Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 1-1000

1 AAVN Recalculate base insurable value   
2 ABAA Unplanned depreciation     
3 ABAD Asset Retire. frm Sale w/ Customer 
4 ABAD0 Derivation: Initial Screen    
5 ABAKN Last Retirement on Group Asset  
6 ABAON Asset Sale Without Customer   
7 ABAV Asset Retirement by Scrapping   
8 ABAVN Asset Retirement by Scrapping   
9 ABAW Balance sheet revaluation    
10 ABCO Adjustment Posting to Areas   
11 ABF1 Post Document     
12 ABGF Credit Memo in Year after Invoice 
13 ABGL Enter Credit Memo in Year of Invoic
14 ABIF Investment support     
15 ABMA Manual depreciation     
16 ABMR Manual transfer of reserves   
17 ABMW Reverse asset trans. using doc. no. 
18 ABNA Post-capitalization      
19 ABNAN Post-Capitalization      
20 ABNC Enter post-capitalization     
21 ABNE Subsequent Revenue     
22 ABNK Subsequent Costs     
23 ABNV Number range maint: FIAA-BELNR   
24 ABSO Miscellaneous Transactions     
25 ABST Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA    
26 ABST2 Reconciliation Analysis FI-AA    
27 ABT1 Intercompany Asset Transfer    
28 ABT1N Intercompany Asset Transfer    
29 ABUB Transfer between areas    
30 ABUMN Transfer within Company Code   
31 ABZE Acquisition from in-house productio   
32 ABZK Acquisition from purchase w. vendor  
33 ABZO Asset acquis. autom. offset. postin  
34 ABZON Acquis. w/Autom. Offsetting Entry   
35 ABZP Acquistion from affiliated company   
36 ABZS Enter write-up     
37 ABZU Write-up      
38 ABZV Asset Acquis. Posted w/Clearing Acc  
39 AB01 Create asset transactions    
40 AB02 Change asset document    
41 AB03 Display Asset Document    
42 AB08 Reverse Line Items    
43 ACACAD ACE Account Assignment    
44 ACBD Display Shared Buffer: ATP Check  
45 ACCR Personal Menu Volker Hofmann   
46 ACCR01 Create Accrual/Deferral Document    
47 ACCR02 Change Accrual/Deferral Document    
48 ACCR03 Display Accrual/Deferral Document    
49 ACCR04 Execute Accruals/Deferrals     
50 ACCR05 Display Accruals/Deferrals Log    
51 ACCR06 Delete Accruals/Deferrals Log    
52 ACCR07 Reverse Accruals/Deferrals     
53 ACEC Accrual Engine - IMG   
54 ACEPP Engine - Periodic Postings   
55 ACEREV Reverse Postings      
56 ACNR No. Range Maintenance: Ext. Service  
57 ACTL INTERNAL: Work List    
58 AC00 Service Master     
59 AC01 Service Master     
60 AC02 Service Master     
61 AC03 Service Master     
62 AC04 Service Master     
63 AC05 List Processing: Service Master   
64 AC06 List Display: Service Master   
65 AC08 Send service     
66 AC10 Class Hierarchy with Services   
67 AD08 Enter G/L Account Posting   
68 AD20 Search help maintenance (for IMG)  
69 AD21 Matchcode maintenance (for IMG)   
70 AFAB Post depreciation     
71 AFABN Post Depreciation     
72 AFAF Assets with errors    
73 AFAMA View Maint. for Deprec. Key Method 
74 AFAMD View Maint. Declining-Bal. Method   
75 AFAMH Maintain Maximum Amount Method   
76 AFAMP View Maint. Period Control Method  
77 AFAMR View Maintenance Base Method   
78 AFAMS View Maint. Multi-Level Method   
79 AFAMSK Method: Levels in Calendar Years  
80 AFAR Recalculate Depreciation     
81 AFBD Recreate Dep. Batch Input Session  
82 AFBN Include New Depreciation Area   
83 AFBP Create depreciation posting log   
84 AFWA Create Maintain Analysis Structures   
85 AFWFL AFWCH: Filter Maintenance    
86 AFWO1 Single Records Procedure: Monitorin   
87 AFWO2 Final Results Procedure: Monitoring   
88 AFWS Maintain Segment Level Characterist    
89 AFX_WB Archiving Workbench     
90 AIAB AuC Assignment of Dist. Rule  
91 AIAO C AM Maint. list vers. gen. lineit
92 AIAZ Display Dist. Rule Allocation   
93 AIBU Transfer Asset under Const.   
94 AIIO C AM Maintain List Version AuC 
95 AISF FX Exposure     
96 AISFSS Single Value Analysis: FX Exposure  
97 AISS Single Val. Analysis - Sensitivitie  
98 AIST Reverse Settlement of AuC   
99 AJAB Year-End Closing     
100 AJRW Fiscal Year Change    
101 AKAB List purchasing arrangements    
102 AKE1 Create Condition     
103 AKE10 Transfer Prices: Display Overhead   
104 AKE2 Change Condition     
105 AKE3 Display Condition     
106 AKE4 Copy Condition     
107 AKE5 PCA Transfer Prices: Create Prices  
108 AKE6 PCA Transfer Prices: Change Prices  
109 AKE7 PCA Transfer Prices: Display Prices  
110 AKE8 Transfer Prices: Create Overhead   
111 AKE9 Transfer Prices: Change Overhead   
112 AKKO Promotion pur. pr. conditions   
113 AKVA List sales arrangements    
114 AKVK Promotion sales price conditions   
115 ALM_01 ALM: Assign CF Type to CF Indicator
116 ALO1 Determine ASH/DOREX Relationships    
117 AL02 Database alert monitor    
118 AL03 Operating system alert monitor   
119 AL04 Monitor call distribution    
120 AL05 Monitor current workload    
121 AL08 Users Logged On    
122 AL11 Display SAP Directories    
123 AL12 Display table buffer (Exp. session)  
124 AL13 Display Shared Memory (Expert mode)  
