring Tasks: Print Labels   
11749 PBAL Bulk processing     
11750 PBAM Variable Applicant List    
11751 PBAN Ad Hoc Query    
11752 PBAO ABAP Query     
11753 PBAP Internal Applicants Via Quals   
11754 PBAQ External Applicants Via Quals   
11755 PBAT Choose SAPscript or WinWord   
11756 PBAU Maintain T750C     
11757 PBAV Display T750C     
11758 PBAW Maintain T750B     
11759 PBAX Display T750B     
11760 PBAY Maintain T750X     
11761 PBAZ Display T750X     
11762 PBA0 Evaluate advertisements     
11763 PBA1 Applicant index     
11764 PBA2 List of applications    
11765 PBA3 Applicant vacancy assignment list   
11766 PBA4 Receipt of application    
11767 PBA5 Recurring tasks: Print letters   
11768 PBA6 Recurring tasks: Print letters   
11769 PBA7 Recurring tasks: Data transfer   
11770 PBA8 Recurring tasks: Transfer data   
11771 PBA9 List of planned actions   
11772 PBWW Customizing standard text in WinWor  
11773 PBW1 Career Center     
11774 PBW2 Application Status     
11775 PBW3 Internet scenario for applicant   
11776 PBW4 Assigned Applicants: OBSOLETE    
11777 PBW5 Assigned Applicants: OBSOLETE    
11778 PB00 Recruitment      
11779 PB04 Number Range Maintenance: RP_PAPL   
11780 PB10 Init.entry of applicant master data  
11781 PB2A B2A Manager     
11782 PB20 Display applicant master data   
11783 PB30 Maintain applicant master data   
11784 PB40 Applicant actions     
11785 PB50 Display Applicant Activities    
11786 PB60 Maintain Applicant Activities    
11787 PB80 Evaluate vacancies     
11788 PCA Cards      
11789 PCA_MC Mass Encryption /Decryption     
11790 PCA_SC Server Check      
11791 PCA0 Production campaign menu    
11792 PCA1 Creating a Production Campaign   
11793 PCA2 Change Prod. Camp.: Initial Screen  
11794 PCA3 Display Prod. Camp.: Initial Screen  
11795 PCCO Production Campaign: Costs    
11796 PCCV Payment Card: Field Grouping   
11797 PCC0 Maintnce fam.rltd.bonuses Switz.    
11798 PCC1 Maintain Swiss Payroll Units   
11799 PCKC Consistency Check Constants    
11800 PCKY Consistency Check Year-End    
11801 PCP0 Edit posting runs    
11802 PC01 Payroll Germany     
11803 PC02 Area Menu Payroll for Switzerland  
11804 PC03 Area Menu Payroll Austria   
11805 PC04 Area menu Payroll - Spain  
11806 PC05 Area menu - Payroll Netherlands  
11807 PC06 Payroll Menu - France   
11808 PC07 Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Kanada    
11809 PC08 Area menu-payroll for Great Britain  
11810 PC09 Area Menu-Payroll for Denmark   
11811 PC10 Bereichsmenü - Abrechnung für USA  
11812 PC11 Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Irland    
11813 PC12 Area menu - Payroll for Belgium 
11814 PC13 Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Austral    
11815 PC14 Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Malaysi    
11816 PC15 Area menu-payroll for Italy   
11817 PC16 Area menu-payroll for South Africa  
11818 PC17 Main menu for Venezuelan payroll  
11819 PC19 Payroll for Portugal    
11820 PC20 Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Norwege    
11821 PC22 Payroll accounting for Japan   
11822 PC23 Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Schwede    
11823 PC25 Payroll Menu: Singapore    
11824 PC26 Payroll for Thailand    
11825 PC27 Payroll Accounting for Hong Kong  
11826 PC28 Area menu - International payroll  
11827 PC29 Area menu-Payroll acctg Argentina   
11828 PC32 Area menu-Payroll Mexico    
11829 PC34 Payroll Menu for Indonesia   
