Thursday, 12 December 2019

SAP Transaction Codes - Miscellaneous 9001-10000

9001 MD72 Evaluation; Charac.Plnng Techniques    
9002 MD73 Display Total Indep. Requirements   
9003 MD74 Reorganization: Adapt Indep.Reqmts    
9004 MD75 Reorganization: Delete Indep.Reqmts    
9005 MD76 Reorg: Delete Indep.Reqmts History   
9006 MD79 PP Demand Mngmt - XXL List Viewer      
9007 MD81 Create Customer Indep. Requirements   
9008 MD82 Change customer indep. requirement   
9009 MD83 Display Customer Indep. Requirement   
9010 MD85 List Customer Indep. Requirements   
9011 MD90 Maintain Number Range for MRP  
9012 MD91 Maintain No. Range for Planned Orde 
9013 MD92 Maint.No.Range for Reserv/Dep.Reqmt    
9014 MD93 Maintain Number Range: MDSM   
9015 MD94 Number range maint.: Total reqs  
9016 MEBA Comp. Suppl. BV; Vendor Rebate Arr. 
9017 MEBB Check Open Docs.; Vendor Reb. Arrs. 
9018 MEBC Check Customizing: Subsequent Sett.   
9019 MEBE Workflow Sett. re Vendor Reb. Arrs. 
9020 MEBF Updating of External Busn. Volumes  
9021 MEBG Chg. Curr. (Euro); Vend. Reb. Arrs. 
9022 MEBH Generate Work Items (Man. Extension  
9023 MEBI Message; Subs.Settlem. - Settlem.Ru   
9024 MEBJ Recompile Income; Vendor Reb. Arrs.  
9025 MEBK Message.; Subs. Settlem.- Arrangmen   
9026 MEBM List of settlement runs for arrngmt 
9027 MEBR Archive Rebate Arrangements    
9028 MEBS Stmnt. Sett. Docs.; Vend. Reb. Arrs 
9029 MEBT Test Data: External Business Volume  
9030 MEBV Extend Rebate Arrangements (Dialog)   
9031 MEB0 Reversal of Settlement Runs   
9032 MEB1 Create Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.  
9033 MEB2 Change Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.  
9034 MEB3 Displ. Reb. Arrangs. (Subseq. Sett.  
9035 MEB4 Settlement re Vendor Rebate Arrs.  
9036 MEB5 List of Vendor Rebate Arrangements  
9037 MEB6 Busn. Vol. Data; Vendor Rebate Arrs 
9038 MEB7 Extend Vendor Rebate Arrangements   
9039 MEB8 Det. Statement; Vendor Rebate Arrs.  
9040 MEB9 Stat. Statement; Vendor Rebate Arrs  
9041 MEDL Price Change: Contract    
9042 MEIA New Structure Doc.Ind. Cust. Sett.  
9043 MEIS Data Selection: Arrivals    
9044 MEI1 Automatic Purchasing Document Chang   
9045 MEI2 Automatic Document Change    
9046 MEI3 Recompilation of Document Index   
9047 MEI4 Compile Worklist for Document Index  
9048 MEI5 Delete Worklist for Document Index  
9049 MEI6 Delete purchasing document index   
9050 MEI7 Change sales prices in purch. order 
9051 MEI8 Recomp. doc. index settlement req.  
9052 MEI9 Recomp. doc. index vendor bill. doc 
9053 MEKA Conditions: General Overview    
9054 MEKB Conditions by Contract    
9055 MEKC Conditions by Info Record   
9056 MEKD Conditions for Material Group   
9057 MEKE Conditions for Vendor    
9058 MEKF Conditions for Material Type   
9059 MEKG Conditions for Condition Group   
9060 MEKH Market Price     
9061 MEKI Conditions for Incoterms    
9062 MEKJ Conditions for Invoicing Party   
9063 MEKK Conditions for Vendor Sub-Range   
9064 MEKL Price Change: Scheduling Agreements   
9065 MEKLE Currency Change: Sched. Agreements   
9066 MEKP Price Change: Info Records   
9067 MEKPE Currency Change: Info Records   
9068 MEKR Price Change: Contracts    
9069 MEKRE Currency Change: Contracts    
9070 MEKX Transport Condition Types Purchasin   
9071 MEKY Trnsp. Calc. Schema: Mkt. Pr. (Pur. 
9072 MEKZ Trnsp. Calculation Schemas (Purch.)   
9073 MEK1 Create Conditions (Purchasing)    
9074 MEK2 Change Conditions (Purchasing)    
9075 MEK3 Display Conditions (Purchasing)    
9076 MEK31 Condition Maintenance: Change    
9077 MEK32 Condition Maintenance: Change    
9078 MEK33 Condition Maintenance: Change    
9079 MEK4 Create Conditions (Purchasing)    
9080 MELB Purch. Transactions by Tracking No.  
9081 MEL0 Service Entry Sheet    
9082 MEPA Order Price Simulation/Price Info   
9083 MEPB Price Info/Vendor Negotiations    
9084 MEPO Purchase Order     
9085 MEQB Revise Quota Arrangement    
9086 MEQM Quota Arrangement for Material   
9087 MEQ1 Maintain Quota Arrangement    
9088 MEQ3 Display Quota Arrangement    
9089 MEQ4 Changes to Quota Arrangement   
9090 MEQ6 Analyze Quota Arrangement    
9091 MEQ7 Reorganize Quota Arrangement    
9092 MEQ8 Monitor Quota Arrangements    
9093 MERA Comp. Suppl. BV; Cust. Rebate Arrs. 
9094 MERB Check re Open Docs. Cust. Reb. Arr.
9095 MERE Workflow: Sett. Cust. Rebate Arrs.  
9096 MERF Updating of External Busn. Volumes  
9097 MERG Change Curr. (Euro) Cust. Reb. Arrs 
9098 MERH Generate Work Items (Man. Extension  
9099 MERJ Recomp. of Income; Cust. Reb. Arrs. 
9100 MERS Stmnt. Sett. Docs. Cust. Reb. Arrs. 
9101 MER4 Settlement re Customer Rebate Arrs.  
9102 MER5 List of Customer Rebate Arrangement  
9103 MER6 Busn. Vols.; Cust. Reb. Arrangement  
9104 MER7 Extension of Cust. Reb. Arrangement  
9105 MER8 Det. Statement: Cust. Rebate Arrs.  
9106 MER9 Statement: Customer Reb. Arr. Stats  
9107 MEU2 Perform Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate  
9108 MEU3 Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate  