125 AL15 Customize SAPOSCOL destination    
126 AL16 Local Alert Monitor for Operat.Syst  
127 AL17 Remote Alert Monitor f.Operat. Syst  
128 AL18 Local File System Monitor   
129 AL19 Remote File System Monitor   
130 AMRP Send Stock/Requirements List    
131 AM04 Changes to Asset Classes   
132 AM05 Lock Asset Class    
133 ANHAL Maintain Cutoff Value Key   
134 ANKA Directory of asset classes   
135 ANKL Generate Asset Classes    
136 ANK0 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Asset Class Data   
137 ANK1 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Control Specif.    
138 ANK2 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Allocations     
139 ANK3 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Net Worth Valuat.   
140 ANK4 Ch.-of-Depr.-Dep. Insurance Data    
141 ANVEST Maintain Investment Support Measure   
142 AOBK Depreciation areas/Reduction rules    
143 AOLA Master Data Tab    
144 AO21 Screen layout for deprec. areas  
145 AO33 Net worth tax field selection  
146 AO42 Insurance field selection    
147 AO51 Leasing field selection    
148 AO67 Define Transaction Type    
149 AO68 Define Transaction Type    
150 AO73 Define Transaction Type    
151 AO74 Define Transaction Type    
152 AO75 Define Transaction Type    
153 AO76 Define Transaction Type    
154 AO77 Define Transaction Type    
155 AO78 Define Transaction Type    
156 AO79 Define Transaction Type    
157 AO80 Define Transaction Type    
158 AO81 Define Transaction Type    
159 AO82 Define Transaction Type    
160 AO83 Define Transaction Type    
161 AO88 Acct.Assignmt for Investment Suppor   
162 AO91 Specify field group authorization   
163 AO92 Logical field groups    
164 ARKO KOBRA: Archiving     
165 ARQ0 FIAA - Ad hoc reports  
166 ARTE Replace Articles in Layout Modules  
167 ART0 FIAA - Info system   
168 AR01 Call Asset List    
169 AR02 Call Up Asset History Sheet  
170 AR03 Call Up Depreciation List   
171 AR04 Call Up Depreciation + Interest Lis 
172 AR05 Call Up Asset Acquisition List  
173 AR06 Call Up Asset Retirement List  
174 AR07 Call Up Asset Transfer List  
175 AR08 Call Up Depreciation Compare List  
176 AR09 Call Up Property List   
177 AR10 Call Up Insurance List   
178 AR11 Investment Grants     
179 AR11N Investment Grants     
180 AR12 Call Up Asset Directory   
181 AR13 Call Up Prim. Cost Plan. Dep./Int. 
182 AR14 Call Up Manual Depreciation List  
183 AR15 Changes to Master Record   
184 AR16 Changes to Asset Classes   
185 AR17 Call Up Leasing Liability List  
186 AR18 Call Up Depr.Simulation    
187 AR19 Call Up List of Origins  
188 AR20 Retirement comparison     
189 AR21 Mid-quarter Alert Report    
190 AR22 Analysis of retirment revenue   
191 AR23 Italy: Asset register    
192 AR24 Italy: Assets at 3rd party  
193 AR25 Depreciation posted     
194 AR26 Call up special reserve list  
195 AR27 Call up: Group asset list  
196 AR28 Call up asset history   
197 AR29 FI-AA Manual Revaluation    
198 AR29N Re- and New Valuation of Assets 
199 AR30 Display Worklist     
200 AR31 Edit Worklist     
201 AR32 Call Create Worklist    
202 AR32N Call Create Worklist    
203 AS_AFB Archive File Browser    
204 ASCC Assets on My Cost Center - GUIVers
205 ASEM My assets     
206 ASIM Simulation of asset posting   
207 ASKB Periodic Asset Postings    
208 ASKBN Periodic APC Posting Run   
209 ASMN Asset Master Menu    
210 AS01 Create Asset Master Record   
211 AS02 Change Asset Master Record   
212 AS03 Display Asset Master Record   
213 AS04 Asset Changes     
214 AS05 Block Asset Master Record   
215 AS06 Delete Asset Record/Mark for Delet.  
216 AS08 Number Ranges:Asset Number    
217 AS100 Legacy Data Transfer using Excel  
218 AS11 Create Asset Subnumber    
219 AS21 Create Group Asset    
220 AS22 Change Group Asset    
221 AS23 Display Group Asset    
222 AS24 Create Group Asset Subnumber   
223 AS25 Block group asset    
224 AS26 Mark group asset for deletion  
225 AS81 Create Old Group Assets Data  
226 AS82 Change old group asset   
227 AS83 Display old group asset   
228 AS84 Create legacy group asset subnumber  
229 AS91 Create Old Asset    
230 AS92 Change Old Asset    
231 AS93 Display Old Asset    
232 AS94 Create Legacy Asset Subnumber   
233 ATPS ATP Check: Send Customizing   
234 ATRA ABAP Objects Runtime Analysis   
235 AT01 Create Asset Master Record (old)  
236 AT02 Change Asset Master Record (old)  
237 AT03 Display Asset Master Record (old)  
238 AT11 Create Asset Subnumber (Old)   
239 AT21 Create Group Asset (old)   
240 AT22 Change Group Asset (old)   
241 AT23 Display Group Asset (old)   
242 AT24 Create Group Asset Sub-Number (old)  
243 AT81 Create Old Group Asset (old)  
244 AT82 Change Old Group Asset (old)  
245 AT83 Display Old Group Asset (old)  
246 AT84 Display Old Group Asset Sub-No.(old  
247 AT91 Create Old Asset (old)   
248 AT92 Change Old Asset (old)   
249 AT93 Display Old Asset (old)   
250 AT94 Create Old Asset Sub-Number (old)  