11830 PC37 Payroll area menu for Brazil  
11831 PC41 Payroll Korea     
11832 PC42 Payroll menu for Taiwan   
11833 PC43 Area menu-payroll for New Zealand  
11834 PC48 Bereichsmenü-Abrechnung für Philipi    
11835 PC99 Area menu - International payroll  
11836 PDFA Convert payroll journal form   
11837 PDF0 Convert form for remun.statement   
11838 PDF7 Delete form in customer client  
11839 PDF8 Copy form from SAP client  
11840 PDF9 Copy forms within customer client  
11841 PDN Product Designer Workbench    
11842 PDNO Number Range Maintenance: FMPD   
11843 PDSY HR Documentation Maintenance    
11844 PDT2 HU creation in production   
11845 PDW1 Create reporting time types   
11846 PDW2 Create Quota Types for Reporting  
11847 PEPM Profile Matchup     
11848 PEPMEN Task Level Menu for the PEP 
11849 PEST Maintenance of process model   
11850 PEXP Manage Expert Communities    
11851 PE00 Starts Transactions PE01; PE02; PE0  
11852 PE01 HR: Maintain Payroll Schemas   
11853 PE01N Editor for Payroll Schemas   
11854 PE02 HR: Maintain Calculation Rules   
11855 PE02N Editor for PC rules   
11856 PE03 HR: Features     
11857 PE04 Creates Functions and Operations   
11858 PE50 PE50      
11859 PE51 HR form editor    
11860 PFAC Maintain Rule     
11861 PFAL HR: ALE Distribution HR Master Data 
11862 PFCG Role Maintenance     
11863 PFCP Copy Workflow Tasks    
11864 PFCT Task Catalog     
11865 PFDE HR-PF: PC Editor    
11866 PFDF FI Interface Pension Fund   
11867 PFDFP HR-PF-FI: Check Customizing    
11868 PFDT Overview of Insured Persons' Data  
11869 PFM2 Period Monitor: Log Display   
11870 PFM3 CO-PC-ACT: Dummy     
11871 PFM4 Period Monitor: Log Display   
11872 PFM5 Period monitor - log display  
11873 PFOM Maintain Assignment to SAP Org.Objs  
11874 PFOS Display Assignment to SAP Org.Objs  
11875 PFSE Start PFS from R/3 System  
11876 PFSM Start Download of PFS Master Data 
11877 PFSO User's Organizational Environment    
11878 PFT Maintain Customer Task    
11879 PFTC General Task Maintenance    
11880 PFTG Maintain Task Group    
11881 PFTR Standard Task for Transaction   
11882 PFTS Standard Task     
11883 PFUD User Master Data Reconciliation   
11884 PFWF Maintain Workflow Task (Customer)   
11885 PFWS Maintain Workflow Template    
11886 PF02 Cust. Test of Value-Based IM  
11887 PF05 Number Range Maintenance: HRSOBJECT   
11888 PGOM Graphical Structure Maintenance    
11889 PIMG Display R/3 Plug In IMG  
11890 PIMN Human Resources Information System   
11891 PI50 Transfer selected R/2 orders   
11892 PI51 Transfer current R/2 orders   
11893 PI60 Transfer confirmations to R/2   
11894 PJNA Message Output     
11895 PJNK1 Create Condition: JIT Call   
11896 PJNK2 Change Condition: JIT Call   
11897 PJNK3 Display Condition: JIT Call   
11898 PJWE Goods Receipt for JIT Call  
11899 PJ02 Change JIT Call    
11900 PJ03 Display JIT Call    
11901 PJ04 Display JIT Calls    
11902 PKBC Chnge Container Status With Bar Cod 
11903 PKC1 Process cost controlling    
11904 PKRFBC Kanban Barcode without Actual Qty  
11905 PKRF21 Kanban Signal with Radio Frequency  
11906 PKRF22 Quantity Signal with Radio Frequenc  
11907 PKRF23 Event-Driven KANBAN Radio Frequency   
11908 PKW1 Kanban Board WWW    
11909 PK00 Kanban      
11910 PK01 Create Control Cycle    
11911 PK02 Change Control Cycle    
11912 PK02NR Change Control Cycle    
11913 PK03 Display Control Cycle    
11914 PK03NR Display Control Cycle    
11915 PK07 Kanban Calculation     
11916 PK08 Check Kanban Calculation Result   