9109 MEU4 Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate  
9110 MEU5 Display Busn. Volume Comp.: Rebate  
9111 MEWP Web based PO    
9112 MEWS Service Entry (Component)    
9113 MEW0 Procurement Transaction     
9114 MEW1 Create Requirement Request    
9115 MEW10 Service Entry in Web   
9116 MEW2 Status Display: Requirement Request   
9117 MEW3 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs  
9118 MEW5 Collective Release of Purchase Orde  
9119 MEW6 Assign Purchase Orders WEB   
9120 MEW7 Release of Service Entry Sheets  
9121 MEW8 Release of Service Entry Sheet  
9122 MEW9 mew9      
9123 ME0M Source List for Material   
9124 ME01 Maintain Source List    
9125 ME03 Display Source List    
9126 ME04 Changes to Source List   
9127 ME05 Generate Source List    
9128 ME06 Analyze Source List    
9129 ME07 Reorganize Source List    
9130 ME08 Send Source List    
9131 ME1A Archived Purchasing Info Records   
9132 ME1B Redetermine Info Record Price   
9133 ME1E Quotation Price History    
9134 ME1L Info Records Per Vendor   
9135 ME1M Info Records per Material   
9136 ME1P Purchase Order Price History   
9137 ME1W Info Records Per Material Group  
9138 ME1X Buyer's Negotiation Sheet for Vendo  
9139 ME1Y Buyer's Negotiat. Sheet for Materia  
9140 ME11 Create Purchasing Info Record   
9141 ME12 Change Purchasing Info Record   
9142 ME13 Display Purchasing Info Record   
9143 ME14 Changes to Purchasing Info Record  
9144 ME15 Flag Purch. Info Rec. for Deletion 
9145 ME16 Purchasing Info Recs. for Deletion  
9146 ME18 Send Purchasing Info Record   
9147 ME2A Monitor Confirmations     
9148 ME2B POs by Requirement Tracking Number  
9149 ME2C Purchase Orders by Material Group  
9150 ME2J Purchase Orders for Project   
9151 ME2K Purch. Orders by Account Assignment  
9152 ME2L Purchase Orders by Vendor   
9153 ME2M Purchase Orders by Material   
9154 ME2N Purchase Orders by PO Number  
9155 ME2O SC Stock Monitoring (Vendor)   
9156 ME2S Services per Purchase Order   
9157 ME2V Goods Receipt Forecast    
9158 ME2W Purchase Orders for Supplying Plant  
9159 ME21 Create Purchase Order    
9160 ME21N Create Purchase Order    
9161 ME22 Change Purchase Order    
9162 ME22N Change Purchase Order    
9163 ME23 Display Purchase Order    
9164 ME23N Display Purchase Order    
9165 ME24 Maintain Purchase Order Supplement   
9166 ME25 Create PO with Source Determination  
9167 ME26 Display PO Supplement (IR)   
9168 ME27 Create Stock Transport Order   
9169 ME28 Release Purchase Order    
9170 ME29N Release purchase order    
9171 ME3A Transm. Release Documentation Recor   
9172 ME3B Outl. Agreements per Requirement No  
9173 ME3C Outline Agreements by Material Grou  
9174 ME3J Outline Agreements per Project   
9175 ME3K Outl. Agreements by Acct. Assignmen  
9176 ME3L Outline Agreements per Vendor   
9177 ME3M Outline Agreements by Material   
9178 ME3N Outline Agreements by Agreement No.  
9179 ME3P Recalculate Contract Price    
9180 ME3R Recalculate Sched. Agreement Price   
9181 ME3S Service List for Contract   
9182 ME308 Send Contracts with Conditions   
9183 ME31 Create Outline Agreement    
9184 ME31K Create Contract     
9185 ME31L Create Scheduling Agreement    
9186 ME32 Change Outline Agreement    
9187 ME32K Change Contract     
9188 ME32L Change Scheduling Agreement    
9189 ME33 Display Outline Agreement    
9190 ME33K Display Contract     
9191 ME33L Display Scheduling Agreement    
9192 ME34 Maintain Outl. Agreement Supplement   
9193 ME34K Maintain Contract Supplement    
9194 ME34L Maintain Sched. Agreement Supplemen   
9195 ME35 Release Outline Agreement    
9196 ME35K Release Contract     
9197 ME35L Release Scheduling Agreement    
9198 ME36 Display Agreement Supplement (IR)   
9199 ME37 Create Transport Scheduling Agmt.   
9200 ME38 Maintain Sched. Agreement Schedule   
9201 ME39 Display Sched. Agmt. Schedule (TEST  
9202 ME4B RFQs by Requirement Tracking Number  
9203 ME4C RFQs by Material Group   
9204 ME4L RFQs by Vendor    
9205 ME4M RFQs by Material    
9206 ME4N RFQs by RFQ Number   
9207 ME4S RFQs by Collective Number   
9208 ME41 Create Request For Quotation   
9209 ME42 Change Request For Quotation   
9210 ME43 Display Request For Quotation   
9211 ME44 Maintain RFQ Supplement    
9212 ME45 Release RFQ     
9213 ME47 Create Quotation     
9214 ME48 Display Quotation     
9215 ME49 Price Comparison List    
9216 ME5A Purchase Requisitions: List Display   
9217 ME5F Release Reminder: Purch. Requisitio   
9218 ME5J Purchase Requisitions for Project   
9219 ME5K Requisitions by Account Assignment   
9220 ME5R Archived Purchase Requisitions    
9221 ME5W Resubmission of Purch. Requisitions   
9222 ME51 Create Purchase Requisition    
9223 ME51N Create Purchase Requisition    
9224 ME52 Change Purchase Requisition    
9225 ME52N Change Purchase Requisition    
9226 ME52NB Buyer Approval: Purchase Requisitio   
9227 ME53 Display Purchase Requisition    
9228 ME53N Display Purchase Requisition    
9229 ME54 Release Purchase Requisition    