251 AUFW Maintain Revaluation Measures    
252 AUN0 FI-AA Asset Summary    
253 AUN1 FI-AA Asset Summary    
254 AUN10 FI-AA Asset Summary    
255 AUN11 FI-AA Asset Summary    
256 AUN2 FI-AA Asset Summary    
257 AUN3 FI-AA Asset Summary    
258 AUN4 FI-AA Asset Summary    
259 AUN5 FI-AA Asset Summary    
260 AUN6 FI-AA Asset Summary    
261 AUN7 FI-AA Asset Summary    
262 AUN8 FI-AA Asset Summary    
263 AUN9 FI-AA Asset Summary    
264 AUT01 Configuration of Logging    
265 AUT03 Display Configuration     
266 AUT04 Configuration of Long Text Logs  
267 AUT05 Deletion of Long Texts   
268 AUT10 Evaluation of Audit Trail   
269 AUVA FI-AA Incomplete Assets    
270 AWW1 Start asset information via ALEWEB  
271 AW01 Asset Explorer     
272 AW01N Asset Explorer     
273 AXPD Progress Tracking Evaluations    
274 BALA ALE Application menu    
275 BALD ALE Development     
276 BALE Area Menu for Administration   
277 BALM ALE Master data    
278 BAPI BAPI Explorer     
279 BAPIW BAPI Explorer     
280 BAPI45 Browser      
281 BAUP Bank Data Transfer    
282 BA10 Subsystem Configuration     
283 BBPS EBP Order Status Tracking   
284 BCABA ABAP Programming     
285 BCA0 BP: Business Partner - Applic.Cust.  
286 BCG7 Bar chart: Call model graphic  
287 BC15 No. Range Maint.: BP_PARTNR Partner  
288 BDA1 Call RSARFCEX     
289 BDA5 Distribute documents     
290 BDBG Create ALE Interface for BAPI  
291 BDBP Hierarchy maintenance of BAPI param  
292 BDBR BAPI for Data Transfer   
293 BDBS Generate coding for mapping   
294 BDCP Number range maintenance: ALE_CP   
295 BDC5 Consistency of Customizing Data   
296 BDD5 Application Consistency Check    
297 BDFDF Request Fund     
298 BDFDS Send fund     
299 BDFG ALE Interfaces from Function Module  
300 BDLR of transfer program    
301 BDLS Convert Logical System Names   
302 BDLSS Converting Logical System Names   
303 BDMC Upload info structures    
304 BDMO ALE CCMS Group Administration   
305 BDM2 Monitoring: IDocs in Receiving Sys.  
306 BDM5 Technical Consistency Check    
307 BDM6 Monitor: Check input workflow   
308 BDM7 ALE Audit: statistical analyses   
309 BDM8 ALE Audit: Sending the confirmation  
310 BDM9 Reorganizing the audit database   
311 BDN1 Business Document Service: Document   
312 BDRC ALE: Determine Recovery Objects   
313 BDRL ALE: Process recovery objects   
314 BDR1 Display application log for recover  
315 BDR2 Reorganization of recovery data   
316 BDTP Process- Maintain Template    
317 BDWE02 Call we02     
318 BDXA Distribution of Distribution Groups   
319 BDXD Import of ALE Requests   
320 BDXE Generation of ALE Requests   
321 BDXI Model Display (Specific)    
322 BDXJ Maintenance of Distribution Groups   
323 BDXK Convert CONDAT Objects in Dist.Grou  
324 BDXL Forward ALE Requests    
325 BDXM Analysis of Log Table   
326 BDXN Analyze Inbound Log Table   
327 BDXQ IMG Display of Distribution Groups  
328 BD10 Send Material     
329 BD100 IDoc display object channel view  
330 BD101 Consistency check     
331 BD11 Get Material     
332 BD12 Send customer     
333 BD13 Get customer     
334 BD14 Send vendor     
335 BD15 Open vendor     
336 BD16 Send Cost Center    
337 BD17 Get Cost Center    
338 BD18 Send General Ledger Account   
339 BD19 Get General Ledger Account   
340 BD20 IDoc passed to application   
341 BD21 Select change pointer    
342 BD22 Delete change pointers    
343 BD23 Delete serialization data    
344 BD24 Send Cost Elements    
345 BD25 Send Activity Type    
346 BD26 Get Activity Type    
347 BD27 Send cost center activity prices  
348 BD28 Send obj/cost element control data  
349 BD30 Distribute material object list   
350 BD31 Distribute document object list   
351 BD32 Distribute plant allocations(matBOM    
352 BD33 Distribute material variants (ALE)   
353 BD34 Distribute order BOM    
354 BD35 Send Business Process Groups   
355 BD36 Send Business Processes    
356 BD37 Send Business Process Price   
357 BD40 Read change pointer for group  
358 BD41 Dispatch IDocs for group   
359 BD42 Check IDocs for group   
360 BD43 Post IDocs for group   
361 BD53 Reduction of Message Types   
362 BD61 Activate Change Pointers - Generall  
363 BD62 Define Segment Conversion Rule   
364 BD63 Transport ALE Tables of Message Typ 
365 BD64 Maintain Distribution Model    
366 BD70 Synchronize Number Ranges    
367 BD72 Activate Events     
368 BD73 Reposting of IDocs (ALE)   
369 BD75 Convert IDoc Status    
370 BD77 Distribution of control data   
371 BD78 Monitoring control data distributio   
372 BD79 Maintain IDoc Conversion Rules   
373 BD82 Generate Partner Profiles    
374 BD83 Send IDocs after an ALE error 
375 BD84 Post IDocs after ALE error  
376 BD85 Consistency check for transfer   
377 BD86 Consistency check for sales   
378 BD87 Status Monitor for ALE Messages  
379 BD89 Control data model. - initial scree 
380 BD91 Send Characteristic     
381 BD92 Send Class     
382 BD93 Send Classification     