11917 PK11 Plant Overview: Kanban    
11918 PK12 Kanban Board: Supply Source View  
11919 PK12N Kanban Board: Supply Source View  
11920 PK13 Kanban Board: Demand Source View  
11921 PK13N Kanban Board: Demand Source View  
11922 PK17 Collective Kanban Print    
11923 PK18 Evaluation Control Cycle/Kanban    
11924 PK21 Change Kanban Container Status   
11925 PK22 Kanban Quantity Signal    
11926 PK23 Manual Kanban Creation    
11927 PK24 Enter Customer KANBAN Call   
11928 PK31 Container Correction     
11929 PK41 Backflush KANBAN Orders    
11930 PK50 Display Errors: Kanban    
11931 PK51 Error Processing PDC Kanban   
11932 PK52 Kanban Calculation Error Log   
11933 PK99 Function Access via Transaction   
11934 PL00 Maintenance of Packing Instructions   
11935 PMAH HR-FPM: Access Ad Hoc Query  
11936 PMBA Position Management Report Selectio   
11937 PMBC Create Overall Budget    
11938 PMBD Display Overall Budget    
11939 PMBF Carry Forward Overall Budget   
11940 PMBM Change Overall Budget    
11941 PMBP Change Plan Status     
11942 PMBPI Internet Scenario - Position Mgt  
11943 PMBS Change Budget Status    
11944 PMBT Tools for Report Selection   
11945 PMB0 Position Management Plan Version   
11946 PMB1 Change Overall Budget    
11947 PMB1I Internet Scenario - Budget Info  
11948 PMB2 Display Overall Budget    
11949 PMC1 Check Consistency With Org. Mgt  
11950 PMEC Change Employee     
11951 PMED Display Employee     
11952 PMESIM Manual Payroll Simulation    
11953 PMFD Access HR-PFM via FM Account Assgmt 
11954 PMFM Access HR-PFM via FM Account Assgmt 
11955 PMHS Change Budget Status    
11956 PMIC Consistency check with Funds Mgt  
11957 PMIMG Access Customizing HR-FPM    
11958 PMIS HIS for HR-FPM    
11959 PMJR Document Journal     
11960 PMLA Create: Portfolio List    
11961 PMLB Change: Portfolio List    
11962 PMLC Display: Portfolio List    
11963 PMLD Execute: Portfolio List    
11964 PMMF Financing workbench     
11965 PMMN HR Funds and Position Management  
11966 PMOC Create Organization     
11967 PMOD Display Organization     
11968 PMOF Position List: Listed Options/Fut.   
11969 PMOF3 Position List: Listed Derivatives   
11970 PMOF4 Flow List: Listed Derivatives   
11971 PMOM Change Organization     
11972 PMSI Simulate Payroll Run    
11973 PMSV Reversal of Margin Flows    
11974 PMUS User-Specific Settings     
11975 PMVM variation margin     
11976 PM01 Enhance Infotypes     
11977 PM10 Statements Selection     
11978 PM11 Statements - Single Data Entry  
11979 PM12 Statements - Fast Data Entry  
11980 PM13 Statements - Print    
11981 PM20 Statements with SAPscript    
11982 PNZ3 Pay Scale Reclassification NZ   
11983 PNZ4 Pay Scale Increase NewZealand   
11984 PNZ5 Pay Scale Inc. Extended NewZealand  
11985 POD1 Report RPU_UPDATE_IT118_46C     
11986 POD2 Start Report RPLKGPD0PBS    
11987 POD3 Report RPU_FILL_IT595_46C     
11988 POD4 Start Report RPLOZPD0PBS    
11989 POD5 Report RPU_UPDATE_DOZUL_46C     
11990 POFO1 Create Portfolio     
11991 POFO2 Change Portfolio     
11992 POFO3 Display Portfolio     
11993 POFO31 Portfolio: Create     
11994 POFO32 Portfolio: Change     
11995 POFO33 Portfolio: Display     
11996 POFO34 Portfolio: Create with Reference   
11997 POF1 Create Pkg Instruction Determinatio   
11998 POF2 Change Pkg Instruction Determinatio   
11999 POF3 Display Packing Instr. Determinatio   
12000 POIL View Received Data Log   

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