9230 ME54N Release Purchase Requisition    
9231 ME55 Collective Release of Purchase Reqs  
9232 ME56 Assign Source to Purch. Requisition  
9233 ME57 Assign and Process Requisitions   
9234 ME58 Ordering: Assigned Requisitions    
9235 ME59 Automatic Generation of POs   
9236 ME59N Automatic generation of POs   
9237 ME6A Changes to Vendor Evaluation   
9238 ME6B Display Vendor Evaln. for Material  
9239 ME6C Vendors Without Evaluation    
9240 ME6D Vendors Not Evaluated Since...   
9241 ME6E Evaluation Records Without Weightin   
9242 ME6F Print      
9243 ME6G Vendor Evaluation in the Background  
9244 ME6H Standard Analysis: Vendor Evaluatio   
9245 ME6Z Transport Vendor Evaluation Tables   
9246 ME60 Screenpainter Test     
9247 ME61 Maintain Vendor Evaluation    
9248 ME62 Display Vendor Evaluation    
9249 ME63 Evaluation of Automatic Subcriteria   
9250 ME64 Evaluation Comparison     
9251 ME65 Evaluation Lists     
9252 ME80 Purchasing Reporting     
9253 ME80A Purchasing Reporting: RFQs    
9254 ME80AN General Analyses (A)    
9255 ME80F Purchasing Reporting: POs    
9256 ME80FN General Analyses (F)    
9257 ME80R Purchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts   
9258 ME80RN General Analyses (L;K)    
9259 ME81 Analysis of Order Values   
9260 ME81N Analysis of Order Values   
9261 ME82 Archived Purchasing Documents    
9262 ME84 Generation of Sched. Agmt. Releases  
9263 ME84A Individual Display of SA Release  
9264 ME85 Renumber Schedule Lines    
9265 ME86 Aggregate Schedule Lines    
9266 ME87 Aggregate PO History    
9267 ME88 Set Agr. Cum. Qty./Reconcil. Date  
9268 ME9A Message Output: RFQs    
9269 ME9E Message Output: Sch. Agmt. Schedule  
9270 ME9F Message Output: Purchase Orders   
9271 ME9K Message Output: Contracts    
9272 ME9L Message Output: Sched. Agreements   
9273 ME91 Purchasing Docs.: Urging/Reminding    
9274 ME91A Urge Submission of Quotations   
9275 ME91E Sch. Agmt. Schedules: Urging/Remind   
9276 ME91F Purchase Orders: Urging/Reminders    
9277 ME92 Monitor Order Acknowledgment    
9278 ME92F Monitor Order Acknowledgment    
9279 ME92K Monitor Order Acknowledgment    
9280 ME92L Monitor Order Acknowledgment    
9281 ME99 Messages from Purchase Orders   
9282 MFBF Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg   
9283 MFHU Backflushing In Repetitive Mfg   
9284 MFI2 Actual Overhead: Run Schedule Heade  
9285 MFN1 Actual Reval.: PrCstCol. Ind.Pro   
9286 MFN2 Actual Reval.: PrCstCol. Col.Pro   
9287 MFPR Process Inspection Lot for Versions  
9288 MFS0 LFP: Change Master Plan   
9289 MF00 Run Schedules     
9290 MF02 Change Run Schedule Header   
9291 MF03 Display Run Schedule Header   
9292 MF12 Display Document Log (With ALV)  
9293 MF20 REM Cost Controlling    
9294 MF22 Versions: Overview     
9295 MF23 Linking Versions Graphically    
9296 MF26 Display Reporting Point Quantity   
9297 MF27 Update Stats for Planned Quantities  
9298 MF30 Create PrelimCostEst - ProdCostColl   
9299 MF4R Resetting Reporting Points    
9300 MF41 Reverse Backflush (With ALV)   
9301 MF42 Collective Backflush     
9302 MF42N New Collective Entry    
9303 MF45 Reprocessing Components: Rep.Manuf.    
9304 MF46 Collective Reprocessing; Backflush    
9305 MF47 Open Reprocessing Records / Pr.Line  
9306 MF50 Planning Table - Change   
9307 MF51 Print Production Quantities    
9308 MF52 Planning Table - Display   
9309 MF53 Maintaining Variants-Production Lis    
9310 MF57 Planning Table - By MRP Lists 
9311 MF60 List      
9312 MF63 Situation      
9313 MF65 Transfer for Reservation    
9314 MF68 Display for Pull List    
9315 MF70 Aggregate Collective Backflush    
9316 MGWA Change Components for Prepack   
9317 MGWB Change Components for Full Product  
9318 MGW0 Create Components for Set Material  
9319 MGW1 Display Components for Set Material  
9320 MGW2 Create Components for Display Matl  
9321 MGW3 Display Components for Display Matl  
9322 MGW4 Create Components for Prepack Matl  
9323 MGW5 Display Components for Prepack Matl  
9324 MGW6 Create Components for Full Product  
9325 MGW7 Display Components for Full Product  
9326 MGW8 Change Components for Set Material  
9327 MGW9 Change Components for Display Matl  
9328 MIBC ABC Analysis for Cycle Counting  
9329 MICN Btch Inpt:Ph.Inv.Docs.for Cycle Ctn   
9330 MIDO Physical Inventory Overview    
9331 MIE1 Batch Input: Phys.Inv.Doc. Sales Or  
9332 MIGO Goods movement     
9333 MIGR1 KW: Conversion of enh./rel. (global  
9334 MIGR2 KW: Conver. of Enh/Rel/Origin (sel.  
9335 MIK1 Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.Vendor Cons   
9336 MILES Navigator      
9337 MIMD Tansfer PDC Physical Inventory Data  
9338 MIM1 Batch Input: Create Ph.Inv.Docs RTP  
9339 MIO1 Batch Input: Ph.Inv.Doc.:Stck w.Sub   
9340 MIQ1 Batch Input: PhInvDoc. Project Stoc  
9341 MIRA Fast Invoice Entry    
9342 MIRCMR Reconciliation      
9343 MIRO Enter Invoice     
9344 MIR4 Call MIRO - Change Status  
9345 MIR6 Invoice Overview     
9346 MIR7 Park Invoice     
9347 MIS1 Create Inventory Sampling - R/3  