383 BD97 Assign RFC dest. to Logical Systems 
384 BD98 Consistency Check Workflow Connectn   
385 BERE Business Event Repository    
386 BERP Business Processes     
387 BERPC Business Processes     
388 BGMN Warranty Processing     
389 BGM1 Create Master Warranty    
390 BGM2 Change Master Warranty    
391 BGM3 Display Master Warranty    
392 BGM6 Warranty Entry for Technical Object  
393 BG00 Number Range Maintenance: BGMK_NR   
394 BIBS of User Interface Design   
395 BIBU Test Transaction User Interface   
396 BIC Transfer Bank Data from BIC Databas 
397 BKDR Maintain transfer rules    
398 BKDS Sender Structure Maintenance    
399 BMBC Batch Information Cockpit    
400 BMCC Integrity Check for Batch Classif.  
401 BMCHCL Batch Class Conversion    
402 BMC1 Create Class (Class Type 'BATCH')  
403 BMC2 Change Class (Class type 'BATCH')  
404 BMC3 Display Class (Class Type 'BATCH')  
405 BMSM Update the standard features   
406 BMVN Number Range Maintenance: DI_JOBID   
407 BMV0 Manage Data Transfers    
408 BM00 Batch Management     
409 BP Maintain Business Partner     
410 BPB1 Evaluation of Business Partner/Role   
411 BPB2 Evaluation of Business Parter Data  
412 BPB4 Evaluation of Partner Relationships   
413 BPCA Partner:Change Documents - Addresse   
414 BPCD Business Partner: Change Documents   
415 BPCF TRGP: Change Documents    
416 BPCG TRGP: Change Documents Addresses   
417 BPC1 Create Business Partner    
418 BPC2 Change Business Partner    
419 BPC3 Display Business Partner    
420 BPC4 Create Bus. Partner Using Reference  
421 BPC5 Change Business Partner - Copy  
422 BPMD Master Data Tab    
423 BPMDCS Master Data Tab    
424 BPMDFI Customer Company Code Master Data  
425 BPMDGD Master Data Tab    
426 BPMDSD Customer Company Code Master Data  
427 BP0 Partner; Initial Screen    
428 BRF Business Rule Framework     
429 BRFU01 Compare SAPscript Texts    
430 BSVV Parameterizable status workflow evn   
431 BSVW Linkage Status Update-Workflow Even   
432 BSV1 Where-used list for transaction   
433 BSV2 Where-used list for system status  
434 BSV3 Where-used list for object type  
435 BSV4 Status Profile Overview    
436 BS02 Maintain status profiles    
437 BS03 Display status profiles    
438 BS12 Maintain object types    
439 BS13 Display object types    
440 BS22 Maintain system status    
441 BS23 Display system status    
442 BS32 Maintain processes     
443 BS33 Display processes     
444 BUA1 Create contact person    
445 BUA2 Change contact person    
446 BUA3 Display contact person    
447 BUBD BuPR: Applications     
448 BUBE BuPR: Views     
449 BUBF BuPR: Sections     
450 BUBG BuPR: Screens     
451 BUBH BuPR: Screen Seq. Variants   
452 BUBI BuPR: Events     
453 BUBJ BuPR: GUI Standard Functions   
454 BUBK BuPR: GUI Addl Functions   
455 BUBL BuPR:Assgn Scr.Field->Database Fiel    
456 BUBM BuPR: Tables     
457 BUBN BuPR: Field Groups    
458 BUBO BuPR: Field Grouping (Criteria)   
459 BUBP BuPR: Field Grping Using Rel. Cat. 
460 BUBQ BuPR: Field Grp. Using Role Def.Cat 
461 BUBR BP: Field Grpg Via Activity (Cust) 
462 BUBV BP: Maintenance Without Dialog   
463 BUBW BP: Generate Test File (DI)  
464 BUBX BP: Activities     
465 BUBY BP: Field Grpg via Activity (Ctrl) 
466 BUBZ BP: External Applications    
467 BUB1 BuPR: Create BP relationship   
468 BUB2 BuPR: Change BP relationship   
469 BUB3 BuPR: Display BP relationship   
470 BUB4 BuPR: Create BP role definition  
471 BUB5 BuPR: Change BP role definition  
472 BUB6 BuPR: Display BP role definition  
473 BUB9 BuPR: No. range maintenance: BP rel 
474 BUCF BP Cust: Number Ranges   
475 BUCG BP Cust: BP Role Field Grouping 
476 BUCH BP Cust: Field Grouping Activity  
477 BUCJ BP Cust: Authorization Types   
478 BUCN BP Cust: Field Grps f. Authorizatio 
479 BUCO BP-Cust: Screen Configuration    
480 BUCP BP-Cust: Fld.modif.exter.applicatio     
481 BUCS BP-Cust: Notes on Roles   
482 BUCU BP Cust: Where-Used List   
483 BUCV BP Cust. Field Grouping Appl.Object  
484 BUG1 Create Business Partner; General   
485 BUG2 Change Business Partner; General   
486 BUG3 Display Business Partner; General   
487 BUG4 Bus. partner general deletion flag  
488 BUI1 Create Inter. Party    
489 BUI2 Change Prospect     
490 BUI3 Display Prospect     
491 BUMR BP Relationships: Config. Menu   
492 BUM1 Create Employee (BP)    
493 BUM2 Change Employee (BP)    
494 BUM3 Display Employee (BP)    
495 BUNA Number Range Maint: BP_PADRNR   
496 BUPT Business Partner Configuration Menu   
497 BUP0 BDT; Multiple Call (Funct. Grp BUSS 
498 BUP1 Create Business Partner    
499 BUP2 Change Business Partner    
500 BUP3 Display Business Partner    
501 BUSB BDT: Assign Screen Field->DB Field  
502 BUSC BDT: Field Grouping Criteria   
503 BUSD BDT: BP Roles    
504 BUSE BDT: BP Role Groupings   
505 BUSF BDT: Application Transactions    
506 BUSG BDT: Tables     
507 BUSH BDT: External applications    