9348 MIS2 Change Inventory Sampling    
9349 MIS3 Display Inventory Sampling    
9350 MIS4 Create Inventory Sampling - R/2  
9351 MIS5 Create Inventory Sampling - Other  
9352 MITT Test Tool Administration    
9353 MIV1 Batch I.:PhInDoc Cust   
9354 MIW1 Batch I.;PhInDoc f. Consigt at Cust 
9355 MI00 Physical Inventory     
9356 MI01 Create Physical Inventory Document   
9357 MI02 Change Physical Inventory Document   
9358 MI03 Display Physical Inventory Document   
9359 MI04 Enter Inventory Count with Document  
9360 MI05 Change Inventory Count    
9361 MI06 Display Inventory Count    
9362 MI07 Process List of Differences   
9363 MI08 Create List of Differences with Doc 
9364 MI09 Enter Inventory Count w/o Document  
9365 MI10 Create List of Differences w/o Doc. 
9366 MI11 Recount Physical Inventory Document   
9367 MI12 Display changes     
9368 MI20 Print List of Differences   
9369 MI21 Print physical inventory document   
9370 MI22 Display Phys. Inv. Docs. f. Materia 
9371 MI23 Disp. Phys. Inv. Data for Material 
9372 MI24 Physical Inventory List    
9373 MI31 Batch Input: Create Phys. Inv. Doc. 
9374 MI32 Batch Input: Block Material   
9375 MI33 Batch Input: Freeze Book Inv.Balanc  
9376 MI34 Batch Input: Enter Count   
9377 MI35 Batch Input: Post Zero Stock Balanc 
9378 MI37 Batch Input: Post Differences   
9379 MI38 Batch Input: Count and Differences  
9380 MI39 Batch Input: Document and Count  
9381 MI40 Batch Input: Doc.; Count and Diff. 
9382 MI9A Analyze archived phy. inv. docs  
9383 MKH1 Maintain vendor hierarchy    
9384 MKH2 Display vendor hierarchy    
9385 MKH3 Activate vendor master (online)   
9386 MKH4 Activate vendors (batch input)   
9387 MKVG Settlement and Condition Groups   
9388 MKVZ List of Vendors: Purchasing   
9389 MKVZE Currency Change: Vendor Master Rec.  
9390 MK01 Create vendor (Purchasing)    
9391 MK02 Change vendor (Purchasing)    
9392 MK03 Display vendor (Purchasing)    
9393 MK04 Change Vendor (Purchasing)    
9394 MK05 Block vendor (Purchasing)    
9395 MK06 Mark vendor for deletion (purch.)  
9396 MK12 Change vendor (Purchasing); planned   
9397 MK14 Planned vendor change (Purchasing)   
9398 MK18 Activate planned vendor changes (Pu  
9399 MK19 Display vendor (purchasing); future   
9400 MLRP Periodic Invoicing Plans    
9401 MLS5 Import Standard Service Type   
9402 MLS6 Report for Standard Service Catalog  
9403 MLV1 Conditions: Services     
9404 MLV2 Create Total Price (PRS)   
9405 MLV5 Change Currency (Contracts)    
9406 MLV6 Create Other     
9407 ML01 Create Standard Service Catalog   
9408 ML02 Maintain Standard Service Catalog   
9409 ML03 Display Standard Service Catalog   
9410 ML05 Purchasing Object for Service   
9411 ML10 Create Model Service Specifications   
9412 ML11 Change Model Service Specifications   
9413 ML12 Display Model Service Specification   
9414 ML15 List of Model Service Specification  
9415 ML20 Create Conditions     
9416 ML30 Create Vendor Conditions    
9417 ML31 Change Vendor Conditions    
9418 ML32 Display Vendor Conditions    
9419 ML36 Create Vendor Conditions    
9420 ML37 Change Vendor Conditions    
9421 ML38 Display Vendor Conditions    
9422 ML42 Create Service Conditions    
9423 ML43 Change Vendor Conditions    
9424 ML44 Display Vendor Conditions    
9425 ML48 Create Conditions     
9426 ML49 Change Conditions     
9427 ML50 Display Conditions     
9428 ML60CK Release Procedure Checks    
9429 ML81 Maintain Service Entry Sheet   
9430 ML81N Service Entry Sheet    
9431 ML82 Display Service Entry Sheet   
9432 ML83 Message Processing: Service Entry   
9433 ML84 List of Service Entry Sheets  
9434 ML85 Collective Release of Entry Sheets  
9435 ML86 Import Service Data    
9436 ML87 Export Service Data    
9437 ML92 Entry Sheets for Service   
9438 ML93 Purchasing Object for Service   
9439 ML95 List Display: Contracts for Service  
9440 ML96 Purchase Requisitions for Service   
9441 MMAM Change Material Type    
9442 MMBE Stock Overview     
9443 MMB1 Create Semifinished Product &   
9444 MMDE Delete All Materials    
9445 MMD1 Create MRP Profile    
9446 MMD2 Change MRP Profile    
9447 MMD3 Display MRP Profile    
9448 MMD6 Delete MRP Profile    
9449 MMD7 Display MRP Profile Usage   
9450 MMF1 Create Finished Product &   
9451 MMG1 Create Returnable Packaging &   
9452 MMH1 Create Trading Goods &   
9453 MMI1 Create Operating Supplies &   
9454 MMK1 Create Configurable Material &   
9455 MML1 Create Empties &    
9456 MMM1 Create Message: Material Master   
9457 MMNR Define Material Master Number Range  
9458 MMN1 Create Non-Stock Material &   
9459 MMPI Initialize Period     
9460 MMPV Close Periods     
9461 MMP1 Create Maintenance Assembly &   
9462 MMRV Allow Posting to Previous Period  
9463 MMR1 Create Raw Material &   
9464 MMSC Enter Storage Locations Collectivel   
9465 MMS1 Create Service &    
9466 MMU1 Create Non-Valuated Material &   
9467 MMVD Change Decentr. for Decentr.Shippin   
9468 MMVH Create Centrally: Decentral.Shippin    
9469 MMVV Change Centr. for Decentr. Shipping  
9470 MMV1 Create Packaging &    
9471 MMW1 Create Competitor Product &   
9472 MMZ1 Create Material; General (Old MM01)  
9473 MMZ2 Change Material (Old MM02)   
9474 MMZ3 Display Material (Old MM03)   
9475 MM01 Create Material &    
9476 MM02 Change Material &    
9477 MM03 Display Material &    
9478 MM04 Display Material Change Documents   
9479 MM06 Flag Material for Deletion   
9480 MM11 Schedule Creation of Material &  
9481 MM12 Schedule Changing of Material &  
9482 MM13 Activate Planned Changes    
9483 MM14 Display Planned Changes    
9484 MM15 Display Changes (Migration)    
9485 MM16 Schedule Material for Deletion   
9486 MM18 Activate Planned Changes    
9487 MM19 Display Material & at Key Date 
9488 MM41 Create Material &    
9489 MM42 Change Material &    
9490 MM43 Display Material &    
9491 MM44 Display Change Documents    
9492 MM50 List Extendable Materials    
9493 MM60 Materials List     
9494 MM72 Display Archive of Materials   
9495 MM75 Display Archive of Special Stocks  
9496 MM90 Analyze ALE Appl. Log for MatMaster 
9497 MM91 Delete ALE Appl. Log for Matl Maste
9498 MNKR Number range maintenance: W_EREIGNI   
9499 MN01 Create Message: RFQ    
9500 MN02 Change Message: RFQ    
9501 MN03 Display Message: RFQ    
9502 MN04 Create Message: PO    
9503 MN05 Change Message: PO    
9504 MN06 Display Message: PO    
9505 MN07 Create Message: Outline Agreement   
9506 MN08 Change Message: Outline Agreement   
9507 MN09 Display Message: Outline Agreement   
9508 MN10 Create Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedul  
9509 MN11 Change Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedul  
9510 MN12 Displ. Message: Schd. Agmt. Schedul  
9511 MN13 Create Message: Service Entry Sheet  
9512 MN14 Change Message: Service Entry Sheet  
9513 MN15 Display Message: Service Entry Shee  
9514 MN21 Create Condition: Inventory Mgmt   
9515 MN22 Change Condition: Inventory Mgmt   
9516 MN23 Display Condition: Inventory Mgmt   
9517 MN24 Create Message: Shipping Notif.   
9518 MN25 Change Message: Shipping Notif.   
9519 MN26 Display Message: Shipping Notif.   
9520 MN27 Create message: rough goods receipt  
9521 MN28 Change message: rough goods receipt  
9522 MN29 Display message: rough goods receip  
9523 MOKA CAP: Calculation Restitution    
9524 MOKS CAP: Calculation Simulation    
9525 MPBT Total Forecast In BATCH Mode  
9526 MPDR Print in BATCH Mode   
9527 MPE1 Create buyer     
9528 MPE2 Change buyer     
9529 MPE3 Display buyer     
9530 MPLT Test Appl. for Interface to iPPE WB
9531 MPR1 Forecast Adopted from External Data  
9532 MPR2 Deletion of Forecast Data   
9533 MP00 Material Forecast Menu    
9534 MP01 Maintain AMPL Records    
9535 MP02 Display AMPL Records    
9536 MP11 Create message for direct productio  
9537 MP12 Change Message for direct productio  
9538 MP13 Display message - direct production  
9539 MP30 Execute Material Forecast    
9540 MP31 Change Material Forecast    
9541 MP32 Display Material Forecast    
9542 MP33 Reprocess material forecast    
9543 MP38 Total Forecast Run    
9544 MP39 Print      
9545 MP80 Create Forecast Profile    
9546 MP81 Change Forecast Profile    
9547 MP82 Delete Forecast Profile    
9548 MP83 Display Forecast Profile    
9549 MP90 Maintain No. Range: Forecast Param.  
9550 MP91 Maintain No. Range: Forecast Values  
9551 MRA3 Display Archived Invoice Documents   
9552 MRBE Valuation      
9553 MRBP Invoice Verification in Background   
9554 MRBR Release Blocked Invoices    
9555 MRCHVW Batch mgmt with reconciliation   
9556 MRF1 Execute FIFO Valuation    
9557 MRF2 Diplay Documents (FIFO)    
9558 MRF3 FIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract  
9559 MRF4 FIFO: Select Materials    
9560 MRF5 FIFO: Delete Valuation Data   
9561 MRHG Enter Credit Memo    
9562 MRHR Enter Invoice     
9563 MRIS Settle Invoicing Plan    
9564 MRKO Settle Consignment/Pipeline Liabs.    
9565 MRLA Check Pool Formation    
9566 MRLB Delete Layer     
9567 MRLC Transfer Third-Party Data    
9568 MRLD Transfer Valuation Prices    
9569 MRLE Change Group Structure    
9570 MRLF Create Version as Copy   
9571 MRLG Aggregate Layer     
9572 MRLH Change LIFO/FIFO Valuation Level   
9573 MRLI Generate Pools     
9574 MRLJ LIFO Data Transfer    
9575 MRLK LIFO: Adjust Units of Measure  
9576 MRLL LIFO: Reassign Material Layer   
9577 MRL1 Perform LIFO Valuation: Single Matl  
9578 MRL2 Perform LIFO Valuation: Pools   
9579 MRL3 LIFO Lowest Value Comparison   
9580 MRL4 Display LIFO Valuation: Single Matl  
9581 MRL5 Display LIFO Valuation: Pools   
9582 MRL6 Select Materials     
9583 MRL7 Display Pool Formation    
9584 MRL8 Create Base Layer    
9585 MRL9 LIFO Valuation: Create Doc. Extract  
9586 MRM0 Logistics Invoice Verification    
9587 MRM1 Create Message: Invoice Verificatio   
9588 MRM2 Change Message: Invoice Verificatio   
9589 MRM3 Display Message: Inv. Verification   
9590 MRNB Revaluation      
9591 MRN0 Deter. Lowest Value: Market Prices  