508 BUSI BDT: Activities     
509 BUSJ BP Control: FuncMod. Activity (Ctrl  
510 BUSO BP Cust: BP Cat. Field Grouping 
511 BUSP Generate Screen Containers    
512 BUS1 BDT: Applications     
513 BUS10 BDT: Search Help    
514 BUS11 BDT: Assgn BAPI Field to Field Grou
515 BUS2 BDT: Field Groups    
516 BUS23 BP Tax: Data Sets   
517 BUS3 BDT: Views     
518 BUS4 BDT: Sections     
519 BUS5 BDT: Screens     
520 BUS6 BDT: Screen Sequences    
521 BUS7 BDT: Events     
522 BUS8 BDT: GUI Standard Functions   
523 BUS9 BDT: GUI Additional Functions   
524 BUTI Update Without Dialog    
525 BUTJ Generate Test File (DI)   
526 BV01 BAV Transfer/Securities Init. Scree   
527 BV02 BAV Transfer / Loans Initial Screen 
528 BV03 BAV Trnsfr / Real Estate Init.Scree 
529 BV11 BAV Display / Securities Init.Scree  
530 BV12 BAV Display / Loans Initial Screen 
531 BV13 BAV Display/ Real Estate Init.Scree  
532 BWCA SAPoffice: Internet Calendar    
533 BWOM02 Displ/Check Report Row Hier   
534 BWSP SAPoffice: WWW     
535 BWST Gener. DataSource for BW Status Obj 
536 BW01 Generate FI-SL Extract Structure   
537 BW03 Assign DataSource/Ledger     
538 BW07 BW20PI: Gen. SET Hierarchies for BW 
539 BW09 BW20PI: Product Hierarchy for SAP B 
540 BW10 BW20PI: Log. Gen. Hierarchy for BW 
541 BYPASS for All Reservation Systems   
542 B1B2 Create Magnetic Media files   
543 CAAT Foreign Trade Atrium    
544 CAA0 Process instr. usage in recipes  
545 CAA5 Mass replace proc.instr. in mst.rcp  
546 CACS Commission System: Main Menu   
547 CACS_A Access Report Tree    
548 CACS_B Maintain Batch Variants    
549 CACS_C Manage Comments for Commissions   
550 CACS_D Distribute Report     
551 CACS_G Report Characteristics Groups    
552 CACS_H Maintain hierarchy     
553 CACS_J Maintain Hierarchy Nodes    
554 CACS_K Maintain Key Figures    
555 CACS_M Test Monitor Drilldown Commissions   
556 CACS_O Transport Reports     
557 CACS_P Transport Forms     
558 CACS_Q Import Reports from Client 0  
559 CACS_R Import Forms from Client 0  
560 CACS_S Display Structure     
561 CACS_T Translation Tool - Drilldown   
562 CACS_U Convert drilldown reports    
563 CACS_V Maintain Global Variable    
564 CACS_W Maintain Currency Translation Type   
565 CACS_X Reorganize Drilldown Reports    
566 CACS_Y Reorganize Report Data    
567 CACS_Z Reorganize Forms     
568 CACS_0 Execute Report     
569 CACS_1 Create Report     
570 CACS_2 Change Report     
571 CACS_3 Display Report     
572 CACS_4 Create Form     
573 CACS_5 Change Form     
574 CACS_6 Display Form     
575 CACS_7 Maintain Authorization Obj. Present   
576 CACS_8 Display Authorization Obj.Presentat    
577 CAC0 Master recipe menu    
578 CAC2 Time Sheet: Field Selection   
579 CAC7 Number Range Maintenance: CATS   
580 CAC8 Number Range Maintenance: CATS_INTR   
581 CADE CATS: Delete Transaction Data   
582 CADO Time Sheet: Display Data   
583 CANM Number range maintenance: ROUTING_M   
584 CANR Number range maintenance: ROUTING_R   
585 CAOR Display Report (Structure-Related)    
586 CAPP CATS: Object-Related Approval    
587 CAPS Approve Times: Master Data   
588 CATA Transfer to Target Components   
589 CATC Time Sheet: Time Leveling   
590 CATI CATS: Cross-Application Time    
591 CATM Selection From Time Recording   
592 CATP CATS: Cross-Application Time    
593 CATR Reorganize Interface Tables    
594 CATS CATS: Cross-Application Time    
595 CATSWF CATS Workflow     
596 CATSXC CATS for Service Prov.   
597 CATSXT for Service Providers    
598 CATW Record Working Time    
599 CAT2 Time Sheet: Maintain Times   
600 CAT3 Time Sheet: Display Times   
601 CAT4 CATS: Approve Data    
602 CAT5 Data Transfer CATS -> PS  
603 CAT6 Transfer External -> Time Managemen  
604 CAT7 CATS: Transfer Data to CO  
605 CAT8 Time Sheet: Document Display   
606 CAT9 Data Transfer CATS -> PM/CS  
607 CA00 Routing Menu     
608 CA01 Create Routing     
609 CA02 Change Routing     
610 CA03 Display Routing     
611 CA10 Std. Text for Task List/Order  
612 CA11 Create Reference Operation Set   
613 CA12 Change Reference Operation Set   
614 CA13 Display Reference Operation Set   
615 CA21 Create Rate Routing    
616 CA22 Change Rate Routing    
617 CA23 Display Rate Routing    
618 CA31 Create Reference Rate Routing   
619 CA32 Change Reference Rate Routing   
620 CA33 Display Reference Rate Routing   
621 CA51 Print Rtg/Ref.Op.Set; Fields Fixed   
622 CA60 Changes in Routings/Ref. Op. Sets  
623 CA61 Change Documents for Routing   
624 CA62 Documents for Ref. Op. Sets  
625 CA63 Change documents for rate routings  
626 CA64 Change documents for ref. rate rtgs 
627 CA70 PRT Where-Used Lists    
628 CA72 PRT Where-used Lists: EquipTL Types  
629 CA73 Standard Networks for PRT   
630 CA75 Mass Replace PRT    
631 CA75N Change:Production Resource/Too     
632 CA77 Bulk Replacemt PRT: Equip.TL Type  
633 CA78 PRT Mass replacemt. in  
634 CA80 Use of Work Center in Task Lists
635 CA81 Master recipe usage and resources  