9592 MRN1 Deter. Lowest Value: Rge of Coverag 
9593 MRN2 Determ. Lowest Value: Mvmt Rate  
9594 MRN3 Loss-Free Valuation     
9595 MRN8 Lowest Value: Price Variances   
9596 MRN9 Balance Sheet Values by Account  
9597 MRO2 Configuration: IV Lists    
9598 MRRL Evaluated Receipt Settlement    
9599 MRRS Evaluated Receipt Settlement    
9600 MRY0 Coll. Maint. of Phys. Inv. Prices  
9601 MRY1 Calculate Average Receipt Price    
9602 MRY2 Transfer Physical Inventory Prices    
9603 MRY3 Display Valuation Alternative     
9604 MRY4 Transfer ML Prices     
9605 MR00 Invoice Verification     
9606 MR01 Process Incoming Invoice    
9607 MR02 Process Blocked Invoices    
9608 MR03 Display Inv. Verification Document   
9609 MR08 Cancel Invoice Document    
9610 MR11 GR/IR account maintenance    
9611 MR21 Price Change     
9612 MR22 Material Debit/Credit     
9613 MR32 Change Material Layer (LIFO)   
9614 MR33 Display Material Layer (LIFO)   
9615 MR34 Change FIFO Data    
9616 MR35 Display FIFO Data    
9617 MR39 Display Documents (LIFO)    
9618 MR41 Park Invoice     
9619 MR42 Change Parked Invoice    
9620 MR43 Display Parked Invoice    
9621 MR44 Post Parked Document    
9622 MR51 Material Line Items    
9623 MR8M Cancel Invoice Document    
9624 MR90 Messages for Invoice Documents   
9625 MR91 Messages for Invoice Documents   
9626 MSAB LTP: set up plnng file entries BATC
9627 MSAC LTP: delete plnng file entries BATC 
9628 MSBT Long-term plng:plng background job   
9629 MSCHAN ALM: Change Due Date Scenario  
9630 MSCREA ALM: Create Due Date Scenario  
9631 MSCUST Maintain Due Date Scenarios   
9632 MSC1 Create Batch     
9633 MSC1N Create Batch     
9634 MSC2 Change Batch     
9635 MSC2N Change Batch     
9636 MSC3 Display Batch     
9637 MSC3N Display Batch     
9638 MSC4 Display Batch Changes    
9639 MSC4N Display Change Documents for Batch  
9640 MSC5N Mass Processing for Batches   
9641 MSC7 Start MS07 from Report   
9642 MSDELE ALM: Delete Due Date Scenario  
9643 MSE7 EKS Simulation: Material Selection   
9644 MSJ1 Mass Maintenance in the Background  
9645 MSK1 Create Vendor Consignment Goods   
9646 MSK2 Change Vendor Consignment Goods   
9647 MSK3 Display Vendor Consignment Goods   
9648 MSK4 Display Vdr Consignment Change Docs  
9649 MSK5 Vdr Consignment: Activate Fut. Pric  
9650 MSLD Print MRP List; Long-Term Planning  
9651 MSL1 Display Mass Maintenance Logs   
9652 MSL2 Delete Mass Maintenance Logs   
9653 MSRV1 List for Service    
9654 MSSHOW ALM: Display Due Date Scenario  
9655 MST0 Mass changes     
9656 MSW1 Reset Warnings (in the Foreground)  
9657 MS00 Long-term planning     
9658 MS01 Long-Term Planning: Total Planning   
9659 MS02 Long-term plng: single-itm; mult-lv   
9660 MS03 Long-term plng: singl-itm; singl-lv   
9661 MS04 Planning Scenario: Stock/Reqmts Lis   
9662 MS05 Long-term planning: display MRP lis  
9663 MS06 Long-term plnng: collective MRP lis  
9664 MS07 Long-Term Plng: Material Overview   
9665 MS08 Reorg.MRP Lists for Long-Term Plnng  
9666 MS11 LTP: Create planned order   
9667 MS12 LTP: Change planned order   
9668 MS13 LTP: Display planned order   
9669 MS20 Planning File Entry: Long-Term Plnn  
9670 MS21 Planning File Entry: Long-Term Plnn  
9671 MS22 Set Up Plg File Entries for Scenari
9672 MS23 Delete Plng File Entries of Scenari 
9673 MS29 Calculate Sim. Initial Stock   
9674 MS31 Create planning scenario    
9675 MS32 Change planning scenario    
9676 MS33 Display planning scenario    
9677 MS44 Flexible Evaluation Long-Term Plnng   
9678 MS47 Evaluation LTP for Product Group  
9679 MS50 Make-to-order planning (LTP)    
9680 MS51 Project planning (LTP)    
9681 MS64 Create Simulation Version    
9682 MS65 Requirements Situation     
9683 MS66 Copy Simulative Dependent Reqmts   
9684 MS70 Evaluation Plng Scenario for PURCHI  
9685 MS71 Copy info structure version to LTP 
9686 MWBC Consistency Chck f. Prop./Prod. Uni  
9687 MWBE Purchase order history corr. PUR  
9688 MWBK Actv. ingr. management corr. factor  
9689 MWBQ Purchase order history corr. QM  
9690 MWB1 Creating Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation   
9691 MWB2 Changing Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation   
9692 MWB3 Displaying Prop/Prod Unit Valuation   
9693 MWCH Change Procurement IAC    
9694 MY01 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9695 MY03 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9696 MY04 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9697 MY05 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9698 MY06 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9699 MY07 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9700 MY08 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9701 MY09 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9702 MY10 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9703 MY11 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9704 MY12 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9705 MY13 C MM-PUR Matchcode Purchasing Doc.  