636 CA82 Where-used Lists EQUI Work Center  
637 CA83 Standard Networks for Work Center  
638 CA85 Replace Work Center in Task Lists 
639 CA85N replacement: work center    
640 CA86 Master recipe: replace resources   
641 CA87 Mass Replace EQUI Work Center  
642 CA88 Mass replace wrk. cntr. in lib.netw 
643 CA90 Use of Ref. Op. Set in Routings
644 CA95 Replace Ref. Op. Set in Task Lists
645 CA95N Change:Ref.OperationSet Ref.     
646 CA96 Update material master    
647 CA97 Mass scheduling using mat. master  
648 CA97N Material Master Update - New  
649 CA98 Deletion of task lists   
650 CBCMOD Maintain SCP model    
651 CBDE PDC records with system errors  
652 CBHR11 EHS-INT: Create External Person   
653 CBHR12 EHS-INT: Change External Person   
654 CBHR13 EHS-INT: Display External Person   
655 CBHR21 EHS-INT: Create Authority    
656 CBHR22 EHS-INT: Change Authority    
657 CBHR23 EHS-INT: Display Authority    
658 CBIHM2 EHS: Edit Measurement Projects   
659 CBIHM3 EHS: Display Measurement Projects   
660 CBIHT0 RFC - PA20 HR Master Data 
661 CBIHT1 RFC - CBHR11 External Person  
662 CBIHT2 RFC - EHSBP11 Physician   
663 CBIHT3 RFC - EHSBP31 Health Center  
664 CBIHT4 RFC - PB20 Applicant Master  
665 CBIHT5 RFC - CBHR21 Authority   
666 CBIHT6 RFC - EHSBP41 Laboratory   
667 CBIHT7 RFC - EHSBP51 External Company  
668 CBIH00 Industrial Hygiene and Safety   
669 CBIH02 EHS: Edit Work Area   
670 CBIH03 EHS: Display Work Area   
671 CBIH12 EHS: Edit Risk Assessment   
672 CBIH13 EHS: Display Risk Assessment   
673 CBIH14 EHS: Amount Overview    
674 CBIH42 EHS: Edit Pattern    
675 CBIH43 EHS: Display Pattern    
676 CBIH50 Information on Permitted Statu   
677 CBIH51 Call Question Catalog    
678 CBIH52 Call General Questionnaire    
679 CBIH72 EHS: Change Injury/Illness Log Entr  
680 CBIH73 EHS: Display Inj./Illness Log Entry  
681 CBIH82 EHS: Change Inc./Acc. Log Entry  
682 CBIH83 EHS: Display Inc./Acc. Log Entry  
683 CBIH88 EHS: Data Transfer for Amounts  
684 CBIH89 EHS: Injury/Illn.Log Data Transfer   
685 CBIH92 Agent Workbench     
686 CBMRP CBP requirements planning    
687 CBP Constraint Based Planning Workbench   
688 CBPV Uploading PDC messages    
689 CBP1 master data download    
690 CBP2 transactional data download    
691 CBP3 master data download    
692 CBP4 inintialization (MRP)     
693 CBP5 Display ext. Planning Log SOP   
694 CBP6 SOP ext. Planning Model Init  
695 CBP7 SOP ext. Planning    
696 CBWAMD Waste Management Master Data   
697 CBWA00 Area Menu Waste Management   
698 CB23 Download of Master Tables for CC5 
699 CB25 Upload Request CC5    
700 CB32 Initial Download of Orders via CC3 
701 CB33 Download of Master Tables via CC3 
702 CB34 Delta Download of Orders via CC3 
703 CB35 Upload request for CC3   
704 CB37 Initial Download of Activities CC4  
705 CB38 Master data download CC4   
706 CB39 Delta download of activities CC4  
707 CB40 Upload request for CC4   
708 CB42 Initial Download of Orders via CC2 
709 CB43 Transfer of master data via CC2 
710 CB44 Delta Download of Orders via CC2 
711 CB45 Upload request for CC2   
712 CCAC Reset Set-Get Parameter CAC   
713 CCF1 Create Message: Error Management   
714 CCF2 Change Message: Error Management   
715 CCF3 Display Message: Error Management   
716 CCM2 Control Workbench     
717 CCR Check Report     
718 CCTM Maintain Standard Variant    
719 CCV2 Change Output: Document Management   
720 CCW1 Task-specific Workflow Customizing    
721 CC00 Engineering Change Management Menu   
722 CC01 Create Change Master    
723 CC02 Change Change Master    
724 CC03 Display Change Master    
725 CC04 Display Product Structure     
726 CC05 Change overview     
727 CC06 Flip trace protocoll for user  
728 CC07 Engineering Change Mgmt information   
729 CC11 Create Material Revision Level   
730 CC12 Change Material Revision Level   
731 CC13 Display Material Revision Level   
732 CC15 Change Document Revision Level   
733 CC16 Display Document Revision Level   
734 CC22 Change Object Management Records   
735 CC23 Display Object Management Record   
736 CC31 Create Change Request    
737 CC32 Change Change Request    
738 CC33 Display Change Request    
739 CC60 Browser hierarchy     
740 CC62 Conversion of change packages   
741 CC90 Number ranges for change numbers  
742 CC92 Distribute change number    
743 CC93 Number range maintenance: TECHS   
744 CDESK CAD Desktop     
745 CEMN Cost Element Accounting    
746 CES1 Create Set (Resource Planning)   
747 CES2 Change Set (Resource Planning)   
748 CES3 Display Set (Resource Planning)   
749 CES4 Delete Set (Resource Planning)   
750 CEVF Number ranges for CAPP formulas  
751 CEVM Number ranges for CAPP methods  
752 CEVV Number ranges for CAPP processes  
753 CEV1 Create value variable(res. planning   
754 CEV2 Change value variable (res.planning   
755 CEV3 Display value variable(res.planning    
756 CEV4 Delete value variable (res.planning   
757 CEWB PP: Engineering Workbench    
758 CEWO CE: Structure of product folder  
759 CE00 Menu: CAPP-based calc. of std.value  
760 CE01 CEP: View     
761 CE02 CEP: Transfer     
762 CE03 CEP: Review     
763 CE11 Create standard value formula   
764 CE12 Change standard value formula   
765 CE13 Display standard value formula   
766 CE16 Use of CAPP elements (single-level)  
767 CE21 Create standard value method   
768 CE22 Change standard value method   
769 CE23 Display standard value method   
770 CE31 Create standard value process   
771 CE32 Change standard value process   
772 CE33 Display standard value process   
773 CE41 Simulate calculation of std. values  
774 CFC6 Configuration of CIF Application Lo  
775 CFC9 Target-System-Ind. Settings in CIF   
776 CFE01 Export Documents to cFolders    
777 CFE02 Export Objects to cFolders    
778 CFGD Delete Application Log Entries   
779 CFG1 Display CIF Application Log   
780 CFG3 Find in Application Log    
781 CFI01 Import Documents from cFolders    
782 CFI02 Import Objects from cFolders    
783 CFM1 Create Integration Model    
784 CFM2 Manually Activate Integration Model   
785 CFM3 Activate Integration Models (Bkgd)   
786 CFM4 Display Integration Models    
787 CFM5 Integration Model Object Search   
788 CFM6 Modify Integration Model    
789 CFM7 Delete Integration Model    
790 CFNA Maintain PRT number range: FHM_CRFH  
791 CFO3 Scheduling Parameters in APO CIF  
792 CFP1 Analyze and Send Changes   
793 CFP2 Analyze and Send Changes   
794 CFP3 CIF: PPM Transfer of Data Changes 
795 CFP4 Delete PPM Change Pointer   
796 CFS0 Display Serialization Channels    
797 CF00 Prod. Resources/Tools Master Menu   
798 CF01 Create Production Resource/Tool    
799 CF02 Change Production Resource/Tool    
800 CF03 Display Production Resources/Tools    
801 CF10 PRT: Use of PRT master in prod.orde
802 CF11 PRT: Use of material in prod. order
803 CF12 PRT: Use of document in prod. order
804 CF13 PRT: Use of equipment in prod. orde
805 CF15 PRT: Use of PRT master in network
806 CF16 PRT: Use of material in network 
807 CF17 PRT: Use of document in network 
808 CF18 PRT: Use of piece of equip. innetw
809 CF20 PRT: Use of PRT master in orders
810 CF21 PRT: Use of material in orders 
811 CF22 PRT: Use of document in orders 
812 CF23 PRT: Use of pc. of equip. inorders
813 CF25 PRT: PRT Master Usage in PM Order
814 CF26 PRT: Material Usage in PM Orders 
815 CF27 PRT: Document Usage in PM Orders 
816 CF28 PRT: Equipment Usage in PM Order 
817 CGAB EHS: Edit Phrase Set - Char. Assgmt
818 CGAC EHS: Display Phrase Set - Char. Ass
819 CGBB EHS: Initial generation of phr. set 
820 CGBC EHS: Load XLS Macro Spec Info Syste
821 CGBD EHS: Copy units of measurement  
822 CGB5 EHS: No. range maint.: SAP_CLASSR  
823 CGB6 EHS: No. range maint.: SAP_CHARCR  
824 CGB7 EHS: Char;Class;PropTree;ClientCopy     
825 CGB8 EHS: Batch conversion of AUSP; KSSK 
826 CGB9 EHS: Conversion REG_EG -> REG_EU  
827 CGCL2 Dangerous Goods Workbench    
828 CGCZ Match Up Master Data   
829 CGE2 Packaging Workbench     
830 CGQM Specify QM Interface    
831 CGSADM WWI and EH&S Expert Server Admin. 
832 CG00 Basic Data Environment    
833 CG02 Substance Workbench     
834 CG02BD Specification Workbench     
835 CG05 Distribute Specification     
836 CG1B Edit Phrase Sets    
837 CG1C Display Phrase Sets    
838 CG12 Edit Phrases     
839 CG13 Display Phrases     
840 CG2A Create Generation Variant    
841 CG2B Edit Generation Variant    
842 CG2C Display Generation Variant    
843 CG3A Check Source Export    
844 CG3B Check Phrase Export    
845 CG3C Check Specification Export    
846 CG3D Check Property Tree Export   
847 CG3E Check Report Template Export   
848 CG3F Check Source Import    
849 CG3G Check Phrase Import    
850 CG3H Check Specification Import    
851 CG3I Check Property Tree Import   
852 CG3J Check Report Import    
853 CG3K Check Report Template Import   
854 CG3L Check Import Log    
855 CG3Y Download file     
856 CG3Z Upload file     
857 CG31 Import Phrases     
858 CG32 Import Sources     
859 CG33 Import Specifications     
860 CG34 Import Report Template    
861 CG35 Import Property Tree    
862 CG36 Import Reports     
863 CG37 Edit Worklist     
864 CG4B Edit Cover Sheet Template   
865 CG4C Display Cover Sheet Template   
866 CG4D Edit Acknowl. of Receipt Template  
867 CG4E Display Acknowl. of Receipt Templat  
868 CG42 Edit Report Templates    
869 CG43 Display Report Templates    
870 CG5A EHS: manual entry WL generation  
871 CG5B EHS: manual entry WL generation  
872 CG5Z EHS: WWI server monitor   
873 CG50 Edit Report     
874 CG54 Report Information System    
875 CG55 Validate Report     
876 CG56 Release Report     
877 CG57 Assign Report Versions    
878 CG58 Set Report to Historical   
879 CG59 EHS: manual entry WL generation  
880 CIB2 Update CC2 PDC messages   
881 CIB3 Update CC3 PDC messages   
882 CIB4 Update CC4 PDC messages   