9706 M703 Output: Create Conditions Table   
9707 M704 Output: Change Condition Table   
9708 M705 Output: Display Conditions Table   
9709 M811 Create Message Condition Table (IV)  
9710 M812 Change Message Condition Table (IV)  
9711 M813 Display Message Condition Table (IV  
9712 TA Header Description     
9713 N Quickstart SE16N     
9714 NACE WFMC: Initial Customizing Screen   
9715 NACO Conditions for Output Control   
9716 NACQ WFMC: Maintain Condition Tables   
9717 NACR WFMC: Maintain Output Condition Rec  
9718 NACT WFMC: Maintain Condition Types   
9719 NACU WFMC: Customizing Output Types   
9720 NACY WFMC: Field Catalog    
9721 NAWF Start Customizing Control Flow   
9722 NEFE Statistical Setup: SFIS / Versions  
9723 NEWTON Mathematical Tests     
9724 NPRT LIS/setup/log      
9725 NWTM Monitoring Network Dates    
9726 OAAD ArchiveLink Administration Document    
9727 OAAQ Take back FI-AA year-end closing  
9728 OAAR C AM Year-end closing by area 
9729 OAAT SAP ArchiveLink: Create ILQBATCH   
9730 OAAW FI-AA: Memo value for asset class 
9731 OAAX FI-AA: Asst class for grp asset onl
9732 OAAY FI-AA: Hist. layout set-asset class  
9733 OAAZ FI-AA: Settlement profile    
9734 OAA1 SAP ArchiveLink: Maint. user st.sys  
9735 OAA3 SAP ArchiveLink protocols    
9736 OAA4 SAP ArchiveLink applic. maintenance   
9737 OABC Depreciation areas/value transfer    
9738 OABD Depreciation areas/param. transfer    
9739 OABE Deprec. areas/gross transfer    
9740 OABK Delete asset class    
9741 OABL C AM Reset Company Code  
9742 OABM Depreciation areas/Transfer of resv   
9743 OABN Depreciation areas/ordinary deprec.    
9744 OABO Displaying Open Bar Codes   
9745 OABS Depreciation areas/Special deprec.    
9746 OABT Deprec. areas/parallel currencies    
9747 OABU Depreciation areas/Unplanned deprec    
9748 OABW Depreciation areas/Replacement vals    
9749 OABX Deppreciation areas/Investmt suppor    
9750 OABY C AM Maintain Table T093Y  
9751 OABZ Depreciation areas / Interest   
9752 OACB Customer name for evaluation group  
9753 OACC Customer name for evaluation group  
9754 OACD Customer name for evaluation group  
9755 OACE Customer name for evaluation group  
9756 OACF Customer name for evaluation group  
9757 OACH SAP ArchiveLink: Link check   
9758 OACI RFC Info (CINF)    
9759 OACK SAP ArchiveLink: Syntax check   
9760 OACS C FI-AA View maint. substitutions  
9761 OACV C FI-AA View maint. validations  
9762 OAC0 CMS Customizing Content Repositorie   
9763 OADB Define depreciation areas    
9764 OADC Depreciation Areas: Area type   
9765 OADD ArchiveLink: Print List Display   
9766 OADR SAP ArchiveLink: Print list search  
9767 OADX Posting in G/L    
9768 OAD5 ArchiveLink: Customizing Wizard    
9769 OAER SAP ArchiveLink: Document search   
9770 OAF1 SAP ArchiveLink: Form management   
9771 OAGL Reset posted depreciation    
9772 OAG1 SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings   
9773 OAG2 SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings   
9774 OAG3 SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings   
9775 OAG4 SAP ArchiveLink Basic Settings   
9776 OAHT Certificate      
9777 OAI5 C FIAA Time-dependent inv. support  
9778 OAK1 C AM Consist. Chart of Depreciation 
9779 OAK2 C AM Consist. Company Code  
9780 OAK3 C AM Consist. Depreciation Area  
9781 OAK4 C AM Consist. G/L Accounts  
9782 OAK5 C AM Customizng reconc. acct. contr 
9783 OAK6 C AM Consist. G/L accounts  
9784 OAK7 Reconc. acct. as stat. cost element 
9785 OAM1 ArchiveLink: Monitoring     
9786 OAM3 ArchiveLink: Monitoring     
9787 OANR Number range maintenance: ARCHIVELN   
9788 OAOH ArchiveLink: Create Documents    
9789 OAOR Business Document Service: Document   
9790 OAPL C FI-AA: Set Chart of Depreciation 
9791 OAQI SAP ArchiveLink: Create Queues   
9792 OAR1 SAP ArchiveLink: Request Management   
9793 OASV Enter G/L Account Posting   
9794 OATB Asgmt of dep.area to cross-sys.area  
9795 OATR Define Report Selection    
9796 OAVA C AM Eval. Group View Maintenance 
9797 OAVB C AM View Maintenance Prop.Indicato  
9798 OAVC C AM Manual Valuat. View Maintenanc 
9799 OAVD C AM Insurance Data View Maintenanc 
9800 OAVE C AM View Maintenance Classif.NWTax  
9801 OAVF C AM View Maint. Insurance Companie 
9802 OAVG C AM View Maint. Report Simul.(Dep) 
9803 OAVH C AM View Maint. Period Control 
9804 OAVI C AM View Maint. Sort Versions 
9805 OAVJ C AM View Maint. Trans.Type Group 
9806 OAVL C AM View Maint. Locations  
9807 OAVM C AM View Maint. Field Groups 
9808 OAVN C AM View Maint. Fld.Grp. Asset Dat
9809 OAVO C AM View Maint. Screen Control 
9810 OAVP C AM View Maint. Deprec.Trace Texts 
9811 OAVR C AM View Maint. Dep.Check Rules 
9812 OAVS C AM View Maint. Period Rule 
9813 OAVT C AM View Maint. Insurance Premium 
9814 OAVX C AM view maint no.periods shtd f.y
9815 OAVZ C AM Call up report  
9816 OAV5 Index figures     
9817 OAV8 FI-AA C Def. Eval. Group; 8 places
9818 OAV9 C AM Asset hist. group view maint.
9819 OAWD SAP ArchiveLink: Store documents   
9820 OAWF Assign Workflow Tasks    
9821 OAWS Maintain presettings     
9822 OAWT AW01- define value field texts  
9823 OAWW ArchiveLink: Workflow Wizard    
9824 OAW1 Reason for investment    
9825 OAXB Deprec. areas for transaction types  
9826 OAXC Deprec. areas for transaction types  
9827 OAXD Deprec. areas for transaction types  
9828 OAXE Deprec. areas for transaction types  
9829 OAXF Define Transaction Type    
9830 OAXG Define Transaction Type    
9831 OAXH Deprec. areas for transaction types  
9832 OAXI Deprec. areas for transaction types  
9833 OAXJ Deprec. areas for transaction types  
9834 OAYA Deprec. areas for transaction types  
9835 OAYB Limiting transaction type groups   
9836 OAYC Legacy data transfer: Depr. terms  
9837 OAYD Legacy data transfer: Man. entry FC 
9838 OAYE Legacy data transfer: Sequence   
9839 OAYF Legacy Data Transfer: Accumul. Depr  
9840 OAYG Legacy data transfer: Calc.repl.val   
9841 OAYH Depreciation area currency    
9842 OAYI Memo value of area   
9843 OAYJ Net book value is changeover amount 
9844 OAYK Low-value assets     
9845 OAYL Individual period weighting    
9846 OAYM Permit group asset for area  
9847 OAYN Assign bal.sheet/inc.stmt to area   
9848 OAYO Rounding specific. for deprec. area  
9849 OAYP Shortening rules for shortened FY  
9850 OAYQ Gross/net resrvs.for special deprec   
9851 OAYR Posting rules for depreciation   
9852 OAYS Special treatment of retirement   
9853 OAYT Transact.type for proportional vals   
9854 OAYU Capitaliztn of dwn-paymnts (transfr   
9855 OAYZ Asset class: Depreciation areas   
9856 OAY1 Special handling of transfer postin  
9857 OAY2 Asset class: Low value asset check 
9858 OA01 #NAME?
9859 OA02 Substitution: Mass Changes to Asset  
9860 OA03 C AM Asset Class Index  
9861 OA05 C AM Maintain Table T499S  
9862 OA07 Generate C AM BALTD Record Layout 
9863 OA11 C AM Asset Master Matchcode  
9864 OA13 FI-AA Legacy Data Transfer   
9865 OA14 Direct import of data   
9866 OA15 C AM Maintenance Table T094P  
9867 OA79 C AM Maintain Ast.Hist.Sheet Defin.  
9868 OA80 C AM Maint. Asset.Hist.Sheet Defin.  
9869 OA81 Maintain Transaction Types - Expert  
9870 OA84 Generate Period Control    
9871 OA85 C FI-AA: Weighting periods   
9872 OBA1 C FI Maintain Table T030  
9873 OBBH C FI Maintain Table T001Q (Document 
9874 OBBT C FI Table T030 Maintenance GLU+GLU 
9875 OBBV C FI Maintain Table T030 BI2+SPACE 
9876 OBBW C FI Maintain Table T030 BI3+A00 
9877 OBBX C FI Maintain Table T030 BI4+SPACE 
9878 OBBZ C FI Subst. FI/0005: Activate  
9879 OBB0 C FI Maintain table T030 valuatn ad
9880 OBCV C FI FAKP: T021R with SL-AX 
9881 OBFA C FI Corresp.Sort Variants/Corresp.   
9882 OBFB C FI Corresp.Sort Variants/Document   
9883 OBFC C FI Corresp.Sort Variants/Lne Item  
9884 OBG1 C FI Maintain tbl T030 offsttng acc
9885 OBG8 C FI Copy G/L Accounts Acc.To Ref.A
9886 OBG9 C FI Maintain Table TSAKR  
9887 OBH1 C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Company Cod 
9888 OBH2 C FI Doc.No.Range: Copy Fiscal year 
9889 OBJ1 C FI Year End Financial Statement 
9890 OBJ2 C FI Year End Compact Doc.Journal 
9891 OBJ3 C FI Year End Bill of ExchangeList
9892 OBJ4 C FI Year End G/L Account Balances
9893 OBJ5 C FI Year End G/L Account List
9894 OBJ6 Posting Totals     
9895 OBJ7 Bill of Exchange Charges Statement  
9896 OBKA Account Statement Correspondence    
9897 OBKB Internal Documents Correspondence    
9898 OBKC Individual Letters Correspondence    
9899 OBKD Document Statements Correspondence    
9900 OBKE Customer Stmnt Corresp.Account Stmn   
9901 OBKR Maintain Number Range: FI_RECEIPT   
9902 OBK1 C FI Year End OI Customer List
9903 OBK2 C FI Year End Customer Acct Balance
9904 OBK3 C FI Year End Customer List 
9905 OBK4 C FI Year End OI Vendor List
9906 OBK5 C FI Year End Vendor Acct Balances
9907 OBK6 C FI Year End Vendor List 
9908 OBK7 Subledger Accts Bal.Carried Forward   
9909 OBK8 G/L Accounts Balance Carried Forwar  
9910 OBK9 Payment Notices Correspondence    
9911 OBL2 Consistency Check: Auto.Pstg (ErAny   
9912 OBL4 Consistency Check: Sp.G/L (Err.Anly   
9913 OBMD C FI Selec.Variants Dunning/Dun.lin   
9914 OBMK C FI Selec.Variants Dunning/Dunn.hd   
9915 OBM1 C FI Month End Advance Tax Return
9916 OBM2 C FI Month End Financial Statement 
9917 OBM3 C FI Month End Foreign Trade Regns
9918 OBM4 C FI Month End Compact Doc.Journal 
9919 OBM5 C FI G/L Balances Monthly Report 
9920 OBM6 Posting Data Reconciliation    
9921 OBNB Transaction Code for SAPMFKM2   
9922 OBN1 C FI Month End OI Customer List
9923 OBN2 C FI Month End Financial Statement 
9924 OBN3 C FI Month End OI Vendor List
9925 OBN4 C FI Month End Vendor Acct Balances
9926 OBOB C FI FAKP Line Item Line Layout
9927 OBO1 C FI FAKP Line Item Line Layout
9928 OBO2 C FI FAKP Credit Mangmnt Line Layou
9929 OBPE C FI Penalty Interests   
9930 OBPL Subsequently post CO to G 
9931 OBPM4 Payment Medium Selection Variants   
9932 OBPM5 Cross-Payment Run Payment Medium   
9933 OBPN C FI Penalty Interests   
9934 OBP5 Delete FI planning data   
9935 OBRD Customers: maintain report selectio   
9936 OBRK Vendors: maintain report selection   
9937 OBRS G/L: maintain report selection   
9938 OBRX Flexible G/L: Maintain Report Selec  
9939 OBS1 C FI Create Ledger   
9940 OBS2 C FI Change Ledger   
9941 OBS3 C FI Display Ledger   
9942 OBS4 C FI Delete Ledger   
9943 OBT1 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (KNA1) 
9944 OBT10 C FI Maint. Table TTXID (DOC_ITEM) 
9945 OBT2 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (KNB1) 
9946 OBT3 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (KNKK) 
9947 OBT3Z C FI Maintain Table TTXID (KNKA) 
9948 OBT4 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (LFA1) 
9949 OBT5 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (LFB1) 
9950 OBT6 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (SKA1) 
9951 OBT7 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (SKB1) 
9952 OBT8 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (BELEG) 
9953 OBT9 C FI Maintain Table TTXID (MR01) 
9954 OBU1 Document Type/Posting Key Options   
9955 OBV1 C FI Int.For Dys Overdue Acct Deter
9956 OBV2 C FI G/L Acct Bal.Int.Calc.Acct Det 
9957 OBV3 C FI Cust.Bal.Int.Calc.Acct Determ.   
9958 OBV4 C FI Vend.Bal.Int.Calc.Acct Determ.   
9959 OBV9 C FI Act Det.Vendor Intrst on Arrs
9960 OBWO C FI Withholding Tax   
9961 OBWS C FI Withholding Tax   
9962 OBWU C FI Withholding Tax   
9963 OBWW C FI Withholding Tax   
9964 OBWZ Number Range Maintenance: WITH_CTNO   
9965 OBXA C FI Table T030   
9966 OBXB C FI Table T030   
9967 OBXC C FI Table T030   
9968 OBXD C FI Maintain Table T030  
9969 OBXE C FI Table T030   
9970 OBXH C FI Table T041A/T041T   
9971 OBXI C FI Table T030   
9972 OBXJ C FI Table T030B   
9973 OBXK C FI Table T030   
9974 OBXL C FI Table T030   
9975 OBXM C FI Table T030   
9976 OBXN C FI Table T030 GAU/GA0  
9977 OBXO C FI Table T030 KDW  
9978 OBXP C FI Maintain Table T030 zaf 
9979 OBXQ C FI Table T030 KDZ  
9980 OBXR C FI Table T074   
9981 OBXS C FI Table T030   
9982 OBXT C FI Table T074   
9983 OBXU C FI Table T030   
9984 OBXV C FI Table T030   
9985 OBXW C FI Table T030B Cleared Invoices 
9986 OBXY C FI Table T074   
9987 OBXZ C FI Table T030 G/L Accont Clearing
9988 OBX1 C FI Table T030B: G/L Acct Posting
9989 OBYA C FI Table T030   
9990 OBYB Maintain automatic postings account   
9991 OBYC C FI Table T030   
9992 OBYD C FI Table T030   
9993 OBYE C FI Table T030   
9994 OBYF Revenue Account Determination    
9995 OBYG C FI Table T030   
9996 OBYH C FI Table T030   
9997 OBYL C FI Table T030 HRI + HRC
9998 OBYM C FI Table T074 Bill of Exchange
9999 OBYN C FI Table T074 Bill Receivable 
10000 OBYP C FI Table T074 Check/Bill of Exch.

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