883 CIB5 Update CC5 PDC messages   
884 CICS Customer Interaction Center    
885 CIC0 Customer Interaction Center    
886 CIC3 Sales Summary     
887 CIC4 Archiving Logging     
888 CIC5 Archiving Infostore     
889 CIC8 CIC Customizing Menu (Temporary - L 
890 CIF APO Core Interface    
891 CIPV Posting PDC records    
892 CIP2 CC2: Update PDC messages   
893 CIP3 CC3: Update PDC messages   
894 CIP4 CC4: Update PDC messages   
895 CIP5 CC5: Update PDC messages   
896 CI10 Cust: Select Techn. Param. for Comm 
897 CI21 Communication parameters for KANBAN   
898 CI23 Download master data for Kanban  
899 CI25 Upload Request in KK5   
900 CI31 Communication parameters for PM   
901 CI32 Init. transfer of operations for PM 
902 CI33 Transfer of master data for PM 
903 CI34 Delta transfer of operations for PM 
904 CI35 Generate Upload Request CC3   
905 CI36 Communication parameters for PS   
906 CI37 Init. transfer of operations for PS 
907 CI38 Transfer of master data for PS 
908 CI39 Delta transfer of operations for PS 
909 CI40 Generate Upload Request CC4   
910 CI41 Communication parameters for PP   
911 CI42 Init. transfer of operations for PP 
912 CI42N PP-PDC: Download Operations    
913 CI43 Transfer of master data for PP 
914 CI44 Delta transfer of operations for PP 
915 CI45 Generate Upload Request CC2   
916 CI45N Generate Upload Request CC2    
917 CI50 Transfer production requirements    
918 CI51 Transfer production commitments    
919 CJAL project      
920 CJA1 Proj.Rel.Order Receipts: Coll.Proc.    
921 CJA2 Proj.Rel. Order Receipts: Ind.Proc.   
922 CJBBS1 Planning Board Report Assignment   
923 CJBBS2 Structure Overview Report Asst   
924 CJBN Reconstruct Availability Control    
925 CJBV Activate Project Availabilty Contro   
926 CJBW Deactivate Project Availabilty Cntr   
927 CJB1 Generate Settmt Rule: Coll.Proc.   
928 CJB2 Generate Settmt Rule: Indiv.Proc.   
929 CJCD Change documents: WBS    
930 CJCF Carry Forward Project Commitments   
931 CJCO Carry Forward Project Budget   
932 CJCS Standard WBS     
933 CJC1 Maintenance Dialog for Per.  
934 CJC2 Maintain Planned Status Changes   
935 CJEA Call Hierarchy Report    
936 CJEB Background Processing; Hier.Reports    
937 CJEC Maintain Project Crcy Trans.Type   
938 CJEK Copy Interfaces/Reports     
939 CJEM Project Reports: Test Monitor   
940 CJEN Reconstruct: Summarized Proj.Data     
941 CJEO Transport Reports     
942 CJEP Transport Forms     
943 CJEQ Import Reports from Client   
944 CJET Translation Tool - Drilldown   
945 CJEV Maintain Global Variable    
946 CJEX Reorganize Drilldown Reports    
947 CJEY Reorganize Report Data    
948 CJEZ Reorganize Forms     
949 CJE0 Run Hierarchy Report    
950 CJE1 Create Hierarchy Report    
951 CJE2 Change Hierarchy Report    
952 CJE3 Display Hierarchy Report    
953 CJE4 Create Project Report Layout   
954 CJE5 Change Project Report Layout   
955 CJE6 Display Project Report Layout   
956 CJFA Analysis of Data Trans. into PS Cas
957 CJFN CBM Payment Converter    
958 CJF1 Create Transfer Price Agreement   
959 CJF2 Change Transfer Price Agreement   
960 CJF3 Display Transfer Price Agreement   
961 CJF4 Transfer Price Agreement List   
962 CJG1 Enter Transfer Price Allocation   
963 CJG3 Display Transfer Price Allocation   
964 CJG4 Enter Trsfr Price Allocation: List  
965 CJG5 Cancel Transfer Price Allocation   
966 CJH1 Reconstruct Project Inheritance     
967 CJH2 Project Inheritance Log     
968 CJIA Project Actual and Commt Paymt LIs 
969 CJIB Project Plan Payment Line Items  
970 CJIC Maintain Project Settlement LIs   
971 CJID Display Project Settlement Line Itm  
972 CJIE Projects: Retirement LI Settlement   
973 CJIF Projects: Profitability Analysis LI   
974 CJIG Display PS Cash Documents   
975 CJI1 Project Budget Line Items   
976 CJI2 Budget Line Items: Document Chain  
977 CJI3 Project Actual Cost Line Items  
978 CJI4 Project Plan Cost Line Items  
979 CJI5 Project Commitment Line Items   
980 CJI8 Project Budget Line Items   
981 CJI9 Project Struct.Pld Costs Line Items  
982 CJJ2 Change Statistical Key Figures   
983 CJJ3 Display Statistical Key Figures   
984 CJK2 Change Statistical Key Figures   
985 CJK3 Display Statistical Key Figures   
986 CJL2 Collective Agreement     
987 CJNO Number range maintenance: FMCJ_BELN   
988 CJN1 Reval. ACT: Projects Ind.Pro   
989 CJN2 Reval. ACT: Projects Col.Pro   
990 CJO8 Overhead COMM: Projects Ind.Pro   
991 CJO9 Overhead COMM: Projects Col.Pro   
992 CJPN Number Range Maintenance: Proj.Item   
993 CJPU Execute Project Plan Adjustment   
994 CJP1 Create Project Plan Adjustment   
995 CJP2 Change Project Plan Adjustment   
996 CJP3 Display Project Plan Adjustment   
997 CJP4 Delete Project Plan Adjustment   
998 CJR2 PS: Change plan CElem/Activ. input  
999 CJR3 PS: Display plan CElem/Activ. input  
1000 CJR4 PS: Change plan primary cost elemen 

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